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新视野大学英语 教案.docx

1、新视野大学英语 教案Section A WHERE PRINCIPLES COME FIRSTI. Purpose1. To enlarge students vocabulary and sentence pattern2. To improve the students reading comprehension.3. Let the students recognize the writing style and learn to writeII. Important and Difficult PointsBackground Informationthe Hyde SchoolIn

2、1996, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde School in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which he believed was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, a

3、nd character over talent. This emphasis creates a learning environment where students experience success with integrity, the kind of success that lasts a lifetime. Gauld established the Hyde curriculum, based upon Five Words, rather than five subjects: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, Curiosity, and

4、Concern; and he incorporated them into every facet of the program. The school cherishes the idea that educational reform must begin with the family. Actually, the Family Education Program is what makes the Hyde education unique. The school believes that parents are the primary teachers and the home

5、is the primary classroom. This work with families for more than 35 years has led the school to a number of discoveries. One of Hydes basic purposes is to develop character. This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students self-discovery. The school helps students answer three que

6、stions: Who am I? Where am I going? What do I need to do to get there? Relationships built upon honesty and concern can also be key to helping students. Hyde has created a new student role, where students, parents, and faculty are required to help others achieve their best. Today, there are four Hyd

7、e Schools, including inner-city models in New Haven, Connecticut and Washington DC, national programs for parents and teachers, and a number of established partnerships with public schools throughout the country.New Words & Expressions:publicity: n. 1) notice or attention from the public or news med

8、ia 公众的主意,名声receive / seek / avoid publicity 引起 / 追求 / 避免公众注意2) 宣传,宣扬The publicity for the book was poor and sales were low.该书宣传工作没有做好,所以销量不大。public: a. in public 公开地,当众cultivate: vt. 1) prepare land and grow crops on it 耕作,栽培,养殖She also cultivated a small garden of her own. 她自己也种了一小块菜地。Olives have b

9、een cultivated for centuries in some countries in the Middle East.橄榄树在中东一些国家已种植了几个世纪了。2) develop; improve 培养,陶冶,发展She read the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind.她为陶冶情操而阅读最优秀作家的作品。Cultivating a positive attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.对自己有一种正确的心态能受益颇多。comprehensi

10、ve: a. including everything or nearly everything that is connected with a particular subject 广泛的,综合的a comprehensive test 综合测试a guide book giving comprehensive information on the area 一本提供了该地区综合信息的导游书Compare:comprehensible: a. easy to understandThe book is written in clear, comprehensible language. 这

11、本书写得明了易懂。comprehension: n. 1) 理解力 2)理解力测验controversial: a. causing public discussion and disagreement 引起争论的,有争议的a controversial new law 有争议的新法律Government aid to education is a controversial subject. 政府资助教育是一个尚有争议的话题。controversy: n. public discussion and disagreement about sth. 争论,辩论The plans for cha

12、nging the city centre caused a great deal of controversy.市中心的改建计划引来很多争议。a political controversy over human rights abuses 关于滥用人权的政治争议suspend: vt. 1) stop of delay sth. for a time 暂停,中止Some rail services were suspended during the strike. 罢工期间,有些铁路服务中止了。The young man was given a suspended sentence. 这个年

13、轻人被判缓刑。2) hang sth. up 悬,挂,吊A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯。suspension (B6): n. 1)暂停,中止 2)暂令停止参加,暂时剥夺 3)(汽车等防止振动、颠簸的)悬架,悬置机构 4)悬浮液 5)悬,挂,吊strain: n. 1) a state of worry and tension 极度紧张,过劳;(对精力、体力、能力的)苛求,压力He is under a lot of strain at work. 他承受着很大的工作压力。Mums illness has put a strai

14、n on the whole family. 妈妈的病使全家人担忧。2) the condition of being pulled or stretched too tightly 拉紧,绷紧The rope finally broke under the strain. 绷紧的绳子终于断了。3) 张力What is the breaking strain of this cable? 这缆索的致断拉力是多少?4) 扭伤,拉伤 a painful strain 使人疼痛的扭伤5) 常pl. 旋律,曲调I heard the strains of the church organ. 我听到教堂

15、风琴奏出的音乐。6) 品种,品系,家系a new strain of wheat 小麦的新品种7) 气质,个性特点Theres a strain of madness in the family. 那一家人都有点疯疯癫癫的。vt. 1) 扭伤,拉伤strain a muscle, ones heart 肌肉、心肌劳损2) put a lot of pressure on sth. 尽力使用,使紧张strain (ones ears) to hear a conversation 聚精会神地听别人交谈Money problems have strained their relationship.

