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2102工商银行校园招聘 英语部分专项练习六.docx

1、2102工商银行校园招聘 英语部分专项练习六工商银行招聘考试英语部分练专项练习(六)Part I Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark th

2、e corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1 The great bulk of expert opinion is that owing a gun undermines rather than increases safety: the function of discouraging burglars or other criminals is more than offset by other factors. First come the suici

3、des: in 1986,18,153 people shot themselves to death. No one on knows how many might have lived if they had been unable to pick up a gun and how many might have merely chosen other means to end their lives. But surely the presence of a loaded gun in a bureau drawer must have tempted many, particular

4、teens, to yield to a black depression that might have lifted had the means to carry out the dark wish not been so readily available.Then come the accidental shootings, many by foolish guys who never bother to learn how to handle their weapons. More heartbreaking are the frequent incidents of childre

5、n picking up their parents guns and finding out in the most disastrous way that they are not toys; for example, an eight-year-old boy who shot his six-year-old sister dead last week in Fairfax. Then there are the quarrels between spouses, between parents and their children, between neighbors and fri

6、ends that suddenly turn fatal because one or both can pick up a gun. Police commonly estimate that if a household gun is ever used at all, it is six times as likely to be fired at a member of the family or a friend as at an intruder. (It is even more likely, says Dr. Carl Bell, a Chicago psychiatris

7、t, that the gun will be stolen; gun are prime targets for burglars because they can be easily and profitably sold to other criminals.)And finally, in the relatively rare shoot-outs between householders and burglars that do occur, it might easily be the burglar who proves more skilled in handling his

8、 guns and the householder who winds up in morgue(停尸房).Adding all types of deaths together, Mercy and Houk, researchers from the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control, point out that “during the last two years, the number of people who died of injuries inflicted by firearms in the United States e

9、xceeded the number of casualties during the entire 8.5-year Viet Nam conflict.” Mercy and Houk judged that “injury from firearms is a public-health problem whose toll is unacceptable.” Another group of researchers presented evidence that lax U.S. gun laws might be to blame. The team, headed by emerg

10、ency room surgeon John Henry Sloan, studied a pair of cities just 140 miles apart: Seattle and Vancouver. The two cities had similar unemployment rates, household incomes, law-enforcement policies and even favorite TV shows. Two differences: in Canada, handgun ownership is tightly restricted; in Was

11、hington State, guns are more easily purchased. And between 1980 and 1986 Seattle had 388 homicides, vs. 204 Vancouver.1. According to most experts, possessing a gun _.A) can not guarantee your safetyB) does more than assure you safetyC) leads to more suicidesD) can only frighten thieves2. “To carry

12、out the dark wish” in the last sentence of the first paragraph means _.A) killing oneselfB) shooting othersC) yielding to depressionD) picking up a gun3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A) Many children become the victims of playing gunsB) A household gun is more likely to aim at a fam

13、iliar personC) Accidental shootings often happen when people are quarrellingD) A gun at home is very likely to be taken away by burglars4. The word “lax” in the first sentence of the last paragraph most probably means_.A) differentB) unrestrictedC) funnyD) not strict5. The author cites the two citie

14、s as an example to demonstrate that _.A) what matters is to carry out the gun lawsB) all states must have the same gun lawsC) gun ownership must be strictly restrictedD) gun laws have little effectPassage 2 Ever since Darwins theory of evolution, biologists have assumed that environments teeming wit

15、h complex forms of life served as the nurseries of evolution. But two recent papers in Science magazine have turned that notion on its head. Last month some biologists reported that in the ocean it is the relatively barren areas that serve as “evolutionary crucibles(熔炉),” not regions with great dive

16、rsity of species. Other researchers announced this summer that the Arctic, not the rain forest, spawned many plants and animals that later migrated to North America. Says John Sepkoski of the University of Chicago, “Harsh environments may be producing the major changes in the history of life.” These

