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1、八年级英语词组Unit One Sports and gamesTopic 1 Are you going to play basketball?1.一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,基本结构是:be going to+动词原形 Will +动词原形2.看见某人常作某事 see sb do sth 3.在暑假期间 during the summer holidays4.将有 there is going to be /there will be 5.在-和-之间 between -and -6.为-加油 cheer sb on 7.更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth 8.划

2、船俱乐部 rowing club9.很经常 quite a bit /quite a lot 10.长大grow up 11.在将来 in the future12.两个都 both 多个都 all 两个都不 neither 多个都不 none13.和-比赛 play against - 14.中国国家队 Chinas National team15.激动的 (形容人的)excited (形容物的)exciting16.动身去-leave for- 离开某地去某地leave-for-17.后天 the day after tomorrow 18去骑单车 go cycling 19.一周两次 t

3、wice a week20.去远足 go hiking 21.花时间/金钱做某事 spend -(in)doing sth /spend -on sth22.半小时 half an hour 23.每天every day 日常的 everyday24.相当好 pretty well 25.擅长于 be good at 26.校运会 school sports meet27.参加 take part in 28.跳高 the high jump 跳远 the long jump29.关于sure (1) be sure to do sth (2) be sure +that 从句30.锻炼 do

4、 exercise 31.在星期天早上 on Sunday morning 32.全世界 all over the world33.关于make (1) make +宾语+形容词 (2) make +宾语+动词原形 (3) make +宾语+名词34.保持健康 keep heathy/fit 35.保持健康的好方法 a good way to keep fit36.真可惜 What a shame !作文:My favorite sport .根据教材第8面的提示去写。 Topic 2 Could you please do me a favor ?1.帮我一个忙 do me a favor

5、2. -中之一 one of + 复数名词 3. 生病 fall ill4. 你介意做某事吗?Would you mind doing sth ?介意不做某事 mind not doing sth5. 介意做某事 mind doing sth 6.你真好。Its nice of you . 7.当然不 of course not8.整理床铺 make ones bed 9.下次 next time 10.用英语说 say it in English11.我自己能处理 I can manage it myself .12.错过一个好机会 miss a good chance 13.朝-大喊 sh

6、out at -14.你那样说是什么意思?What do you mean by saying that ?15.关于“也” too 用于句尾,前面有逗号 as well 用于句尾,前面没有逗号。 also 用于句子中间,either 用于否定句的末尾。16.为你羞愧 Shame on you ! 17.生某人的气 be angry with sb 18.尽某人最大的努力 do ones best 19.像某人道歉 say sorry to sb20.为-感到抱歉 be sorry for - 21做的更好 do better 22.继续努力 keep trying 23.关小 turn do

7、wn 调高 turn up 打开 turn on 关掉 turn off24.让某人总是做某事 keep sb doing sth 25.立即 in a minute 26.坐下 take a seat27.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth 28.过着-的生活 have a -life29.Canada 的形容词Canadian 30.在那时 at that time 31.以便于so that32.在恶劣的天气下 in bad weather 33.把-放进 put-into 34.遵守规则follow the rules35.越来越多 more and more 36.一个15岁的

8、男孩a 15-year-old boy37.容易疲劳 get tired easily 38.看见某人正在做某事 see sb doing sth39.代替,而不是instead of 40.健康的饮食习惯 healthy eating habits41.使某人强壮 build sb up 42.做某事有极大的乐趣 have great fun doing sth43.感觉舒服 feel well 44.看起来健康 look fit 45.对-重要 be important to -46.别的某处somewhere else Topic 3 What will Beijing be like

9、in 2008?1.问职业:What are you ?What do you do ?Whats your job ?2.foreign 的名词 foreigner 3.坐我的出租车 ride in my taxi 4.和-交朋友 make friends with-5.电子邮件地址e-mail address 6.相当多的 quite a lot 7.和某人相处愉快 have fun with sb8.植树 plant trees 9.这周星期六 this Saturday 10.有空的be free 11.让我们把时间定在6.30 Lets make it half past six .

