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本文(会计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 会计稳健性的第一篇解释和意义.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

会计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 会计稳健性的第一篇解释和意义.docx

1、会计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 会计稳健性的第一篇解释和意义出处: Watts R L. Conservatism in accounting part :explanations and implication J. Accounting Horizons,2003,(3):207-221.会计稳健性的第一篇:解释和意义瓦茨, 会计新视野,2006年内容提要:本文是会计稳健性两篇文章中的第一篇。第一篇对稳健性进行了解释以及探讨了稳健性对会计监督的影响。第二篇总结了稳健性的实验证据及对稳健性的解释,并提出未来研究方向。文章证明了稳健性的存在,对不同程度下的稳健性进行了不同的解释。会计稳健性


3、行为,并且会增大经济上的费用。同样的,研究人员和监管机构考虑把未来现金流量列入财务报表,其产生的成本会对会计管理行为存在影响。本文是会计稳健性性研究的第一篇,研究的目的主要是:1、对会计稳健性的解释2、对财务法规和准则的设置文章的第二篇的研究目的是: 1、总结稳健性存在的证据 2、对证据进行评估去辨别不同稳健性的解释 3、对证据进行评估去辨别稳健性与非稳健性对会计稳健性解释的讨论是大多是基于利用现有的文献。然而,本文是立足于契约观,包括了债务合同的约束的解释(Watts 1993),以及与其使用的其他合同,如管理薪酬契约也会产生影响。本文也提供了新的论点,即使不考虑契约,一旦信息成本变化后管理

4、层的行为也会产生会计稳健性的现象进行了介绍。稳健性的定义传统的稳健性定义是“不预期收益,但预期所有的损失”(Bliss 1924)。预期收益是指所承认的收益是通过法律允许的,是可以被证实前的收益。稳健性原则并不意味着所有的收入现金流应该在收入确认前收到赊账销售是被认可的但那些现金流应该是可以被证实的。在实证文献中稳健性的概念被解释为“相比确认坏消息而言,会计人员倾向于寻找更多证据支持好消息的确认。”(Basu 1997,7)稳健性是对收益和损失的不对称确认。这种解释下收益与损失确认差异越大,稳健性程度也就越大,本文采用的就是这种“差异化验证”解释的稳健性。稳健性的一个重要结果就是不对称地处理收





9、不对称的诉讼成本,准则制定机构对会计实务的规范成本也是不对称的。在会计信息被高估时监管方将面临更多的指责,所以稳健的会计信息可以降低政治成本。政治成本的不对称就如不对称的诉讼成本时是一致的,非契约方谨慎的制约了管理层和其他各方的投机付款行为。在对稳健性进行了解释,正如我们所见稳健性原则通过契约、诉讼、税收、会计管制来约束管理层和其他各方的投机付款行为。最近的经验证据表明会计稳健性存在上升的趋势,以不同的程度体现在四个稳健性的解释中。然而文中的第二篇中一些证据与两种解释一致并不意味着稳健性。这些解释之一是通过盈余管理来低估资产,承担额外的费用和过度的冲销,以夸大未来收益(Hanna 2002)另

10、一种解释是管理层选择放弃盈利(Hayn 1995)。而这些解释可以解释公司属性所产生的保守主义,如暂时的损失。它们无法共同或单独解释净资产,只是标志性地描述了稳健性原则。文章的第二篇用各种各样对稳健性的解释来证明稳健性在财务报告中向资本市场的投资者提供信息的建设性作用。这意味着会计监管机构和准则制定方都应反思其反对稳健性的行为。契约观对稳健性的解释对稳健性的四个解释中,笔者认为契约观是最详尽的解释,因为它是稳健性的来源以及它的论点更有发展的空间。越来越多的论点的解释都只是从信息质量的角度看问题的。此外,契约观的解释强调正式的契约,如债务契约和合同管理层的报酬,它们扩大到了包括管理会计和管理系统

11、的公司的组织安排,即使是税收观的解释也是属于契约观的解释之中。会计中使用契约是非常那个古老的做法,跨越了几个世纪公司都在采用(Watts 和 Zimmerman 1983),用来进行管理控制(De Ste Croix 1956 和Chadwick 1992)。研究者提出,这种长期过程中影响了当代会计和财务报告,导致稳健性倾向于使用偏见的计量方法(Watts and Zimmennan1986; Watts 1993; Basu1995)。相比之下,其它稳健性的解释是最近一段时间才出现的。股东诉讼的出现是在美国20世纪60年代,并随着其发展而成为稳健性的解释之一,税收系统影响财务报告的会计处理方

12、法,是一种近期出现的解释,可追溯到1909年。一些谨慎的会计管制机构的财务报告,它们的历史可以回溯到1933年和1934年。契约的解释包含了三种属性:及时性、可核性、不对称性的可验证性。在债务、赔偿和其他契约解释中稳健性成为了一个有效的契约机制,因为它对契约的性能测试中要求使对收益的确认比损失的确认有更严格的核查标准。一如既往,由于不对称的确认导致收益的确认比损失延迟,其结果是净资产和累计收益不太可能被夸大,降低了违反契约的可能性。出处: Watts R L. Conservatism in accounting part :explanations and implication J. Ac

