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高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists教案.docx

1、高中英语必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists教案Unit 1Great scientists.重点单词聚焦1We were_(击败,打败) 01 in the football game,which made us very upset.答案:defeated2Some_(专家) in the field of English teaching have been invited to give us a lecture.答案:experts3Environmental pollution is one of the most serious_(挑战) we face.答案:

2、challenges4The police_(怀疑) the man in the red jacket was a criminal,but they didnt have any evidence.答案:suspected5So busy was the mother that she had to ask her neighbor to _(照顾) her baby for a day.答案:attend6After graduating from college,he became an excellent_(内科医生)答案:physician7Happiness,instead of

3、 medicine,was the_(治愈方法) for her illness.答案:cure/treatment8People all around the world tried to help the_(受害者) of the earthquake in that area.答案:victims9Richardson_(推断出) from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.答案:concluded10Youd better not be_(暴露) to the sun too long

4、;it may lead to skin diseases.答案:exposed.重点短语扫描1put 提出2 .to 使显露;暴露3apart 除之外;此外4make 讲得通;有意义5draw a 得出结论6link. .将和联系或连接起来7be with.对严格的8make for为腾地方9be to 应受谴责,应负责任forwardexposefromsenseconclusiontostrictroomblame10be 违背,反对11point of 态度,观点,看法12slow 减速13lead 通向,导致14look 调查againstviewdowntointo.课文原句突破1

5、人们不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。_its cause_its cure was understood.答案:Neither;nor2每次暴发霍乱时,都有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。So many thousands of terrified people died_ _ there was an outbreak.答案:every time 3为防止这种情况再度发生,约翰斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测。_ _ this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies_ _.答

6、案:To prevent;be examined4只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。_ _you put the sun there_the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.答案:Only if;did5他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星围绕着它转,只有月球仍绕着地球转。He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system _the planets _round it and only the moon still going

7、round the earth.答案:with;goingconclusion nC,U 结论;结束教材原句P1:Draw a conclusion得出结论We may conclude from his appearance that he is a heavy smoker.从他的外表我们可以断定他烟抽得很凶。We concluded the meeting with an English song.我们以一首英语歌结束这次会议。They came to the conclusion that it was a thief who had stolen their diamond neck

8、lace.他们断定是小偷偷走了他们的钻石项链。We will have a further discussion before we draw a final conclusion.我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终结论。In conclusion,I think there is hope for the future.总之, 我认为将来还有希望。1.Ann seems to be upset.Whats up?She_from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores.Aincl

9、udes BconcludesCsuggests Dcontains解析:下句意为:她根据电话中的声音判定母亲对她的考试成绩不满意。答案:Bdefeat (defeated;defeated) vt.打败;战胜;使受挫;n.失败教材原句P2:JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA”约翰斯诺战胜“霍乱王”The army was welltrained and wellarmed,and had little difficulty defeating the enemy.这支部队装备齐全又受过良好的训练,打败敌人没有困难。Although there were lots

10、of difficulties to overe,she never let her problems defeat her.虽然生活中有许多困难,但她从不让困难打败自己。Our baseball team has suffered another defeat.我们的棒球队再次失败。辨析:defeat,beat与win这三个词都有“赢”的意思,但用法不尽相同。(1)defeat和beat都可接sb.作宾语,一般可以互换,其宾语通常是“人”或“一个团体”,如a team,a class,a school,an army等。另外,defeat还可用于指战争中“击败”敌军或入侵者。(2)win后接

11、sth.,如game,war,prize,love,respect等;后接sb.时表示“争取某人”。2.用win,beat或defeat填空:(1)Much to his disappointment,he was badly _in the election.(2)Who do you think will_the beauty contest?(3)You_me in the race,but Ill_you at tennis.答案:(1)defeated(2)win(3)beat/defeated;beat/defeatexpose vt.暴露,揭露;使曝光;使面临教材原句P2:But

12、 he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但当他一想到要帮助(那些)受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。Dont expose your skin to direct sunlight,or youll get sunburnt.不要让你的皮肤直接暴晒于阳光下,否则你会被晒伤。The bicycle was exposed to the wind and rain.那辆自行车任由风吹雨打。We want to expose the kids to as much

13、art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。As a nurse in the war she was exposed to many dangers.作为战地护士,她置身于危险之中。3.完成句子暴露在阳光下太久对皮肤有伤害。_sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.答案:Being exposed to absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;并入,并吞教材原句P2:The second suggested that people absorbed this diseas

14、e into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法表明人们是在吃饭时把这种病毒引入体内的。(1)absorb ones attention吸引某人注意(2)absorbed adj.聚精会神的;专心致志的,极感兴趣的be absorbed by/into被吞并,被所吸收be absorbed/buried in全神贯注于I was so absorbed in this book that I didnt hear you e in.我正入神地看这本书,连你进来也没听见。Absorbed in his work,Tom simply forgot food a

15、nd sleep.汤姆专心于工作,几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。The big pany has gradually absorbed these small panies into its own organization.这家大公司渐渐把这些小公司吞并了。4.(2010河南省实验中学模拟)For the next two hours she was_the film,so she didnt notice what happened around her.Aengaged in Bbusy withCabsorbed in Doccupied with解析:考查短语辨析。句意为:在此后的两个小时里

