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1、四年级英语寒假作业英语快乐练习(一)一、火眼金睛。( ) 1. A. white B. black C .car ( ) 2. A .station B. house C. live( ) 3. A .up B. down C .supermarket( ) 4. A .zoo B. next C .station ( ) 5. A. left B. car C. train二、慧眼识珠。( ) 1. Its _the station. A . this B. near C. that( ) 2. _,wheres the school? A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. he

2、llo( ) 3. The cat is_. A. lost B. where C. miss( ) 4. _right ,you can see the supermarket. A. Turn B. Take C. Go( ) 5. Thank you so much! A. I am so sorry B. You are welcome C. Thank you 三、对号入座。( ) 1. Wheres the park, please ? A. I am on your left.( ) 2. Is it next to the supermarket ? B. No, it isn

3、t .( ) 3. Whats his name ? C. No, he isnt .( ) 4. Is Tom behind the tree ? D. His name is Doudou. ( ) 5. Where are you ? E . Go straight on .四、我会读。 cake take make lake bake bear boat buy bread bee英语快乐练习(二)一、我是将军我点兵。( ) 1. What _he doing? Hes watching TV. A. are B. is C. am( ) 2. Tom is _with the toy

4、 train. A. playing B. play C. plays( ) 3. Look _the pictures. A. in B. to C. at( ) 4. Daming is _ pictures. A. taking B. take C. takes( ) 5. I_ reading a book . A. are B. am C. is 二、火眼金睛辩一辩。( ) 1. A. take B. talk C. picture( ) 2. A. playing B. watch C. reading( ) 3. A. is B. are C. go ( ) 4. A. thes

5、e B. children C. this( ) 5. A. China B. listen C. talk三、连词成句。1. like, taking, I, pictures_.2. sister, is, my, a, riding , bike_.3. doing , what , your , is , father_?4. friend , is , my , this_.5. my , doing , I , homework , am_.四、我会读。come clock climb cap cupday dinner dance dad duck英语快乐练习(三)一、英汉互译。

6、1.上车_ 2. between the trees_3.许多_ 3. row a boat _5. play chess_ 6.喝豆浆_7.打篮球_ 8. sing songs_9.画画 _ 10.在湖上_二、单项选择。( ) 1. Do you like _basketball?A. play B. playing C. plays( ) 2. Lets listen _ music. A. to B. in C. at( ) 3. Theyre _a boat A. row B. rows C. rowing( ) 4. Amy _ running and she likes _. A.

7、 is, running B. are,run C. is,run三、快来给他们找朋友吧!( ) 1. lets get on the bus. A. They are rowing a boat.( ) 2. What are they doing? B. She is playing chess.( ) 3. What are you doing? C. OK( ) 4. What is she doing? D. Theyre drinking milk.( ) 5. What are they doing? E. I am swimming.四、我会读。bed red chess eg

8、g legfood fast far face fit英语快乐练习(四)一、汉译英。1.快餐 2.多少钱 3.做蛋糕4.做面条 5.给你 6.西红柿鸡蛋面二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. What is he_(do)? 2. He is_(make) noodles.3. Look, Amy is eating _(China) fast food. 4. Can we_(help) you? 5. What do you _(want) ? I want some eggs . 三、身临其境选一选。( )1.当妈妈想让你去买一些牛奶时,她可以说:_A. Can you go to buy

9、 some milk ? B. Do you want some milk ?( )2.售货员想要问你买什么东西时,他可以说:_A. Can you help me ? B. Can I help you ?( )3.当你想问一件商品多少钱时,你可以说:_A. How much are they ? B. How much is it ?五、我会读。hill hot hat hide hitneck nine nose noon night英语快乐练习(五)一、英汉互译.1.跑得快 _ 2. jump high _3. ride fast _ 4.跳得远 _5.放风筝_ 6.骑自行车_二、用a

10、m, is 或are 填空.1. He _ tall. But he _strong.2. She _ our star. We _her fans(粉丝).3. I _ the winner. You _not the winner.4. Sam _ strong. And he _tall.5.You _ the winner. She _the winner, too.三、千挑万选.( ) 1. Look at the birds _in the sky. A. up B. down C. for ( ) 2. He can_fast.A. runs B. run C. running

11、( ) 3. I am the _A. win B. winer C. winner( ) 4. Can Lingling _ football?A. playing B. plays C. play四、我会读draw dragon drink drop dry win is this hit pit英语综合练习(一)一、写出下列动词的现在分词。1. read 2. row 3. listen 4. talk 5. write 6. dance 7. live 8. give 9. shop 10. swim 11. run 12. get二、现在进行时用法知多少?(用动词的正确形式填空)1.

