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1、中考英语名词之可数与不可数名词含答案专题练习中考英语-名词之可数与不可数名词(含答案)-专题练习一、单选题1.I like to eat some _n加油_for dinner. Its very delicious(n加油美味的). A.chickenn加油B.apn加油plesn加油C.pearsn加油D.tomatoes2.Mum, Im hunn加油gry. May I have some _n加油_?Of course. But n加油dont eat too much. A.bn加油readB.n加油noodlen加油C.dumplingn加油D.hamburgen加油r3.Ho

2、w much _ do you want? n加油 A.tomatoesn加油B.n加油bananasn加油C.hamburgersn加油D.chicken4.Remembern加油 to eat junk food and n加油more fruits. Its a good habit. n加油 A.fewB.fewerC.littn加油leD.less5.There are _n加油_ people and _ noise here. I n加油cant stand it. n加油 A.too much; too manyn加油B.too; toon加油C.much; manyn加油D.

3、too many; too much6n加油.We need one basebaln加油ls and two . A.n加油baseballs batsn加油B.basen加油balls batn加油 bats7n加油.Are you thirsty?Yes, please gn加油ive us _. n加油A.three bottle watern加油n加油B.thren加油e bottle of waterC.three n加油bottles of watern加油D.three bottles n加油of waters8. What can n加油I do for

4、you, sir? In加油d like two _. n加油A.bottle of orangen加油B.bottle of orangesC.botn加油tles of orangeD.bottles ofn加油 oranges9.What would you lin加油ke to drink, girls?n加油_, please. n加油 A.Two glass of watern加油B.Two glass ofn加油 watersC.Two cupn加油s of teaD.Two cups ofn加油 teas10.This is my _n加油_, and his desk is

5、nexn加油t to mine in the classroom n加油 A.classmaten加油B.teachern加油n加油C.mothern加油D.uncle11.Then加油re more than2,900 people in the pn加油ark at that time n加油 A.aren加油B.isn加油n加油C.asn加油D.wen加油re12.Look at the smog(雾霾)._n加油 bad weather it is! A.n加油Hown加油B.Hown加油C.Whatn加油D.What n加油a13.Would you like to drink so

6、men加油 ? jun加油 juicesn加油C.oranges jn加油uiceD.oranges juicn加油es14.There is onlyin the fridge. n加油 A.some appn加油lesB.a n加油piece of breadn加油C.lots of meatD.an加油ny juice15.The funny n加油girl wants to find an interestinn加油g . n加油 A.workn加油B.jobn加油n加油C.worksn加油D.n加油jobs16.My mother is goi

7、ng to n加油supermarket for rin加油ce and noodles. n加油 A.the; anyn加油B.the; son加油meC.an加油; anyn加油D.; some17.Wouldn加油 you please give me_ hn加油ow to learn English n加油well? A.some advicen加油 advicen加油C.some advicesn加油D.some pieces of advices18.I like _n加油_ a lot, and my mother often cn加油ooks _ in differen

8、t ways. n加油 A.chicken; itn加油B.potatoes; itn加油C.vegetable; themn加油D.chicken; themn加油19.Would you like tn加油o collect _ witn加油h us in the park this Satn加油urday?Yes, Id love to. Len加油ts make it clean. n加油 A.watern加油B.treen加油sn加油C.booksn加油D.rubbish20.If yn加油ou want to read English quickly, you mn加油ust le

9、arn _ Engln加油ish words by heart as you cn加油an. muchn加油 muchn加油n加油 manyn加油 many21.What would n加油you like to drink, girls?_n加油_, please. A.Three n加油cups of coffeesBn加油.Two cups of coffeen加油C.Two cup of coffees22.Theren加油 are six _ in our scn加油hool. A.bun加油ildingn加油B.buildingsn加油C.n加油b

10、uilds23.There is water in the n加油bottle A.a n加油little ofn加油B.a fewn加油C.an加油 bitn加油D.a bit of24.What dn加油oes Jane look like?Sn加油he has _. A.long blon加油nd hairsB.long blond hain加油rC.blond lonn加油g hairsD.bn加油lond long hair25.Would n加油you like _tea?Yen加油s, please. A.somen加油n加油B.anyn加油C.manyn加油n加油D.a26.