13、counting Horizons,2003,(3):207-221.原文:Conservatism in Accounting Part I: Explanations and ImplicationsWatts R L. Accounting Horizons,2003SYNOPSIS: This paper is the first in a two-part series on conservatism in accounting. Part I examines alternative explanations for conservatism in accounting and t

14、heir implications for accounting regulators. Part II summarizes the empirical evidence on conservatism, its consistency with alternative explanations, and opportunities for future research. The evidence is consistent with conservatisms existence and, in varying degrees, the various explanations.Cons

15、ervatism is defined as the differential verifiability required for recognition of profits versus losses. Its extreme form is the traditional conservatism adage: anticipate no profit, but anticipate all losses. Despite criticism, conservatism has survived in accounting for many centuries and appears

16、to have increased in the last 30 years.The alternative explanations for conservatism are contracting, shareholder litigation, taxation, and accounting regulation. The evidence in Part II suggests the contracting and shareholder litigation explanations are most important. Evidence on the effects of t

17、axation and regulation is weaker, but consistent with those explanations playing a role. Earnings management could produce some of the evidence on conservatism, but cannot be the prime explanation.The explanations and evidence have important implications for accounting regulators. FASB attempts to b

18、an conservatism in order to achieve neutrality of information without understanding the reasons conservatism existed and prospered for so long are likely to fail and produce unintended consequences. Successful elimination of conservatism will change managerial behavior and impose significant costs o

19、n investors and the economy in general. Similarly, researchers and regulators who propose the inclusion of capitalized unverifiable future cash flows in financial reports should consider the costs generated by their proposals effect on managerial behavior.INTRODUCTIONThis paper is Part I in a two-pa

20、rt series on conservatism in accounting. The objectives of this paper are to:1. Discuss the explanations for conservatism; and2. Draw implications for regulation and standard setting.The objectives of Part II in the series are to:1. Summarize the evidence on conservatisms existence;2. Evaluate the e

21、vidences ability to discriminate among conservatism explanations; and3. Evaluate the evidences ability to discriminate between conservatism and non-conservatism explanations.The explanations discussion draws on existing literature. However, this paper develops a general contracting explanation for c

22、onservatism that encompasses the existing debt contract dividend constraint explanation (Watts 1993) and predicts that other contracts employed within the firm, such as managerial compensation contracts, will also generate conservatism. The paper also offers a new argument that, even without contrac

23、ting considerations, an information perspective produces conservatism once the information costs of changed managerial behavior are introduced.Conservatism DefinedAccounting conservatism is traditionally defined by the adage anticipate no profit, but anticipate all losses (Bliss 1924). Anticipating

24、profits means recognizing profits before there is legal claim to the revenues generating them and that the revenues are verifiable. Conservatism does not imply that all revenue cash flows should be received before profits are recognizedcredit sales are recognizedbut rather that those cash flows shou

25、ld be verifiable. In the empirical literature the adage is interpreted as representing the accountants tendency to require a higher degree of verification to recognize good news as gains than to recognize bad news as losses (Basu 1997, 7). Conservatism is the asymmetrical verification requirements f

26、or gains and losses. This interpretation allows for degrees of conservatism: the greater the difference in degree of verification required for gains versus losses, the greater the conservatism. It is this differential verification interpretation of conservatism that is adopted in this paper.An impor

27、tant consequence of conservatisms asymmetric treatment of gains and losses is the persistent understatement of net asset values. Capital market regulators, standard setters, and academics criticize conservatism because this understatement in the current period can lead to overstatement of earnings i

28、n future periods by causing an understatement of future expenses. For example Accounting Research Bulletin (ARB) 2 (AICPA 1939) states:Conservatism in the balance sheet is of dubious value if attained at the expense of conservatism in the income statement, which is far more significant.Using conserv

29、atism to describe an income statement effect for a particular period was popularized by conservatisms critics. That usage does not fit with the conservatism definition employed here. Conservatism refers to the cumulative financial effects represented in the balance sheet and to income or earnings cu

30、mulated since the firm began operation.Conservatisms influence on accounting practice has been both long and significant. Basu (1997, 8) argues that conservatism has influenced accounting practice for at least 500 years. Sterling (1970, 256) rates conservatism as the most influential principle of va

31、luation in accounting .Recent empirical research on conservatism suggests not only that accounting practice is conservative, but also that practice has become more conservative in the last 30 years. These results are surprising given the vocal opposition of many capital market regulators, standard s

32、etters, and academics to conservatism. The long survival of conservatism and its apparent resilience to criticism strongly suggests that conservatisms critics overlook its significant benefits. If regulator and standard-setter critics try to eliminate conservatism without understanding its benefits, the resultant standards are likely to be seriously detrimental to financial reporting.Overview of Explanations for ConservatismResearchers advance a number of explanations for conservative reporting; all of them suggest that conservatism be

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