12、 Where _he _(go)?2. Daming and Sam_ _(play) football.3. Lingling _ _( take) pictures .4. The horse _ _(run)fast .5. The girls _ _(make) cakes.三、你会用“can”吗?1. Can you row a boat, Sam ? Yes, _ _.2. Can Sam _(play) football ? No,_ _3. Lingling can _(jump) far .4. Can you _( help) me ? Of course .5. I ca

13、nt _(run ) fast.6. please, sweets, I , can , some , have .(连词成句)_四、我会读 kite kid drink cook forkleft light luck last lady milk jump mum tempt team英语快乐练习(六)一、英汉互译1. 打开灯 2. Trick or treat. 3. 一些面包 4. Happy Halloween! 5. 进来 6. 生日快乐 二、圈出句子中的错误并改正1. Can I have some breads?. _2. Come in here,Amy. _3. I can

14、 sea a bird. _4. Give me a sweets. _三、连词成句。1. Can , in, come, I _ ?2. Here , your ,are , sweets. _.3. you, do, want , some, soup _?4. am, I, very, hungry _.5. can , you , now , have, sweets , cake , and _四、我会读。foot tooth some tomato tomorrowmuch meat mother mat mushroom英语快乐练习(七)一、汉译英。1.看一看 2.骑马 3.爬树

15、4.吃蔬菜 5.在树下 6.放风筝二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. There_(be) a girl. 2. She is_(ride) a horse.3. Its _(run) fast 4. Its_(climb) a tree.三、补全句子。1. There is _ boy on the bike.2. There _ three boys on the bike.3. They are _(吃) rice. to4. There is a_(马) in the photo.5. There _some flowers on the desk.6. A: Is there a c

16、at under the tree?B: Yes, there _四、我会读。picture potato plane map pencil read right row room cry英语快乐练习(八)一、英汉互译。1.参观动物园 _ 2. by plane _3. get up _ 4.小勇的书包 _5.在海里_ 6.划船_二、选择am, is , are 填空。1. He _ going to visit America.2. We _ playing chess.3. Daming and I _ flying kites.4. Sam _ going to take picture

17、s in the zoo.5. Amy _ going to fly a kite in the park.三、千挑万选。( ) 1. Were going to _the zoo tomorrow.A. visiting B. visit C. visited ( ) 2. I am going to _.A. swim B. swims C. swimming ( ) 3. I am from _A. China B. Chinese C. china( ) 4. This is _ swimsuit.A. Daming B. Damings C. Damings四、我会读。star st

18、reet fish miss selltomato left talk meet table英语快乐练习(九)一、英汉互译。1.运动日 2.long jump 3.每天 4.加油 5.好运气 6.跳高二、圈出句子中的错误并改正。1. Im going to run the long jump. _2. Im going to do the 100 metres. _3. Im the win. _4. Im going to swim at sports day. _三、连词成句。1. are,sports day, going, have, We, to ,a _ .2. Im, every

19、 day , to , going, run. _.3. going, do, We , the, are, to, long, jump _.4. are, going, Where, you _?5. going to , what ,are , to do ,you , sports day .on _?四、我会读。excuse jump turn use cutvisit give vegetable live vote英语快乐练习(十)一、选出不同类的单词。( ) 1.Chinese . China . England ( ) 2. year . month . mouth ( )

20、3. dinner . winner . breakfast ( ) 4. am . family . is ( ) 5. merry . happy . wish 二、翻译短语。1.春节_2圣诞快乐_3.唱歌_4.大的家庭宴会_5.送礼物_6.吃花生和糖果_三、千挑万选。( ) 1.-What do you _at Christmas ? - I sing songs . A. do B. to do C. does ( ) 2. Does Lingling _sweets at Christmas? A . eats B. to eat C. eat( ) 3.当别人对你说“Merry C

21、hrismas”时,你应该说: A. Thank you. B. Merry Chrismas.( ) 4.当别人向你打听“大明在圣诞节有没有吃蛋糕”时,你应说 A. Yes, he do. B. No, he doesnt. 四、我会读。very live every vest voice cat bag apple map stamp 英语综合练习(二)一、你能够正确运用“there is”和“there are” 吗?试一试吧!1. There _a book on the desk .Its an English book .2. There _ some milk in the gl

22、ass .3. There _ some apples behind the door .4. There _an orange and three pears under the chair .5. There _some monkeys and an elephant in over there (在那边).6. There is a horse in this photo .(变成一般疑问句)_7. There are many sheep in the picture .(改为否定句)_二、根据汉语意思填一填。1我打算和我的朋友去踢足球。I_ _ _ play football wit

23、h my friends .2在运动日,你打算参加干什么项目?我打算跳高。 What _ you _ _ _on sports day ? I_ _ _ _ the high jump .3. 玲玲打算参加200米跑吗?是的,她参加。 _Lingling _ _run the 200 metres ? Yes , she _4. 萨姆打算每天跑步。Sam is going _ _every day .三、我会读 。 yes yellow year yorkplay say day may way Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。Knowledge is power知识就是力量。此文档可自行编辑修改,如有侵权请告知删除,感谢您的支持,我们会努力把内容做得更好

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