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1、什么是元音字母和辅音字母及其发音规则详解我们常将字母分类 英语的26个字母分两种类型:一种叫元音字母,另一种叫辅音字母。元音字母 有:a,e,i,o,u五个,其余为辅音字母。之宇文皓月创作即:元音字母 A a ei、 E e i: 、I i ai、O o au、U u (j)u:辅音字母Hh、 Jj 、Kk 、Bb、 Cc 、Dd、 Gg 、Pp 、Tt 、Vv 、Yy、 Qq 、Ww、 e Ff 、Ll Mm 、Nn 、Ss 、Xx 、Zz 、a: Rr详细发音表:元音字母的发音规则元音字母位置读音例词例外a重读开音节eicake base escape plane have vase a:

2、water:重读闭音节fat trap flat exactly rapid dam 非重读音节again camera vacation vegetable i:comrade village courage在w之后want wash what wandersk,ss,st,th,ch,f,nc之前a:master ask task class glass father path after branch advance特殊情况eany many anything anybodye重读开音节i:be these she evil重读闭音节enet press gently accept le

3、vel 非重读音节silence problem open children ieffect select develop before I(y)重读开音节airipe alive wine arrive beside polite life smile surprise giveiliveipyramidi重读闭音节iquiz sick dish sing dig film miss winter picture difficlt y在重读音节中aicycle sky shy why y在非重读音节中icity copy empty every healthynb,ld,mb前aimind

4、kind blind find child climb 非重读音节中terrible horrible possible在下列单词中读作i:police magazine machine technique o重读开音节ustone note programmed progress motor lonely smoke no jokewomanuwomen i重读闭音节copy boss cloth fond long knock across common bomb n,m,v,th前ton done come some love cover mother another other 在以l

5、d,st,th结尾的一些词中uhold fold told most almost both非重读音节official position society freedom在下列单词中读u:move prove lose whose tomb shoe do remove u重读开音节ju:use duty computer reduce rescue tube Tuesday trueu:busy iburyeminutei重读闭音节cup lunch bus hub uput pull push full bullet非重读音节until supply unless industry在开音节中

6、,在辅音字母l,r,j后u:blue rule ruler June July rude 元音字母组合位置读音例词例外ar重读a:mark carve article party market March farm hard在W后:warm warn reward war非重读 grammarer重读:service certain serve非重读worker farmer teacher or重读:form important corner horse在W后:work word world worth非重读 mirror doctor forbid forgetur重读:church Th

7、ursday nurse turn return 非重读surprise surround murmur ir重读:thirsty dirty first girliiei:piece thief field chief dietaiquietaiailie tie dieireaiwire inspire hire tire ighairight fight night high bright light ai重读音节eitailor remain grain sail praise raise brain said e非重读音节icaptain certainau:causeaunt a:

8、al:walk ball all talk half a:alms a:lalways almost already although aw:draw dawn saw airefair affair hair upstairsareedare glare share compare careful area:augh:taught caught daughter naughtylaugha:fay重读音节eidelay play say way todaysays e非重读音节iSunday Monday uure重读音节usure surely 非重读音节:pleasure eeai: r

9、epeat leaf lead peace disease cream esweater thread headache heavy breakfast 特殊eigreat greatly break ireal idea theatreeei:sleep freely weed steel degree eariappear clear near hear dear ear heart a:heard learn earn early searchewear bear swear pear eiireceive seize ceiling ewju:few new newssewu在l,r后

10、u:blew flew threw drew ereethere wherehere iey重读音节eigrey hey obey key i:非重读音节imonkey donkey eigheiweight eight eightyooauloaf road soap coat boat broad: abroad:oiivoice noise point choice oyitoy boy joy joyfuloo在其他字母前u:roof choose school shoot woolufootu在k,d 前utook look cook stood wood good foodu:fl

11、ood blood oor:floor door pooruouaupound rouse mountain trousers ground thousand shoulderusoulucouple cousin double country touch trouble u:route group routine soupucould should would ough:fought bought brought thought thoughuplough aucough fthroughu:thoroughenough fowaudown brown flower knowledgeubo

12、wl sow window row owner low show throw grow辅音字母发音规则辅音字母位置读音例词例外b在m后或在t之前不发音tomb climb doubt其他情况bbed bob big c在 e, i, y前scentre city decide bicycle concert rice percent 在ia,ie,io 前social especial ancient 在a,o,u,l 前在音节末kcave comfort color class cause capital castg在其他字母前ggift girl goal glad glassgarage

13、 get g在e,i,y 前dlarge general orange page 在以n结尾的词中不发音sign foreignh一般情况hhold heat hide hate huge 在个别词中不发音honest hour honor foreheadk一般情况kwalk key kite在n前不发音knows词首ssend save 在元音字母和元音字母之间zvisit desire music base s在词中清辅音前spast在词中浊辅音前zhusband salesgirl在元音字母u,i前sure sugar RussiaAsia在u,ion前pleasure usually

14、 occasion television n在其他字母前ncorner nine nice line 在字母k,x,g前anxious think thank finger bank strange nx在其他字母前ksexcept exhibition extract text 在元音字母前gzexam example exist exactly辅音字母组合发音规则辅音字母组合位置读音例词例外chtchannel choose check chalk changesandwichdkchemistry Christmas headache school machine moustachetc

