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高考英语总复习 Units 12质量过关检测 新人教版必修1.docx

1、高考英语总复习 Units 12质量过关检测 新人教版必修1必修一Units 12质量过关检测分值:150分时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21(2012青岛期末检测) In my mind, no such_thing in our country as_Great Wall can stand for the image and culture of China.A. a; the B.

2、 a; / C. /; the D. /; /22(2012浙南、浙北部分学校联考)We cant_the fact that there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of pollution.Aignore Bneglect Crealize Drecognize23(2012自贡二诊)Are you glad to hear from her?Of course._, I dreamed about her several nights.A. Whats more B. That is to sayC. In other

3、words D. Believe it or not24(2012三明普高联考)An inspiring teacher knows how to create an atmosphere for his students_allows them to express themselves freely during the class.A. where B. which C. what D. who25(2012浙南、浙北部分学校联考)Twenty people went to his house and attended his birthday party, me_.Aincluding

4、 Bto include Cinclude Dincluded26(2012河北省普高质检)Why did you keep it a secret from us? We_about it.A. should be told B. ought to have been toldC. should have told D. ought to be told27(2012沈阳四校协作体月考)She went out angrily_I realized what was happening.A. while B. after C. when D. before 28(2012宝鸡质检一)Not

5、having done enough practice, he could hardly make himself understood with his_English.A.break B.breaking Cbroke Dbroken29(2012青岛一模)Do you have_ready for the opening ceremony, Ted?No, we still need some volunteers.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing30(2012太原调研)More than one example_nece

6、ssary to make the students understand this rule B.are C.has taken D.have taken31(2012太原调研)The middleaged man went to bed_, and when he woke up he found he still had his shoes on.A.drunk B.drinking Cbeing drunk Dhaving drunk32(2012太原调研)Whats your opinion of Mr.Lis request that we_spend h

7、alf an hour reading English aloud every morning?A.must B.would C.should D.could33(2012青岛期末检测)Reading articles like that, if_, will do harm to you.A. continued B. continues C. continuing D. to continue34(2012北京西城区期末统考)After_seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel managers offic

8、e.Athat Bhow Cwhat Dwhy35. (2012石家庄市质检一)With exports_a big role in its economic growth,China has been affected by the current financial storm.Aplayed Bto play Cplaying Dplay第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(2012四川眉山一诊)Teleflora sighed.He could no

9、t go to the new school one more day.The kids didnt_36_about his name, but they all played and ate lunch together without him. That was the whole_37_.So when Teleflora went to_38_ this morning, his head was bowed and his feet kicked at_39_on the sidewalk.As usual, Mrs.Benson asked if anyone had somet

10、hing_40_to show to the class._41_Mrs.Benson read to the class_42_the newspaper, and today Teleflora was_43_when she read about the US.Mint (美国造币厂) making five special_44_every year to honor each of the 50 states.He knew all about those shiny new state coins.He and his dad_45_them.Dad gave him a smal

11、l_46_to hold them.By the end of the year, Teleflora would have all 50.By the time he was ready for bed that night, he_47_to take one of his coins tomorrow.The next day, when the_48_settled, Teleflora_49_his album and held it high for the class to_50_. “These are the coins Mrs.Benson_51_about.And thi

12、s is John Muir on the California coin,”he said, pointing.“Muir wanted to save the wilderness.”Teleflora spoke rapidly as he_52_the designs: North Carolina and the first airplane flight.South Dakota, with four presidents carved on Mount Rushmore.“How can I get some of these coins? Why dont we meet af

13、ter school?” Josh_53_.And Tel can explain everything we need to_54_.Tel? Josh just called him Tel? Like they were longtime_55_? Tel held his album and smiled.So he did have friends.文章大意:Teleflora在新学校里很孤独,没有人和他一起玩耍。怎样才能改变这种状态呢?他利用一次课堂上老师讲解美国钱币的故事,把自己收藏的钱币拿出来和其他同学一起分享,终于赢得了友谊。36A.worry B.think Clearn

14、Dlaugh37A.question B.doubt Cproblem Cshop Dhospital39A.everything B.anything Csomething D.nothing 40A.special Bprevious Cstrange D.important41A.Sometime BSome timeC.Sometimes DSome times42A.about Bin C.on D.from43A.shocked BfrightenedC.surprised Dmoved44A.coins Bbills

