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1、陈赫英语作文范文陈赫英语作文范文 【选择题】 前几道是送分的,最后两道它的目的就是不想让你得分,最后两道也就是说非常的难,俩字“放弃”,别为这俩题耽误时间,有时候自己必须承认自己不是天才, 直接选“C” 【语文】 作文-万变不离其宗,一共8大点,准备好这8类作文,保你混到50分 (字不好看的,记得练字,高考没那么庄严,尤其是那帮研究生给你判卷子,老黑了,心理老“B(和谐)T”了,因为他们当初就是那么过来的,心理有阴影的人 1目标与理想 2责任与使命 3坚忍与顽强 4乐观与自信 5宽容与感恩 6奉献与爱心 7承诺与诚信 8情(亲情,友情,爱情)-(爱情 不怎么考,大家要理解中国国情嘛) 【数学】

2、 要是底子不是一般的懒,就把 “三角函数、空间几何、概率”弄明白,必考,不废话 不是我吓唬你,下面的公式是必考的,你再懒,也得把下面的这几个公式折腾明白,除非你压根就没考本科的打算 正弦定理 a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC=2R 注: 其中 R 表示三角形的外接圆半径 余弦定理 b2=a2+c2-2aosB 注:角B是边a和边c的夹角 圆的标准方程 (x-a)2+(y-b)2=r2 注:(a,b)是圆心坐标 圆的一般方程 x2+y2+Dx+Ey+F=0 注:D2+E2-4F0 抛物线标准方程 y2=2px y2=-2px x2=2py x2=-2py 直棱柱侧面积 S=c*h 斜棱柱

3、侧面积 S=c*h 正棱锥侧面积 S=1/2c*h 正棱台侧面积 S=1/2(c+c)h 圆台侧面积 S=1/2(c+c)l=pi(R+r)l 球的表面积 S=4pi*r2 圆柱侧面积 S=c*h=2pi*h 圆锥侧面积 S=1/2*c*l=pi*r*l 全网公布陈赫曾小贤)QQ:999907,想提前看爱情公寓剧情和陈赫结婚照都加哦,空间已认证 弧长公式 l=a*r a是圆心角的弧度数r 0 扇形面积公式 s=1/2*l*r 锥体体积公式 V=1/3*S*H 圆锥体体积公式 V=1/3*pi*r2h 斜棱柱体积 V=SL 注:其中,S是直截面面积, L是侧棱长 柱体体积公式 V=s*h 圆柱体

4、 V=pi*r2h 两角和公式 sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B)=sinAcosB-sinBcosA cos(A+B)=cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B)=cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B)=(tanA+tanB)/(1-tanAtanB) tan(A-B)=(tanA-tanB)/(1+tanAtanB) ctg(A+B)=(ctgActgB-1)/(ctgB+ctgA) ctg(A-B)=(ctgActgB+1)/(ctgB-ctgA) 倍角公式 tan2A=2tanA/(1-tan2A) ctg2A=(ctg2A-

5、1)/2ctga cos2a=cos2a-sin2a=2cos2a-1=1-2sin2a 倍角公式: sin(2)=2sincos cos(2)=cos2()-sin2()=2cos2()-1=1-2sin2() tan(2)=2tan/1-tan2() 【英语】 作文通用句,必须会背,胆大心懒的高考做小条带进去抄都行 作文这东西主要看你能不能编,下面的总会有你碰上的,记得现在是“和谐”社会 严重影响社会秩序 seriously disturb social order 促进经济和社会发展 to promote economic 对健康有好处 make for good health 对健康有

6、危害 a hazard to health 破坏环境、污染环境 poisoning the environment 环境保护 protect the environment 浪费时间、浪费金钱、浪费精力 a waste of money,time and energy 促进学习 facilitating learning 影响学习 influnce ones study 提高自身水平 upgrade oneself 反对 disapproval 赞成 in favor of 高考英语8分作文段首句 1. 关于人们有不同的观点。一些人认为 There are different opinions

