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1、考研补充词汇1 the lawyer advised him to drop the _C_ , since he stands little chance to win .A event重大事件in the event of 万一B incident (不重要的)小事accident 意外事件(by)affair issueC case事例案例小case小事一件D affair事务事件风花雪月的事fair 公平的,白皙的2 they were _A_ admission to the military exhibition(display) because they were foreign

2、ers.A deniedto deny a beggar(养拿头)抵你不就是拒绝你吗?B declinedcline 词根 靠decline 向下倾斜incline 倾向于,易于C deprived弟弟扑向了小河,小河夺走了他的生命区别 derive 小河起源于D rejectedinjectobjectsubject3 before he started work , I asked the builder to give me a (n)_B_ of the cost of repairing the roof.A propertyproper= ones own财产;appropriat

3、e 合适的B estimate最 爱 伴侣- 你究竟有几个好妹妹-估计C climatec 常来的 伴侣- 总是伴随着每一个人- 气候氛围ApproximateinmateIntimate 在里面提到的朋友-亲密Ultimate最终的D poverty4finding a job can be _B_ and disappointing , and therefore it is important that you are prepared .A exploiting把油都扑出来(王长喜扑到油井里的场面)-开采开发B frustratingfru 妇孺 在街上 速度- 他们一定走的很慢-阻扰

4、挫败(交通)C profitingfit本田车型pro 往前- 往前追上那辆fit为什么?有好处的有利的D misleadingmis 错误的令人误解的Mistakemisunderstanding5 john who _A_ this type research deserves our praise .A originated发起B exhaustedC generatedD estimated6 some people criticize family doctors for _A_ to many medicines for minor illnesses .A prescribing

5、B orderingC affordingAff 想成 阿福- 狗Affable狗很亲切亲切的 和蔼的Affinity狗在in家里 ity n后缀- 狗和家人亲密关系Affray阿福在光下下- 吵架 斗殴Betray拿光线打赌,阿凡提买阳光-出卖了他傻的本质Stray街上的光线- 什么时候只有大街上的光线陪伴着你-流浪迷路D delivering发表7 the doctors _A_ the medicines to the people in the flood area .A distributed分开 给予分发B packed包裹,打包C prayedD undertookHe unde

6、rtook to finish the job by Wednesday承担 着手做8 this boy was _A_ for what he had done in the class.A scoldedB overcomeC multiplied多重 重叠乘,繁殖D displayed9 some states in the United States _D_ people to carry guns.A applyB accuse 一再的责问C ignoreD forbid禁止(为了逼得为了解决逼别人做事-要禁止这事啊。)10 this man has been proved _A_

7、of murder.A guilty 跪了腿为什么跪着啊内疚的 有罪的innocentB spoiledC flashfl 飞Flaglag (拉哥他落后了啊)Flash lash (拉屎,农村打麦子的时候,驴拉屎了鞭打)Flame lame(瘸的)火焰不飞了,落到地上摔瘸的Flare 飞来 飞去的光 闪光clip 夹牢 地铁上 liplip stick Flight(fly)- lightD curious cur 关心11 ten years later, that man was _B_ from prison .A eased= easy 轻松的 容易的B released再次使他轻松

8、- 释放发布Ease 单词Disease不轻松 就患病Please扑过来 轻松 使 快乐Cease息死停止C retreated回去 撤退D restrained 控制 约束strain,strict,string=tighten=拉紧Man is not born to solve the problem of the universe, but to find out what he has to do; and to restrain himself within the limits of his comprehension-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Ge

9、rman writer.人生来不是要去解决宇宙的问题,而是要去发现他必须做什么并且把自己限制在他的理解范围内-约翰.沃尔夫冈.范.歌德,德国作家。Strain:拉紧 尽力 to strain a ropeoverstrain-过度紧张,劳累restrain-一再的拉紧-抑制,限制restraint-n抑制,限制strict-严厉的,严格的constrict-v压缩,收缩(compress)restrict- re回-v.限制,限定restriction-ion名词词尾-限制12 john dewey believed that education should be a preparation

10、 for life , that a person learns by doing , and that teaching must _B_The curiosity and creativity of children.A seekB stimulatesimulate刺激鼓舞C subscribe签署订阅捐献D securese 分开cure=take care=关心:每一个都关心到安全的保护名言留香:Curiositykills the cat.好奇害死猫cure -医治,治疗curable-可治好的curious- ous形容词词尾-好奇的accurate-ac加强语气前缀-准确的,精

11、确的13 in 1914 an apparently insignificant(记号 你非能够你非用记号记下来重要的,关键的) event in a remote part of Eastern Europe _D_ Europe into a great war.A insertedSert 插入加入insert 插入,嵌入Exsert突出的(v adj)使伸出使突出Assert断言主张 (我们谈话,你一再的加入声明你的观点啊)Desert de away;不让插入,不让加入抛弃扔掉B imposed pos =putExpose暴露compose共同放在一起- 组成,构成decompos

