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1、欧美思国际英语4AUnit1教案设计Unit 1 New Zealand一、单元教学概述1、单元教学目标、内容与要求单元主题New Zealand主题内容本单元的主要内容是学习10-100的十进位数字、服饰;并正确描述第一、三人称单数外貌形态,所属国家,着装及心理状态。了解新西兰文化习俗。教学目标语言知识目标词汇twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,onehundred,sunhat,sweatshirt,school,uniform,sunglasses,shorts,gloves,scarf,pajamas句式Im/Sh

2、es (smart).Im/Shes from (Australia). I have/She has (black hair).I/She can (run). I always wear He usually wears She sometimes wears I never wear 语法点1. 复习There be 句型并结合数字对所见物品数量进行描述2. 正确使用第一、三人称单数主系表结构(Im/Shes)3. 描述第一、三人称单数外貌形态,及着装4. 复习一般现在时单数人称的使用,重点掌握频率副词的使用(always usually sometimes never)5. 正确使用n

3、eed表达单数第一、二人称的需求语音st, sk, ck语言技能目标听1. 正确接收10-100的十进位数字信息2. 通过语言辨识他人的不同外貌特征和穿着说1. 能够正确表达10-100的十进位数字2. 能够正确描述自己和第三方单数的外貌特征,所属国家,穿着等基本信息3.正确使用一般现在时中的频率副词表达事情发生的不同频率4用need表达自己实际需求并洞察对方需求,给出建议读1.正确拼读本单元词汇,并注意名词单复数的变化2.能够正确读取数字3.通过阅读,准确提取和分辨他人不同外貌特征4.通过阅读洞察他人需求写1. 能够用数字结合There be 句型描述数量在1-100的物体数量2. 能够达到

4、用书面段落形式正确描述自己及朋友或图片人物的外貌特征,着装及所属国家3. 能够达到用书面形式正确运用一般现在时中(always usually sometimes never)频率副词用法4. 用书面形式表达自己实际需求并洞察对方需求,给出建议能力目标1. 通过锻炼学生观察生活实际物品数量及变化锻炼学生的数学逻辑智能和自然观察智能2. 通过教授歌谣的课堂活动锻炼学生的音乐智能;3. 通过对自我需求和他人需求的洞察及表达,对自己和他人外貌特征的表达锻炼学生的自省智能和人际交往智能4. 通过对新西兰橄榄球的了解,激发学生对运动的热爱,将运动溶于生活文化意识1. 以新西兰橄榄球运动为窗口,激发学生对

5、各国家、地方等特色运动的探索,领会运动精神2. 以新西兰橄榄球运动为视角,引导学生关注中国国球等运动,培养学生爱国情操2、单元课时教学教案课时教学流程组织形式教师教学行为教师用语及备注Lesson 1Warm up reviewReviewPresentation& Listening PracticePractice(speaking)Review and practice of “There be”ProductionT-SsT-SsT-SsS-SsSs-TT-SsSs-SsT-SsSs-Ss老师展示PPT首页新西兰国旗,发问并引起学生思考。老师展示PPT第二页,在白板上写出1-10的阿拉

6、伯数字,并在7和8的下方分别标注“向上”和“向下”的箭头。由于1-10的数字识读,拼写学生已经掌握,而20-90的整数数字拼写及发音规律又在其基础上有据可循,故此处不再赘述,采用旧知引新知的直接呈现法。老师展示第三页PPT,随机读出PPT上的数字单词,学生以最快速度根据读音找到单词及对应数字。老师展示第四页PPT,根据学生基础带领或引导学生读出页面单词。(利用自然拼音引导学生拆分音节,并有效引导其通过10以内数字拼写规律和20-100间的联系,便于记忆)学生通过单词和数字认读自主完成单词“型”和“意”的匹配.老师随即通过PPT展示答案。老师播放教材CD Track-3 音频,学生根据所听到的若

7、干数字排列规律,推测出下一个,此环节老师可根据学生需求增加同类活动比例。老师展示PPT第七页,引导学生通过数学等式计算达到对数字灵活运用。老师展示PPT第8,9页,引导学生猜测图片中糖果罐中的糖果数量及树上的苹果数量。通过猜测,达到对There be 句型的复习和对数词在整句中使用的能力。(此环节由于图片不提供具体数目信息,教师可通过提示,在必要的时候缩小数字猜测范围,以降低猜测难度。另外,此环节如有需要教师可增加类似图片加以练习)。老师展示PPT第10页,让学生通过观察和统计独立完成句子,稍后各自表达,汇总答案。1. T: Hi, everyone! We have visited many