7、 among people as to _ .Some people suggest that _. 2. 俗话说(常言道),它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天, 它在许多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying_. Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,; 其次,。更为糟糕的是。 Today, _, which have brought a lot of harms in our dai

8、ly life. First, _ Second,_. What makes things worse is that_. 4. 现在,很普遍,许多人喜欢,因为,另外(而且) 。 Nowadays,it is mon to _. Many people like _ because _.Besides,_. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不 利的一面。 Everything has two sides and _ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于人们的观点各不相同

9、,一些人认为(说),在他们看 来, 全网曝光柯震东私人QQ52644,他的新专辑歌曲电影都会发布在空间,还有他和女朋友的私密照哦,空间已认证 Peoples opinions about _ vary from person to person. Some people say that _.To them,_. 任何事物都是有两面性,也不例外。 它既有有利的一面,也有不 利的一面。Everything has two sides and() is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 已成为人的关注的热门话题,

10、特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈 的辩论。() has bee a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用 它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重 的问题。() has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day hasbrought us a lot of benefits but has created so

11、me serious problems as well 人类正面临着一个严重的问题,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem () which is being more and more serious. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图 /成形图可以看出。很显然,但是为什么呢? Aording to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that() while. Obviou

12、sly,(),but why? In recent box office hit Love on the Cloud, Hong Kong star Angelababy goes on a blind date with someone she meets through WeChat. Though the man decides hell run away if the woman doesnt look as expected, hes shocked to discover shes prettier than he could ever imagine. 在最近的卖座电影微爱之渐入

13、佳境中,香港女星Angelababy饰演了一位通过微信随意约会的姑娘。而片中与她约会的男人(陈赫 饰)本打算如果对方长得不如意就逃跑,不想出现在他面前的姑娘直接美出了他的想象力。 Obviously, the key to this story is an abnormally pretty face, and few actresses can pete in that department with Angelababy, who has long been described as a beautiful goddess. 显然,美出天际的颜值正是此片的重要卖点,而久负“女神”之名的An

14、gelababy来扮演女主角再合适不过。 Angelababy started her career at age 14 as a model before going on to star in about 20 movies. For a while, all the public knew about the star was that she was beautiful and was dating Huang Xiaoming. However, the 25-year-old has surprised audiences with her “anti-baby” toughnes

15、s in popular TV show Running Man. 14岁,Angelababy就开始了模特生涯;随后,她又出演了约20部电影。小伙伴们对她的认识一度仅限于美貌、以及黄晓明的女友。而自从参加了人气爆棚的电视真人秀节目奔跑吧,兄弟之后,这个25岁姑娘“女汉子”的新形象让观众们刮目相看。 As the only regular female on the show, the nymph-like Angelababy petes in difficult tasks against male petitors. In one game shes required to wrestl

16、e with men, and in another she must crawl through a pit of mud. She goes all out to plete the missions and score a win, paying little attention to how she appears on the screen. She appears in the show without any makeup on several oasions. Her exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, despite no

17、t being being of a goddess, endear audiences. 作为节目中唯一的常驻女嘉宾, Angelababy却没有像我们预想的一样以花瓶角色出现,而是和男嘉宾一起挑战各种艰难的任务。节目中,她曾与男嘉宾角力,曾在泥坑中匍匐。为了完成任务、赢得比赛,她拼尽全力,毫不顾忌自己在荧幕上的形象。甚至好几次,她都素颜出镜。不做女神的她,面部表情夸张、肢体语言丰富,却赢得了观众们的喜爱。 “Angelababy was a surprise choice for our cast. She may have been a sweet cover girl and sexy

18、 heroine before, but now she is a superwoman with guts and responsibility,” Running Mans chief producer Yu Hangying told Sina. “Angelababy是嘉宾阵容中的惊喜之选。之前很多人认为她只是长相甜美、身材性感的女星,但现在看来,她还是个有勇气有担当的女超人。”跑男的总制片人俞杭英如是说。 In an interview with Tencent Entertainment, the actress revealed shes actually a tomboy, j

