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1、英语美文赏析如何取得一份真正的友谊What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. Friend plays an important part in our lives, and although we may take friendship

2、 for granted, we often dont clearly understand how we make friends. Well, my view of friendship is as follows.Friend is someone, who changes your life by being part of it, who makes you believe that it really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting

3、for you to open it.When you get into trouble, he will give you a hand. When you gain the achievement, he will come to congratulate you and give you a hug. When you lose your way, he will guide you to march on. When you are down, and the world seems dark and empty, he will lift you up in spirits and

4、make that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.Well, some friendly relationships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, to have attitudes and interests in common.However, have you known that the more intimately invol

5、ved people become, the more they rely on one another? Remember, your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be ok.英语美文赏析:如何取得一份真正的友谊Friends and valuative-On Making FriendsEveryone needs friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if

6、 there is something wrong with your personality.Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc, which drive away your new acquaintances. Whatever your social faults may be, look at them honestly and make real efforts to correct them.To be friendly you must feel

7、friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. A cheerful person smiles. A smile is a magnet which draws people. Smile at someone and you are almost sure to get a smile in return.A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel at home, wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the oth

8、er fellows place and make them feel welcome.Try to remember names. It makes your new acquaintances feel happy when you call them by their names. It gives them the feeling that they have made an impression on you and that mean something to them because you remember them.If you dont agree with other p

9、eople on a certain matter, you should appear to be friendly. Dont argue, but discuss. You always lose friends if you argue too much.A friendly person thinks of others, and doesnt insist on his own rights. People who refuse to consider others have few friends.Finally, dont treat people only according

10、 to their social positions. Really friendly people respect everyone at all times.关于交友人人都需要朋友,若你在交朋友方面老是失败,就该检讨自己,看是不是你的个性有什么问题。或许你有些在社交上应该避忌的缺点,比如势力、饶舌、说脏话等,这些都会妨碍你结交新朋友。无论你有什么社交缺点,都该正视它们,尽力摒弃。要友善,你必然要给人友好的感觉:快乐是友善的基础。一个快乐的人总会面带微笑。微笑好似有吸引力的磁铁,你对他人微笑,你也会取得他微笑的回报。无论在哪里,友善之人都会让陌生人有居家般自在舒适的感觉,设身处地为陌生人考虑

11、,让他有备受欢迎的感觉。尽可能记住人名。对新熟悉的朋友直呼其名会令他们很高兴,他们会感觉你对他有了必然的印象,这说明你记住了他们,这对他们很重要。若在某件事上你不能与他人达到一致意见,你该表现出友好。可以讨论,但不要争吵。争吵过甚会使你失去朋友。友善之人常为他人考虑,不会为自己争取“权利”。不顾及他人的人,他的朋友寥寥无几。最后,切勿以社会地位论人。真正的友善之人往往尊重他人。 被誉为“东方送给西方最好的礼物”的“小圣经”先知(the Prophet)是黎巴嫩诗人、散文作家、画家纪伯伦(18831931)的代表作,作者以智者临别赠言的方式,论述爱与美、生与死、婚姻与家庭、劳作与安乐、法律与自由

12、、理智与热情、善恶与宗教等一系列人生和社会问题,充满比喻和哲理,具有东方色彩。On Friendship 论友谊 By Kahil Gibran And a youth said, Speak to us of Friendship. 一个青年说,请为咱们讲讲友谊。 Your friend is you needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside, for you come to him wi

13、th your hunger, and you seek him for peace. 你的朋友是对你需求的知足。他是你用爱播种,带着感恩之心收获的田地;他也是你的膳食,你的壁炉。当你饥饿时会来到他的身旁,寻求安宁。 When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the nay (no) in your own mind, nor do you withhold the ay (yes); and when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart; for without

14、words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed. 当你的朋友倾诉他的心声时,不要害怕说出自己心中的“不”,也不要掩饰心中的“是”;当他默默无语时,你的心仍可倾听他的心。因为在友谊的不言而喻中,所有的思想、所有的欲望、所有的期盼,都在无可言喻的欢愉中孕生而共享。 When you part from your friend, you grieve not, for that which you love most

15、in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. 当你和朋友别离时,不要悲伤。因为当他不在身旁时,他身上最为你所珍爱的东西会显得加倍夺目,就像山峰对于平原上的登山者那样,显得分外清楚。 And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit, for love that seeks aught (anything) but the disclosure of i

16、ts own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught. 不要对你们的友谊别有所图,除对深化精神境界的希冀。因为只求流露自身秘密的爱并非真爱,而是撒出去的网:捕捉的只是些无益的东西。 And let your best be for your friend. If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also, for what is your friend that you should seek h

17、im with hours to kill? 把你最好的东西奉献给朋友。若他定要知道你情绪的落潮期,那么,把你涨潮期一并告知他。因为,你若只为了消磨光阴才去寻觅朋友,这能算是朋友吗? Seek him always with hours to live, for it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness. And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. 要常常为了充实地生活而找他。因为是他知足了你的需要,而不是填满了你的空虚。在友谊的温柔中,要有欢笑和一路的喜悦。因为在那微末事物的甘露中,你的心能寻到他的清晓而焕发了精神。

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