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1、春节英语演讲稿8篇春节英语演讲稿8篇English speech for Spring Festival春节英语演讲稿8篇小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达 主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。本文简要目录如

2、下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:春节英语演讲稿 2、篇章2:春节英语演讲稿 3、篇章3:春节英语演讲稿 4、篇章4:春节英语演讲稿 5、篇章5:春节英语演讲稿 6、篇章6:春节英语演讲稿 7、篇章7:春节英语演讲稿 8、篇章8:春节英语演讲稿篇章1:春节英语演讲稿 When clock is belling,my heart ripple along with it,to distant with you,transmit my missing,to be joyful!My dear friend! Please op

3、en the window,let the new years wind blow your room and the snow flying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart! Flowers are disseminationing fragrant,friendship transmissing warm,hope us to brimming in a happy year,wishes you: Happy New Year! Best wishes! Does not experience the wind and rain, how

4、 can see the rainbow?nobody can casually succeed!So refuel!The same as New year! Missing are a smell of flower fragrance,inundated the mountain valley,cover your and me,and blessing are the boundless attention,overflow the eye,until the heart.We hugging and listening the new yearclock,just like list

5、ening the breath of annual,crowding around our same dream,making the sincerly blessing with the ture love,Happy New Year! My dear friend!wish you happy usually,have the vitality continually,still have happiness and content,Im very happy to cooperate with you in the past year,hoped you best wishes in

6、 the new year!The breeze lightly strokes,the white clouds far pass,in my heart was the eternal friendship,willing my blessing is the most freshest,and you will take it to your heart! 零点钟声敲响,我的心随它荡漾,向远方的你,传达我的思念 新春快乐!我的朋友! 请你打开窗,让新春的风吹进你的屋子,让新春的雪飞进你的屋子,让我新春的祝愿,飘进你的心坎。 花儿散播芬芳,友谊传递温暖,让我们欢愉在洋溢希望的一年,祝你:新

7、年快乐!万事如意!不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更同! 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷。笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛。直到心底。你我相拥倾听新年的钟声犹如年轮的呼吸,簇拥着我们共同的梦,满心的爱意化作真挚的祝福新年快乐! 我的朋友!愿你时时高兴欢喜,分分充满朝气,秒秒幸福美满,很高兴和您在过去的一年中的合作,希望您在新的一年里万事如意!心想事成!微风轻拂,白云远逝,曾在我心中的是永恒的友情,愿我寄予你的这份祝福是最新鲜最令你难忘的篇章2:春节英语演讲稿【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Spring Festival Spring Festival is the

8、 Chinese New Year Day. I enjoy it very much. On the Chinese New Year Day, some of our relatives come to visit us. They often give me some lucky money. Then I would play with their children. We often play firecrakers together, which is quite interesting. At night the whole family would sit together,

9、talking and watching TV programmes. Sometimes we take pictures of the whole family members in the house. I often go to bed late during the holiday, but I dont feel fired at all. I think the Spring Festival is the most enjoyable day for every family in China. 春节是中国的大年初一。我非常喜欢。对中国的元旦,我们的一些亲戚来看望我们。他们经常

10、给我一些压岁钱。然后,我将与他们的孩子玩。我们经常玩鞭炮在一起,这是很有趣的。 到了晚上,全家人会坐在一起,聊天,看电视节目。有时候,我们把整个家庭成员在家里的照片。我经常睡觉在长假后期,但我不觉得解雇的。我认为春节是最愉快的一天,每一个中国家庭。篇章3:春节英语演讲稿【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 January first. The beginning of a new year. As far back in history as we can tell, people have celebrated the start of a new year. The people of anci

11、ent Egypt began their new year in summer. That is when the Nile River flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land. The people of ancient Babylonia and Persia began their new year on March twenty-first, the first day of spring. And, some Native American Indians began their new year wh

12、en the nuts of the oak tree became ripe. That was usually in late summer. Now, almost everyone celebrates New Years Day on January first. Today, as before, people observe the New Years holiday in many different ways. The ancient Babylonians celebrated by forcing their king to give up his crown and r