15、htmatch patch snatch ththink thank thing worth with although those this qukwquiz question quick quite phftelephone physics phrase ckkpackage pick quick back knnknife know knowledge knock ngsomething sing thingwr在其他字母前rwrong wretch wrapwhwwheel wheat whisper whistle white why 在字母o前hwhole whose who wh

16、om tion在词尾neducation station direction situation 在字母s后tnsuggestion question sionndecision conclusion单词附加词尾的读音规则词尾位置读音例词(e)s清辅音后sdesks makes lamps looks 浊辅音或元音后zpigs radios plays t后tsstudents parentsd后dzreads beds esszdt后izwashes boxes buses guesses taxes pages teaches housesed清辅音后twashed walked aske

17、d missed jumped浊辅音或元音后drecognized called answered played copied td后idwanted trusted landed needed 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音a在开音节中ei name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中 ae bag dad hat map black backe在开音节中 i: he these me Chinese在闭音节中 e bed let pen desk yes eggi在开音节中 ai bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中 i fish big d

18、rink sit milk swimo在开音节中 eu those close go hoe home no在闭音节中 clock not box shop socku在开音节中 ju: student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中 bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读u:音,例如:June blue ruler super二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音ae China another woman breakfasti orange courage village cabbageee hundred stud

19、ent open weekend childreni chicken pocket beginIe/i holiday beautiful family animalai exercise satelliteoe second tonight somebody welcomeeu also zero photoue autumn difficultju: popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读ei音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读u(:)音,例如:July influence February

20、issue三、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音a在w音后面 want what watch wash qualitya在f n sk ph sp ss st th前 a: after plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri在-nd -ld和gh前 ai find child light higho在-st -ld前 eu most postcard old coldo在m n v th前 come monkey love mother四、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音ar a: car farm dark sharpener在w音后面 : warm

21、quarter towardsor : forty morning short在w音后面 : word worker worseer ir ur :certainly bird Thursday开音节和闭音节的区别1)音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节开音节又可以分为绝对开音节和相对开音节 (1) 绝对开音节:是指一个元音音素后面没有辅音音素而构成的音节,例如:we, hi, yo-yo (2) 相对开音节:是指一个元音音素后面有一个辅音音素(除r)之外,最后是一个不发音的e字母构成的音节,如:take, make 在开音节中,这个元音字母发“字母”自己音,例如hi|hai|, use|ju:z

22、| 闭音节:指元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)构成的音节,如:leg, cross 2)音节按重读可以分为重读音节和非重读音节重读音节: 指在双音节或多音节词中有一个发音特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节,用重音符号“”标于相应位置,其他音节为非重读音节,如begin |begin|,单音节词作重读处理,但不标重音符号.“开音节”“闭音节”的定义是根据单词的拼写形式来定义的,纷歧定科学准确,确非常实用。 以不发音的e结尾的单词是开音节;以元音结尾的单词是绝对开音节。反之以辅音结尾的单词是闭音节。 给一个单词注音标的时候,首先判断是开音节还是闭音节。然后在单词里找元音。是开音节的,元音发它字母自

23、己的音。是闭音节的,发它规定的音。(词尾是e的,e一般不发音。两个e除外。如:see)。反之由音标写单词也是一样,根据它的读音规则写出相应的单词。不规则单词除外 英语单词是由字母组成的,而字母又构成音节,音节的核心是元音,由一个或几个元音字母代表。根据单词所含的音节,把单词分为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。怎样区分多音节单词的音节法子只有一个:那就是看一个单词的读音中有多少个元音音素。有多少个元音音素就有多少个音节。单词音节的个数是单词读音时元音音素的个数所决定的。但有一点需要交待一下,这里讲的规律并没有把成音节单词包含在内。成节音lmn在一些单词词尾音节中充当元音与相邻辅音也能构成音节。 音

24、节划分可分下列几种情况: 1在两个音节的相邻处有两个辅音字母(辅音字母组合ch,ck,sh,th等以及r除外),一般一个属前一音节,一个属后面音节。前面的重读音节按闭音节的规则读音,例:let-ter,Eng-lish,ap-ple。 注: 如果两个相同的辅音字母在一起并用时,只发一个辅音字母的音,如上例apple。 2在两个音节的相邻处只有一个辅音字母时,一般这个辅音字母属后一音节,例:stu-dent,lo-tus。 3在两个音节相邻处有两个r时,一个r属前一音节,一个r属后一音节,前面的元音节按闭音节读音,例:sor-ry,mar-ry,mir-ro。 4相邻音节是元音字母+r+其它辅音

25、字母时,元音字母+r属于前面的重读音节,可按r音节的规则读音,例:fur-ther, circle。 5相邻的音节是元音字母+r+其它元音字母时,r属于前面的重读音节(有时r也可属于后面的音节),按re音节的规则读音,例: fu-ry, dur-ing,ser-ious。 6有字母组合的单词划分音节时,将字母组合划在一个音节内,千万不要将字母组合分隔开,例:neigh-bour,plea-sure,fea-ture。 7辅音字母l,m,n等也可构成非重读音节,如ap-ple,bot-tle,noo-dle,o-ften等。 以上所讲正是: 每个音节一元音, 并连辅音两边分, 还有一点需注音, 字母组合不克不及分, 缺少元音无音节, 不算几个成节音。

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