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本文(江苏专用新高考英语一轮复习Unit1Thewrittenword教学案牛津译林版选修8.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏专用新高考英语一轮复习Unit1Thewrittenword教学案牛津译林版选修8(江苏专用)新高考英语一轮复习Unit1Thewrittenword教学案牛津译林版选修8三言两语1.I think it great fun to learn the poems written in the Tang Dynasty with you.2I would appreciate it very much if you could offer me the opportunity to work as a volunteer.3Whats more,it is better for you to

2、 join in more outdoor activities with your American friends,which may help you relax and have fun.1.这可能就是彭斯在他著名的诗歌一朵红红的玫瑰里评论玫瑰的原因。 This_is probably why Burns talked about a rose in his famous poem,A Red,Red Rose2迟早我们会让你成为一名网球选手的。Well make_a_tennis_player_of_ you sooner or later.单词拼写应用核心单词1reputation

3、 n名誉,名声2desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望3rescue n& vt.救援,营救4intend vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要5adore vt.热爱,喜爱,爱慕6abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用7debt n债务,欠款语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1She adores(adore) working with children.2He felt they had_abused(abuse) his trust by talking about him to the press.3The child was_rescued(rescue) from

4、 the fire,but died soon after of terrible burns.4We finished later than we had_intended(intend)5I need to pay off all my debts(debt) before I leave the country.拓展单词1poet n诗人poetry n诗歌poetic adj.诗歌的,诗的poetess n女诗人2character n人物,角色;性格characteristic n特征,特点 adj.典型的,独特的,特有的3novel n小说novelist n小说家4crime n

5、罪行,犯罪行为criminal n罪犯 adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的5tense adj.令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的tension n紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立6generous adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的generously adv.慷慨地;大方地generosity n慷慨,大方;宽宏大量7violent adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的violence n暴力,暴行violently adv.强烈地,激烈地8resist vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡resistant adj.有抵抗力的resistance n反抗,抵抗,抗拒9unite vi.&

6、vt.联合,团结,统一,联手reunite vt.&vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合united adj.联合的,统一的unity n团结一致,联合(体),统一(体)语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1The robbers hit them violently. They couldnt bear it any more so they decided to answer violence with violence and began their violent fightback. (violent)2These crimes were committed largely by

7、 professional criminals who lived by crime.All citizens should help the police in tracking the criminals down. (crime)3After years of united efforts,the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war. They took pride in their unity. Imagine the joyful scene when they were reuni

8、ted with their former relatives and friends.(unite)4He is a kind and generous old man and he generously contributed a lot of money to the village primary school last week. His generosity is worth admiring.(generous)5The material,which is resistant to many chemicals,has good resistance to shock. Howe

9、ver,some building bosses resist using it because of high costs.(resist)6Facing the tense atmosphere,I wanted to scream,for the tension became unbearable.(tense)7Im reading a novel The Mill on the Floss,which was written by the famous novelist,George Eliot.(novel)阅读单词1bookworm n极爱读书的人,书迷,书虫2antique n

10、古董,文物3rigid adj.死板的,固执的;坚硬的,僵直的4author n作者5theme n主题,主题思想;主题音乐6millionaire n百万富翁7home-made adj.自制的;家里做的;国产的8sneaker n运动鞋9brand new adj.全新的,崭新的10modern-day adj.现代的;当代的11supreme adj.最高的,至高无上的12widow n遗孀,寡妇1.(2019浙江卷)“At that point,I knew she meant business”,Zac says.认真,当真2(2019浙江卷)Money with no string

11、s attached.条件短语多维应用高频短语1.on_the_run 躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波2touch_on 谈及,涉及3appeal_to 吸引;呼吁4in_tune 音调准确;演奏合调5let_out 放大;泄露;发出语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空Mr.White is my uncle living in the countryside. He is always on_the_run every day to earn money.When touching_on his dream,he said he would build a school in the village

12、to get all the children to be educated. He appeals_to people to help him realize his dream.6.live_up_to 达到,符合(期望)7bent_on_(doing)_sth. 决心做某事8focus.on. 把集中在9(be)_based_on 以为基础 把比作语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空Watching the instructive film,Tom was deeply moved and regretted his wasting so much time.He

13、 was_bent_on changing himself and focused his attention on his studies,which made his parents very happy. He said he would try his best to live_up_to their expectations.e_to_ones_rescue 救援某人,帮助某人12be_intended_to_be/do_sth. 目的是作为某物/做某事13give_away 泄露;出卖;分发14consist_of 由组成15under_the_control_of 在控制下语境运

14、用选用左边短语的适当形式填空Mr.Smith,my neighbour,is a kind-hearted man,who is always ready to come_to others rescue,and often gives_away old clothes,books and money to the poor.Last year,he set up a group consisting_of 8 people,which is_intended_to help those in need.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.“使役动词/感官动词宾语宾语补足语”结构This

15、makes them difficult for some people to read,so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.夏天让我充满活力,我觉得我有力量做我生活中最困难的事情。Summer makes_me_full_of_energy and I feel I have the strength to do the most difficult things in my life.2.“ get动词-ed形式”既可作被动结构也可作系表结构,作被动结构时,强调动作的发生;作系表结构时,强调状态的变化Oliver gets ar

