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1、中考英语考纲词汇Mmachine min n. 机器mad md a. 发疯的;生气的go mad with sth. 因某事而发狂Hearing the good news, he almost went mad with joy. 听到那个好消息,他欣喜若狂。be mad about对入迷Most of the young students are mad about pop music. 绝大多数青年学生对流行音乐着迷。be mad at 对恼火The manager was mad at his speech. 经理对他所说的话很恼火。magazine mzin n. 杂志magicm

2、dk a. 有魔力的mainmen a. 主要的make(made, made) mek vt. 制造,做;使得I made up my mind to study English well.近义词辨析: make/produce/do/let make与produce, 作“生产、制造”讲时,二者可以互换。They produce cars in the factory.=They make cars in the factory. 这家工厂生产轿车。 make与do 二者表示不同的“做”,通常说做一个动作用do来表示,而制作一种以前并不存在的东西,则用make。-What are you

3、doing? 你在做什么?-Im cooking. 我在包饺子。 make与let “让”的意思。Let一词含有提出建议的意思,而make一词则带有强制性,命令的意味。Mum let me stay at home last night. 昨晚妈妈让我呆在家里。make (good)use of好好利用.We should make good use of the knowledge we have. 我们应该充分利用我们的知识。make a contribution to贡献给,捐赠make a decision 做出决定make a mistake 犯错误make a telephone

4、call (to )(给)打make a face 做鬼脸make friends 交朋友make sure 确保,确认make up 组成,占Are all animal bodies made up of cells? 所有动物的身体都是细胞组成的吗?make up for祢补,补偿Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.勤能补拙。make up ones mind 下定决心We make up our mind to study hard.我们下定决心好好学习。be made of 由组成(看得出原料)My table

5、 is made of wood. 我的桌子是木头制成的。be made from 由组成 (看不出原料)Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。make noise发出令人不愉快的声音make ones living谋生He makes his living by giving piano lessons. 他以教授钢琴为生。man ( mn n. 成年男人;人,人类manage mnd v. 管理;设法He is good at managing his money.manager mnd(r) n. 经理manymen pron.a. 许多人

6、(事);许多的a great/good many 非常多的,很多的A great many people took part in the match.许多人参加了比赛。many a 许多(与单数名词连用,谓语动词也用单数)。Many a man was killed in the traffic accident. 许多人死于车祸。map mp n. 地图March mt n. 三月mark mk n.&vt. 标记;标明market mkt n. 市场,集市the money market金融市场the stock market 证券市场marry mr v. (使)成婚;结婚marry

7、sb. 和某人结婚John is going to marry Jane. 约翰将要和简结婚。be/get married结婚They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了。be/get married to 跟某人结婚He is going to get married to her. 他要和她结婚。match mt n.vt. 比赛;竞赛;火柴;使相配;使配对math(s)=mathematics mmtks n. 数学matter n. 物质,事件no matter 不论,不管as a matter of fact事实上As a matter of fact,

8、 he didnt care about death and life. 事实上,他根本没考虑生死问题。may me(might,-) modal.v 可以;也许,可能May me n. 五月maybe mebi ad. 可能,大概,也许me mi, m pron 我(宾格)mealmil n. 一餐(饭)mean (meant, meant) min vt. 意思是,意指meaning min n. 意思,含义meat mit n. (猪、牛、羊等的)肉medicalmedk()l a. 医学的,医疗的medical research医学研究medicinemeds()n; (US) med

9、sn n. 药take the medicine吃药meet(met, met) mit vt. 遇见,见到meeting mit n. 会;集会;会见;汇合点member memb(r) n. 成员,会员mention men()n n.&vt 提及,提到,记载menu menju n. 菜单messmes n./v 混乱,弄乱message mesd n. 消息,音信There is no message from him till now.直到现在还没有他的消息。leave a message 留个口信。send a message发信息get the message明白,理解metho

10、dmed n. 方法;办法metre (美meter)mi:t n. 米,公尺middle md()l a.& n. 中间;当中;中级近义词辨析:middle/centermiddle“中间”,“中部”多指面,可适用于空间与时间。In the middle of the park there is a spring. 在公园的中部有一眼泉水(不一定正中心)。center “中心”多指点,只用于空间概念。At the center of the park there is a spring 在公园的中心处有一眼泉水。might(may的过去式,助动词)mat model.v 可能,也许mile