11、Would n加油you like to give me some_? Cen加油rtainly. The _you read, the betten加油r you are. A.suggestion加油n; moreB.suggestions; mun加油chC.advicen加油; moreD.advicn加油es; most27.I need that n加油pair of _. A.sweatern加油n加油B.shoesn加油C.bagn加油D.sn加油ock28.Please give me some _. n加油 A.meatsn加油B.watersn加油C.bren加油adsn

12、加油D.meat29.What can I do for you?n加油I want two _. A.n加油bottle of milkn加油B.bottles of milkn加油C.bottles of mn加油ilksD.bon加油ttle of milks30.- Are all then加油 students from in your class?n加油- No, there are only 3 n加油in our class. The others are from otn加油her countries. n加油 A.Germany; GermenB.Germann加油y; G

13、ermansC.German; Germansn加油D.German; Germany31.What would n加油you like to drink?_, please. n加油 A.Two cup of coffn加油een加油B.Two cups of cn加油offeeC.Two cups of coffeesn加油n加油D.Two cup ofn加油 coffees32.Are those your _n加油_? A.a picturn加油eB.phn加油otosn加油C.photoesn加油D.picturn加油e33.They have two bowls of n加油noo

14、dles A.tomato andn加油 eggB.tomato n加油and eggsC.tomatoes andn加油 eggD.tomatoes and eggsn加油34.It is _to cycln加油e around Guilin. n加油 A.a great funn加油B.a funn加油C.great funn加油D.a greatn加油 funny35.How much are the pn加油ants?Theyre 50. n加油 A.yuansn加油n加油B.dollares n加油n加油C.dollarsn加油二、填空题36.We have some _n加油_af

15、ter dinner37.Good reading matn加油erials are good _ (n加油friend). 38.A big earthqun加油ake happened recently in Japan加油n.Many people from all n加油over the world went then加油re as v_. 39.She has tn加油hree children,two d_n加油_ and a son. 40. Would yon加油u like to have some _n加油_ (potato) for lunch? On加油K. 41.I

16、am often lost n加油in a new city, becausen加油 I dont have a sense of d_ . n加油 42.Its a pity that only two _n加油_(piece) of musin加油c that I like best were recordn加油ed. 43.How many _(member)n加油 are there in your group? n加油 44.Children should have good h_n加油_, such as getting up en加油arly, eating a healthy

17、diet and sn加油o on. 45.There arn加油e five _(peoplen加油) in his family. 答案解析部分n加油一、单选题1.I like to eat some _for n加油dinner. Its very delicious(美味的).n加油 A.chicken加油nB.apn加油plesn加油C.pearsn加油D.tomatoes【答案】A n加油 【考点】可数名词,不可数名词 【n加油解析】【分析】句意:晚饭我喜欢吃一些鸡肉,它非常的美味。n加油chicken鸡肉;apples苹果;pears梨;tomaton加油es西红柿。句中Its代

18、指的是作者喜欢吃的东西,是单数形式,B、Cn加油和D都是复数,A选项是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故应选A。n加油【点评】此题考查名词的用法。能够根据代词判断名n加油词的属性。2.Mum, Im hungry. n加油May I have some _n加油_?Of course. But dont eat toon加油 much. A.breadn加油B.noon加油dlen加油C.dumplingn加油D.hn加油amburger【答案】A 【考点】可数名词,不可数名n加油词 【解析】【分析】根据句子中的some,修饰可数名词的复数和不可数n加油名词,B/C/D都未用复数,故选A; 句意:-

19、n加油妈妈,我饿了,我可以吃些面包吗?-当然可以。 但是不要吃太n加油多。3.How much _ do you want? n加油 A.tomatoesn加油B.bananasn加油C.hamburgersn加油D.chicken【答案】D 【考点n加油】不可数名词,名词辨析 【解析】【分n加油析】How much+不可数名词;How mn加油any+可数名词复数。故选D。4.Remember to eatn加油 junk food and more fruits. n加油Its a good habit. A.fewn加油B.fewerC.littleD.less【答案】D 【考点】不可数

20、n加油名词,形容词比较级 【解析】【分析】句意:记住少吃垃圾食品多吃蔬菜,这n加油是一个好习惯。few修饰复数名词;little修饰不n加油可数名词;food是不可数名词,所以用little修饰;根据and morn加油e可知此处用比较级,故答案为D。【点评】考查few与little的辨析,注n加油意比较级的用法。5.There are _ people andn加油 _ noise here. I cant stand it. n加油 A.too mucn加油h; too manyB.n加油too; tooC.mn加油uch; manyD.toon加油 many; too much【答案】D

21、 【考点】可数名词,不n加油可数名词,形容词辨析 【解析】【分析】句意:这儿有太多的人和太多的噪音,我n加油忍受不了。too many用于修饰可数名词n加油,too much用于修饰不可数名词。题中“n加油people”为可数名词,noise为不可数名词。故选D。【点评】n加油考查修饰可数与不可数的形容词辨析。6.Wen加油 need one baseballs and two n加油. A.n加油baseballs batsn加油B.baseballs batn加油C.n加油baseball bats【答案】C 【考点】可数名词,规则可数名n加油词的复数 【解析】【分析】句意:我们需要一个棒球和两个棒球拍。空n加油格前有two,所以ba

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