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1、七下英语Unit6 Unit6-Electricity世界上最强的中国式英文We two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿?1 How are you? How old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你? 2 You dont bird me, I dont bird you 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 4You have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up ! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上! 5You me you me 彼此彼此 6You give me stop! 你给我站

2、住! 7Watch sister 表妹 8.American Chinese not enough 美中不足 9.小明:I am sorry! 老外:I am sorry too! 小明:I am sorry three! 老外:What are you sorry for? 小明:I am sorry five! 10If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条。 11You have two down son。你有两子。还是来学校地道的英语吧!课文复习:One evening, Daisy sai

3、d, “Im going to buy a packet of_(sweet/sweets). Does anyone want _(something/anything)?”Benny, Daisys brother, replied, “Can you get me _(a box of/a packet of) electricity?”“ Yes, I can,” said Daisy. Then she went out. Benny laughed, “ She cant buy electricity in packets _(look like/like) sweets! Sh

4、ell look _(愚蠢的).”Mum said, “ You mustnt say that, Benny!”“ What do you know about the electricity, Benny?” Dad asked. “Electricity gives us power. It flows_(across/ through) wires. Its like water, _(在某种程度上),” said Benny.“ Youre right! Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires. These _(被连接到)

5、 cables under the street,” Dad added. “ What are the cables connected to?” asked Benny.“ They are connected to a _(发电站),” answered Dad._(一会儿以后), Daisy came back.“May I have my packet of electricity?” Benny asked. “Here you are!” said Daisy.“But.these are_(电池)!” said Benny.“ Daisys right,”said Dad. “

6、 The chemicals inside batteries produce electricity.”Mum said, “ Who looks foolish now, Benny?”搭配:( ) 1. foolish A. say or make an answer in speech or writing( ) 2. flow B. examine( ) 3. connect C. stupid or silly or unwise; ( ) 4. reply D.put something in order( ) 5. tidy E. move along like a river

7、 ( ) 6. test F. join one thing to another( )7.a moment later G.after a while解析:1. Daisy said, Im going to buy some sweets. Does anyone want anything?someone/something 用于肯定句中,anyone/anything 用于否定句或疑问句 Eg. 我想吃点东西。_ 注意:当希望得到对方的肯定回答时,应用something, 而不用anything. Eg. -Would you like _ to eat? -Yes, thanks.A

8、. someone B. anything C. something D. anyone 2. Yes. Can you get me a packet of electricity, please? 1)get sb sth=get sth for sb 给某人买某物 Would you please get me some apples?=_ 2)a packet of 表示“一包,一束”。这样的短语一般跟不可数名词。例如:a packet of sweets/cigarettes 一包糖果、香烟类似的短语:a bag of / a bar of/ a piece of/ a pound

9、of / a meter of/ a bit of /a kind of 3. Shell look foolish. a. look+adj. 句型 Eg. 她的妈妈看起来很年轻。 Her mother _ _ _.b.foolish( adj.) 愚蠢的 近义词:_ 反义词: _ 名词形式:_ _ 副词形式:_ 动词:_运用:It is _of you to believe him! You shouldnt _others. 只有傻瓜才会做如此愚蠢的事。 Only a _ did such a _ thing.4. Electricity flows through a wire. It

10、s like water, in a way.常考短语:in a way _ in some ways_ by the way _ on the way _ in the /ones way _a._, I will finish the work tonight. 不管怎样,我今天晚上都要完成这项工作。b.Dont stand _. 不要挡路。c.Your composition is well-written _ 你的作文从某些方面来说写得不错。d._, whats the time, please? 顺便问一下,几点了?e._to the hospital my heart starte

11、d to race.在去医院的路上,我的心跳的很快。5. What does electricity look like? look like 表示“ 看起来像 ”=be like句型:look like + n. 那男孩像他爸爸。_另注:look the same 这对双胞胎看起来一样。The twins _ _ _. 常考题型:These two boxes dont look the same. These two boxes _ _look 意为“看起来”时,为系动词,后接_。此类用法的词还有听起来_,闻起来_,尝起来_,摸起来_他爸爸看起来很生气。His father _ _ ang

12、ry.这首歌听起来很美。The song _ _.但look后有介词(at, for, after, up)搭配时,需用副词修饰。他生气地看着我们。He _ _ us _.6. They are connected to a power station. connect v. 连接 _ n.常用句型:be connected by/ be connected to Eg. 这两座城市由铁路相连接。The two cities _ _ _a railway. This cable _ _ _ a power station.7.What does electricity look like? l

13、ook like 表示“ 看起来像 ”句型:look like + n. 这只猫看起来像一顶帽子。_另注:look the same 这对双胞胎看起来一样。The twins _ _ _. 常考题型:These two boxes dont look the same. These two boxes _ _ 8.They are connected to a power station. connect v. 连接 常用句型:be connected by/ be connected to Eg. 这两座城市由铁路相连接。The two cities _ _ _a railway. This

