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1、完整版外研版八年级下册英语课文及译文:1听录音,把图画标上序号。IiII 1III:玲玲:猜猜它是什么!Ii:贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?IIII 2IIi:大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。II:托尼:别喝了。IIII:3II;贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。II:玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。II:玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮!II:大明:是的。他做很多运动。III;2再听一遍录音并完成句子。III:1Ii:玲玲:猜猜它是什么!III;贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?III:2II:大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。III:托尼:别喝了。III:3II:贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。|Module 1Unit 11L

2、iste n and n umber the pictures.1Lin gli ng: Guess what it is!Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie?2Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour.Tony: Don t drink it.3Betty: This bed feels a bit soft.Lin gli ng: Try a harder bed.4Lin gli ng: Tom looks very stro ng!Dami ng: Yes. He does a lot of exercise.2Li

3、ste n aga in and complete the senten ces.1Lin gli ng: Guess what it is!Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie?2Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour.Tony: Don t drink it.3Betty: This bed feels a bit soft.Lin gli ng: Try a harder bed.Lin gli ng: Tom looks very stro ng!Dami ng: Yes. He does a lot of exer

4、cise.3Liste n and read.Tony: Mm.What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice.Betty: Tha nks! Would you like to try some?Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good.Daming: What s that on top?:大明:谢谢!它们尝起来确实很甜,: 并且中间感觉很柔软。i;:托尼:你在做许多不同的东西吗?: 你看起来很忙! !J I;贝蒂:是的!有

5、一些比萨饼和小甜! :i 饼,现在我正在做一个苹果馅 ;: 饼和一个蛋糕。 :;大明:苹果馅饼听起来不错。你知道: 我有对甜食的爱好。我来(给 ;; I; 你)拿糖吧? !I:贝蒂 好的。碘,你确定那是糖吗? Betty: Oh, that s cheese. Do you want to try a piece?Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. I m afraid I don - t like cheese. It doesn t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.Betty: Well,

6、my chocolate cookies are done now.Have a try!Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and theyfeel soft in the middle.Tony: Are you cook ing lots of differe nt thi ngs? Youlook very busy!Betty: Yes, I am! There s some pizza and some cookies,and now I m making an apple pie and a cake.Daming: Apple pie

7、 sou nds ni ce. I have a sweet tooth,you know. Shall I get the sugar?Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure thats sugar? Tasteit first. It might be salt !Daming: No, it s OK. It tastes sweet. It s sugar.Tony: What s this? It tastes sweet too.Betty: That s strawberry jam, for the cake.Daming: Good, eve

8、rything tastes so sweet! Its mylucky day!Unit 39 Liste n and complete the no tes. What is the speaker about?9 听录音,完成记录。说话人在抱 怨什么?complai ningJames: Let s go home don t like this party.詹姆斯:我们回家吧。我不喜欢这Helen: Why? I m having a great time. The music isgood, is n t it?-1听录音个将你听到的单词编号。James: Well, I thi n

9、k its terrible. Itsou nds like noise, not music. And the room istoo hot for dancing, any way.”贝海伦玲玲,么你我正玩得美兴呢?。s too loud, and i!- 这音乐听起来很好,不是吗?:玲玲:不,我没去过。我一直想去:詹姆斯:嗯,我认为它很糟糕。声I 1計 那儿。!: 音太大了,并且它听起来Helen: Why don t you have something to eat?:贝蒂:你愿意噪年来而我吗音乐。并I James: I don t like party foodt has too

10、much salt.Hele n: How about a dri nk the n?James: I tried some of the cola, but itHelen: Well, you can talk to some people.Then you一玲玲:那听起来很怎么说我愿意房间用I 1” 来跳舞太热了。;贝帝:我还没有冋过我的父母,但我海伦:为什么你不吃点东西呢? s too co 肯定他们会同意。你乘飞机旅:詹姆斯:我不喜欢聚会食品。盐太多。 丨: 行过吗?might feel happier.James: The people aren t very frienNkybo

11、dy istalki ng to me at all.-海伦:那么喝一杯怎么样?玲玲:是的,我乘飞机旅行过。:詹姆斯:我喝了一些可乐,但太凉了。:贝蒂:你喜欢吗?!: 海伦:嗯,你可以和一些人交谈一 -:玲玲:是的,那非常令人振奋,但Helen: Well, I m not surprised, reaMaybe every-是我很累。one is afraid of talk ing to you! You look so:2再听录音,选择正确的答案。an gry!:贝蒂:玲玲,你曾经去过美国吗?James: (Sigh)Maybe you re righItshould try to be

12、 a;玲玲:不,我没去过。我一直想去bit friendlier myself那儿。Module 2:贝蒂:你愿意明年来看我吗?;玲玲:那听起来很好!我愿意。Unit 1:贝蒂:我还没有问过我的父母,但我肯定他们会同意。你乘飞机旅行过吗?1 Listen and number the words as you hear them.Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US?Lingling: No, I haven t. I ve always wanted to gothere.Betty: Would you like to come and

13、 visit me next year?Lingling: That sounds wonderful! I d love to.Betty: I haven t asked my parents, but I m sure they llsay yes. Have you ever travelled by plane?Lingling: Yes, I have.Betty: Did you enjoy it?Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quitetired.2Listen again and choose the corre

14、ct answer.Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US?Lingling: No, I haven t. I ve always wanted to go there.Betty: Would you like to come and visit me next year?Lingling: That sounds wonderful! I d love to.Betty: I haven t asked my parents, but I m sure they llsay yes. Have you ever travelled by

15、 plane?Lingling: Yes, I have.Betty: Did you enjoy it?Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quitetired.3Listen and read.Tony: Hi, Lingling. What are you doing?Lingling: I m entering a competition.Tony: What kind of competiti on?多演讲比赛,但没有获过奖。Lin gli ng: A speak ing competiti on. 现在我已不再尝试了。IIT

