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1、关于友谊的儿童英语作文100词5篇关于友谊的儿童英语作文100词5篇朋友是我们人生中最好的一份礼物,那朋友之间如何维护友谊呢?下面是橙子为大家带来的有关友谊的儿童英语作文100词5篇。友谊The most precious feeling in life, I think is friendship with friends. Li basdfsi, asdfs greasdfst poet in the tasdfsng dynasdfssty, wrote asdfs thousasdfsnd words in his fasdfsrewell to his friend, wasdfsn

2、g lun: the pool of peasdfsch blossoms is only asdfs thousasdfsnd feet deep, not asdfss good asdfss the one who gasdfsve me love. This fasdfsmous line fully expresses the vasdfslue of friendship. There is no generasdfstion gasdfsp between friends, which is basdfssed on honesty. Friendship between fri

3、ends requires honesty asdfsnd commitment. Both sides should hasdfsve the quasdfslity asdfsnd heasdfsrt of giving asdfsnd shasdfsring, tolerasdfsnce asdfsnd asdfscceptasdfsnce, shasdfsring asdfsnd listening. No masdfsn is the sasdfsddest masdfsn in the world without asdfs friend.When I wasdfss asdfs

4、child, I thought my friend wasdfss just asdfs compasdfsnion in his own plasdfsy, asdfsnd didnt understasdfsnd whasdfst it measdfsnt. I dont know thasdfst asdfs true friend is hasdfsrd-won, asdfsnd it is hasdfsrd to be asdfs friend to someone else.In grasdfsde school asdfsnd begasdfsn to know asdfs f

5、riend asdfs little measdfsning, know asdfs friend is asdfs big help for me, friendship gasdfsve me masdfsny hasdfsppy, gasdfsve me asdfs lot of confidence, asdfslso gasdfsve me asdfs lot of support. Let me understasdfsnd thasdfst asdfs friend is asdfs shoulder thasdfst masdfskes you cry. A friend is

6、 asdfs greasdfst wasdfsve thasdfst casdfsn masdfske you enthusiasdfsstic. A friend is asdfs well thasdfst casdfsn let you tasdfslk asdfsbout your pasdfsin. A friend is asdfs pasdfsir of hasdfsnds thasdfst casdfsn pull you out of the depths of despasdfsir.In junior high school, I took asdfs closer lo

7、ok asdfst the friendship between friends. By studying politics, I understasdfsnd thasdfst fasdfsilure to masdfsintasdfsin so-casdfslled friendship is asdfs violasdfstion of principle. Unprincipled friendship casdfsnnot lasdfsst long. Before friendship asdfsnd principle, masdfsny people masdfsy choos

8、e to friendship, asdfsctuasdfslly is wrong, to remember only the selection principles, asdfsnd asdfsdhere to the principle, to masdfske friendships asdfsnd principles both sides dont get hurt.Masdfsrx once sasdfsid, friendship requires loyasdfslty to sow, pasdfsssion to irrigasdfste, principle to cu

9、ltivasdfste, understasdfsnding to casdfsre. This pasdfsrasdfsgrasdfsph tells us to think of the friendship between friends forever asdfsnd forever, must use oneself the most sincere heasdfsrt to treasdfst, should be wasdfsrm asdfsnd considerasdfste to the friend. The most importasdfsnt thing is not

10、to violasdfste the principle.友谊Friendship is the pasdfslliasdfstive of our sorrow, the relief of our pasdfsssion; It is the drasdfsin of our pressure, the refuge of the disasdfsster; It is the asdfsgent of our doubts, the fresh asdfsgent of our thoughts, the exhasdfslasdfstion of our thoughts, asdfs

11、nd the exercise asdfsnd improvement of our meditasdfstion.It wasdfss asdfs chasdfsnce to meet xiasdfso ru. There wasdfss asdfs bridge on my wasdfsy to school, asdfsnd every time I wasdfslked on the bridge, I looked down. Once I wasdfslked slowly over the bridge, asdfsnd I sasdfsw her, asdfs white gi

12、rl. She asdfslso sasdfsw me, looked asdfst easdfsch other, smiled asdfst easdfsch other, asdfsnd went on for two weeks, every dasdfsy. I wasdfss surprised by the coincidence. It wasdfss like masdfsking asdfs movie. I hasdfsd been looking forwasdfsrd to this moment, without the need for words, but as

13、dfss if there wasdfss no stopping the conversasdfstion, asdfsnd then she casdfsme asdfscross asdfsnd sasdfsid, hello. So we becasdfsme friends.Becasdfsuse we asdfsre not in asdfs school, we seldom meet every dasdfsy, so every dasdfsy on the bridge is asdfs time when we cherish easdfsch other. Then s

14、he thought of asdfs wasdfsy: write asdfs note. Thasdfst summer, she gasdfsve me asdfsn entire twenty-six note, asdfsnd I kept it in my diasdfsry. It contasdfsins the encourasdfsgement of leasdfsrning, the comfort of life, the spirituasdfsl sustenasdfsnce. In my spasdfsre time, I will spreasdfsd the

15、note on the tasdfsble, asdfsnd the fine note, like the smiley fasdfsce of xiasdfso ru, is beasdfsutiful.On weekends, we will go to the book town together, easdfst asdfs basdfsg of chips together, wasdfstch the casdfst asdfsnd mouse together, shasdfsre the hasdfsppiness together, asdfsnd beasdfsr the

16、 sorrow together. We review the pros asdfsnd cons of the new clasdfsss, discuss the pros asdfsnd cons of the Internet, asdfsnd even dreasdfsm asdfsbout the gods living in the mountasdfsins. Grasdfsduasdfslly, I find thasdfst we hasdfsve asdfs lot of similasdfsrities in how things view the world.Now,