8、 different countries in last three books. Look at this flag, can you take a guess what it stands for?(offer some clues while they are needed: It is famous for its sheep milk and wool, and it is next to Australia.)Ss: New Zealand!T: Yes! You got it. In this unite; we are going to know more about New

9、Zealand.2. T: Lets look at this picture, what can you see?Ss: numbers!T: Right! Now, lets count numbers one by one from 1 to 10 in a special way. When it is your turn to count 7, please make sure that you keep silent and point up with your one finger, and when you count 8, also keep silent but point

10、 to down at the same time. Is that clear? Lets try. (1-10数字为旧知)T: We can see more numbers here, an I am going to read them for you. Please listen carefully, find out both the number and the words you have heard. (Fifty,eighty)Ss:(listen and findout)T:Look at the words in this picture. There are two

11、letters in all of the numbers except the last one; can you tell me what they are?Ss: t and y.T: yes! Each word from 20 to 90 is ended with “ty”, and what is the sound of “ty”?Ss:/ti/T: Thats it! So right now, who wants to be a little teacher and read the words one by one? Others we are going to foll

12、ow her (or him).T:You did a great job. And now, lets try to match the words with the correct numbers. Who wants to try the first one?T: Lets listen to the tape; try to tell me what the next number is.S1T: Thats great!T: Now lets do some arithmetic. Try to say out the right answer as soon as possible

13、.T:Look at the picture, what can you see?S1: Candies.T: Thats right; there are a lot of candies in the jar. Can you take a guess of the exact number? You are going to have 20 seconds to watch it, and then answer me with the sentence “There arecandies in the jar”. T:Here is a task for all of us. We a

14、re going to find out the answers of them and write down the numbers on our books. Latter we will check it together.本节课作业推荐Workbook P4Lesson 2Warm up Presentation& Listening PracticePracticeProductionProductionT-SsT-SsSs-TT-SsT-SsS-Ss老师展示图片及逐个问题,让学生猜测描述的是谁;(见PPT)1. 老师播放track4,学生说出女孩和小袋鼠的名字。(见PPT)2. 老

15、师再次播放音频,学生说出PPT上空白的信息;(见PPT)3. 老师教授smart, brown / black, friendly,并说明它们的不同;老师展示PPT练习,带领学生完成1. 老师让学生介绍自己,用PPT所呈现的词汇2. 老师让学生介绍自己的好朋友,用PPT所呈现的词汇1. T: Hi, everyone! Before our class, lets take a guess who she is! I am 32 years old.I have black hair.I can speak English.I can run, dance and play basketbal

16、l. Ss: Teacher! T: S1, you can choose a friend or someone we know, dont tell us his / her name, say something about him / her. Lets take a guess who he / she is! S1: I am a boy. I have I canSs: (Answers will be various)1. T: Lets listen to the text and tell me the girls name and the kangaroos name.S

17、s: Girls name is Tina. Kangaroos name is Bouncer.2. T: Look at the picture and we are going to listen to the text again, speak out the missing words. Ss: (1) ten, explorer, black, brown;(2) Australia(3) smart, friendly, strong(4) run and jump3. T: After listening the text, do you remember some sente

18、nces? Lets circle the right word first! Ss: brown, friendly, black, smartT: Lets do some practice together.Ss: OK.1. T:Look at the words and expressions here, use them to talk about yourselves. S1: Im friendly. Im tall. I have long hair S2: Im smart. I have big eyes2. T:Use the words and expressions

19、 to talk about your friends. S1: Hes friendly. Hes tall. He has short hair S2: Shes smart. She has big eyes本节课作业推荐Workbook P5, Grammar Guide GG2Lesson 3Warm up and ReviewPresentationPracticeProductionT-SsT-SsT-SsSs-SsS-ST-Ss老师将clo_ _ dar_ de_ _ fore_ _呈现至PPT,老师念出完整单词clock,dark desk, forest,学生听音,填词。(

