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1、往复式压缩机说明全分解5.1Important Notes重要说明 In some technical documents and drawings the term “motion work” is usedfor the term “crankgear”.在一些技术文件和图纸中,此项走针结构使用于曲柄齿轮传动中。5.1.1 Technical Support 技术支持Service life and lifetime of the compressor greatly depend on the quality of the installation works. An insuffici

2、ent foundation layout and/or non-appropriate assembly can lead to increased vibrations (see section 5.16.9 Assess Vibrations) and, therefore, to problems and/or service interruptions. Examples of possible consequences are: bursting of pipes, excessive wear of moving parts, sealing elements and beari

3、ngs.压缩机的使用寿命大大依赖于安装工程的质量。地基布局不足或者不适当的安装都会导致或者增加摆动(见5.16.9摆动评定),因此,会发生问题或者服务中断。例如以下可能发生的类型:管道拉断,运动机件、密封件和轴承的过度磨损。We strongly recommend to install the compressor under the supervision of a specialist from Burckhardt Compression AG. For damage caused by nonprofessional installation, Burckhardt Compress

4、ion will not assume any liability.我们强烈推荐您在布克哈德压缩机AG 的专家监督下安装该压缩机。由非专业安装造成的损坏,布克哈德压缩机公司不承担任何责任。If you have any questions concerning transport, installation or pre-commissioning procedures, please consult our Technical Service Support, we will be glad to assist you:如果您在运输、安装和试车等方面有任何问题,请参考我们的技术说明。我们也很

5、乐意协助您:地址:Burckhardt Compression AGTechnical Service SupportIm Link 5P.O. Box 65CH-8404 Winterthur电话:Tel. +41 (0)52 262 55 00 Fax +41 (0)52 262 00 53网址:Find your nearest Agent or Service Center on and choose “Service Centers Worldwide” or “Agents Worldwide”.或者找离您最近的代理商或者在本网址的网上的维修服务中心,选择全球服务或者全球代理商。5

6、.1.2 Importance of Cleanliness清洁的重要性Prior to dispatch, all assembled parts of the compressor as well as accessories coming in contact with process gas have been cleaned either in our works or by sub-suppliers. Parts from sub-suppliers have been checked for cleanliness.在派送前,所有压缩机部件以及和生产气体相关的附件都已经被我们或

7、者供应商清洗。一部分供应商还对清洁度做了检测。If any cleaning of surfaces is necessary, refer to section 10.1 Cleaning Specification and the cleaning instructions in chapter 10 Clean and Degrease Plant and Compressor Components.如果必须要清理表面,请参照10.1部分清理规范和第十章的压缩机部件清理和除污清洁指导。CAUTION 注意:Contamination of process gas!生产气体的污染All c

8、omponents coming in contact with process gas must be checked for cleanliness prior to their installation.所有与生产气体接触的部件都要在安装前对其进行清理和检测。When performing overhauls or exchanging spare parts, make sure that all significant surfaces have been cleaned according to the cleaning specification prior to assembl

9、y or installation.当进行检修或者调换部件时,要确保所有重要表面都已经在安装前按照清理说明书进行清理。If in doubt about cleanliness, repeat cleaning procedure.如果怀疑其清洁度,可以再重新清理部件。5.1.3 Mandatory Tightening Torques强制紧固金属颈环Plant For mandatory tightening torques and tightening method of bolted connections see section 8.7.1 Tightening Torques and

10、 Method.紧固金属颈环和螺栓连接的紧固方法见8.7.1紧固金属颈环和方法。Compressor For tightening methods of bolted connections see section 8.9.1 Tightening Methods.压缩机 螺栓连接紧固方法见8.9.1紧固方法。For mandatory tightening torques, appropriate tightening methods and applicable lubricants: see section “Compressor” in chapter 13 Appendix.紧固颈环

