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1、关于星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲介绍十二星座的英文演讲稿 By legend,nearly ten thusand-years ag,peple lived in the mesptamian plain can bserve theastrnmical,they are curius abut the rise f the sun ,the fall f the mn and the psitin f the stars.sme suspects came t their mind hich directly lead t the frm f astrlgy.Till

2、5BC,the mstfamus cuntry babyln started systemtical study f astrlgy,they have created the 12signs fr the first time in the histry.s many peple cnsider they as the father f astrlgy. 白羊座 Aries IairiesI (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pineer f the zdiac. Aries is symblized by a sheep , hich means qu

3、ick t take actin and get things rlling. Aries has several features: energetic, enthusiastic, and arm. But smetimes Aries is impulsive. Fr example, hen the Aries ant smething, he/she ill try their best t get it, n matter h hard it ill be. Aries never cnsider if it is rth t d s, and they never think a

4、but the cnsequence. 金牛座 Taurus t?:r?s (April 21- May21): Taurus is symblized by a bull, hich means stability and reliability. Taurus is practical, slid and reliable. They dislike change, resist any chance, and maybe sl t get mving. S Taurus is ttally different frm Aries. It s very difficult t change

5、 the mind fTaurus. 双子座 Gemini IjieminaiI (May 22- June 21): Gemini the Tins. Gemini is gd at gathering infrmatin and discvery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency t bend the truth. Gemini can be talktive, they enjy kning a little abut everything. A small hint fr Gemini, every Gemini has

6、t sides, smetimes they get a bit upset but they never let thers kn. 巨蟹座 Cancer (June 22- July 22): Cancer is symblized by a crab, hich meansprtectiveness. Cancer generally have an emtinal relatinship ith their surrundings. They may tend t create a small, enclsedenvirnment and nly all a fe selected p

7、eple int their private space. 狮子座 Le (July 23- August 23): Le the lin. The ryal Le is full f cnfidence fr the future. Le is playful, creative, arm-hearted, and risk taking. Le has the strng, burning inner-desire f self-cnfident, they never say srry t thers even they kn they are rng. Ruled the Sun, L

8、e is the King f the 12zdiac sig ns. 处女座 Virg v?: g?u (August 24- September 23):Virg the virgin. ne f the main keys t understanding Virg is “Perfectinism ”, hich meansVirg is eager f being “perfect ”. Anther feature f Virg is that they enjy fcusing n the very smallest f details. 天秤座 Libra laibr? (Sep

9、tember 24- ctber 23): Libra the scales means harmny and cperatin. Libra is sensitive t hat s ging n arund them, and they ften act aspeacemakers in their envi rnment,The slightest upset ill upset them. Librans hate t be mis-judged, and they really care hat ther peple think f them. 天蝎座 Scrpi sk?:pi?u

10、(ctber 24- Nvember 22): Scrpi is f curse symblized by a scrpin. They are passinate individuals. Scrpi have the strngest emtin in all 12 zdiacs. hen they fall in lve ith sme ne, they may ant t cntrl their partners, they never accept a betrayed lver 射手座Sagittarius ,s?d?i t & ?ri?s (Nvember 23- Decembe

11、r 21): Sagittarius is symblized by an archer. They are ptimistic, they need fr change, they are friendly. Aries and Le alays can be gd partners ith Sagittarius. Because these three zdiacs are all pen-minded and they have sme mn features. 摩羯座 Capricrn k?prik?:n (December 22- January 20): Capricrn the

12、 gat is knn fr self-cntrl and dependability. The sure-fted Caprcrn rks its ay slly, but surely t the tp f the muntain.they are very career-rientated peple. ambitius and have pinins abuteverything.水瓶座 Aquarius ? k & ?ri?s (January 21- February 18): Aquarius the ater purer, it is symblized by a bttle

13、hich is puring ater. Uncnventinal, friendly, and unpredictable are all characteristics f Aquarius. Aquarius values life, persuits happiness. 双鱼座 Pisces pisi:z (February 19- March 20): Pisces the fishes. They are imaginative and sensitive, they feel the need t express their imaginatin and creativity.

14、 As a result, they may tend be a dreamer because ur everyday life is practical. Pisces are rmantic, and as fishes d, they lve the ater. There is an ld saying “ Yu never see Pisces cry, that s because they live in the ater like fish and peple can t seetheir tears . ”MV 篇二:关于星座的英语演讲稿 全英 Hell, everyne.

15、 Tday I ill tell yu smething abut 4 cnstellatins cancer, le, virg and libra.And I ill intrduce all f them in fur parts. The first part is a brief intrductin. The secnd part is the bvius characters f the persn in the same cnstellatin. In the third part I ill intrduce sme ntables f these cnstellatins

16、and in the last part I ill ffer sme prper chices t travel fr cancerians, les, virgs and libras. N, let s begin the first cnstellatin-cancer.Cancers are brn beteen June 22 and July 22. Its name is Latin fr crab. Its symbl is . Cancer is a medium-size cnstellatin ith an area f 506 square degrees and i

17、ts stars are rather faint. Lcated at the centre f cnstellatin is Praesepe, ne f the clsest pen clusters t Earth and a ppular target fr amateur astrnmers. The cancerians are alays emtinal, lving, intuitive, imaginative, shred, cautius, prtective and sympathetic, hile they are als changeable, mdy, ver

18、emtinal andtuchy. Cancers are fit t be riters and Ernest Miller Hemingay h as brn n July 21, 1899 as a representative. He as an American authr and jurnalist hse ecnmical and understated style had a strng influence n 20th-century fictin. Mre r less, e can find his charming characters in ther cancers.

