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1、Alrssys学府考研英语基础班词汇白子墨讲义、 .1我们打败了敌人。 我们把敌人打败了。1abandon速记词网:bandbandagebondbindabdomen速记词网:dominatedominantpredominantpreviewviewreviewrethinkrecollectrebuildrebelrefundvisitvisualvisualizevisionsuperviseenvisionprewritingprearrangepreschoolerprogressaggressaggressiveable速记词网:enableunabledisableabilit

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3、alneutralneutronelectronproton(alcohol) abuseabsurdabolish速记词网:abolitionadolescentadolescenceadultgrown-upelderlysenior e r u p tsenile i n t e r r u p taccomplishcompletecompletioncomplementinfiniteinfinityconfinedefinedefinitiondefiniteabound速记词网:abundantabundanceredundantreluctantboundarysalaryfa

4、ctoryborderboardabrupt速记词网:bankruptcorruptdisruptabsolute速记词网:videoauraloralabsorb速记词网:sorbabsorbentabsorbingabsorbedabsorptionsoupabstract速记词网:2tractorattractattractivecontract c o l l a p s e i n c u r e p e s s i m i s mdistract e l a p s e o c c u rextractprotract c a s u a laccuse subtract c a

5、s u a l t ytriggerstretchslimscarscarescalesneezeacademyaccess速记词网:successsubwaysucceedexceedproceedconcedeprecedeprocedurerecedeaccumulate a g e n t h esitateaccessaccessory速记词网:ag e n d anecessary a g i t a t e adjacentprogress s i m u l a t e a g o n yaggressive a s s i m i l a t e adapt congress

6、 a d j o i nceaseunceasingaccident速记词网:accidentalincidentincidentalcoincidencecoincidentalconincidelapse c u r r e n t o p t i m i s t i cp e s s i m i s tcatastrophedecaycascadeacclaim速记词网:claim actacclaim速记词网:addict disclaimexclaim a c t i o n速记词网:proclaimreclaimaccommodate速记词网:accommodationcommod



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13、st速记词网:helpaidassistanceassistantpersistpersistenceresistresistantresistortransistorastoundstable c o n t e m p t a v a i lestablish b a llotestateattend awkwardstationstationarystatue barestatute t e n d f o r w a r dstatureobstacle c o n t e n d f o r e f a t h e robstinate e x t e n d f o r e f i

14、 n g e rstadium e x t e n t t h u m bstage i n t e n dcircumstances i n t e n t i o n f o r e r u n n e rsurroundingsenvironmentsubstance i n t e n s e f o r t h c o m i n gdistance t e n t a t i v e s t r a i g h t f o r w a r dinstant a t t e n d a n c e b a ckwardprestigesubstituteattribute super

15、stition c l o c k w i s e barrierdestinationdestinydistinct t r i b e backassume速记词网:assumptionconsumeconsumptionresumeatmosphere速记词网:spherehemispheresemiconductorattempt速记词网:tempt v a l u a b l e b a l ltemptationca r t o o ncondemnba l l e t速记词网:速记词网:tendency f o r t hb a r r e nw i d e nf o r e h

16、 e a d st r e n g t h e ne n l a r g epretend f o r e m o s t e n l i g h ttense f o r e s e e barn速记词网:attendant速记词网:tribute b a r b e c u egivegiftcontribute b a c k w a r d e m b a r r a ssdistribute b a c k g r o u n daugment速记词网:AugustusAugustauctionauthorityauthorizeauthoritativeauxiliaryavail



19、oweyebrowfrownbrutal速记词网:brutebrutalitybudget速记词网:bursepursecabbage速记词网:capitalcapitalismcapecapsulecaptaincabin速记词网:cavecarvecardsculpturecouponcabinetcampaign速记词网:campcampuschampionchambercarbohydrate速记词网:carbonhydrogengeneratedegenerate i n c l u d egeniusingeniousgenuineingenuousgene e x c l u s

20、 i v egenetics e x c l u s i v e l ygendergenerous c o n c l u s i onpregnantpregnancycereal速记词网:Ceresceremonytestimonychaoschronic速记词网:Cronussynchronizeclergy速记词网:clearclarifybeautifyclaritydeclaredeclarationclerkcloset速记词网:closedisclosedisclosureencloseenclosureinclusioninclusiveexcludeexclusionco

21、ncludeconclusiveprecludepreclusioncompensate6速记词网:pennypensionexpenditurecomplex速记词网:imply implicit conscienceexplicit a c c e p t速记词网:comply e x c e p tmultiply i n t e r c e p t c o n s c i e n t i o u scomplicate r e c e p t a c l e s c i e n c eduplicate s u s c e p t i b l e c o n s c i o u str

22、iplicate c o n c e i v ereplica c o n c e p t n o t a b l eperplex d e c e i v e n o t i f ydiplomadiplomacycomponent速记词网:posepostpositionposturepesticideinsecticompose cidedecompose consoledepose confer速记词网:depositdispose c o n t r o lexpose t r a n s f e rconsolidate impose f e r r yinterpose p r

23、e f e r速记词网:oppose c o n f e ropponentopposite f e r t i lepropose i n f e rconstruct reposit s u f f e rsupposepostponecompoundcompress p r of e ss i on速记词网:presspressurestressconceive速记词网:contemplated e n o t e速记词网:achieveconcise速记词网:precisescissorsdecidesuicide速记词网:e n t e r t a i ns u s t a i nb

24、earcontraryconfess速记词网:professorde s t r u c tconflict速记词网:flickflockafflictnotionnotoriousconsecutive速记词网:subsequentpersecutepursuepursuitsolitarysolidarity速记词网:structureinfrastructureobstructdestroyfoundfoundationfundamentalcontact速记词网:contagiousintegralintegratecontaminatetempletemperaturetempert


26、rpsecorrespond速记词网:correspondentrespondcourt速记词网:quartersquarecourtesycredentialscrucialcunningdawn速记词网:downduskdecent速记词网:decoratedecimaldecadeDecemberdignitydignifyindignantdelicious速记词网:lickdelicatedeem速记词网:deepsteepsteepledoomdepart速记词网:departuredescribe速记词网:inscribe i n e v i t a b l e s u p e

27、r f i c i a lprescribescriptmanuscriptsubscribedialogue速记词网:prologuemonologuemonotonousanalogue c o n f i d e n c eexecute速记词网:insectsectionexecutiveexemptexplode速记词网:applaudexquisite速记词网:questioninquireextinct速记词网:stingextinctionextravagant速记词网:vagueinvadeevadevacantvoyagewagonvaginavigorvigorousvividfaith速记词网:fastenfatigue速记词网:slenderslimfake速记词网:factfactoryfacilityfacultyfacsi

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