10、12.在校门口 at the school gate 13.关于enough (1)enough +名词 (2)形容词/副词+enough14.浇树 water the trees 15. 用-填满-fill-with- 16.不得不做某事 have to do sth17.中华人民共和国 the Peoples Republic of China 18.第一次for the first time19.金牌 gold medals 20. 每隔四年 every four years 21.代表 stand for 22.改善我们的环境 improve our environment 23.学好

11、英语learn English well23.-的象征 a symbol of- 24.至少 at least 25.喜欢 be fond of- Unit 2 Food and health Topic One We should go to see a doctor1. 你怎么了?Whats wrong with you? 2.感冒 have a cold 3. 牙疼 have a toothache4.看牙医 see a dentist 5.康复 be well /get well 6.休息 take a rest 7.眼睛酸痛 have sore eyes 8.得流感 have the

12、 flu 9.睡得好 sleep well10.在晚上 at night 11.开水boiled water 12.躺在床上 stay in bed13.好好睡一觉 have a good sleep 14.最好做某事 Youd better do sth15.把-带到 -take -to- 16.服药 take some medicine17.我先服点药,在看情况怎样。Ill take some medicine first and see how it goes.18.日日夜夜 day and night 19. Why dont you do sth = Why not do sth20

13、.好好休息 have a good rest 21.躺下来 lie down 22.生水 cold water23.用于提建议的句型有:should/shouldnt+动词原形 had better /had better not +动词原形Why not /why dont you +动词原形 need to do sth what /how about +doing sth24.辣食 hot food 25.太多的糖果 too much candy 26. 一天两次 twice a day27.刷牙 brush ones teeth 28. 照顾好take good care of-/lo

14、ok after-well29.太多 too much /too many 非常 much too 30. 发烧 have a fever30.不算太坏 not too bad 31. 别担心 Dont worry 32 检查check -over33.没什么严重的。Its nothing serious. 34. 服了这些药丸 take these pills35.每次 each time 36.一天三次 three times a day 37.好多了much better38.为-而谢谢 thanks for - 39.返回家 return home 40.叫出租车 call a tax

15、i41.出事 have an accident 42.从-摔下来 fall down from- 43.感冒药 cold pills44.带蜜的热茶 hot tea with honey 45.充足的,大量的 plenty of 46.为-担心 worry about /be worried about - Topic Two I must ask him to give up smoking.1.放弃做某事 give up doing sth 2.什么事? Whats up ? 3.熬夜 stay up late4.对-有害 be bad for 5.吃得太少 eat too little

16、6.做早操 do morning exercises7.饭前洗手wash hands before meals 8.做运动 play sports 9.在太阳下读书 read in the sun8.不吃早餐上学 go to school without breakfast 9.帮他放松 help him relax10.抽烟对他的健康有害。Smoking is bad for his health. 11.乱扔垃圾 throw litter about12.对-来说是必须的 be necessary for- 13.让你精力充沛 keep you active14.得到充足的睡眠 get e

17、nough sleep 15.空腹锻炼 exercise on an empty stomach16.Something is wrong with-=There is something wrong with-17.进入人体 get into human body 18.引起疾病 cause diseases 19.ill 的名词是illness20.保持空气新鲜 keep the air fresh 21.众所周知 as we know22.在不同的方面 in different ways 23.有健康的饮食习惯对于我们来说是必须的。It is necessary for us to ha

18、ve healthy eating habits作文。从环境,饮食 ,锻炼等方面写 How to keep heathy. Topic Three What should we do to fight SARS ?1.快点 hurry up 2.开始吧 go ahead 3.在人群中容易传播spread easily among people 4.吃健康的食物 eat healthy food 5.多锻炼 do more exercise 6.增强体质 build up7.拥挤的地方crowded places 8.尽最大的努力做某事 do ones best to do sth9.一直 al

19、l the time 10.Must we.?的否定回答是:No, you dont have to./No, you neednt.11.远离-keep away from- 12.和某人通话 speak to- 12.给某人打电话 ring sb up13.接通 get through 14.留口信 leave a message 15.带口信 take a message16.一种严重的疾病 a kind of serious disease 17.积极参加 take an active part in18.照顾 care for 19.日日夜夜 day and night 20.在电话

20、里 on the phone 21.做某事是某人的职责 Its ones duty to do sth 22. 很久不见 long time no see23.自学 teach oneself /learn -by oneself 24.在网上 on the Internet 25. 让我出去 Let me out 26.去滑旱冰 go roller skating 27.勤换衣服 change clothes often28.帮助某人做某事 help sb (to)do sth 29.下次 next time 30.过得愉快 enjoy oneself31.讲故事 tell stories

21、32.课后 after class 33.复中药 take Chinese medicine 34. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth Unit Three Our Hobbies Topic 1 I love collecting stamps .1.高兴做某事 be pleased to do 2.好漂亮的邮票 What beautiful stamps!3.一定是 must be4.从-学到-learn -from- 5.value 的形容词是valuable 6.过去常常干某事 used to do7.习惯于干某事 be/get used to doing 8.

