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1、江苏苏州市学年七年级下学期期中英语试题含答案江苏苏州市2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中英语试题一、单选题1. Which cup do you like better?_ one with _ u on it. A.The; a B.The; an C.A; an D.A; the2. Suzhou is _ the east of China and _ the north of Zhejiang.; to; in; in; to3. _ he _ his uncle at the bus station this afternoon? Yes,

2、 he is. A.Will; meet B.Can; meetC.Is; going to meet D.Are; going to meet4. Jane is a good teacher of _.She teaches _ English.; us B.ours; our C.our; us D.ours; us5. Whats the matter, Amy?Oh, I feel sorry to hear more than _people lost their lives in the earthquake. A.sixty thousands of B.sixty

3、thousandC.sixty thousand of D.thousand of6. _ is it from Sunshine Town to Beijing?Its about 20 kilometers _ our school. A.How long, far from B.How long; away fromC.How far; away from D.How far, far away from7. Walk _ the white building and go _ the street. Then you will find the park. A.pass; cross

4、B.past; cross C.pass; across D.past; across8. I sit between Millie and Amy, so my desk is between desks. A.Millie and Amys B.Millies and AmyC.Millie and Amy D.Millies and Amys9. How was your weekend?Great! It was my grandfathers _birthday. We enjoyed ourselves. A.seventieth B.seventies C.seventeenth

5、 D.the seventieth10. Tom, please remember to wear your mask next time you come to school because COVID-19 is still serious._. A.Good idea B.Its right C.Ok, I will D.Thank you二、完型填空 Whatdo you often do for your father on Fathers Day? Father Day has a very _ history and it became a state festival in 1

6、972 in America. Because some Americans thought that if we had a Mothers Day, we should also have a Fathers Day.Fathers Day is becoming very _ in North America. People there do different kinds of things for their fathers on that day. And businessmen find it is a good way to make people buy presents f

7、or their fathers from their _.Except(除以外)America, very _countries have a Fathers Day, though some have a Childrens Day, or a _ day for boys or for boys and girls. More and more countries are having Mothers Day, _ maybe Fathers Day will become popular soon.Nowwhat are people in North America doing on

8、 Fathers Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV _ children what they should do -buy, buy, buy Fathers Day present for your father. They even want the wife to buy a Fathers Day present not for her father but for her _.Thepresents they buy for their dads are often not very_, as children dont have much mo

9、ney. But the important thing to remember about Fathers Day is that American children can show their _ to their fathers on that day. (1)A.long B.light C.old D.short (2)A.happy B.important C.interesting D.easy (3)A.shops B.houses C.offices D.schools (4)A.little B.few C.many D.much (5)A.busy B.ready C.

10、special D.careful (6)A.but B.if D.or (7)A.speak B.say D.tell (8)A.husband B.son D.cousin (9)A.beautiful B.expensive C.different D.heavy (10) B.promise D.life三、阅读单选 Doyouliketraveling?Ifyouareinterested,cometoourtravelserviceassoonaspossibleWeofferthefollowingtrave




14、7-333-9555(1) HowlongwilltheYangzhouColourfulGroupTourlast?_ATwodaysBFivedaysCEightdays(2) MrsLiisplanningtotakethe4-DayQingdaoPrivateTourwithhertwodaughtersHowmuchwilltheypay?_A¥2720B¥1650C¥2200(3) Ifyouwanttotakethe8-DayLondonPrivateTour,youshouldcall_A0827-555-6888B0827-333-9555C0827-222-8666(4)

15、Ifyoutakethe8-DayLondonPrivateTour,youwillbeableto_AbreathethefreshairBenjoytheviewoftheThamesCclimbA-liMountain(5) Theinformationabovemaycomefroma_AdrivingschoolBtravelserviceCsportscenter Monaco is in the south of Europe, beside the Mediterranean Sea( 地中海 ). Monaco is the second smallest country i

