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1、高考英语实战卷英语试题读后续写专题2021年高考英语实战卷英语试题读后续写专题2021年高考英语实战卷英语试题(一)第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。It was hot and yet, such a beautiful full day. We picked up my grandmother from her nursing home in San Jose and drove her to Watsonville where the three of us went to get a Shiatsu

2、 treatment (a gift from John). We used to go regularly but the last time I had taken my grandmother. She seemed to forget where she was and how to breathe while on her stomach on the massage(按摩)tableit scared me so I thought perhaps it was better to just massage her myself the best I could. Still, w

3、hat I can do is pretty cosmetic(美容的)and shes been getting weaker and having aches from sitting in a wheel chair all day, so I called Ben who runs the Shiatsu clinic with his wife and daughter out of their home and told him my concernsI wasnt even sure if she would be strong enough to get up the stai

4、rs or get onto the table.“We can do it!” he said. And, we did. Sure there were struggles and funny moments like my grandmother wondering who was the woman working on her backthis woman Chioye has massaged her over the years at least 20 timesthey used to laugh and talk together in Japanese but my gra

5、ndmother didnt rememberChioye was surprised that my grandmother seemed to have forgotten her Japanese.When the session was over, my grandmother took Chioyes hand and thanked her for helping her. Next, we drove towards Mount Madonna to the cemetery(墓地)where my Uncle Bob lies. We didnt tell my grandmo

6、ther where we were going. She doesnt really remember her first son died, but I wondered if she would remember when we drove into the cemetery. She didnt. She asked, “Why are we at a cemetery?” I told her that we came to see Uncle Bob. She said, “My uncle!?” “No,” I said. “MY uncle, YOUR son. Usually

7、, I just let her believe all her loved ones are still alive somewhere. The only one who she knows is gone for sure is her husbandhes been gone 30 years, as long as they were married. Here at the cemetery though, I had to be more firm, gentle too of course.Paragraph 1:We got her in the wheel chair an

8、d I picked some eucalyptus branches and blue flowers from the side of the dirt road next to the cemetery. _Paragraph 2: We ended our day with a Japanese dinner of course. _ Paragraph 1We got her in the wheelchair and I picked some eucalyptus branches and blue flowers from the side of the dirt road n

9、ext to the cemetery. “These are or Uncle Bob,” I said. “Oh, they are so pretty,” she said quietly. John pushed her to the front of Uncle Bobs grave. I placed the flowers in his vase at the cemetery. She studied his marker and then bowed to him from her chair. I cleaned his marker while she watched.

10、She bowed again. They bowed together. She thanked us for bringing her to him. Soon we drove her to a restaurant.Paragraph 2We ended our day with a Japanese dinner of course. My grandmother was more than happy all the time. We constantly gave her some of her favorite dishes and she smiled all the tim

11、e and took every bite delightfully and we all laughed all the while. We all expressed our best wishes to her and she said, “I owe my long life to all of your careful and patient care. Thank you all. You are all my dearest children.” We were moved to tears and hugged her one by one. In the end, my gr

12、andmother said to the waitress, “Please come here. I have to shake your hand.” “Thank you for what you do,” she said as she held this stranger now friends hand.2021年高考英语实战卷英语试题(二)第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Last year, I spent my holiday in an unfamiliar neighborhood

13、in Lakewood, New Jersey. We rented a house so that some of our children and grandchildren could join us. Everyone in the area was super friendly, offering to me to introduce themselves to us and to ensure that we would make full use of their hospitality, be it to borrow something or to send the kids

14、 to play in their yards. We were excited and impressed and immediately began to see if there were any houses for sale in the neighborhood!The next door to us was particularly fascinating (to visit not to buy). In the yard,there was a tennis court, a swing set and various toys and games that were par

15、ticularly popular with young children. The owner was also very friendly and invited the kids to come over and play.They didnt have to be asked twice. They p1ayed for hours on end. While we relaxed in our yard, perhaps a little too comfortable, perhaps enjoying each others company a little too much,

16、perhaps forgetting that young children cant be left too long without adults looking after them.Apparently, a small fight broke out between one of the boys whose backyard everyone was playing in and one of my five-year-old grandsons. My 10-year-old grandson immediately jumped to his cousins defense a

17、nd pushed the other boy. At this point, the mother next door was forced to intervene(调停).And the neighbor came over to speak to us. Now when I try to imagine myself in that position, I imagine all sorts of negative and aggressive ways to deal with itI would have been very angry and complained about

18、the bad behavior of these visiting children, and definitely sent them home.Paragraph 1:She did none of these. _Paragraph 2:To be honest, I was really grateful to the neighbor. _Paragraph 1:She did none of these. She was so kind, friendly and calm. She spoke of their great pleasure in sharing their b

19、ackyard, of a slight difficulty that had arisen and of the necessity of being a little more diligent in monitoring our childrens behavior. She told her children we were all their guests and that we should be respected and given special treatment; otherwise, as hosts, they were to blame. After that,

20、these children were on good terms as before. The kids were immediately brought home but the next day when they went back to play, they were welcomed.Paragraph 2:To be honest, I was really grateful to the neighbor. Though her actions may seem small, they were big in our eyes. The neighbor not only le

21、t all the children keep happy hut also taught me an unforgettable lesson in dealing with relationships. From her, I learned some good skills in getting along with others.2021年高考英语实战卷英语试题(三)第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Last night, when I went to see my grandmother, she

22、 was sitting alone at the nurses station with her word search book. When my grandmother, who has dementia(痴呆), came to live here over 5 years ago, I tried many things to keep her occupiedpainting, magazines, crossword, music, coloring, mazes. but it was only her word search book that kept her intere

23、st. The one thing her mind could followshe began to think of it as tier job. It kept her from wanderingover these 5 years, I have gotten her the same BIG EASY WORDSEARCH book at least 17 time, each one has 100 puzzles and she does them all. Recently coloring simple pictures like fishes has gotten he

24、r attention too.So my grandmother was silting at the desk with her book but no pencil just staring at the letters as if she was trying to find the word! I came to her and said hello. Usually, she at least knows I am connected to her somehow but this time, she looked at suspicion. I introduced myself

25、 and told her that I was her granddaughter. “I dont know who you are,” she said. “What are you doing?” I asked (better to stay in her world rather try to move her into mine). “I need to find this word,” she said. “Lets do it together,” I said. “Okay,” she agreed. And so I helped her find it for her. “Do you want to go outside?” I asked, “Okay,” she said. Paragraph I:We get her things and I wrap it all in a blanket we will use at a tablecloth. _

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