22、明星照 photos of famous star .9.摇滚乐 rock music10.对-感兴趣 be interested in 11.喜欢做某事love doing/enjoy doing/like doing/be fond of doing/prefer doing12.在某人的空闲时间 in ones spare time 13.电影迷 a movie fan 14. 出去 go out15.户外活动 outdoor activities 16.需要改变 need a change 17.遛狗 walk a pet dog18.爬山 climb mountains 19.过去曾

23、是 used to be 20.对-不太了解 know little about21.分享我的兴趣 share my interests 22.暑假the summer vacation 23.教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth 24.自学 teach oneself/learn-by oneself25.变脏了 get dirty 26.真可惜 What a shame ! 27.在过去 in the past 28.养宠物 keep pets 29.伴随音乐跳舞 dance to music 30.运动 play sports31.网上聊天 chat on the net

24、32. 例如 such as 33.带来快乐 bring happiness34.happy 的名词happiness ill 的名词illness sad的名词 sadness35.帮助人们放松 help people relax 36.日常工作 daily work 37.康复get well38.洗澡 take a bath 39. 是否weather -or not 作文。My hobbies Topic Two What sweet music ! 1.在音乐会上 at the concert 2.举行音乐会 give a concert 3.上英语课 take English cl

25、asses4 英语培训学校 English training school 5.把某物借给某人 lend sb sth /lend sth to sb6.乐器 musical instruments 的形容词是 musical 8.艺术art 艺术家artist9.难说Its hard to say . 10.流行音乐 pop music 11.民族音乐 folk music 12.古典音乐 classical music 13.严肃的音乐serious music 14.来去匆匆come and go quickly15.日常生活 everyday life 16.在-中受欢

26、迎 be popular among 17.因-而著名be famous for- 18.讨厌做某事 hate to do sth 19.在-的秋季 in the fall of20.一个14岁的中学生 a 14-year -old high school student 21.music音乐 musical音乐的 musician音乐家 22.组成乐队 form a band23.成立 set up 24.亲密的朋友close friends 25.继续做某事 continue to do sth26.要某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 27.教某人做某事 teach sb to

27、 do sth28.使他快乐 make him happy 29.打鼓 play the drums Topic Three What were you doing at this time yesterday?1过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或存在的状态,基本结构:was/were +doing通常与下列时间连用:at this time yesterday at 9 last night when +一般过去式from -to-+过去的时间2.昨天的这个时候this time yesterday 3.请不要挂机 hold the line ,please4.接电话answer t

28、he telephone 5.洗澡 take a shower 6.昨晚last night7.一般般 just so-so 8.同意某人的观点 agree with sb 9.同意别人的观点 :I agree with you /Yes ,I think so.10.不同意别人的观点:I dont agree./No. I dont think so.11.没什么严重的。Its nothing serious .12. 生某人的气 be angry with sb13.做鬼脸 make faces/a face 14.使某人做某事 make sb do sth15.给某人上课 give sb

29、 a lesson 16.别再那样做了。Dont do that again。17.Dont do that again!的回答:OK , I wont.18.在19世纪早期 in the early 1800s 19.玩得高兴 have fun 20.解决问题 solve the problem21.停止做某事 stop doing 22.停下来做另一件事 stop to do sth 23.-的开始 the beginning of - 24.到-为止 by +时间 25. 整天 all day26.两天的周末 the two-day weekend 27.太-而不能- too-to-28

30、.背诵教材76面part 4.写一段短文,说说你怎样度周末。 Unit Four Our world Topic One Plan and animals are important to us.1.考虑 think about 2.乡村生活 life in the countryside 3.在农场 on the farm4.做喜欢- like -best 5.更喜欢- like -better 6.给我们欢乐 give us joy7.在所有的花中 of all the flowers 8.和- 玩 play with- 9.众所周知 as we know10.对-重要 be import

31、ant to-11. 和-分享- share -with-12.以-为食 feed on13.地球表面 the earths surface 14.成千上万的thousands of 15.控制气候 control the climate16.越来越小 smaller and smaller 17.大量的plenty of -18.组成 make up19.事实上 in fact 20.人体 the human body 21.生物 living things 22.一滴水 a drop of water 23. 每一滴水 every drop of water 24.节约水 save water25.在危险中 in danger 26.从-得

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