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1、高考英语考纲解读与热点难点突破专题21书面表达教学案专题21 书面表达【破解高分锦囊】1.卷面书写很重要。卷面的美观直接影响评分标准。每天练习一张16开高考形式的练字纸,背诵书面表达范文后默写到练字纸上,集中训练34周,养成良好的书写习惯后注意保持。字体先摹后临,用0.5以上的中性笔或者钢笔书写。书写时,适当降低占上中格的辅音字母的高度,这样写出来的字母饱满圆润,美观大方。写错了的单词画一条线或两条线,切勿涂抹。2.背诵积累是硬道理。学英语就是模仿,英语句子是背诵模仿出来的,不是自己创造出来的,因此加强篇章、语段、句式以及衔接词的背诵仿写非常重要。3.强化限时训练。平日训练时间要少于考场上的写

2、作时间,考试时才能从容不迫。4.养成修改习惯。养成自我检查的习惯,加强自我检查能力的训练。有些错误学生能自我纠正,因此写完后一定要再次检查。5.运用写作小技巧。如果词数不够,增加上下过渡强调的万能句式,可以用短语代替单词,学会替换表达。【方法技巧】技巧一词汇高级,“语”众不同高级词汇就像一颗颗耀眼的明珠,为作文添彩,从而使考生稳拿高分。选词时应注意两点:1不“人云亦云”原则写作时恰当使用其他考生可能想象不到的词汇会给阅卷老师耳目一新的感觉。如attractappeal to吸引Its certain that the amazing scenery along the river will a

3、ppeal to you.河沿岸美丽的风景肯定会吸引你。be active inget actively involved in积极参与I will get actively involved in the volunteer work for the 13th National Games to be held in Tianjin.我将积极参与即将在天津举行的第13届全运会。be busy withbe absorbed/engaged in忙于With the college entrance examination drawing near,Im engaged in/absorbed

4、 in preparing for it.随着高考的临近,我正忙于准备考试。chanceopportunity机会I wish you could take advantage of this opportunity to learn Chinese traditional culture further.我希望你能利用这次机会进一步学习中国传统文化。do well inhave a good command of做得好(陕西卷满分作文)I have such a good command of English that Im elected as assistant to my Englis

5、h teacher.我精通英语被选为英语老师的课代表。helplend a helping hand帮助I wonder if you could lend me a hand to polish my application.我想知道你是否能帮我润色我的申请信。2短语优先原则短语的意思往往比单个单词的意思更为饱满,因此考生宜利用短语巧妙表达文章的意思。如besidesin addition/whats more另外In addition,there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot.另外,著名艺术

6、家会现场表演如何剪纸。considertake.into consideration/account考虑I would really appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration.如果您考虑我的请求我将不胜感激。manya large number of许多I remembered you showed me a large number of photos on the theme the last time you visited our school.我记得你上次来我们学校时给我看了许多关于这个主题的照片。re

7、memberkeep/bear in mind记住What you should keep in mind is that you have to apply for membership before the deadline.记住在截止日期前申请会员资格。understandhave a better understanding of理解nly through the activity can you have a better understanding of the Chinese traditional culture.只有通过这个活动你才能理解这个节日。verymore than非

8、常Im more than delighted to receive your letter and know youre coming to China.收到你的信,知道你要来中国我很开心。技巧二句式生动,文采卓然书面表达中的句子如果都是简单句一定得不了高分,精彩句式的合理使用会使文章读起来抑扬顿挫。因此应多使用一些高级句式和复合句,让句子“靓”起来。1陈述不如倒装妙倒装句是一种简单易行的使句子呈现亮点的方法。开头用否定词、地点状语、only状语,so形容词/副词that,形容词as主语So diligent are you that Im more than delighted to te

9、ach you.你这么勤奋我很乐意教你。2强调省略很精彩强调句可以突出强调某一部分内容,吸引读者的注意,而省略句可以使句子更简洁、明快。(福建卷满分作文)It is the sprit that the story conveys that really matters.这个故事所传递的精神最为重要。As scheduled,an art exhibition will be held next Sunday in the local museum.按照计划,下周日将在当地博物馆举行艺术展。3主动不如被动巧被动语态符合英语表达习惯,如在文章中利用两个被动语态的句子,会使整篇文章句式丰富。You