16、n the world. It is only 5.8 kilometers long and less than 1 kilometer wide. Thats about the same size as Central Park in New York. You can walk across the whole country in less than one hour.Itmay be small, but Monaco is a rich country. The most famous part of Monaco is Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo is f

17、amous for its casinos. Many tourists come to visit the casinosand they spend a lot of money there!MoteCarlo is also home to a famous car race. Each May, the Formula One Grand Prix takes place around the streets of Monte Carlo. People come from all over the world to watch the race. The Mote Carla Gra

18、de Prix is exciting to watch because the roads are narrow(狭窄的),with many curves(弯道).Monaco may be a tiny country, but it is an exciting place to visit. (1)How much time can it take if you want to walk across the whole country?A.50 minutes B.Two hours C.One day D.Three weeks (2)What is the Formula On

19、e Grand Prix?A.A car race. B.A casino.C.Part of Monaco. D.A street in Monte Carlo. (3)Why does the Mote Carla Grade Prix become so popular?A.There are many people from all over the world.B.You need to spend a lot of money.C.The roads are narrow with many curves.D.Its famous for its casinos and they

20、spend lots of money. (4)Which word is NOT fit for Monaco?A.Small. B.Exciting. C.Rich. D.Crowded. Lastsummer,MariaandhermothermovedfromtheirhouseinthecountrysidetobuildinginChicago.Mariareallylikedsomethingsaboutthecity,butshemissedherhouseandyardinthecountryside.Oneday,Mariawasinherflatbuildingwhens

21、henoticedherneighbor,Mrs. Garcia,carryingagardeningtoolandabagofsoil.MariawonderedhowMrs.Garciawasabletogardeninthecity.Mymomusedtogrowthemostdeliciousvegetables,andIknowshemisseshergardennowthatwedonthaveayard,saidMaria.Mrs. Garcialaughed.Illshowyou,shesaid.MariathoughtthatMrs. Garciawouldtakeherto

22、thepark,butshetookhertotheroof(屋顶).Whenthedooropened,Mariawassurprisedtoseerowsofflowersandvegetablesontheroof.Whatawonderfulgarden!saidMaria.Mrs. GarciatoldMariathatforalongtimetheroofwasjustanemptyspace.Thensomeofthepeopleinthebuildingaskedtheownerstoturnitintoacommunitygarden.Thebuildingownerslik


24、ryside.Youjusthavetobecreative! (1)Mrs Garcia took Maria to _.A.the park B.the countryside C.the roof D.her home (2)Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the community garden?A.It used the empty space wellB.It helped to keep the air clean.C.It helped to keep the building cooler.D.It made th

25、e building stronger (3)After Maria visited the garden, she would most probably ask her _.A.go back to the countryside B.pick flowers from the gardenC.grow vegetables on the roof her around the park (4)What does the underlined word creative mean in Chinese?A.辛勤的 B.创造性的 C.积极的 D.激动的 (5)What is t

26、he best title for this passage?A.A creative lady B.A rooftop gardenC.An empty roof D.A special building Toraise snails(蜗牛) well, you need to spray(喷) water to the container(容器) every morning and evening, change soil every two weeks, and feed them with vegetables and sweet fruits, said Sun Youxiang a

27、fter raising snails for one year. He is a fourth grade primary school student in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. From three white jade snails at the very beginning to more than sixty snails of four generations now, he has done a great job for his science class.Watching the reproduction(繁殖) of animals i

28、s an uncommon experience for kids. Their creativity, patience and respect for life will be developed as they learn to take care of animals on their own. Suns teacher said the job served as a good example of life education. Practice is a necessary step in learning and it will benefit the kids for a l

29、ife time.Lifeeducation allows kids to know how to live with nature and creatures in a friendly way. Starting from this year, science will become an important subject as Chinese and math in primary schools in order to improve students knowledge about the things around us. Because of curiosity(好奇心), more kids will be willing to watch and think through practising. It will add to our knowledge

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