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1、山东省高考英语写作网上阅卷细则及得分策略2010年高考英语写作网上阅卷细则及得分策略青岛开发区致远中学 张德强今年是山东省高考英语写作第二年实行网上阅卷,本人从今年阅卷整个过程体验到,网上阅卷实行的“双评制”并不是对所有学生都有利,特别是对英语水平高的学生来说如何能保证写作也能得高分是需要认真对待的,教师应了解具体的阅卷情况,以指导学生特别是尖子生如何得高分。一.? 高考英语写作评分细则:分档百分制30分制标准极优档10030书写规范;覆盖所有要点,内容充实,词汇丰富,有修辞意识。优秀26299729紧扣主题;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,显示出较强的语言运用能力。语言小错(


3、4012内容混乱或主要内容偏离主题,能够写出少数与内容相关的可读句。(注:只要写够十个句子,内容与主题基本有关就能得十分以上,所以10分以下给分要慎重)37113310309278237206极差05175只能写出与内容相关的词语,没有有效信息;抄写其他文章或只写出与作文内容无关的内容。1341037231二、注意事项:1.? 评分时,现根据文章的内容和语言初步确定是否及格线。2.? 词数少于120,从应得分中减去2分。关于大错、小错的问题:1.? 小错:单词拼写、冠词、大小写、标点符号错误。大错:搭配错误、词语用错(介词、名词、动词、形容词、副词)、时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错

4、误。三、英语写作题评卷主要从三个方面入手:1.内容:要点全面。(6分)2.语言:包括词、短语及句型选用,语法正确,有无Chinglish.(20分)3.文体结构:文章结构安排合理,恰当分段。(4分)。从这也可看出主要依据考生的语言表达给分。?四、阅卷领导小组所给的几个样卷得分(划线处为精彩点)? ? ?(1)I feel so sorry that I cant travel to Beijing with you next weekend. I know that you have a great desire to pay a visit to Beijing to enjoy its u

5、nique culture. But, sorry, I cant be with you.As for the reasons, I am informed that the SAT is to be held next week, for which have prepared for quite a long time. You know, its vital for me. Besides, I have a dream that I could study abroad when I was a young baby. Now the chance is coming. So I c

6、an miss it at no time. If you were me, you would gasp it as I do.At last, I want to make another appoint(应为:appointment) with you, we could go there next month when it will be not so hot.Believe me, we will enjoy a nice trip.该卷得分 :28分试卷评价:理由解释合理,语言地道,恰当使用复合句、较高级词汇、虚拟语气。语言错误之一处。(2)I am very sorry tha

7、t I cant visit Beijing with you the next weekend. I know that you have been expecting the trip for so long and you want my company. It is really a pity.Next Sunday, the English competition will be held in my hometown. You know that Ive been practice (应为practicing)so hard to improve my oral English.

8、I hope I can have the best performance and get into the next round. You always say that “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I cant agree with you more! The final competition will be held in Shanghai, I hope I can see you there. Will you be free on July 5th? If you dont have other schedule, we c

9、an visit Beijing together then. By the beginning of the summer vocation, there will not be too many visitors so we can enjoy ourselves better. Im looking forward to your letter and our trip!该卷得分:26 分试卷评价:理由解释合理,语言较地道,恰当使用复合句,同第一篇比较高级词汇使用较少。语言错误只有一处。? ?(3)I am sorry to tell you that our plan to visit

10、 Beijing next weekend has to be delayed because I have an activity of great significance to take part in.Word came that the Student Union of my school is going to hold an activity which aims to encourage citizens to lead a low-carbon life on the next weekend. Nowadays, its exactly too much emission

11、of greenhouse gases that causes the greenhouse effect and does serious damage to the environment. As a consequence, I think its quite necessary to spread the benefits of low-carbon life. Whats more, although travelling is an excellent idea, if I missed the opportunity, Ill regret in a long time.Howe