13、oyal clothing. They made him get down on his knees and admit all the mistakes he had made during the past year. This idea of admitting wrongs and finishing the business of the old year is found in many societies at new years. So is the idea of making resolutions. A resolution is a promise to change

14、your ways. To stop smoking, for example. Or to get more physical exercise. Noise-making is another ancient custom at the new year. The noise is considered necessary to chase away the evil spirits of the old year. People around the world do different things to make a lot of noise. They may hit sticks

15、 together. Or beat on drums. Or blow horns. Or explode fireworks. Americans celebrate the New Year in many ways. Most do not have to go to work or school. So they visit family and friends. Attend church services. Share a holiday meal. Or watch new years parades on television. Two of the most famous

16、parades are the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Both have existed for many years. Americans also watch football on television on New Years Day. Most years, university teams play in special holiday games. For those who have been busy at work

17、or school, New Years may be a day of rest. They spend the time thinking about, and preparing for, the demands of the new year. 1月1号。新的一年的开始。早在历史可以告诉我们,人们庆祝新的一年的开始。 古埃及的人民开始了他们新的一年里在夏季。也就是说,当尼罗河淹没了河岸,带来的水和生育的土地。古巴比伦和波斯的人开始了他们新的一年三月二十一,春天的第一天。而且,一些美国土著印第安人开始了他们新的一年时,栎树的坚果变得成熟。这是通常在夏末。 现在,几乎每个人都庆祝元旦1月1

18、号。如今,像以前一样,人们观察(此处作“庆祝”讲)新年假期在许多不同的方式。 古巴比伦人,迫使他们的王庆祝放弃他的王冠和王室的服装。他们让他得到跪下,承认所有他在过去一年所取得的错误。 承认过错并整理旧年的经营这个想法是在许多社会在新的一年里的发现。那么,在做出决定的想法。分辨率是一个承诺来改变自己的行为。停止吸烟,例如。或者获得更多的体育锻炼。 发声的是另一种古老的习俗,在新的一年。噪声被认为有必要赶走旧年的煞气。世界各地的人们做不同的事情,使大量的噪音。他们可能会在一起敲击棍棒。或是击鼓。或是吹号。或是放烟花。 美国人庆祝新年在许多方面。 大多数人没有去上班或上学。因此,他们参观的家人和朋

19、友。参加礼拜。共享节日大餐。或在电视上观看新年游行。其中最著名的两个游行是哑剧演员的游行在费城,宾夕法尼亚州和玫瑰花车游行在帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州。两者已存在多年。 美国人也看电视上的足球赛在元旦。大多数年份,大学球队在特殊的节日游戏玩。 对于那些谁一直忙于工作或上学,新年可能是一个休息日。他们花时间思考和准备,新的一年的需求。篇章4:春节英语演讲稿【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Today is World Book Day, let us work together to remember the readers festival. April 23 is the mean day of

20、world literature, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Vega and many other world-famous writers born or died that day. In 1995, UNESCO this day each year as World Book Day to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. In recent years, the World Book Day has become a holiday country many readers. Bacon

21、 said: Reading is to create a complete personality. For this reason, all countries regardless of level or civilian, regarded as a part of school life, and is a very important part. Even in highly developed network of the United States, the number of public library cardholders still as high as 148 mi

22、llion, that is one person every two Americans to hold reader card; According to statistics, the American people to the number of public libraries who are watching football, basketball, baseball, hockey combined total of more than five times the number of people. * Human world famous love of reading

23、in the Moscow subway, readily visible intellectuals who look carefully read intently. Moreover, these holding readers are reading voluminous care Weng Weng Tuo Soviet masters classics. The Japanese love of reading is universally acknowledged, tram in Japan, on the bus, whether it is well-dressed off

24、ice workers or students wearing uniforms, not much difference in concentration reading. Jews love reading. In every Jewish home, when the kids a little naive, and the mother will open the Bible, drop a little honey on top, then called the children honey to kiss the Bible on. This ceremony is not evi