12、e 分解Depose 降职,免职deposit(低头放下一个东西)存款沉淀物Impose 往里放强加于,征税impose ones opinion on somebodyto impose duties(关税) on imported winesPropose往前放- 提出建议求婚C pitched投掷(皮七,麻将里的七皮,打麻将就要投出去)Itch 的单词Witch (我 它 吃) 巫婆Switchs蛇女巫拿蛇做开关Hitch钩住my hair was hitched by the nailDitch沟水渠(掉 到沟里)D plunged投入,跳入使陷入14 the computer rev

13、olution may well change society as _C_ as did theIndustrial Revolution .A certainlyCertain 确定的 certify证明保证补充 ify词汇使。化Clarify(clear)澄清阐明Classifyclass 等级分类Identifyidentity 身份- 认出 识别(使身份化便于识别,认出)Justifyjust 正好,恰恰证明.是恰当的adjust 调整Modify更改 修改(mode 模式,方式)Qualify使合格 (quality 质量) qualified合格的Simplify简单化Speci

14、fyspecificB insignificantly 无关紧要的vitalessential indispensableC fundamentally根本的D comparativelycompare 比较contrast补充 par词汇par 词根平行的Parallel平行的- linesParalyze使瘫痪平行的ly躺在那瘫痪的Analyze分析(是用an还是a,分析一下)Analog相似物木头前是用a还是an 区别不大,小错误,是相似物15 louis herman , at the university of Hawaii ,has _C_ a series of new expe

15、riments in which some animals have learned to understand sentences .A installed安装B equipped- withC devisedvis 看向下看- 设计想出(低头思考)D formatted格式 版面16 it took him several months to _C_ a wild horse .A tendintend extend= stretch tension(拉力紧张)intensive 加强的集中的tenderB cultivate培养陶冶 culture 使你有文化C tame驯养D bree

16、d繁殖饲养17I hate people who _C_ the end of a film that you havent seen before .A revise再次 看修改B rewriteC revealveal 想成veil面纱再一次掀开面纱揭开 显示D reverse 翻转(vers 转)convertconverse相反的divert 转移18 the light was too _D_ for the boy to read the letter .A illuminating照明的启蒙的illustrate 举例说明demonstrate frustrateB implic

17、it 暗示的(imply)C explicit明确的,直接的(ex 走出 ply重叠不重叠的直接的)D dim暗淡 模糊19 the boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents _C_ .A presentationB restrictionC consent同意(把你的钱全送出去,需要家长的同意)content 内容满意的D margin 边缘20 writing is the slow process , requiring _B_ thought , time and e

18、ffort .A significant 重要的,有意义的B considerableconsiderateC enormous norm规范,基准e出来不是基准的- 巨大的,庞大的补充ous 结尾单词Gloriousglory 光辉 荣耀TremendousNumerousD regular有规律的考研常见单词替换(2009-08-23 11:09:50)转载标签:杂谈分类:考研英语1.important=crucial,critical significantessential mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it

19、 seems to be everywhere)4.difficult=formidable5.understand=discern6.all the time-continually, continuously, constantly, a resultconsequently、8.before-prior to9.begincommence10.bettersuperior11.big-major, significant, substantial12.have-be equipped with, possess13.if-in the event of,

20、in case(of) the end-eventually, finally, ultimately15.know-be aware of, be conversant with, familiar with16.less and less-decreasing(ly)17.more and more, funds, resources19.more and moreincreasingly20.need-demand, present, at this juncture, at this

21、moment, currently22.often-frequent(ly)23.quick(ly)-rapid(ly),prompt(ly)24.right-appropriate, correct, proper, drastic, manifest reveal27.small-minor/insignificant (problems, differences etc),marginal(不重要的,微小的)28.too many-an excessive number of, a

22、 disproportionate number of29.too much-excessive(ly)30.about : regarding concerning involving relating to, with respect to, with reference to31.Famous: well-known famed, noted, renowned, enjoy a nation-wide/worldwide reputation/fame be widely acknowledged/known32.poor = needy = impoverished = povert

23、y-stricken1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换eg.An army of college students indulge the

24、mselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many,

25、if not most一定要小心,many后一定要有词。Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that.同理用most, if not all,替换most.5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some6: harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要

26、加that)7:affair ,business ,matter替换thing8: shared代common9.reap huge fruits替换get many benefits )10:for my part ,from my own perspective替换in my opinion11:Increasing(ly),growing替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is

27、 increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.12.little if anything,或little or nothing替换hardly13.beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替换customer15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely替换very16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable .替换unnecessary, avoidable17.sth appeals t

28、o sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in18.capture ones attention替换attract ones attention.19.facet,demension,sphere代 indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代indicate, suggest ,fear21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger替换cause.22. There are several reasons behind sth替换.reasons for sth23.desire替换want.24.pour attention into替换pay attention to25.bear

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