12、ver, we can carry out our plan on the first weekend of next month. What about your opinion?Look forward to your reply.该卷得分:25分试卷评价:虽然没有语言错误,但语言不如上两篇地道,能较好地使用关联词、复合句、强调句等。语言简练,理由合理。? ?(4)Im so sorry to tell you that I cant go on the trip to Beijing with you next weekend. Its a pity that I cant go wit

13、h you. I had been so excited about it. But now, I cant do it.Next weekend, my school has a very important activity(there will bein my school). Many old students of my school will come to see the change (changes) of their mother school. As the master(monitor) of my class, I have to attend the activit

14、y to guard (show) them around my school and tell them the new things in my school. After these, I will have lunch with them.How about going to Beijing another time? How about the coming summer holiday? During the holiday we have(will have) more time to enjoy the beautiful city, please write to me so

15、on if you agree.该卷得分:22分试卷评价: 理由解释合理,较好地使用关联词、复合句。同第一、二篇比较缺少高质量的句子。出现部分语言错误。(5)I am so sorry to write to tell you that I will have no chance to visit Beijing with you, which embarrasses me very much. Reasons are as follows.Firstly, my mother is ill. She has a badly(应为bad) cold and I dont know whethe

16、r she can pick up next weekend. If not, I have to stay at home to look after my mother(用her代替). Secondly, I will have a text(test) next weekend. So I have to use time (去掉即可)to prepare for it. Whats more, I am sorry to tell you that you have to put off the plan to Beijing.However, I am free if I have

17、 dealt with all things, so we can visit Beijing next month. I think we will have a comfortable holiday next month.该卷得分:22分试卷评价:能使用关联词,复合句较少,没有高质量的句子,出现部分语言错误和不甚恰当的表达。 (6)I will talk something to you. You cant feel very happy. Next Sunday we should go a trip to Beijing, but next Sunday I have somethi

18、ng to do. Im sorry to. I cant go a trip, but something must be done.? As the matter of fact, my sister have a baby. He only have two years old, next Sunday my sister is busy to do work, she doesnt have any time. So I have to help her. I must look after her baby. I will try my best to help my sister.

19、 I think do this thing is very hard, because many babys often cry. I dont know how to do.? Next Sunday I doesnt have more time, so we cant go a trip. This Sunday! Do you have more time? if you have, we can go a trip on this Sunday. Can you?该卷得分:14分试卷评价:所写句子简单,语法错误多,但意思还能表达清楚。?四阅卷中发现的问题和新的要求“双评制”阅卷对高

20、分卷提出更高的要求:“双评制”总的来说对于学生来说是较以前的阅卷方式更合理了,但从实际阅卷过程中来看也可能出现不利的情况,阅卷老师在追求速度和打分有效的情况下,高分卷必须是无可挑剔的才能保证“双评”的两位老师都打高分。学生写作中的一些问题:1.解释原因混乱。今年高考写作题很清晰,包括三个方面要点:道歉、解释原因、另约时间。学生出问题主要是在解释原因这一方面,很多给出的原因牵强、混乱、或不合情理。说自己亲属生病、出事故或死亡的占大多数。有的好像为凑够字数写了多个原因,这样句子出错的可能性也就增加了,如果考生平日养成打草稿的习惯可避免很多错误。例如有考生写道:First, my sister is

21、 coming back from America. I havent seen her for three years. Second, my mother is ill. She loves me very much. I have to look after her.其实一个原因展开说字数就足够了。2.平日背诵的文章乱套用。很多考生在文章中插上平日背诵的文章,出现不协调、不通顺的情况,反而起反作用,就这一简单的话题有的学生在大谈办世博会的好处或低碳生活的好处,不像是在解释原因。3.过分使用复杂句型和高级词汇。有的考生记住了一些较高级词汇和复杂句式,但不会恰当使用,也并不会“增色”,如:I

