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1、五年级英语情景专项训练五 年 级 英语情景专项训练(请家长下载 督促学生完成 这些试题课上均讲过)1.你想了解对方什么时候睡觉,你应该说:( )A. What do you get up ? B. When do you get up? C. When do you go to bed?2. 你想知道今天是星期几,你可以问:( )A. What time is it ? B. What day is it today? C. Whats the weather like today?3. 你想知道同学中谁的生日在二月,你会问( )A When is your birthday? B What

2、time is your birthday? C Who has a birthday in February?4. 你在问别人问题之前,应有礼貌地说:( )A.Sorry B. I ask you . C. Excuse me.5.你是电视台记者,在采访姚明前,你应说:( )A. Can I ask you some questions? B. How old are you ? C. Are you Yao Ming?6. 你想邀请朋友和你一起去远足,你应该说:( )A.Do you go hiking? B. Yes, lets go . C. Lets go.7. 你想了解对方周末做什

3、么,你应说:( )A.What time is it now? B. What day is it today? C. What do you have on the weekend?8. 你想问今天的天气如何,你应说:( )A.What time is it now? B. What day is it today? C. Whats the weather like today?9. 你想了解对方是干什么的,你可以说:( )A.What can you do ? B.What do you do ? C. Who are you ?10. 别人对你表示感谢,你可以这样回答:( )A.You

4、re welcome. B. Dont thank me. C. All right.11. 你想问同学今天上什么课,你可以说:( )A.What do you do today? B. What do you have today? C. What do you have for lunch today?12. 你想了解别人最喜欢那个季节,你应说:( )A.What do you like ? B. What s your favourite season? C. Whats your favourite food?13. Mike 问起你的身体状况,他可以这样问:( )A.Good mor

5、ning. B. How are you ? C. Whats your name ?14. 你想问对方想不想和你去种树,你应说:( )A. Do you like to plant trees with me ? B. Would you like to plant trees with me ?C.Lets plant trees together.15.你想告诉对方该走了。你应说:( )A.Its time to go . B. Hurry up. C. What time do you go ? 16.你想问一下现在几点,你可以说:( )A. What day is it today?

6、 B. Whats the time now? C. Whats the weather like now?17. 如果你想了解去北京的最佳时间,你应说:( )A.When is the best time to go to Beijing? B. When do yo want to go to Beijing?C. Whats the weather like in Beijing?18. 如果你是售货员,顾客来到你的店,你应说:( )A.Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C. Do you want?19. 同学祝你儿童节快乐,你可以这样回答:( )

7、A.Happy Childrens Day. B.Happy New Year. C. Thank you.20. 你想知道别人的生日是不是在三月,你应说:( )A.Is your birthday in March? B. What month is it ? C. When is your birthday21. A. 你想问别人今天是几月几日,你应说:( )A.Whats the date today? B.What day is it today? C What is it ?.22.三月八号那天,你可以对妈妈说:( )A.Happy Mothers Day! B. Happy Tea

8、chers Day! C. Happy Womens Day!23. 描述秋天的天气,你应说:( )A.Its windy and cold in fall. B. Its windy and cool in fall C.Its sunny and hot in fall.24. 朋友建议和你一起做生日卡片,你同意了,你可以说:( )A.Good idea. B.Youre welcome. C. I dont like.25. 你想知道对方的年龄,你可以说:( )A. Where are you from? B. How are you ? C. How old are you?26. 第

9、一次和陌生人见面,你应说:( )A.How are you doing? B.How are you ? C. How do you do ?27. 如果你想问Lily 的妈妈的身体状况,你应说:( )A.What s your mother like ? B.Is your mother pretty? C. How is your mother?28. 你想了解别人什么时候生日,你应说:( )A. Do you have a birthday? B. When do you get up ? C. When is your birthday?29.如果你想告诉别人,你在做饭,你应说:( )

10、A. I am cooking dinner. B. I can cook. C. I often cook dinner.30. 如果你不小心撞到了别人,你应说: ( )A.Its OK. B. Im sorry. C. Can you walk? 31. 朋友对你说”Happy birthday” ,你怎样回答: ( )A Dont say that. B Thank you. C The same to you.32. 如果你想找张鹏听电话,你应对他妈妈说:( )A.Where is Zhang Peng. B. Who are you ? C. Can I speak to Zhang

11、 Peng?33.迈克一副无精打采的样子,你应对他说:( )A.Come on, Mike. B. What are you doing? C. Just do it.34. 姑姑来电话找你妈妈,你叫她别挂电话,你应说:( )A.Who are you ? B.Whos that? C. Whos this?35. 在电话里想知道对方是谁,你应说:( )A.Who are you ? B. Whos that ? C. Whos this?36.你想知道别人爸爸的身体状况,你应说:( )A. What is your father? B. How is your father ? C.What

12、s your father doing?37. 在电话中介绍自己,你可以这样说:( )A.My name is Mike. B. This is Mike. C. I am Mike.38.你叫爸爸来听电话时,你应说:( )A.Theres a call for you , dad. B. What are you doing, dad? C. Just wait and see.39. 你想叫别人过来看看,你应说:( )A.May I have a look? B. Look at the monkey? C. Come and have a look.40.如果你想问对方会不会游泳,你应说

13、:( )A.Can you swim? B. What can you do ? C.Do you swim?41.你想了解陈洁的奶奶的样子,你问陈洁:( )A.Hows your grandma? B.Whats your grandma? C. Whats your grandma like?42. 同学告诉你今天是他的生日 ,你首先会说:( )A. Have a good time. B. Ill give a present to you. C Happy birthday.43.如果对方找你妈妈听电话,她不在家,你应说:( )A.I cant help you. B.Sorry, M

14、om isnt at home. C. Who are you ?44.你想告诉对方有两只老虎走过来,你应说:( )A.Here come two tigers. B.I can see two tigers. C. Can you see the tigers?45.别人想你道谢时,你可以这样回答:( )A.Thats all right. B.Im sorry. C. All right. 46你想知道约翰在哪里,你应说?( )A.Who is John? B.Where is John? C. What is John doing?47.你是售货员,你看见顾客进来,你应说:( )A.What do you want? B.What do you like ? C. Can I help you ?48.你想告诉别人你正在过来的路上,你应说:( )A.Im coming. B.Ita time to go . C.I am here now.49.如果你想要别人告诉你,你应说:( )A.Let me ask you . B.Please. C. Tell me, please.50.电话铃响,你想知道是谁打来的电话,你应该问:( )A.Who are you ? B.Whos that? C.Whos this?

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