16、 钱的问题使他们关系紧张。3) 拉紧,绷紧strain a rope (until it breaks) 把绳子拉紧(直到拉断)vi. make a great effort to do sth. 尽力,努力Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.几千名支持者尽力想看一眼新总统。preliminary: 1) a. coming before or preparing for sth. else that is more important 预备的,初步的a preliminary

17、 meeting 预备会议After a few preliminary remarks the discussions began. 几句开场白后,讨论就开始了。2) n. 常 pl. 初步做法,起始行为the necessary preliminaries to a peace conference 为召开和平会议而举行的必要的筹备会minority: n. 1) a group of people who are of a different race or religion to most people in the community or country where they li

18、ve 少数民族Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic minorities.英国学校需要给予少数民族儿童更多的帮助。2) the smaller number or part of a group; less than half 少数,少数派These troubled students are only a minority. 这些有问题的学生只是少数。Most women continue to work when they are married. Only a minority stays at hom

19、e. 多数妇女婚后依然工作,只有少数会待在家里。minor: a. 1) 较小的,较少的 2) 次要的 n. 1) 未成年人 2) 副修科目conventional: a. 1) following what is traditional or customary 普通的,习惯的,常规的a conventional design, method 传统的式样、方法The house was built with conventional materials but in a totally new style.房屋用的是传统建筑材料,但风格却是全新的。conventional weapons,

20、warfare, etc. 常规的武器、战争等2) based on general agreement about how people should act or behave in certain circumstances 符合习俗的,因循守旧的Shes so conventional in her views. 她的观点太保守。convention: n. 1) 习俗,惯例 2) 公约,协议 3) (正式)会议,(定期)大会reform: v. 1) vt. change sth. in order to make it better 改革,改良,改造reform the exami

21、nation system 改革考试制度You have to reform the management of the company. 你得改革公司的管理制度。2) vi. behave better or fit into society better 改正,改过自新Hes done wrong in the past but he has made serious efforts to reform.他过去做了错事,但现在在努力改过自新。n. changes in sth. in order to make it better 改革,改良,改造 a major reform to th

22、e system 对这一制度的重大改革 political reform in Eastern Europe 东欧的政治改革 a reform policy 一项改革制度moral: n. 1) standards or principles of good behavior pl. 道德,品行,道德规范They have no morals. 他们没有道德观念。Western ideas and morals 西方理念和道德观2) 寓意The moral of this story is Better late than never. 这个故事的寓意是迟做总比不做好。a. 道德(上)的,有道

23、德的a moral law / duty 道德律 / 道义上的责任Compare:morale: n. the way that a group of people feel at a particular time 士气,斗志The teams morale was high before the match. 赛前队员们的士气很高。Low pay in recent years has led to low morale. 近年来的低工资导致了士气低落。curriculum: n. (pl. curriculums or curriculA. all the subjects that a

24、re taught in a school, college, or university; the contents of a particular course of study 课程,(学校等的)全部课程Latin is not on the curriculum at our school. 我们学校的课程中没有拉丁语The curriculum for foreign languages emphasizes communication skills. 外语课程强调交际能力。admission: n.1) permission to enter a school, a club, a

25、 public place, etc. 准许进入,准许加入All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club.凡不戴领带的人都不允许进入俱乐部。Admissions to British universities have increased by 15% this year.今年,英国大学的入学率增加了15%。2) the amount of money that one pays to enter a place 入场费,入场券The museum charges $5 admission. 博物馆

26、的门票是5美元。3) a statement that sth., usually unpleasant, is true 承认,供认I viewed her silence as an admission of guilt. 我认为她的沉默就是承认有罪。Compare:admittance: n. (fml.) being allowed to enter a place (esp. a private one); the right to enterNo admittance. 禁止入内。 The journalist tried to gain admittance to the min

27、isters office. 记者力争获得进入部长办公室的权利。 session: n. 1) a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity (从事某项活动的)集会(或一段时间) Therell be a question-and-answer session at the end of this mornings lecture. 上午讲座结束时会有一段答疑时间。2) a meeting or series of meetings of an official body such as a parliament

28、or a law court 会议,一届会an emergency session of parliament 国会紧急会议The court was in session. 法庭开庭了。utmost: 1) n. the greatest extent, amount, degree, etc. that is possible 极限,极度,最大可能The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power. 最好的计划就是继续尽力攻击他。2) a. greatest 极度的,最大的a message of ut

29、most importance 极为重要的消息Utmost care must be taken when you do this kind of experiment. 你做这种实验时必须极为小心。do / try ones utmost: do / try ones best 竭力,尽全力I did my utmost to help. 我已尽力帮忙。He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge. 他会尽力用他所知道的传统医疗知识来帮助他们。worthwhile: a.

30、enjoyable, useful, or satisfying enough to be worth the cost or effort 值得(做)的Working for so little money just isnt worthwhile. 为这么点钱工作不值得。Medicine is a very worthwhile career. 医学工作是一项很值得从事的职业。outset: n. beginning 开始,开端There have been difficulties with the firm right from the outset. 公司一开始就困难重重。At th

31、e outset he had put his trust in me, the son of his old friend. 一开始他就很信任我他老朋友的儿子。at / from the outset 开端,开始optimistic: a. hoping or believing that what happens in the future will be good or successful乐观(主义)的Ive applied for the job but Im not very optimistic about my chances of getting it.我应聘那项工作,但对得

32、到它并不乐观。The President says he is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.总统说,他对尽快达成协议持乐观态度。He is in an optimistic mood. 他的情绪很乐观。optimism (B6): n. 乐观,乐观主义pessimistic: a. 悲观(主义)的faculty: n. 1) (usually with the article “the”) teaching staff of a school, or a university or a college department

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