11、的紧固方法和可适用润滑剂见压缩机第13章附录部分。5.2 Transport运输5.2.1 Safety of Transport运输安全Recognize and Avoid Possible Danger保证和避免可能的危险Load transport may only be carried out by qualified personnel, i.e. must be supervised by responsible, skilled employees.运输装载时仅使用有资格证的专业人员。同时由有责任的,有熟练技术的雇员监督。 Observe warning symbols and

12、 marking of packages.要遵守包装上的警告符号和标记。Obey Transport Rules Always secure loads. Always store loads safely. Secure loads against falling.遵守运输规定:保持安全装载、保存、防止坠落。Accident Free Crane Transport起重运输 Know weight of load (see section 5.3 Dimensions, Weights, Space Requirement).知道装载重量(见5.3部分尺寸、重量,空间间隙要求) Pay at

13、tention to center of gravity and attachment points.小心重心以及附件方向 Use proper lifting and transport devices.使用恰当的提升和运输方案 Use appropriate attachment gear.使用合适的附属齿轮 Attach load securely.附上装载安全 Give clear signals.给出开通信号DANGER 危险Suspended loads! 悬荷Falling loads can cause serious injury or death.坠落会导致严重的损坏或毁灭

14、。Protect carrying ropes/straps against sharp edges.保护吊绳远离锋利边沿Do not stand beneath suspended loads.不要站在悬荷之下5.2.2 Transport Monitoring Device 运输监控设施Recordable Transport and Handling Conditions运输和操作条件记录In order to monitor transport and handling of the compressor, a special device is mounted at the cran

15、k gear. The device records all impulsive impacts (acceleration time line in 3 axes) during the entire transport up to placing the crankgear on the foundation. It ensures high-level security against manipulation and renders the integrity condition of the compressor before installation.为了监控运输和管理压缩机,需要

16、在曲轴处安装一个特殊设备。这种设备可以记录设备在运输直到曲轴放在地基上的所有的瞬时冲击(启动或启动时间在3个轴线内)。它可以保证高水平的安全性能,防止压缩机在安装前被操作,确保其在移交前的完整性。Fig. 5-1 Transport monitoring device传送监控器1 Monitoring device监控器2 On-switch (green)开启开关(绿色)3 Off-switch (red)关闭开关(红色)The transport monitoring device will be exclusively managed by a specialist of Burckha

17、rdt Compression AG or by an expressly authorized person.此监督装置由布克哈德压缩机AG专业人员或者权威认证人员专人管理。Under no circumstances may the device be switched off or detached from the crankgear beforehand.绝对不允许将设备开关关闭或者提前与曲柄上分离。After having placed the crankgear on the foundation, the specialist will switch off and remov

18、e the transport monitoring device. The recorded data must immediately be sent back to Burckhardt Compression AG for evaluation. The dismounted transport monitoring device will be returned to BurckhardtCompression AG in a sturdy package.再将曲柄放在地基上之后,由专业人员关掉并移开运输监控器。立即将记录数据发回布克哈德压缩机AG公司进行评估。拆卸下的运输监控设备要

19、用坚固的包裹邮寄回布克哈德压缩机AG公司。5.2.3 Shipping Package运输包装The packing specifications agreed upon in the contract constitute the basis for preservation, package and transport. The measures taken shall prevent damage to compressor and plant components as far as possible. Nevertheless, they will not protect these

20、 goods against the consequences of improper handling.包装说明书与保存、包装和运输部分的合同是一致的。采取这种方式是为了防止压缩机和设备部件有可能出现的损坏。但是,仍然无法保护这些货物避免不正确的操作带来的后果。Package The purpose of package is to protect the goods during transport and intermediate storage. In addition, a professional package has to simplify the loading and tr

21、ansport procedures as well as the stacking of the packed goods or units.包装 包装的目的是保护在运输过程中和中间存储时不受损坏。此外,专业的包装应该使包装的货物便于安装、运输和堆叠。Three main types of packing are to be distinguished (for applied packing specification please refer to the contract):比较著名的有三种主要包装类型(符合合同的适用包装说明包装类型): Land packing (truck, tr