19、 Based n cancers characters, smehere near lakes r rivers are best places t travel. Fr example, making a trip t Lijiang in Yunnan prvince r Hlland is prper frm f emtinal utlet. And then let s begin the secndcnstellatin le. Les are brn beteen July 23 and August 22. It is lying beteen Cancer t the est

20、and Virg t the east. Its symbl is ( ?). Le remains ne f the 88 mdern cnstellatins tday. And it is very easy t find it due t its manybright stars and a distinctive shape. Le as als ne f the earliest fund and defined cnstellatins. Les characters are mre bvius and fixedpared ith thers. They are generus

21、, armhearted, creative, enthusiastic, brad-minded, expansive, faithful and lving. Hever they are als pmpus, bssy, interfering, dgmatic and intlerant. Les are brn leaders just like Naplen. Naplen Bnaparte, h as brn n August 15 as a French military and plitical leader h rse t prminence during the latt

22、er stages f the FrenchRevlutin and its assciated ars in Eurpe. His arrgance and aggressive shed les characters. Based n these characters, cnquering smething is le s frever aims f life. S Beijing and Brazil are gd chices t travel. They must try their best t cnquer the best all and sexy Brazilian girl

23、s and bys. And then let s begin the third cnstellatin. Virgs are brn beteen August 23 and Sep 22. Its name is Latin fr virgin, and its symbl is Unicde ?.Lying beteen Le t the est and Libra t the east, it is the secnd largest cnstellatin in the sky. It can be easily fund thrugh its brightest star, Sp

24、ica, hich makes it easy t lcate Virg. Sme peple jkes that dn t marry a le and dnt be virgs rmmates.I can justify it in sme ays because the mst f virgs are fussy, vercritical, harsh, perfectinist and cnservative. Nt that they are perfectly rng. They are als mdest, shy, reliable, practical, diligent,

25、intelligent and analytical. Just like Gerg ilhelm Friedrich Hegel, h as brn n August 27, 1770, as a German philspher, and a majr figure in German His histricist and idealist accunt revlutinized Eurpean philsphy. Based n virg s characters, Paris r Greece are nt prper thugh they seems very perfect. Th

26、e mst imprtant factr t cnsiderate is nt beautiful but clean. After all, it is difficult t image a virg live in a rm ith a stain n the all. S Dalian and Germanyare best chice. Then let s begin the last cnstellatin. Libras are brn beteen 923 t ctber 22. Its name Idealism. f reality is Latin fr eighing

27、 scales, and its symbl is . It is fairly faint, and lies beteen Virg t the est and Scrpius t the east. Due t the effects f precessin, the First Pint f Libra, lies ithin the bundaries f Virg very else t B Virginis. I am a libra, and yu can find sme characteristics in me. Libras are diplmaitic, urbane

28、, rmantic, charming, easyging, sciable, idealistic and peaceable hile hey are als indecisive, changeable, easily infuenced. ill Smith h as brn n September 25, 1968 is an representative. He is an American actr, prducer, and rapper. He has enjyed success in televisin, film, and music. In April 201X, N

29、eseek called him the mst perful actr in Hllyd. Rmantic and peaceful matter a lt hen a libra chses a place t travel. est lake and Greece are gd chices. They can makelibras relaxed and feel frtable. T preparethis talk sh, I searched the ikipedia t find sme infrmatins. 篇三:英语星座演讲 ? Tday , I ill intrduce

30、 the cnstellatins, I think yu ill be interested in mytpic. N, let?s begin this funny “travel ” . And frm this “travel ”, yu can kn yurself r thers better. ? Aries is the first sign f telve cnstellatin. They are filled ith energy, intense curisity( 强烈的好奇心 ), strength f ill( 坚强的意志力 ), bstinate( 固执的) ,

31、 adventurus and innvative spirit( 冒险犯难和创新求变的精神 ) , they dn t like falling behind the thers. ? Self cnsciusness and subjective cnsciusness ( 自我意识和主观意识 )are very strng. Althugh smetimes they appear impulse (冲动) , but basically ill still be sensible and decisive( 果断的 ). ? The secnd ne isTaurus As the n

32、ame shn, he is a real “ gld ” (materialistic 唯物主义的 )and pssessive (占有欲强的 ) x. They are lyal, sincere, practical, frank, respnsible fr everything. ? Taurus peple seem t be brn ith melanchly and depressive ( 忧郁和压抑 ) persnality. They are the mst diligent cnstellatin. Patience and tughness are theircharacters. nce determined, n ne can change it. ? Gemini peple are very versatile( 多才多艺 ) , intelligent( 聪明的 ), energetic, ambitius. Ppularity( 人缘 ) is very gd, they all have a language talent as ell as an excellent elquence( 口才一流 ). ? Basically, Gemini peple sh bvius t r mre persnalities. T

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