11、mal n. 英里milk mlk n. 牛奶mind mand n.vt. 思想;想法;介意;关心change ones mind 改变主意。Why did he change his mind?Do you know? 他为什么改变了主意?你知道吗?make up ones mind 下定决心mind doing sth介意做某事(用来客气地提出请求)mind sbs doing sth介意某人做某事(用来提出询问征求对方意见)come to ones mind 出现于某人的脑海中,想起,记起The wonderful time they spent together came to hi

12、s mind.他想起了他们一起度过的好时光。never mind 不要紧,没关系keep ones mind on sth. 继续专心于某事Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。Would you mind doing?你介意做.吗?其否定形式为:Would you mind not doing sth?mine man pron 我的(物主代词)minute mnt n. 分钟;一会儿,瞬间miss ms vt. 失去,错过,思念Miss ms n. 小姐,女士(称呼未婚妇女)missing ms a. 失踪的,缺少的mistake(mistook,mista

13、ken) mstek vt.n. 弄错;错误make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 搞错,弄错He took my schoolbag by mistake.他拿错了我的书包。mistake A for B把A误认为是Bmix vt.n. 使混和;混合,混合物mobile phone n. 手机model md()l n. 模型,原形;例;模modern md()n a. 现代化的Monday mnde, mnd n. 星期一moneymn n. 钱;货币make money挣钱He is good at making money. 他很会挣钱。save money省钱Lil

14、y began to save money because she wants to buy a new house. 莉莉开始省钱了,因为她想买房子。pocket money 零用钱Our monitor always has much pocket money. 我们班长总是有很多零花钱。monkey mk n. 猴子month mn n. 月,月份moon mun n. 月球;月光;月状物more(much或many的比较级) m(r) a.&ad.n. 另外的;附加的;较多的;另外;而且;更多的量;另外的一些more than 多于More than one person has he

15、lped him. 不止一人帮助过他。no more (= notany more) 不再Time lost will no more return.时间一去不复返。no more than 不过,仅仅He had no more than one yuan with him. What could he buy his wife for her birthday? 他身上只有一元钱,他能给他妻子买点什么生日礼物呢?not more than 不超过He worked hard on and on,but the boss paid him not more than ten yuan a d

16、ay.他不停地卖力工作,但老板每天至多付他十元钱。more or less 或多或少What you have done will more or less be helpful to us.你所做的一切或多或少将对我们有帮助。the more,the more越,越The more we pay, the more we gain. 付出的越多,得到的越多。morningmn n. 早晨,上午most(much或many的最高级) mst; (US) mst a.&ad 最多at (the) most至多, 不超过mother m(r)(mum) n. 母亲motorcycle mtsaik

17、l n. 摩托车mountain mantn n. 山,山脉mouse(pl. mice) mas n. 鼠,耗子;(计算机)鼠标mouthma n. 嘴,口move muv v. 移动,搬动,搬家The Blacks moved to Shanghai last month. 上个月布莱克一家搬到了。The story of their sufferings moved us deeply. 他们的苦难深深地打动了我们。movementn. 移动;活动moviemuv n. (口语)电影Mr.(mister)mst(r) n. 先生(用于前)Mrs. (mistress) msz n. 夫人

18、,太太(称呼已婚妇女)Ms. mz n. 女士(用在婚姻状况不明的女子前)much (more,most) mt a. 许多的,大量的too much 相当多(后面接不可数名词)There is too much snow in Harbin in winter. 在,冬天雪非常多。much too 实在,太(后接形容词、副词)They are much too busy. Lets go and help them.他们实在太忙了,我们去帮助他们吧。how much 多少(钱)museum mjuzm n. 博物馆,博物院musicmjuzk n. 音乐,乐曲musicianmjuzn n. 音乐人,音乐家must mst(must,-) modalv. 必须,应当;必定是my ma pron. 我的myself maself pron. 我自己

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