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1、大英3考试范围可能会考的听力题海大 2014年秋季学期期末大英 3 考试题型和范围:Part I Listening Comprehension (35 points) 新标准视听说 + 三级水平听力 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points)Section A (Skimming and Scanning) (10 points)1篇,全新版大学英语快速阅读 3 unit1-8Section B (Word Selection) (10 points)1 篇,综合教程 unit1-7Section C (Reading in Depth) (10 Po

2、ints)2篇,课外三级水平Part III V ocabulary and Structure (15 points)15 个,综合教程 unit1-7 的单词、短语Part IV. Translation (10 points)2 个,包括英译汉和汉译英,综合教程 unit1-7 课后练习Part V Writing (10 points)综合教程 unit1-7 相关话题 大学英语 3视听说 1-10 单元视听说听力题 缩进选项为答案Watch Part 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1.Happin

3、ess classes in the school is to (a)make students like school(b) raise students moraleprepare students for university entrance exams improve students grades in languages2.(c)(d)Heidelbergs Willy Hellpach School is a school of(a)(b)languages mathematics (c) economics happiness3.(d)According to the pri

4、ncipal, students dont associate school with (a)(b)going to the dentist passing university entrance exams (c) being happybeing successful4.(d)According to scientific research, unhappy students (a) learn less than happy ones have better concentration achieve their potential live prosperous lives(b)(c)

5、(d)Happiness classes aim to .(b)(c)(d)(a)help students achieve a positive state of mind reduce students self-esteem decrease students self-awarenesshelp students critically evaluate society1.Liste n to Passage 1 and choose the best an swer to the questi ons. How did going to uni versity cha nge Sp e

6、aker 1?(b)It made him more self-c on fide nt.It made him frien dlier.(c) It made him more open-min ded.It made him sta nd up for his beliefs.2.(d)How did travelli ng cha nge Sp eaker 2? (b)(c)3.It gave her a joy for life.It made her poorer.It made her richer.(d) It made her grow up.How did being on

7、a reality TV show cha nge Sp eaker 3?(a) It made him realize its imp orta nt to be yourself. It made him sp iteful.It made him want to win.(b)(c)(d)It made him realize he was selfish.4.What did volun teeri ng help Sp eaker 4 see?(c)(d)People sufferi ng.(b) Genuine huma n kindn ess.How hard volun tee

8、rs work.How difficult a doctors job is.【此题为海大 2014年秋季学期期中考试听力题】 Watch Part 2 again and choose the best answerto the questi ons.1.What happened whe n childre n went to school un der the Taliba n? (b)(c)2.They were sent home aga in.The childre n were puni shed.The school was destroyed.(d) The p olice

9、puni shed their families.How is UNICEF hel ping to rebuild the educati onal system?(a) They are printing textbooks and deliveri ng books to schools.They are teach ing childre n.They are build ing new schools.They are build ing new rooms in schools.(b)(c)(d)3.How many girls does the school have room

10、for?900.(b) 960.800.850.4.(c)(d)What did Stude nt 3 try to do?(a) To buy books to study.(b) To study with her parents.(c) To go to school.(b)(c)(d)Why were the sp eaker and her husba nd n ear the farm?(b)(d) To study for six years by herself.5. Why does the Afgha n man feel happy and pro ud?(a)Becau

11、se girls can con ti nue with their educati on.Because his daughter is doing well at school.Because his daughters are proud of themselves.Because girls will have opportun ities to become teachers.Liste n to Passage 1 aga in and choose the best an swer to the questi ons. 1.Because they were on holiday

12、 n ear there. Because they were going to a conference, (c) Because they were visit ing frien ds.Because they were going to church. the coun try.(b) In the middle of London.In a big tow n.In a small town.(c)(d)Why does the sp eaker describe the farm as just p aradise?(a) Because it was a re

13、al farm and she and her brother could run around.Because she could p lay with the an imals.Because it was very beautiful there.Because her aunt and uncle were so nice.(b)(c)(d)What food does the sp eaker men ti on?(b)Fresh milk and eggs.Milk, cheese and eggs.(c) Jam, bread, cakes and milk.Meat from

14、the farm ani mals.(d)What do we lear n about the farm?(b)(c)The barns and sheds were beh ind the farm.There were two big barns.It was very unu sual.(d) The garde n was full of flowers.What feeli ngs does the sp eaker men tio n?(a) A longing for the p ast, sad ness and sweet ness.A longing to be happ

15、y aga in and sad ness.A very po werful feeli ng of longing and sad ness.A feeli ng of longing and happin ess.(b)(c)(d)Liste n to Passage 2 aga in and choose the best way to compi ete the sentences. Moder n art galleries .(a)have become very popu lar in recent years(b)are very large2.(c)are only visi

