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1、大学英语深层语法句型大学英语深层语法-句型Chapter one Sentence Types 一按目的和所包含的意义;陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句1.陈述句(可表感叹、疑问、祈使)(1)Id like to know the name of your last employer .(2)Lord knew what they cost .(3)Your fly is open .2.疑问句(1)Who knows ?(2)Arent the flowers lovely ?!(3)Why not try again ?3.祈使句(1)Remember that I am always re

2、ady to help. (2)Tell me what you want !(3)Am I hungry ! 4.感叹句What a beautiful girl you are !Hasnt she grown !How slow your movement is ! 肯定句剧中不含否定词或半否定词的句子1 .陈述句Knowledge is power .2.祈使句Take a deep breath when I say .(动词原形)Dont be standing in the rain !(进行体动词原形性)God dam you .(带呼语)Lets not waste our

3、time arguing about it .(let引导)Do wait a moment !(用DO 强调)Please sit down !(表命令、请求)Sit down , please .(表礼貌、客气)Wait here , will you ?(反义疑问句)Get vaccinated as soon as you can . (被动语态)3.感叹句表示惊叹、喜悦、气愤等How + (被强调的形容词、副词、动词)+陈述语序Ho wonderful a picture it is !What +被强调的名词、名词词组+陈述语序What a wonderful picture it

4、 is !注:how + 形容词,只能用于单数可数名词,把a/an放在形容词后How beautiful a girl she is !5.疑问句:一般,特殊,混合,选择,附加一般疑问句(多可用yes/no回答,用助动词、系动词、情态动词在句首)Is he a worker ?Have you any stamps ?Can you drive a car ?Does she speak English ?特殊疑问句(疑问词+一般疑问句)What do you want ?What can I do for you ?Why was so little done ?How broken is

5、the system ?Who is your brother ?Which is yours ?常见的几中特殊疑问句句型What about .?How about?(征求意见或建议,可互换)= what do u think about ?What about having a walk ?How about on Sunday ?why not + v (祈使句)Why not try again ?(怎么会,怎么有可能)How come + that 分句 How come you are so late ?(如果.该怎么办)What if +分句What if we miss the

6、 first bus ?让步条件的反义句What though + 陈述句= what does it matter if . ?What though we are poor ?We still have each other .穷又有什么关系呢?只要你还有我,我还有你。句末放疑问词,叫追加疑问句Id like to ask him why ?特殊重叠疑问句What is what ?Which of whom ?混合疑问句(特殊+一般)Who do u think is the master here , I or you , Eh?选择疑问句用or连接的疑问句Are u going to

7、 the cinema or to the theatre ?How are u going by boat or by plane ?Now do u people want to live or do u want to die ?附加疑问句陈述句、祈使句、感叹句+附加疑问句She is a nurse , isnt she ?That clock is slow , isnt it ?That clock isnt slow , is it ?Open the door ,wont u ?Dont forget to post the letter ,will u ?Read the t

8、ext , will u ?Let us go , will u ?What a lovely child ,isnt it?How thin she is , isnt she ?附:英语反义疑问句的主语和谓语用法陈述句(肯)+反义疑问句(否)She is a nurse , isnt she ?陈述句(否)+反义疑问句(肯)He isnt a teacher , is he ?Yes, he is .不,他是。I can alter the terms of my will , cant I , whenever I wish ?不论什么时候,只要我想改变我的遗嘱条款,我都可以改变,不是吗

9、?反义疑问句的主语不定代词作陈主,反句主语它用they (英国英语)Everybody has got a ticket , havent they ?Nobody was killed ,were they ?不定代词物陈主,反句主语用it(everything ,something ,anything ,nothing )Everything looks fresh , doesnt it ?Each of.作陈主,反主人称2随变化Each of the pupils passed the exam , didnt they ?陈主为one ,反主one(正式)or you(非正式)One

10、 can t be too careful ,can one(you)?陈主为such ,反主单用it 复用they Such is his nature ,isnt it ?Such are your excuses , arent they ?Its(high/about)time +同位语从句,反主用itIts time we went to bed , isnt it ?陈主名词,反主用人称代词This answer isnt correct ,is it?Your father used to be a musician , didnt he?不定式,动名词,词组,从句做陈主,反主用

11、itLifting weights will build arm muscles , wont it ?That they are friends is not true , is it ?There引导的句子,反句仍用there There are five of the students altogether , arent there ?That/this /these/those做陈主,反句人称用it 或they This is a book , isnt it?These are not books , are they ?主从复合使陈句,主主反主要一致You were in the

12、 factory when I last saw you , werent you ?主从复合是陈句,主句主语第一人称,谓语为think/consider/guess/believe/expect/imagine/suppose,反句主语与从句主语保持一致I dont think youre serious , are you ?I dont suppose he cares , does he ? 第一部分是第二人称祈使句,反义疑问句补上主语you Dont take away my dictionary , will you ?感叹句的反义疑问句:反义疑问句谓语用be的一般现在是的否定式。