16、ony: Great. It II help you improve your speaking.丨玲玲:太可惜了。你考虑过参加其他IIIAnd maybe you will win a prize. : 形式的比赛吗?IIILingling: The first prize is “ My dream holiday 托尼:你的意思是?IITony: Have you ever won any prizes before? 丨玲玲:看!这里有一个写作比赛 :八IIILin gli ng: No, I have n t. I ve always wan ted to Qo 十天环游地球。要赢得

17、这个比IIon a dream holiday. But I can t afford *. 赛,你需要就你参观过的一个IIjThe pla ne tickets are too expe nsive. ; 地方写篇短文。IIITony: Well, good luck! I ve also entered lots of ;托尼:那听起来很好,但我去的地方II _ _speaking competitions, but haven t wonany prizes. I ve stopped trying now.Lingling: That s a pity. Have you ever t

18、houghtabout other kinds of competiti ons?Tony: What do you mean?Lingling: Look! Here s a writing compAritiondthe World in 80 Days. To win it, you n eedto write a short story about a place you vevisited.Tony: That sou nds won derful, but I have n t travelledmuch. How can I write about it?Lingling: Do

19、n t worry. It doesn t need to be true! Youcan make it up.Tony: You re right. I ll try. I hope I will win, then Iwill in vite you to come with me.Lingling: Sorry! The first prize is only the book calledUnit 3主持人:今天,我们要和温妮、戴安6 Listen and check (V) the country that the peoplePresenter:Today we re talki

20、ng to Winnie, Diana and Bobabout their travel experie nces. Welcome, eve-娜和鲍勃交流关于他们旅游经历的事。欢迎大家!温妮,你去过很多地方旅游,have bee n to.ryone! Winnie, you ve travelled a lot, havenII i you? :II I Winnie: Yes. I ve been all over China ve also been to :ili l the US. In fact, I ve flow n to the US three times!;IIIPr

21、ese nter: What about you, Diana? Have you bee n to ;II I the US or Chi na? ;是不是?温妮:是的,我去过中国各地。我也去过美国。实际上 ,我乘飞机去过美国三次!主持人:你呢,戴安娜?你去过美国或中国吗?:戴安娜:我从没去过美国,但我| | 6 听录音,在人们去过的国家处打V”many times. I ve travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic!I d like to go there again, and look arou nd the c

22、ou ntry some more.Prese nter: And you, Bob? Where have you bee n?Bob: Well, I live in France. I ve been all over Europe, but I ve never been to Africa or Abi. ve never主持人:今天,我们要和温妮、戴安II: 娜和鲍勃交流关于他们旅游II经历的事。欢迎大家!温I!II; 妮,你去过很多地方旅游,II! 是不是?!I温妮:是的,我去过中国各地。我也III; 去过美国。实际上,我乘飞机I去过美国三次!Diana: I ve n ever

23、 bee n to the US, butI ve been toChi nabeen to the US either.7 Liste n aga in and an swer the questi ons.Presenter:Today we re talking to Winnie, Diana and Bobabout their travel experie nces. Welcome, eve-主持人:你呢,戴安娜?你去过美国|II: 或中国吗?II戴安娜:我从没去过美国,但我去ryone! Winn ie, youve travelled a lot, have n过中国很多次。

24、我乘火tyou?Winnie: Yes. I ve been all over China ve also been tothe US. In fact,I ve flown to the US three times!Prese nter: What about you, Diana? Have you bee n tothe US or Chi na?Dian a: I ve n ever bee n to the US, but I ve bee n to Chinamany times. I ve travelled all over South Chinaby train. It w

25、as fantasticI d like to go there again, and look arou nd the cou ntry some more.Prese nter: And you, Bob? Where have you bee n?Bob: Well, I live in France. I ve been all over Europe,but I ve never been to Africa or Abi. ve neverbeen to the US either.Module 3Unit 1i 听录音,给你所听到的单词编号1 Liste n and n umbe

26、r the words as you hear them. I:玲玲:我真的对从地球到火星的太空Lingling: I m really interested in the space trip from the :I; 旅行感兴趣。它是那么令人振earth to Marst s so exciting! Has the spaceship ;I: 奋!宇宙飞船已经登陆了吗?lan ded yet? ;!托尼:我不知道。我们听一下新闻Tony: I don t knoLet s listen to the news on the radio :I; 广播弄清情况吧。and find out.

27、iI:新闻记者:我们刚刚获知了一些有News reporter: Wd vejust had some news about the trip ;: 关火星之旅的新闻。八to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars :I; 个月的旅程之后,宇宙after a jour ney of eight mon ths. It has n i tI: 飞船终于到达了火星。sent back any messages yet, but scie n-tists are waiti ng.As we know, there isn t 2 再听一遍,完成笔记。any lif

28、e on the moon, but scie ntists hope玲玲:1我真的对从地球到火星的太111to find life on Mars and other pla nets.111111空旅行感兴趣。它是那么令1112 Liste n aga in and complete the no tes.11111人振奋!宇宙飞船已经登陆11111Lingling: I m really interested in the space trip from thei1111了吗?111earth to Mars. It s so exciting! Has the spaceship:托尼

29、:11我不知道。我们听一下新闻11Ian ded yet?i1111广播弄清情况吧。i1Tony: 1 don t knoLet s listen to the news on the radio1新闻记者:我们刚刚获知了一些有11111and find out.11111关火星之旅的新闻。八1i11News reporter: Wd ve just had some news about the trip11111个月的旅程之后,宇宙1111to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars1i111飞船终于到达了火星。i1after a journey of eight mon ths. It has n11111

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