10、r timely help will be very much appreciated by me.我会非常感激你及时的帮助。4分词结构不可少To get admitted,I have made good preparations,trying to know as much as I could about my city.为了被录取,我做了充分准备,努力深入了解天津。5虚拟语气最委婉虚拟语气在写作中的使用可以使表达更委婉,更吸引阅卷老师的注意力。Without your kindness and generosity,I would not have enjoyed myself so

11、much when visiting England.没有你的善良和慷慨,在英国旅行时我就不会玩得这么开心。6各类从句添亮点(陕西卷满分作文)You mentioned youd like to teach English in return,which is exactly what Im dying for.(定语从句和名词性从句)你提到作为回报你可以教英语,这是我一直期望的。My advice is that you should take this opportunity to participate in our school team.(名词性从句)我建议你利用这次机会加入我们校队

12、。技巧三过渡巧妙,完美文章过渡词语就像纽带一样把文章紧紧连接起来,更像润滑剂,使文章衔接流畅。1文章或段落起始常用的过渡词语to begin with(首先),first of all(第一,首先),in the first place(首先),as you know(如你所知),as is known to all (众所周知),as is shown in(正如展示的那样)2文章或段落结尾常用的过渡词语therefore/thus(因此),in conclusion(总之,最后),in brief(简言之),to sum up(总而言之),in a word(总之),generally s

13、peaking(总体上讲),on the whole(总的说来)3常用的表示先后次序的过渡词语first(第一),second(第二),next(其次,然后),last but not least(最后但同样重要),after that(之后),eventually(最后,最终),since then(从那以后),afterwards(以后,后来),meanwhile(同时),immediately(立刻),finally(最后,最终)强烈推荐以下组合适用于两点的情况:on the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another。适用于

14、三点或以上的情况:to begin with,then,furthermore,finally;to start with,next,in addition,last but not least;most important of all,moreover,finally。4常用的表示因果关系的过渡词语accordingly/consequently(因此,所以),for this reason(由于这个原因),as a result of(作为结果),in this way(这样),due to/thanks to(由于),therefore/thus(因此),because of(由于)5

15、常用的表示比较和对比的过渡词语in contrast with(与相比),similarly(同样),on the contrary(相反),different from(与不同),on the other hand(另一方面)6常用的表示举例的过渡词语a case in point(恰当的例子),that is to say(也就是说),for instance/example(例如)7常用的表示强调的过渡词语furthermore/moreover(而且),besides(此外),in fact(实际上),also(而且,也),indeed(的确),in particular(尤其,特别)

16、,naturally(当然)【题型示例】题型一 书信邮件类 【题型特点】1.书信和电子邮件是全国卷书面表达最热门的考查形式2.常考类型:邀请信、道歉信、询问信、建议信、求助信、约稿信、申请信等9组不可不记的书信类万用句式1道歉信(1)吸引阅卷人开头句Im writing to apologize for./I am writing to say sorry for.我写这封信是因道歉。I am writing to express/convey my heartfelt apology to you.我写信向你表达真切的歉意。(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句I am sorry for my not b

17、eing able to attend your party due to the fact that.我非常抱歉不能参加晚会是因为The reason why I fail to show up is that I have something urgent to attend to.我未能出现的原因是我有急事要处理。(2)吸引阅卷人结尾句I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.我真心希望你能理解我的处境/设身处地地为我考虑,并接受我的道歉。On

18、ce again,Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。2求助信(1)吸引阅卷人开头句Im writing to you to ask whether you could do me a favor.我写信是想问您能否帮助我。Im sorry to bother you,but I have some difficulties here and I need your help.很抱歉打扰您,但我有些困难需要得到您的帮助。I have some difficulty in doing.which bothers me a lo

19、t.So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.我在做方面有困难,这很困扰我。所以我别无选择只能向您求助。(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句I cant concentrate on my lessons these days,and I failed in the last exam,which worries me a lot.这些日子我不能专心学习,上次考试我没有及格,这使我很着急。Facing/Faced with so many difficulties,I have to turn to you for help.面对如此多的问题,我不得不向