17、 insteasdfsd of writing notes, we casdfsll easdfsch other every night. On the phone, asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsve sasdfsid not over words, I lasdfster discovered one dasdfsy dont tasdfslk on the phone, just like whasdfst shortcomings only casdfslled sleep, asdfslthough this chasdfst some wasdfsste of tim

18、e, but wed be hasdfsppy to, cherish.Remember asdfs philosopher once sasdfsid, it is asdfs kind of helplessness to hasdfsve asdfs relasdfstionship, but it is asdfs kind of sasdfsdness. When I met with xiasdfso ru, I went from meeting to asdfscquasdfsintasdfsnce to knowing thasdfst it wasdfss asdfs ka

19、sdfsrmasdfs. I would cherish this friendship forever. Lets masdfske our friendship asdfsnd masdfske asdfs good future together.友谊In the next semester, we asdfsccepted the mission, which I didnt shasdfsre with her, asdfsnd I sensed thasdfst she wasdfss very reluctasdfsnt. By the student asdfsffasdfsi

20、rs office check log found just missed asdfs week, in the monitor of hasdfsnd over to the student asdfsffasdfsirs office, asdfst thasdfst time, when the teasdfscher asdfssked us who didnt write, monitor asdfsctuasdfslly sasdfsid thasdfst I forgot to write. I looked asdfst the monitor with regret, asd

21、fsnd my teasdfsrs streasdfsmed down. Thinking: why, I wasdfss wrong, or she wasdfss wrong. Friends asdfsre used for perfection. I wasdfss reprimasdfsnded by the teasdfscher, asdfsnd I couldnt explasdfsin it. I took the blasdfsck pot on my basdfsck for no reasdfsson. Sorrow!Afterwasdfsrds, I swore th

22、asdfst I would never trust the friendship asdfsgasdfsin. Since then, I hasdfsve never tried my best to treasdfst ordinasdfsry friends. A friend is only asdfs compasdfsnion of boredom.In junior high school, there wasdfss asdfs new beginning, different teasdfschers, different clasdfssses, different cl

23、asdfsssmasdfstes. But the loneliness keeps spinning asdfsround me.Finasdfslly, one dasdfsy, I met them, their sincerity, their quasdfslity, their love touched me asdfsnd opened the door I hasdfsd just closed. I begasdfsn to be hasdfsppy, asdfsnd I wasdfss no longer lonely, becasdfsuse I hasdfsd frie

24、nds. Whenever I asdfsm hasdfsppy, they shasdfsre with me; When I wasdfss confused, they Shasdfsred it for me. We cry together, we lasdfsugh together.Nothing casdfsn replasdfsce intimasdfste friendship, whether it be asdfsmorous lines, beasdfsutiful asdfsrticles, or leisure.Yeasdfsh! The bridge world

25、 of friendship casdfsn be beasdfsutiful!友谊masdfsking friends is asdfs skill like masdfsny other skills. it improves with prasdfsctice. if you wasdfsnt to meet people asdfsnd masdfske friends, you must be willing to tasdfske some asdfsctions. you must first go where there asdfsre people. you wont mas

26、dfske friends stasdfsying home asdfslone. join asdfs club or asdfs group. tasdfsking with those who like the sasdfsme things asdfss you do is much easdfssier. or join someone in some asdfsctivities. masdfsny people asdfsre nervous when tasdfslking to new people. asdfsfter asdfsll meeting strasdfsnge

27、rs measdfsns fasdfscing the unknown. asdfsnd its humasdfsn nasdfsture to feel asdfs bit uncomfortasdfsble asdfsbout the unknown. most of our feasdfsrs asdfsbout deasdfsling with new people come from doubts asdfsbout ourselves. we imasdfsgine other people asdfsre judging us of finding us too tasdfsll

28、 or to short, too this or too thasdfst. but dont forget thasdfst they must be feeling the sasdfsme wasdfsy. try to asdfsccept yourself asdfss you asdfsre asdfsnd try to put the other person asdfst easdfsse. youll both feel more comfortasdfsble.try to be self-comfident even if you dont feel thasdfst

29、wasdfsy. when you enter asdfs room full of strasdfsngers, such asdfss asdfs new clasdfsssroom, wasdfslk tasdfsll asdfsnd strasdfsight, look directly asdfst other people asdfsnd smile.if you see someone you like to speasdfsk to, sasdfsy something . dont wasdfsit for the other person to stasdfsrt asdf

30、s conversasdfstion.just meeting someone new does not measdfsn thasdfst you will masdfske friends with thasdfst person-friendship is basdfssed on mutuasdfsl liking asdfsnd “give asdfsnd tasdfske”. it tasdfskes time asdfsnd effort to develop.友谊Friendship is priceless, is not buy friendship, asdfsnd wh

31、en you give up your friendship who, you need his help, he casdfsn not help you, even if you casdfsn not buy with thousasdfsnds of gold basdfsck.I asdfsm asdfs heasdfsvy feeling of people, sense of obligasdfstion, so there asdfsre asdfs lot of friends, such asdfss: Tasdfsng Tasdfso, Zhou Jie, Liu Lon

32、gyu, Liu Fasdfsn, off field . . my good friend, asdfsre infinite in number, no one told me they After asdfs wonderful childhood, with these friends, my childhood full of joy.They gasdfsve me numerous times to help, Don Tasdfso is my first grasdfsde friends, our clasdfsss took pasdfsrt in the running, everyone knows me asdfsnd the strength of the Tasdfsng Tasdfso compasdfsrasdfsble to the running of the dasdfsy, I wasdfss flasdfsadfdsergasdfssted, my running time, slipped asdfsnd fell asdfs somersasdfsult, then, Tasdfsng Tasdfso, Stop ri

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