22、ain or airfreight) is used for door-to-door delivery without intermediate storage.陆地包装(货车、火车和空运)适用于户对户的直接交付,没有中间存储。 Seaworthy packing is applied to goods with oversea destinations and several handling as well as for shipments in containers from seaport to seaport. This type of packing guarantees a p

23、rotection of the material for a period of 6 months when stored in a covered and dry place.耐航包装适用于海外目的地的货物和少量处理货物以及出货时内从一个港口到另一个港口的集装箱货物。这种类型的包装保证货物存储在室内干燥的地方保护材料,保险期六个月。 Long-term packing protects the goods during a longer storage period ( 6 month) and is only applied when specifically requested by

24、the customer. Protection is only guaranteed when suppliers storage instructions are strictly followed.在一个长的保存周期,长期包装保护货物(大于6个月)仅适用于雇主有此特殊要求的时候。保险严格按照发货商的存储指示进行保护。The crankgear unit with crankshaft and cylinder lubricating group is covered for shipment with a plastic tarp (a crate is not possible).带有

25、机轴和柱面润滑设备的曲轴装船时用塑胶防水布覆盖(条板箱是不可能的)。Unless otherwise agreed, all other items are packed in wooden boxes which provide a long-lasting seal and protection against climatic and chemical influences. The package is suitable to withstand dynamic and static forces.除非另有协议,不然,所有其它设备都要打包放入木箱子里,可以长期密封、保护防止气候以及化学

26、物品的影响。包装要能承受动态和静态力量。Marking of Packages The wooden boxes are marked on the two longitudinal sides with waterproof paint. Packages requiring special handling are additionally marked with the international standardized handling instructions:包装用木箱要在纵向两侧用防水油漆标记。如果包裹有特殊操作要求则再加上国际标准化的操作说明。Fig. 5-2 Package

27、 handling instructions操作说明Pay attention to the instructions on the package concerning transport, handling and storage.注意包裹上关于运输,操作和存储的说明。Guarantee claims are not accepted if the package is untimely opened or damaged as a consequences of improper handling.如果由于操作不当或者不合时宜的打开引起的损坏,不在保险承若范围内。Preservation

28、 Depending on the nature of the goods, different kinds of corrosion protection will be applied to compressor, plant components and spare parts susceptible to corrosion due to atmospheric or climatic influences.保存 压缩机、设备组件和备件易于受大气或者气候影响受到腐蚀,需要用到不同种类的防腐蚀保护。Cylinders and Distance Pieces气缸和隔离段Preservati

29、on outside:外部保护 Openings closed gastight by thermoplastic foil, cardboard开口用热塑性金属片或者纸板封闭 Blank parts treated with a removable coating (Tectyl)毛坯部件使用可去除涂料Preservation inside:内部保护 Flushed with dry nitrogen干燥氮气填充 VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) mats in interior spaces在内部空隙填充挥发性防腐剂Crankgear曲轴Preserva

30、tion outside:外部保护 Openings closed by thermoplastic foil, cardboard, wooden boards开口处用热塑性金属片,纸板,木板封闭 Blank parts treated with a removable coating (Tectyl)毛坯部件使用可去除涂料 Whole crankgear wrapped with a VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) mat整个曲轴用挥发性防锈剂包装Preservation inside:内部保护 Interior parts lubricated wi

31、th oil内部部件用油涂抹 VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) mats in interior spaces内部空隙使用挥发性防锈剂Components, Spare Parts 组件、备件Material requiring particular corrosion protection is packed in VPI (Vapor Phase Inhibitor) paper and wrapped into polyethylene sheeting or sealed into polyethylene bags.材料要求特殊防腐包装,用挥发性防

32、锈剂纸包装或者使用聚乙烯薄膜包装或者是密封在聚乙烯袋里面。To protect the internal parts against corrosion, components could be filled with dry nitrogen prior to dispatch. An adhesive label with corresponding warning sign is affixed to these components.要保护内部部件不受腐蚀,组件里要预先充入干燥的氮气。然后再贴上相应的警告标签。WARNING警告Pressurized system part!加压系统部件To protect the internal parts against corrosion, some components could be fill

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