20、您求助。(3)吸引阅卷人结尾句I will be very grateful if you could help me./I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor and.如果您能帮助我我会非常感激。Id appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration/account.如果您能考虑我的请求,我将不胜感激。3感谢信(1)吸引阅卷人开头句Im extremely grateful/thankful to you for your unselfish assistanc

21、e during.感谢你在期间给予我无私的帮助。Im writing to convey/express my gratitude for your kind/generous help during.我写信感谢您在期间对我友好/慷慨的帮助。I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.我想,借此机会表达对您给予我们及时的帮助和支持的感谢。(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句Many thanks for all the things you

22、 have done in helping us to.非常感谢您为帮助我们所做的一切。Thanks to your generous/selfless/kind help,without which I wouldnt have made such great progress.多亏你慷慨的/无私的/友好的帮助,没有你的帮助,我就不会取得这么大的进步。(3)吸引阅卷人结尾句It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and I appreciate it more than I can say.你对我如此慷慨,我真是感激不尽。I wis

23、h there were a better word than“thanks”to express my appreciation for your generous help.任何语言都不能表达我的真挚谢意。I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by.如果我有机会通过报答你的好意,我会非常高兴。4建议信(1)吸引阅卷人开头句I have learned that you have some trouble in.and I would like to give/offer yo

24、u the following suggestions.我知道你在方面有困难,因此我想给你提如下一些建议。Youve asked me for advice with regard to/regarding.and Ill try to make some useful/helpful/practical suggestions here.关于你向我征求建议,在此,我尽量提出一些有用的/有帮助的/实用的建议。When it comes to/As for.,the following are my suggestions./My suggestions are as follows.当涉及/关

25、于,我的建议如下。Im writing to give you some suggestions/give you a hand.我写这封信的目的是给你一些建议/帮助。(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句In my opinion/As far as Im concerned/Personally,it would be wise to take the following action.在我看来,采取如下行动是明智的。When it comes to/As for.,I would like to suggest/advise/recommend you should.当涉及/关于,我建议你应该I thi

26、nk it would be of great benefit/very beneficial if you.我认为如果,将会受益。 a good/great/better choice.做是一个好的/棒的/更好的选择。(3)吸引阅卷人结尾句I will be glad if you will take my advice/suggestions into consideration.如果你能考虑我的建议我将非常高兴。I hope you will find my suggestions/advice helpful/useful/practical/beneficial.我希

27、望你认为我的建议有帮助/有用/实用/有益。5邀请信(1)吸引阅卷人开头句Its my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to join us.非常荣幸地邀请你加入我们。I wonder if I/we have the honor to invite you to the party.我想知道我/我们是否能有幸邀请你参加派对。Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth F

28、estival.我想邀请您一起去参观(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句We are having/planning.On.(date)and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us.我们定于(日期)(活动),如果你能来参加就太好了。The following are some details about./Here are some details about./Some details about.are as follows.的细节如下。To begin with,we will.Besides,there will be a numbe

29、r of/various activities such as.which will.首先,我们将,此外,将会有许多活动,例如这将(3)吸引阅卷人结尾句I do hope you will accept our/my invitation if it is convenient to you.我真心希望你方便的话能接受我们/我的邀请。We/I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your early/earliest convenience.如果你能尽早在你方便时确认参加,我们/我将不胜感激。6咨询信(1

30、)吸引阅卷人开头句I have seen your advertisement and Id like to know something more about your sixweek English course.我看了你们的广告,我想更多地了解Im writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/concerning.我写信想看看你是否能提供一些关于的具体信息。I am.I wonder if you could provide some specific information about.我是我想知道你是否能提供一些关于的具体信息。I wonder/am wondering if you could/would let me know something about.不知道你是否能够告知有关的情况。(2)吸引阅卷人篇中句I would like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.我想知道是否Another point I am not certain about is.我还不确定的另外一点是(3)吸引阅卷人结尾句Coul

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