16、rested by the police and is taken to court.(2019浙江卷)通常,想法越奇怪,越能引起人们的关注。Usually,the stranger the idea is,the more it gets_noticed.1desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望(1)be desperate for sth.渴望某物be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事in desperate need of非常需要(2)desperately adv.极其,非常;绝望地be desperate for a job渴望(找到

17、)一份工作be absolutely desperate to see you极想见到你a desperate bid for freedom孤注一掷争取自由的努力in desperate need of love and attention非常需要爱心和关怀基础练习单句语法填空The increasing poverty,crime and war tell us that the world is in desperate need of true love.There may be something missing in your life that you desperately (

18、desperate) want.Were all pulling for each other because were desperate to_win(win) the Cup back.能力提升一句多译显然,他生活很困难,急需一份工作。(desperate)Obviously,he_lives_a_hard_life_and_is_desperate_for_a_job.(be desperate for sth.)Obviously,he_lives_a_hard_life_and_is_desperate_to_find_a_job.(be desperate to do sth.)

19、2vain adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的(1)a vain attempt/effort徒劳的尝试/努力in vain徒劳地;无意义地try in vain to do sth.枉费心机地试图做某事(2)vainly adv.徒劳地;不成功地;白费力气地in a vain attempt to hold back无法忍住try in vain to persuade her to go极力劝说她去,却枉费一番口舌All our efforts were in vain我们所有的努力都付诸东流了基础练习单句语法填空She made a vain attempt to persuade

20、 him to lend her money.We vainly (vain) tried to find out the strangers name and occupation.He stopped at the door,waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.能力提升一句多译我已经非常努力地想找到这个问题的解决方法,但是白费力气。I_have_tried_very_hard_to_find_a_solution_to_the_problem,but_ in_vain. (vain)I_have_vainly_tried_

21、very_hard_to_find_a_solution_to_the_problem.(vainly)3resist vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡(1)resist doing sth.反对做某事cant resist doing sth.cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事(2)resistant adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的be resistant to对有抵抗力(3)resistance n抵制,抗拒;反对resistance to.对的抵制cant resist asking her about the news忍不住问她这个消息resist doing these

22、kind of boring things反对做这种烦人的事情be resistent to change反对变革基础练习单句语法填空They find these kinds of things extremely boring,and they will resist doing (do)them.The greatest resistance (resist),however,may come from the industry itself.Any organization with rich personnel tends to be resistant (resist) to ra

23、pid change.Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to diseases.I bet you cant resist laughing (laugh)at these funny and crazy sports images taken at the right moment.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达)The boy couldnt help showing off his being praised by the teacher on arriving home.(高级表达)The boy cou

24、ldnt resist showing off his being praised by the teacher on arriving home.4rescue n& vt.救援,营救(1)come/go to sb.s rescue前来/去救某人(2)rescue sb.from.从营救某人rescue sth.from.使某物免于resuce a child from drowning救起一名落水儿童came to their rescue with a generous donation慷慨解囊挽救了他们in a daring sea rescue在一次惊心动魄的海上营救行动中基础练习

25、单句语法填空A big rescue operation has been launched for a ship missing in the English Channel.When you are in danger,well come to your rescue.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达)Helicopters saved nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.(高级表达)Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning buil

26、ding.5reputation n名誉;声望;名声have a good/bad reputation名声好/坏have a reputation for sth.因而著名,以闻名live up to ones reputation名不虚传;名副其实lose/ruin ones reputation名誉扫地earn/establish/build a reputation赢得/确立/树立声誉be of great/good/high reputation很有声望的;享有盛名的have a good reputation in their hometown他们在家乡名声很好have an in

27、ternational reputation as a centre of excellence作为一流的学术中心享誉海内外have a good reputation for his novel因为他的小说而出名基础练习单句语法填空So far the few that have persuaded readers to pay for news online tend to have a reputation for distinctive coverage.He was once a TV programme host of great reputation,especially fam

28、ous for holding quiz programmes.A Beijing resident said,“I often buy food and other products that are popular and have a good reputation.”American beer barley has excellent qualities,and Canadian beer barley is of high reputation.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达)The director is well known for his excellent films in th

29、e world.(高级表达)The director has_a_good_reputation for his excellent films in the world.6intend vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要(1)intend to do/doing sth.打算做某事had intended to do sth.本来打算做某事intend do sth.打算让某人做某事intend sth.for.为准备某物(2)intended adj.故意的,有意的;打算中的be intended for 为准备/设计的be intended to be/do sth.目的是作为某

30、物/做某事(3)intention n意图,目的,企图have no intention of.无意with the intention of doing/to do.抱有做的目的/打算intend to pay for the damage打算赔偿损失intend staying long打算长期逗留be intended for children为儿童准备的基础练习单句语法填空I intended to_visit/visiting (visit) him,but I was afraid I would disturb him.Their expedition was intended to_prepare (prepare) them for their lifelong dream of climbing Mount Everest.This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry.We come here with the intention (intend) of learning knowledge.能力提升句型转换He apologizes for his comments an

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