20、SK,ST两组合均为新知,但在此环节不存在变音,故不用刻意强调,作为已知处理即可。)老师将本节课即将学习的三个组合st sk ck,引发学生猜测,继而播放歌谣听力,寻找正确答案。老师让学生念出圈出的单词,并分类半数在白板上,带读,再点学生抢读。老师播放歌谣,小组PK,优胜队加分。老师在上呈现若干不完整单词,播放录音,学生填充并朗读。学生找出酶促发音不同的单词,抄写在横线上。T: Hello everyone.Ss: Hello teacher.T: Look at the screen; Weve got some words and some letters are missing. I w

21、ill read, and you try to say out the missing letters.T reads, Ss finish the task.T: Today, we are going to learn some new combination.T presents: st sk ck on the PPT.T: Please take a guess of their sounds.Ss:T: Now lets check our answers by listening to the song. Pay attention to st sk ck. Listen an

22、d circle.T plays the CD.Ss listen and circle.T: Who can tell me the sounds of them?Ss:T writes all the words while Ss are speaking.T;Now please read after me.SS read after teacher.T: This time, I am going to point at one word, you try to read it as fast as you can, and the winner could get a point.S

23、s:T: Great.T: Who can read out all the circled words?T: Lets sing the song with CD in groups, the better one could get a point.Ss sing.T: Now listen to the tape and write the missing letters of each word. When you finish, raise your hands and read them out.Ss listen, write and read.T: Now you will h

24、ave 2 mines to write the words with the different sound on blanks. 本节课作业推荐1. Workbook 对应练习2. 歌谣录音,发给老师。老师做出反馈。Lesson 4Warm up Pre-readingWhile-reading Post-readingT-SsSs-SsT-SsT-SsT-SsT-SsT-SsSs-SsSs-SsT-Ss带领学生朗读上节课所学的诗歌,为本节课的学习再次扫清障碍单词。(见PPT)。1. 老师引导学生看图片1并回答问题;(见PPT)2. 老师引导学生看图片2;(见PPT)3. 老师引导学生看图

25、片3;(见PPT)4. 老师引导学生看图片4;(见PPT)5. 老师引导学生看图片5;(见PPT)1. 老师将小故事的图片顺序打乱(见PPT),学生听录音按正确的顺序排序;2. 老师带领学生跟读小故事1. 角色扮演 a. 老师将全班学生分成两组,每组抽取一个人物形象,进行班级的角色扮演; b. 四个人一组,进行小组角色扮演;2. 老师带领学生完成Student Book P9 2,3 题。T: Now lets read the poem together!Ss: (Read the poem together.)T: How many words did we circle last tim

26、e? Ss: 12T: What are they?Ss: They are .(老师可以逐一提问学生,也可全体学生一同复习,看老师的课堂时间安排。)1. T: Today we will know some new friends. Do you know where they are?Lets look at Picture One first.a. T: How many people can you see?Ss: Two.b. T: Who they are?Ss: A dad and a son.c. T: Are they happy? Why?Ss: No. (学生可以根据图片

27、猜测原因)d. T: What animal can you see on the picture? Ss: I can see the sheep. 2. Lets look at Picture Two a. T: Whats on Jacks neck?Ss: Scarf.b. T: Can you guess why Jacks father wants Jacks scarf?Ss: He wants to T: Where is the sheep?Ss: The sheep is on a rock.3. T: Lets look at Picture Three.a. T: W

28、hat are they going to do?Ss: They are going to help the sheep.b. T: What are they going to use to help the sheep?Ss: Jacks scarf. 4. T: Lets look at Picture Four.a. T: What are they doing?Ss: They are pulling the sheep up.b. T: Is it easy ?Ss: No. its hard. 5. T: Lets look at Picture Four.a. T: Did

29、they save the sheep?Ss: Yes, they did.b. T: Are they happy now?Ss: Yes.T: They are happy because they are a team. They saved the sheep together.1. T: Now,you will listen to the story and make the right order.2. T: Now, lets follow the tape and read the story together.Ss: (read the story.) 1. Role Pl

30、ay:a. T: Now you will work in two groups. Group 1 will be Jack, and Group 2 will be Jacks father Group. We will follow the tape and read it out.b. T: Now work in groups of four and act it out.本节课作业推荐1. Workbook 对应练习2. 邀请父母和自己讲小故事表演出来。Lesson 5PresentationPracticeProductionT-SsT-SsSs-SsSs-SsSs-Ss老师由主人公Tina要外出旅游,不知道要带什么样的衣服,小袋鼠Bouncer邀请学生和老师在旁边给她出各种建议,引出本节课目标单词。(见PPT第37页)

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