25、dent intent: the book is sweet. Jewish cemetery often placed books, as in the dead of night, the dead will come out of reading. Of course, this type of approach has some sense of meaning, that there is the end of life, knowledge was endless. There is also a Jewish family tradition from generation to

26、 generation, and that is to put bedside bookcase, if placed end of the bed, it will is considered disrespectful to the book. Our world-famous cultural thing big country, the importance of education and reading ages. There are a lot of hard studying ancient touching story, such as cutting the wall to

27、 steal light Kuangheng, capsule firefly Yingxue car Yin, cantilever Cigu the Sun Jing and Su, Ouyang Xiu, the three reading, studying hard Zhongyan stories, etc., for their book was born, and died for the book, for books and music, for the book and bitter, for the book and the poor, for the book and

28、 thin, how many thousands of years to the interpretation of the epic, awe-inspiring story . Another World Book Day has arrived, Book Day is to guide people to consciously name suggests reading, and develop reading habits. Reading is not just a matter of personal accomplishment and healthy personalit

29、y progress, but the progress of the whole nation should be thinking big literate. To this end, our school this initiative: open book, read it; read the book, Liaoba! Hope to see all students take positive action to make their own to develop a love of reading good habits to life every day as a school

30、 day. 今天是世界读书日,请让我们一起来记念这个读书人的节日。4月23日是世界文学的意味日,塞万提斯、莎士比亚、维加等很多世界著名作家在这一天出生或逝世。1995年,联合国教科文组织将每年的这一天定为“世界读书日”,鼓励人们发现读书的乐趣。 几年来,“世界读书日”已成为很多国家读者的一个节日。培根说:“读书在于造就完全的人格。”正因如此,所有发达国家不论高层还是平民,都把读书当作生活的一部份,而且是非常重要的一部份。即使在网络高度发达的美国,公共图书馆的持卡人数仍高达1.48亿,即每两个美国人就有一人持有读者证;据统计,美国国民往公共图书馆的人次数是观看足球、篮球、棒球、曲棍球合计总人次数

31、的5倍多。 *人之酷爱读书举世著名,在莫斯科的地铁上,随时可见知识份子样子的人在专心捧读。并且,这些捧读者中读的都是大部头的托翁、陀翁等苏俄大师的名著。 日本人爱读书也是举世公认的,在日本的电车、巴士上,不论是衣冠楚楚的上班族还是身穿校服的学子,差未几都在专心看书。 犹太人更爱读书。在每个犹太人家里,当小孩子稍微懂事时,母亲就会翻开圣经,滴一点蜂蜜在上面,然后叫小孩子往吻圣经上的蜂蜜。这个仪式的意图不问可知:书本是甜的。犹太人的墓地里经常放有书本,由于“在夜深人静时,死者会出来看书的”。固然,这类做法有一些意味意义,即生命有结束的时候,求知却永无止境。犹太人家庭还有一个世代相传的传统,那就是书

32、柜要放在床头,要是放在床尾,就会被以为是对书的不敬。 我国事举世著名的文化大国,历代重视教育与读书。古代有很多刻苦读书的感人故事,比如“凿壁偷光”的匡衡、“囊萤映雪”的车胤、悬梁刺股的孙敬和苏秦、欧阳修的“三上”读书、范仲淹苦读的佳话等等,他们为书而生,为书而死,为书而乐,为书而苦,为书而贫,为书而瘦,几千年来演绎了多少可歌可泣、惊天地泣鬼神的故事。 又一个世界读书日到来了,读书日顾名思义就是要引导人们自觉读书,并养成读书的习惯。读书不单单是进步个人修养和健全人格的事,而应是进步全民族思想文化修养的大事。 为此,我们学校这样倡议:打开书,读吧;读了书,聊吧!希看全校学生积极行动起来,使自己养成酷爱读书的好习惯,把生命中的天天都看成是读书日。篇章5:春节英语演讲稿【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Spring Festival Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year Day. I enjoy it very much. On the Chinese New Year Day, some of our relatives come to visit us. They of

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