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1、上期期中曲阜七年级英语试题含答案2012-2013学年度曲阜第一学期七年级期中教学质量检测英语试题总分100分,时间为120分钟(含听力20分钟)。第I卷(选择题)一、听力选择(15小题) (一)听下面五个句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能应答每个句子的最佳答案。(每个句子仅读一遍)1AGood morning,TonyBGood evening,TonyCGoodbye,Tony2AIts my penBYes,its his bookCIts a watch3AYesR-U-L-E-R BThank you CR-U-L-E-R4Ayes,she is BNo,she isn

2、 t CNo,he isn t5AYes,they e BYes,those are CNo,those aren t (二)听下面五组短对话。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片。(每组对话读两遍)678910 (三)听录音中两段较长的对话,选择能回答下面问题的正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)听第一段对话,完成11、12小题。11What is this in English? AA Chinese book BAn English book CA math book12Whose(谁的) book is it? ATony s BJane s CMarys听第二段对话,

3、完成l3-15小题。13Where are the two speakers(谈话者)? AAt teachers office BAt home CIn the Lost and Found office14What is found? AA teacher BA notebook CAn English book15Whose notebook is it? AThe girls BMr. Greens CKate Greens(注:请同学们翻到第卷,做听力填空题)二、单项选择 (一)语言知识运用考查(15小题)1语音考查 (1)找出每题中不含有相同发音的答案16AEe BDd CBb D

4、Yy17AFf BXx CMm DWw18AJj BVv CHh DKk19AUu BHh CWw DQq20AOo BLl CMm DNn(2)找出每题单词中划线字母发音不相同的答案21ADale BFrank Cjacket Dblack22Aevening Bpen Cred Dspell23Ahi Bfine Cmine Din24Aruler Bblue Ccup Dtoo25AOk Bno Corange Dthose2字母考查26英语字母共有_个,其中元音字母有个。 A26;5 B26;3 C24;5 D28:527下列选项中的一个单词中含有五个元音字母的选项是Aorange B

5、dialogue CJacket Devening28在四线三格中占格相同的一组字母是: Aa,c Bg,d Cd,f Dhg29下列字母前后顺序正确的一组是: Aghi Bedf Cmnp Djhi30英语字母中有两个字母既可作字母又可作单词,它们是_。 Aa,I BH,A CI,f Dsm3单词拼写(找出下列单词所缺的字母,并将其编号填写在题号前的括号内)31t_t Aah Bih Chi Dha32gr _ n Aee Bor Car Dea33m_ pAi Bu Cn Da34p_ p le Ael B ur Col Dal35Ph_e Aen Bon Cun Din4交际用语36Wh

6、at color is it ? _ AIts a red BIts an red CIt red DIts red37What is this? -_ AIts ruler BIts orange CIts a ruler DIts pen38Whats this _ English? Aon BOK Cin Dto39Spell color,please_ AYes,I do BYes,I am CC-O-L-O-R DYes,C-O-L-O-R40_is he? He is Toneys father AWhose BWhere CWho DWhat (二)、完形填空(共l0小题)阅读下

7、面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。A Hello,Do you know 41 ? My name 42 Cindy BrownCindy is my 43 name and Brown is my family nameI am a 44 I am nine years oldMy 45 is 667 - 1298There are four people in my family:my parents,my brother and I41Ame BI Cmy Dus42Aam Bare Cis Dbe43Alast BChinese Cone

8、 Dfirst44Aboy Bgirl Cdaughter Dcousin45AID card number Bwatch Canswer Dphone numberB This is a 46 of Roberts familyThis man is Mr. KingHe is Roberts fatherThis woman is Mrs. KingShe is Roberts 47 Who are this boy and this girl? 48 boy is Tommy,Mr. Kings 49And the girl is Anna,Mr. Kings daughterTommy

9、 and Anna are brother and sister50 are in the same ( 相同的)classThey have a happy family46Amap Bbook C photo Dtelephone47Aaunt Bsister C mother Dcousin48AThe BA CAn D /49Afriend Bbrother Cson Dfather50AHe BThey CThese DThose三、阅读理解(共10小题) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A This is a pictur

10、e of Kate Greens familyIn the picture we can see her grandparents,her parents,her brother Mike and her Her grandparents are on the chairMr. Green and Mrs. Green is behind (在后面) themMike is under the windowKate is on the floorWhats behind Kate? Its a catIts black and white51How many(多少) people are th

11、ere in Kates family? AFour BFive CSix DSeven52Where is MrsGreen?AUnder the window BOn the floorCOn the chair DBehind Kates grandparents53Is Mike on the floor?AYes,he is BYes,he isnt CNo,he is DNo,he isnt54Where is the cat? AOn the floor BUnder the windowCBehind Kate DOn the chair55What color is the

12、cat? AWhite BBlack CYellow DBlack and whiteB56How many Found notices (启示) are there on the bulletin board (公告牌) ? ASix BFour CFive Dseven57If you lost your keys, you may call_ A4872349 B4982456 C4129856 D476593958If you found a pencil case, it may be (可能是)_ AMikes BLisas CToms DJohns59Lisa found _ac