22、 regret to tell you that the chances that I will accompany you to Beijing are few.显得很晦涩,倒不如直接说:I regret to tell you that I wont be able to go to Beijing with you.4.中间插上阅读完形中的段落,导致得分极低。其实只要能写十句以上,哪怕全部句子都有错误,但内容与主题有关就可得10分以上,所以一定鼓励学生自己写而不要插上阅读中的段落。5. 语法错误多。虽然今年高考写作较简单,但出现的错误还是挺多的,感觉精彩文章少。有些简单的句子在开头即出现

23、低级的语法错误很影响得分。如:Im sorry that I cant to go to Beijing with you./Im sorry that I cant company you to Beijing.如果错的只是单词拼写、冠词、大小写、标点符号等较小错误倒是影响不大,但如果错的是大错,如搭配错误、词性不分错用(介词、名词、动词、形容词、副词)、时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错误,那将会影响的分档次。6.卷面书写不清晰。教师阅卷到第三天眼睛看电脑屏幕就比较累了,如果卷面不清晰看起来费力就会影响得分。五英语写作得分策略 高考英语写作阅卷一般不会轻易给0分和30分的满分,大多

24、数考生得分在 13-17,18-21,22-25这三个档内,考生力争能够达到高分突破,要从以下几个方面注意: (一).“全、准、高”是三个境界。? 全,即要点要全。只要具备了作文要求的三个内容要点,就可以得到及格分18分,但是如果表达中硬伤太多,还是要适当扣分的。词数不够也会在此基础上扣掉2分。? 准,即表达准确。如果三个内容要点都全了,表达也准确,可得到上到第二个台阶23分。? 高,即恰当使用复杂句式,高级词汇。如果做到了全准高这三点,再加上清晰的书写卷面作文要得到26-29的可能性就比较大了。(二). 突破23分的招数?要说自己会说的话是前提。有的考生谈的话题超出自己的英语表达水平,必然会

25、出现语言错误,在构思文章时就应该选自己会说的话题,其实这是开放性作文对考生有利的方面,但好多考生把自己逼进死胡同。要便于自己的行文发展有话可说,便于自己展现自己的文采,便于插入高级句式的表达。2 行文准确流畅是得分的根本。这要求考生平时加强背诵,不要只背诵汉语式范文,要多背诵英语原文,形成较好的语感,能用英语思维,这样写出的文章才地道流畅,才能得高分。?恰当灵活使用高级句式是得高分的依据。灵活准确使用倒装,虚拟,主从复合句(包括定语从句,主语从句,状语从句,同位语从句等),非谓语等而不是过分使用,才可使你的文章显得有“水平”?六两篇佳作(一)I feel terribly sorry to i

26、nform you that our trip to Beijing next weekend shall be rearranged due to my personal reasons.Two days ago, I received an invitation from the 21st century newspaper, which informed me that Id past(passed)the first competition and Id been chosen to the next round. The next competition falls on next

27、Saturday and I really dont want to miss this valuable opportunity because I have been busy preparing for it all these months. I just hope that you could understand me. But dont be too sad! How about making our trip a week later? Will you be free then? Please give me a reply soon.All the best!(二)Alth

28、ough having longed for the trip to Beijing for a long time, I am particularly sorry to tell you that the appointment will be cancelled for the following reasons.I am going to be more than busy next week. With the exam approaching, I have to concentrate my attentions on it. Besides, next weekends our

29、 class will have an English speech about leading low carbon life style. I have signed up for it early. So busy am I that I cant accompany you to visit Beijing next weekend. However, dont lower your spirit(be disappointed) and please cheer up. Once I have finished those complex tasks, we can have ano

30、ther plan to Beijing. We might as well date the time for the next month. As for the exact time, I will immediately inform you after getting a good idea to my plan.Wish you a good time every day and make progress in your study. Dont forget to keep(应为get) in touch with me when you have free time.Best

31、wishes.附:2010高考写作题第二节 写作(满分30分)假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 另约时间。注意:1. 词数120150;2. 可适当增加细节。阅读表达题评分原则2010高考阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。1One out of many important things for the whole family to do is to have dinner together. Researchers began reporting the benefits of family dinner about a decade ago, focusing mainly on how it affects c

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