17、 “changes” do not result merely in a longer tail or a bigger claw for an existing species but, rather, in dramatic leaps up the evolutionary ladder a rare innovation that comes along once in a million years. In the Arctic, reports Leo Hickey of Yale University, the innovations ran to forms never bef

18、ore seen on earth. By dating fossils from many geologic layers, he concluded that large grazing animals first appeared in the Arctic and migrated to temperate places a couple of million years or so later. Among plants, species of redwood and birch originated in polar regions some 18 millions years b

19、efore they showed up in the south. Examining fossils as old as 570 million years, Chicagos Sepkoski found that shell-less, soft-bodied creatures were suddenly replaced by trilobites(三叶虫), then by the more advanced clam-like animals. These changes, he notes, “first become common near shore.” That sur

20、prised him an environment with as few species as exist in the near shore, and with such a poor record of producing new species, seems an unlikely place for biological innovation. But when Jablonski dated fossils of 100 million years ago, he found that during this era, too, the near shore spawned bio

21、logical breakthroughs more sophisticated sea creatures that move and find food in ocean sediments instead of passively filtering whatever floats by.The findings are too new to apply to human evolution, but at first glance they seem to fit the facts. Anthropologists believe that our ancestors became

22、fully human only after they left their secure life in the trees for the harsh world of savanna(plain without trees). There, the demanding conditions triggered that most human of traits, the large brain, and the most profound evolutionary step of all was taken.6. Two recent papers in Science magazine

23、 claim to have found evidence which contradicts the traditional notion that _.A) relatively harsh environments are the nurseries of evolutionB) evolution occurred in regions with biological diversityC) new forms of life come into being in near-shore areasD) species of birch and redwood originated in

24、 the south7. According to Leo Hickey of Yale University, which of the following may have spawned more advanced species of land animals?A) The barren ocean floorB) The ArcticC) The rain forestD) Temperate Zones8. The word “innovations” in the second paragraph means _.A) New theory B) New phenomenon C

25、) Changes D) New inventions9. How would anthropologists take the new findings?A) They would look at them dubiouslyB) They would eagerly apply them to the study of human evolutionC) They would challenge them, though at first glance they tend to look at them favorablyD) They would most probably think

26、the new findings fit well into their theory10. Which of the following may be an appropriate title of the passage ?A) Darwins Theory ModifiedB) How Animals EvolveC) Evolution in Hard PlacesD) Where Did Large Sea Animals OriginatePassage 3 A classic series of experiments to determine the effects of ov

27、erpopulation on communities of rats was conducted by a psychologist, John Calhoun. In each experiment, an equal number of male and female adult rats were placed in an enclosure. The rat populations were allowed to increase. Calhoun knew from experience approximately how many rats could live in the e

28、nclosures without experiencing stress due to overcrowding. He allowed the population to increase to approximately twice this number. Then he stabilized the population by removing offspring that were not dependent on their mothers. At the end of the experiments, Calhoun was able to conclude that over

29、crowding causes a breakdown in the normal social relationships among rats, a kind of social disease. The rats in the experiments did not follow the same patterns of behavior as rats would in a community without overcrowding. The females in the rat population were the most seriously affected by the h

30、igh population density. For example, mothers sometimes abandoned their pups, and, without their mothers care, the pups died. The experiments verified that in overpopulated communities, mother rats do not behave normally. Their behavior may be considered diseased, pathological (病理学的). The dominant ma

31、les in the rat population were the least affected by over population. Each of these strong males claimed an area of the enclosure as his own. Therefore, these individuals did not experience the overcrowding in the same way as the other rats did. However, dominant males did behave pathologically at t

32、imes. Their antisocial behavior consisted of attacks on weaker male, female, and immature rats. This deviant behavior showed that even though the dominant males had enough living space, they too were affected by the general overcrowding. Non-dominant males in the experimental rat communities also exhibited deviant social behavior. Some withdrew completely, avoiding contact with other rats. Other non-dominant males were hyperactive, chasing other rats and fighting each other. The behavior of the rat population h

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