13、cording to (根据) the lost and found notices Aa black and white cat Ba blue and white pencil case Ca red backpack DAn ID card60Who found a book? AJohn BMary CMike DLisa第卷(非选择题)四、听力填空(共5小题)根据录音内容,填写表格(不限词数)。读两遍。 Questions AnswersWhats the girls Chinese name?1_Mei Are the two girls students?2_Who is twe

14、lve?3Linda Whats Lindas telephone number?4256_What class are they in?5They are in_,Grade 7五、单词拼写与运用(共15小题)1)按要求写出下列单词的相应形式1what is_(缩写形式)2I am_(缩写形式)3her name is_(缩写形式)4it is_(缩写形式)5is not_(缩写形式)2)翻译下列短语或句子6我的名字_7她叫什么名字?_8怎么样?_9her first name_10293-0786_3)用所给代词的正确形式填空11It is _(he) book12The dictiona

15、ry is _(she)13They are _(you) friends14The pencil is _(I)15_(he) is a good boy(男孩) 六、句型转换:按要求完成下列各题1This is my pencil(改为一般问句)2My father is fine(就划线部分提问)3His name is Jim Green(改写为同义句)4That is a key(改写为复数句5Are those your books?(否定回答)七、写作。请根据表格所给的内容写一篇短文介绍一下自己。 NameAge(年龄)Telephonenumber Friend Age Tel

16、ephonenumberZhang Mingming 12 6361245 Tom Brown 13 6361245要求:字迹工整;语句通顺;表格所涉及的内容必须写,还可以适当添加内容;词数70词左右。2012-2013学年度曲阜第一学期七年级期中教学质量检测英语试题参考答案第I卷(选择题)一、听力选择(15小题,计l5分) (一)听下面五个句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能应答每个句子的最佳答案。(每个句子仅读一遍)1Good morning,Miss Xu2Whats this in English?3Spell ruler,please?4Is he your uncle?

17、5Are those your books?1 - 5 ACCCA (二)听下面五组短对话。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片。(每组对话读两遍)6M:Whats this? W:Its a hat,a brown hat7M:Whats your telephone number?W:Its 56187794M:Is it 561887947W:No,its 561877948M:Hello ! Are you Jenny?W:No,Im Jennys sister,GinaM:Nice to meet you,GinaW:Nice to meet you9M:Wh

18、ats this?W:Its bagM:What color is it?W:Its red10M:Is this Toms baseball?W:No,its Marys6 - 10 BBCAC(三)听录音中两段较长的对话,选择能回答下面问题的正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)听第一段对话,完成11、l2小题W:Excuse me,TonyWhats this in English?M:Its a bookIts a Chinese bookW:Is this your Chinese book,Tony?M:No,it isntIt is her bookW:Is that girl Mary?

19、M:YesThis is her book听第二段对话,完成第l3-15小题。W:Excuse meM:Yes?W:That notebook is my teachersM:All rightHow do you know?W:She was looking for it this morningM:OkWhats your teachers name?W:Kate GreenM:Here you arePlease give it to your teacherW:Thank youGoodbye11 - 15 ACCBC二、单项选择(计35分) (一)语言知识运用能力考查(计25分)1语

20、音考查(10分) (1)找出每题中不含有相同发音的答案16-20 DDBBA (2)找出每题单词中划线字母发音不相同的答案21-25 AADCC 2字母考查单项选择题26-30 ABAAA(5分) 3单词拼写(找出下列单词所缺的字母,并将其编号填写在题号前的括号内)31- 35 DADBB(5分)4交际用语36-40DCCCC(5分) (二)完形填空(共10小题)(10分) 41-45 ACDBD 46-50 CCACB三、阅读理解(共:10小题)(15分,每题l.5分) 51-55 CDDCD 55-60 B B C A A第卷(非选择题)(35分)四、听力填空(共5小题计5分)根据录音内容

21、,填写表格(不限词数)。读两遍。 Hello ! My name is Han MeiIm from SufiMy English name is JennyI like English very muchIm now at Sufi NOI Middle SchoolAt school I have a good friendHer name is Linda BrownShe is from EnglandShe is 12Her telephone number is 256 -3698She is in Class 6,Grade 7Im in the same class,too听力

22、到此结束,请继续答题。1Han Mei 2Yes, they are 3Brown 43698 5Class 6五、单词拼写与运用(共15小题,计l5分)1)按要求写出下列单词的相应形式 whats,Im,her names,its,isnt 2)翻译下列短语my name,Whats her name? what about,她的名,two nine three zero seven eight six 3)用所给代词的正确形式填空 His,hers,your,mine,He六、句型转换:按要求完成下列各题(5小题,计5分) 略七、写作。请根据表格所给的内容写一篇短文介绍一下自己。(1小题,计l0分) 略

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