14、 cable _ _ _ a power station. 1) A with B:把A和B链接起来The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea.苏伊士运河将红海和地中海连接了起来。2) A to B:把A接到B上去Will you please connect this wire to the television?你把这根电线盒电视机连接上好吗?9. 瞬间;片刻,一会儿1)at the moment _2)for the moment _3)in a moment _4)at any moment_例句:Im

15、afraid Im too busy _to see anyone. 恐怕我此刻太忙,不能见任何人。Ill join you in the discussion _. 我一会儿和你们一起讨论He told me I could call him _. 他告诉我随时可以打电话给他。She is out, so you may use her computer _. 她出去了,你可以暂时用她的电脑。10. 谈话 have a with sbThis is a private between you and me. 这是我们之间的私人谈话。11.reply v. 回复,回答(过去式:_) n. _回

16、复,回答 我期待您的早日回复。 I am _ _ _ your early _. 辨析:reply & answer reply 为不及物动词,不直接接宾语,即:_; answer为及物动词,直接接宾语,即:_ 回答我_/ _ answer做名词时,结构为the answer to. 谁能回答这个问题? Who can _/_ the question? 我还没有收到这封信的回信。 I have got no _ to the letter. 你知道这个问题的答案吗? Do you know the _ _ the question? cooker n. 厨灶;炉具 v. _做饭 n._厨师

17、这个厨师每天用炉具做饭。 The _ _with the _ every day.12. tidy v. 使整洁 adj. _整洁的,整齐的 反义词:_=_一团糟 收拾妥,整理好_= _ 我们应该收拾好自己的书桌。 We should _ _ our desks. = We should _ our desks _.短语重现:1. 一袋2. 与某人分享某物:3. 在某种程度上4. 过了一会儿:5. 被连接到6. 确保:7. 发电站8. 进入.之内:9. 洗衣机10. 流经:11. 关(电灯、机器等)12. 空调:13. 收拾妥当;整理好14. 根据题意,选择与句中划线部分意义相同或相近的选项

18、1. The two cities are connected. A. joined B.the same C.different D.small 2. I often reply to the letter from my e-friends.A. write to C. answer 3. You are not like your mother. A. dont like B.dont look like C. dislike D.look like 4. After a while, he returned with a packet of sweets.

19、 A. In a minute B. In a moment C. In a while D.A moment later 5. She sometimes does silly things. A. foolish B. clever C. good D.smart6.Can I ask you a question? Wait for a moment,Im coming.A.a long time B.a short time once7.He will return in two days.A.leave B.come back C.arrive8.The boy is li

20、ke his father.A.likes B.sounds like C.looks like9.We will have a test tomorrow.A.examine B.examination D.rule10.Keeping their rooms tidy was her pleasure.A.nice B.valuable C.neat and in good order D.successful11.Rule a line at the end of every piece of works.A.Touch B.Lock C.Control D.Draw12.

21、Do you take me for a fool?A.cheat B.silly person C.cooker D.ruler二. 单词填空,注意用适当的形式1. 我弟弟要去买一袋糖。 My little brother_ _ _ _a packet of sweets. 2. 你能给我两袋糖吗? Can you give me _ _ _ _,please? 3.I often answer the letter from my e-friends. (同义句) I often _ _ the letter from my e-friends. 3.She will look_(fool

22、). 4.Electricity _(give) us power. It _(flow) through wires. 5.电线被连接到地下的电缆上。 The wires_ _ _ cables under the streets. 6.在某种程度上,你是对的。 _ _ _,you are right. 7.我经常用洗衣机洗衣服。 I often wash clothes _ the _ _. 8.片刻后,Daisy回来了。 _ _ _, Daisy came back.9.里面的化学成分产生电。The _ inside_ electricity.10.电在电流中流动。Electricity

23、 _ _ wires.单项选择 1. -What ca we use water for? -We can use it for producing electricity. B. / C. the D.a 2. -What do you think of the apple? -It fresh. A. looks B. sounds sounding looking 3. The river in our town into the sea. A. flow B. flowed C. flows D.are flowing 4. I bought many b

24、ooks, Follow Me and Follow Me to Science. A. for example B. look like C. such 5. “No smoking ”means “ ” A. You mustnt smoke B.You dont like smoke C. You can smoke outside D. Youd better smoke 6. You can connect the U disk the computer and then copy the information. A. for B. on C. to 7.

25、Although John didnt get the first prize this time, he is still a good student . A.on the way B. by the way C. in a way the way 8. The girl is shy. Her mother always her to play with her classmates. A. forgets B. interviews C. offers D.encourages9. Its too late. Its time to go to bed. Lily, _ th

26、e TV. A.switch on B. switch off C. turn up D. close 10. The computer is connected _ a machine. B. to C. on D. in 11. I asked him twice. But he didnt _ my questions. A.answers B. answer to C. reply D. reply to 12. About _ people took part in planting trees last year. A.million of B.two millions C. two million D. two millions of 13. I washed a lot of clothes. Who can _?A.tidy up them B. tidy them up C. tidy it up D. tidy up it

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