13、主语是人时用he /you等,物用itWhat a funny man , isnt it ?How hot the tea is, isnt it ?准反义疑问句不表示“是不是”, 反义疑问句有自己的主语I find this film very interesting , dont you ?反义疑问句的谓语否定词与反义疑问句陈述句的主语有否定意义时,反义疑问句的谓语用肯定句。No books are perfect , are they ?There is no real democracy in this country ,is there ?Nobody can do it , ca

14、n they ?No one came ,did they ?陈述句的宾语有否定意义时,反义疑问句的谓语用肯定否定均可。He said nothing at the meeting , did /didnt he ?陈述句中含有准否定词hardly/seldom/little/ few/scarcely等词时,反义疑问句的谓语用肯定There were few people there , were there ?He had little work that day , had he ?She is hardly able to swim , is she ?陈述句的谓语dont think

15、 之类有宾语从句是,这宾语从句的形式是肯定,意义是否定,反义疑问句的谓语用肯定句。I dont think he will come tomorrow , will he ?陈述句是具有否定意义的谓语动词或带有否定意义的前缀或后缀,反义疑问句要用否定。He is careless , isnt he ?He failed to come , didnt he ?陈述句的主语是“none of + 名词” , 反义疑问句的人称和数与主句中的名词保持一致。None of the students are from Japan , are they ?None of the news sounds

16、true I think u are not right。否定疑问句否定的一般疑问句,译成“难道,莫非”,提问者带有倾向性。用no 回答译成“是的,对”,用YES回答译成“不,不是,不对”Arent u tired ?难道你不累吗?Yes, I am.不,我累了。Didnt u hear the bell ?莫非你没听见铃声吗?Yes ,I did .不,我听见了。否定的特殊疑问句Why dont we sing it together ?Who doesnt know ?否定的选择疑问句Wasnt he elected president or vice-president ?否定反义疑问句

17、You wont go to the workshop ,will u ?Dont forget to post the letter , will u ?否定祈使句在动词原形前加上Dont , never 等Dont bother about genius . Dont worry about being clever .Trust hard work ,perseverance and determination , 不要为自己是否有天分而烦恼,不要为自己是否聪明而忧心,要相信勤奋、毅力和决心。Dont listen to their words , fix your attention

18、on their deeds .不要听他们说什么,要看他们做什么。Never do things by halves .凡做事不要半途而费。Lets 的否定形式有三种正式用法Lets not go to dance tonight .Lets not be greedy .英国的非正式用法Dont lets go to dance tonight .Dont lets be greedy .美国非正式用法Lets dont go to dance tonight .Lets dont be greedy .否定感叹句Wasnt it a marvelous concert !英语的否定句专题部

19、分否定和全部否定否定的范围有四种全部否定 : 代名词 (all , both , everybody , everything )代副词(everywhere , always , altogether )部分被否定 : (some ,one or other , somebody , something )(somewhere , sometimes ,somewhat )全部否定 : (none , neither ,nobody , nothing )(nowhere ,never , no way )非肯定词 :(any , either , anybody , anything )(

20、anywhere , ever , anyway)部分否定的否定是部分否定Some of these books are not useful to me .全部否定的否定式是全部肯定He was never dissatisfied with my work .全部肯定的否定是部分否定Great men are not always wise .非肯定次的否定是全部否定Not any = no Not either = neither Not anybody = nowhere Not anything = nothingNot ever = never Not anywhere = now

21、here部分否定的否定词两种位置及用法否定词位于作主语的全部肯定词之前Not all the answers are right .肯定译法:所有的答案不都是正确的。否定译法: 这些答案中有些是正确的。Not both of them are my brothers .否定译法;他俩并不都是我的兄弟.肯定译法:他两当中有一个是我的兄弟。否定词位于动词之后,剧中有全部肯定次仍是部分否定。All men are not good .否定译法;不是所有的人都是好人。肯定译法;有些人是好人。Both children are not clever .Every man cannot be a poet

22、 .全部否定;”全部否定词+肯定句谓语”No man is rich enough to buy back his past .不论多么富有,世界上没有任何人能买回他过去的光阴。No sweet of flowers leads to glory .没有任何一条通向光荣之路是铺满鲜花的。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . 对于一个意志坚定的人来说没有办不到的事。Neither of them can swim .他两都不会游泳。准否定带有准否定词的句子也是否定句,他除了有否定意义外,还有一丝保留,没有把话说绝。Hardly/scarcely =

23、 almost no /notLittle = not much Seldom/rarely = not oftenFew = not manyBarely = only justHe had hardly any schooling .他几乎等于没上过正规学校。He could barely keep body and soul together .他只能勉强维持生活。准否定词词组也等于频率副词加全词否定Hardly possible = almost impossible = hardly any = almost no(几乎没有)Scarcely ever = almost never =scarcely anything = almost nothing (几乎没有东西)It is hardly possible .这几乎是不可能的。He scarcely

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