16、,她在专心看电影,因而没有注意到周围所发生的事情。be engaged in从事;be busy with忙于;be absorbed in全神贯注于;be occupied with忙于。答案:C5_in her new novel,the young writer kept thinking and writing for a dozen hours in her study.AHaving deeply absorbed BDeeply absorbingCDeeply having been absorbed DDeeply absorbed解析:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。短语be a

17、bsorbed in的意思为“专心于”。答案:Dblame vt.责备;谴责;把归咎于是;n.过失;责备教材原句P2:It seemed that the water was to blame.看来水是罪魁祸首。 The police blamed the traffic accident on Jacks careless driving.警察把那起交通事故归咎于杰克的粗心驾驶。I dont blame you for doing that.我不责备你做了那事。The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.这位司机不应承担交通事故。

18、You must bear the blame for the accident.你必须承担这次事故的责任。6.(安徽高考)Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy,saying that he was not the one _.Ablamed BblamingCto blame Dto be blamed解析:he was not the one to blame意为“他不是那个应该受责备的人”。答案:C7(福建高考)_for the breakdown of the school puter network,Alice was i

19、n low spirits.ABlaming BBlamedCTo blame DTo be blamed解析:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:Alice因为电脑络故障被责备,情绪很低落。非谓语形式用做原因状语,主语是这个动作的承受者,故用过去分词blame。D项to be blamed有将要的意思。答案:B8Dont always_your own failure_others.Sometimes you yourself_.Ablame;on;are to be blamedBblame;for;are to blameCblame;on;are to blameDblame;for;a

20、re to be blamed解析:句意为:不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时该责怪你自己。blame sth.on sb.把归咎于某人;be to blame该受责备,要用主动式表被动意义。答案:Ccontribute vt.& vi.捐款;贡献;捐助He contributed some money to the flood victims.他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的难民。Our teacher tells us that exercise contributes to good health.我们的老师告诉我们锻炼有助于身体健康。He has made great contributions t

21、o a space development program.他对太空发展计划有很大贡献。Many people contributed money to the poor boy,which contributed to his returning to school.A writer wrote a story about it and contributed it to a newspaper.许多人给这个可怜的小男孩捐钱,这使他重新回到了校园。一位作家写了一篇关于此事的文章并把它投到了报社。9.Eating too much fat can_heart diseases and caus

22、e high blood pressure.Aresult from Bcontribute toCattend to Ddevote to解析:contribute to导致,其后常接表示结果的名词。答案:Bput forward 提出(建议);推荐;将提前教材原句P1:Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出的黑洞理论?He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.他在会上提了一个很好的建议。The plan put forward by the old professor wa

23、s well worth considering.那位老教授提出的计划很值得考虑。They have put forward the date of their wedding by one week.他们将婚礼日期提前了一周。put aside节省;储蓄;储存put away放好;积蓄put off延期;推迟put on穿上;演出put out熄灭;生产put up举起;张贴;公布;挂起;建造Never put off till tomorrow what you can to today.今日事今日毕。Its wise to have some money put away for old

24、 age.存些钱养老是明智的做法。They have put up a lot of highrise buildings recently.最近他们盖起来很多高楼大厦。10.完成句子The manager was very satisfied with the suggestion that Mr Smith_(昨天在会议上提出的)答案:put forward at the meeting yesterdayapart from除之外;此外教材原句P4:Apart from the construction mentioned above you have also learned the

25、following phrases.除了以上提到的结构,你也学过下面的词组。Apart from you,I had no one to talk to.(相当于but/except)除了你,我再也没有可交谈的人了。Apart from a few faults,he is a respectable teacher.(相当于except for)除几个缺点外,他是个值得尊敬的老师。This essay is good apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.除了有些拼写错误,这篇文章写得不错。in addition to相当于介词besides,表示

26、“除以外还”。In addition to giving a general introduction to puters,the course also provide practical experience.课程除了介绍一般电脑知识之外,还提供实际操作的机会。11.(2010杭州学军中学模拟)_its low cost,the appeal of iron as a building material lies in its strength,its resistance to fire,and its potential to span vast areas.AOther than B

27、Apart fromCExcept for DRather than解析:句意为:除了低成本外,对作为建筑材料的铁的需求在于其自身的优点,耐火性以及在其他广泛领域中的应用潜能。apart from在此处相当于介词besides,符合语意。other than除了;except for除以外,rather than胜于,均不符合语意。答案:B12She knows nothing about her new neighbor_he moved into the building last Sunday.Aexcept that BexceptCapart from Dbesides解析:此题考查

28、except后跟宾语从句的用法,except后连词不可省略。答案:Amake sense有意义;有道理;讲得通教材原句P7:Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能讲得通。This sentence just doesnt make sense,no matter how you read it.无论你怎样读这个句子,它还是讲不通。It makes no sense to buy that expensi

29、ve coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可呢?make sense of理解,明白make no sense没道理,没意义there is no sense in doing sth.做没道理in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense决不Only after I read the poem a second time did I make sense of it.我把这首诗又读了一遍之后才理解了它的含义。Theres no sense in getting angry about it.为此生气是没有意思的。You are right in a sense,but you dont know all the facts.在某种意义上你是对的,但你不了解全部事实。13.Whats the central idea of the passage,Bob?Sorry,I cant make_o

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