16、ted by young people(d)are usually housed in amaz ing new buildi ngsVisitors to moder n art galleries .(b)cant afford the entrance feeonly want to see the free exhibiti ons(c) dont mind paying an entrance fee dont want to pay an entrance fee3.(d)The Gugge nheim in Bilbao(b)(c)4.was recen tly reno vat

17、edhas cha nged the map of the cityhas few visitors(d) is a very popu lar tourist attract ion MoMA is located .(b)beside a riverin an in dustrial area(c) dow ntow nin an old po wer stati on5.(d)The p erce ntage of people un der 35 visit ing the Tate Moder n is(c)(d)11 percent(b) 48 per cent49 per cen

18、t51 percentWatch Part 1 of the video cli p and choose the best an swer to the questi ons.1.Who made the first serious atte mpt to fly like a bird?Daedalus.(b) Leon ardo da Vinci.The Greeks.An Italia n desig ner.2.(c)(d)Which force kee ps a bird elevated?(a)Gravity.(b)Thrust.(c) Lift.(d)Con trol.3.Wh

19、ich force kee ps a bird moving forward?Gravity.(b) Thrust.Lift.Con trol.(c)(d)How does a birds tail help it fly?(a)It kee ps it moving forward.(b)It kee ps it in the air.(c) It p rovides con trol.5.(d) It creates thrust.What additi onal factor is n eeded for successful flight? (b)(c)6.Being able to

20、overcome gravity.Bei ng fast.Being po werful.(d) Being light eno ugh.When did inven tors start to make p rogress in flight? (b)(c)When they cop ied birds.When they made wi ngs from feathers.When they flapped wings quickly.(d) Whe n they un derstood how birds fly.Watch Part 1 aga in and choose the be

21、st an swer to the questi ons.1.What does the p rese nter say about the beach?Its crowded.(b) Theres plenty of room for every one to sit comfortably.People are throw ing sand.Its not always pl easa nt.2.(c)(d)What attitude do most people have about personal space on the beach?(b)They dont mind other

22、people being there.They just want to enjoy the sun and look at the ocea n.(c) They p refer to have their own sp ace.They want to start a con versatio n with the people n ext to them.3.(d)Why does Jack go to South Beach Miami?(b)To find a parking sp ace.To go sho pping.(c) To con duct an exp erime nt

23、 about peopi es behaviour.To wait for some one to leave their parking sp ace.4.(d)Why is it difficult to get a parking sp ace?(b)(c)5.Because there are a lot of people wait ing.Because its a difficult n eighbourhood.Because theres a lot of traffic.(d) Because there are too many cars and not eno ugh

24、sp ace.What is the p roducer wait ing for?(a) To see what happens whe n some one wants her parking space.For some one to leave.To get a more desirable parking spot.To talk to the driver who wan ts her sp ace.(b)(c)(d)Liste n to Passage 2 and choose the best an swer to the questi ons.1.Where is the r

25、eport from?(b)Khao Lak.An isla nd in south-easter n Thaila nd.(c) P huket.A gypsy com munity.2.(d)What was the aim of the p roject?To build the local people bigger homes.(b) To rebuild homes destroyed in the tsun ami.To give local people jobs.To devel op the local economy.3.(c)(d)Where does Somwa ng

26、 now live?(b)In a small hut.In a big hut.(c) In the tallest house in the village. On a large plot of land.4.(d)What has the project give n the Tha Chat Chai com mun ity?(b)A way to save mon ey.In creased livelihood.(c) A sp irit of com munity.New huts.5.(d)Who did nt take part in the actual rebuildi

27、 ng work?(a) A former US p reside nt.Local volun teers.(b)(c)(d)Foreig n volun teers.An America n celebrity.Watch the video cli p aga in and choose the best an swer to the questi ons.1.What does the first cyclist say makes the trip worth it?Provi ng to himself that he can succeed in a really difficu

28、lt p hysical activity.(b) Knowing that they can help motivate somebody to get back to an active lifestyle.Show ing the world what people with disabilities can do.Show ing empio yers that people with disabilities are no rmal.2.(c)(d)How long is the trip?2,000 miles.2,250 miles.(c) 2,500 miles.2,750 m

29、iles.(b)3.(d)How long have they bee n ridi ng for?(a) Theyre in their first week.Just over a week.(b)(c)(d)A week and a half.Almost one week.What has bee n happening as the trip con ti nu es?(a) The cyclists have enjoyed the trip more and more.(b)The cyclists have bee n gett ing stron ger and faster

30、.(c)The cyclists have got quite sunburnt.(d)The cyclists have bee n gett ing stron ger.Most of the time theyre ridi ng stron gly.Theyve felt a little weak at times.Their p rosthetic limbs have nt caused any p roblems.(d) Their meat legs are a little weaker tha n their p rosthetic limbs.5. What does the final sp eaker say?(a)(b)Watch the video cli p aga in and choose the best an swer to the questi ons.1.(c)What is the main theme of the video cli p?(a)The popu lar

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