19、ust as we see on Running Man. Her favorite thing to do outside of work is to stay home and play games like League of Legends, though co-star Chen He said on a Youku talk show that Angelababy is still a total noob. 在接受腾讯娱乐的采访时,Angelababy称(现实中的)自己其实就像跑男中一样,是个假小子。她工作之余最大的爱好就是宅在家中打英雄联盟之类的游戏。不过,在微爱中出演男主的

20、陈赫在优酷的脱口秀节目中爆料,Angelababy至今还是个大菜鸟。 As reality shows have been popular for China now for a decade, perhaps audiences are more willing to warm up to stars that arent otherworldly but instead exhibit genuine character and a down-to-earth personality. Whether shes simply catering to her audience or bein

21、g true to herself, one thing is for sure Angelababys tough-girl schtick is being well-received by fans. 自从十年前真人秀节目在中国走红以来,观众们越来越青睐那些不做作、接地气的明星们。不管Angelababy(现在的表现)只是为了迎合观众,还是坚持本色,有一点是毋庸置疑的,那就是她这种女汉子的性格深得粉丝们的心。 更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训 新学期来临,你的正在招聘各俱乐部“monitor”,如the School Sports Club,the School Music Club,th

22、e School English Club等。请帮忙写一份各俱乐部招聘负责人的广告,并根据招聘广告写一份求职演讲稿。 写作要求:1.词数至少50;2.符合招聘广告及演讲求职稿的文体特征。 English monitor wanted for English club Are you free on weekends?Can you sing English songs?Are you good at speaking English?Are you good at telling English stories?We need you to help teach English. It is

23、interesting and fun. Please call Mrs. Huang at 6668866. 求职演讲稿: Hello,Im Lucy. I want to be the monitor of the English Club. I can sing English songs. Im good at speaking English,and I am good at telling English stories. Please choose me for the monitor of the English club. I promise to make the club

24、 interesting and fun. Thats all. Thank you! Unit 2 同学们,每个人都有各自的学习和生活习惯。请你写一篇英语短文,介绍你自己或其他人的日常生活与学习情况,并予以适当评价。 要求:1内容包括:起床、洗漱、上学(上班)、课外(业余)活动、睡觉等; 2内容可适当拓展; 3词数:80词左右。 参考词汇:get up,play,after that,at,when Hello,Im Tina!I always get up at six in the morning. I like to get up early and then I listen to

25、English in the radio for half an hour. After that,I brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I usually go to school with my brother at seven oclock.At twelve,I eat lunch at school. I always eat vegetables and fruits because they are good for my health.After lunch,I sometimes play pingpong with my classmate

26、s. I think its interesting so I want to join the sports club.At about five twenty,I go home. When I get home,I always do my homework first. After dinner,I never watch TV or play puter games. I either wash the dishes or read books. I go to bed at half past nine. I think I have a healthy life. Unit 3

27、假设你是Mike,你班为了了解同学们上学的交通方式,要求学生三人一组进行小组调查。请补充表格并根据表格信息,写一篇80 I live in a small town. Its only about 1 kilometer from my home to school. So I walk to school every day. I like walking and I think its good exercise. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school. For me,I really enjoy my trip to scho

28、ol. Its never boring because I am always with many friends. As for(对于) my deskmates, Tony,he es to school on his bike. He lives about 3 kilometers from home to school and he says riding brings him a lot of fun. And the bike ride needs about twenty minutes. However,he sometimes takes the bus when it

29、is rainy. For Nancy,its not easy for her to get to school because she lives far away from our school. So her mother always drives her to school every morning. It usually takes them half an hour to get to school. I think its really tiring. 在我们的生活中有许多规则或,如家规、校规、班规等。假如你是Lingling,请给你的美国笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍其

30、中的一个规则或,并说说你的感受。 Dear John, Thanks for your letter!You would like to know my class rules. Now let me tell you. I have lots of strict but helpful class rules. First,I cant be late for class. I must be on time for every class. So I have to get up early. Second,I must listen to teachers carefully in class. I cant talk with my classmates. I must be quiet in class. Third,I cant listen to music in class,but I can listen after c

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