15、Cnotes D.dollars45A.gathered Bcollected Ccreated D.found46A.drawer Bbag Cbox Dalbum47A.wanted Brequired C.decided D.hoped48A.boys B.kidsC.girls D.teacher49A.showed B.heldC.closed D.opened50A.see Dnotice51A.talked Bread Cwrote D.thought52A.found BdrawCshowed D.explained53A.asked Borde

16、red Cinsisted Dcontinued54A.learn BknowC.have Dconfirm55A.deskmates Bclassmates Cfriends Dcompanions第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(2012沈阳四校协作体月考)Im a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Association(ADA). I am on the planning committee for a oneday cycling

17、event called “Tour de Cure”. Its sponsored by the ADA and the profits(利润) of this event are used for diabetes research and program funding.While I was talking to people about our “Tour de Cure” event in downtown Denver one day, I met a young boy wearing a red hat from Oklahoma named Jack. I think he

18、 was 1011 years old. It was the jar of red rubber wrist bands (The American Diabetes Association diabetes awareness wrist bands) that caught Jacks eye. These are the bands we give out to people who have diabetes, who have a family member who has diabetes or to those people who know someone who has d

19、iabetes.People wear these for a variety of reasons: in memory of a loved one, to promote diabetes awareness and to show support for people who have diabetes. Jack walked towards me eyeing the jar and then he said, “Can I have one of those?” So, I replied to Jack, “Do you have someone in your family

20、who has diabetes?” Jack said, “No, but I know someone who has diabetes.” So I gave him one to wear for his friend.Then, Jack began looking at our “Tour de Cure” photo album. When Jack had finished and was about to go, he looked up at me and said, “Would you take a donation?” I was surprised to hear

21、this from a 1011yearold boy, but I said, “Yes.” I took the lid of our donation container off as Jack was reaching into his pocket. His hand came out clinched around the donation he was about to make. It was my impression that what he had in his hand was everything he had in his pocket, as he did not

22、 count it. After Jack dropped his donation into the container, I gave him a highfive, as I so often do to acknowledge an accomplishment or an appreciation. I also gave him a handshake before he parted. After Jack left, I counted his gift$3.00. I then realized that he gave all he had, without countin

23、g the cost.The heart of a child made me smile that day. Thank you, Jack.文章大意:我在为美国糖尿病协会作志愿者时,一个名叫杰克的小孩的善心捐赠深深感动了我。56What attracted Jack to walk towards the author?A. The jar B. The hat C. The photo album D. The donation container57It was probable that Jack wore a wrist band to_.A. prove his confiden

24、ce in fighting diabetes B. promote his strong diabetes awarenessC. express his love for his family members D. support his friend who has diabetes58That Jack wanted to make a donation surprised the author because the author thought_.A. Jack was telling a lie to himB. Jack was playing a joke on himC.

25、Jack was brave enough to do so D. Jack was a great person for his age59What would be the best title of the passage?A. A lovely boy I met B. The heart of a childC. A moving day I spent D. The donation of a childB(2012太原调研)Bake Sugar CookiesNobody is actually sure who created the very first cookie.But

26、 the first cookie may have been a mistake.Many cooking experts believe that a long time ago cooks who wanted to test the temperature of their ovens would bake a little bit to find out if the oven was hot enough to bake an entire cake.Thesetest cakes were called “keokje”, which means “little cake” in

27、 the language used in the Netherlands.People from the Netherlands brought the recipe to the United States.The word “cookie” may have come from their word “keokje”,Cookies are also very popular in England, but the English call them “biscuits”, as do Australians.Almost every country has a word for coo

28、kie.In Spain, they are called “galletas”, and in Italy, cookies are called “biscotti”Americans are not the only people who enjoy cookies.You can make cookies following these steps:Preheat oven to 150 .Put a little butter on a cookie sheet.Mix together white sugar, brown sugar, butter and eggs.Then a

29、dd vanilla(香草)Add flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.Then mix well.Drop by spoonfuls onto the cookie sheet.Bake at 150 for 12 minutes or until lightly brown.文章大意:小甜饼在很多国家很受欢迎,它是怎么制作的,又是从哪里起源的呢?文章进行了详尽的叙述。60In which country were the test cakes first made?A.Spain. B.Australia.C.The Netherland

30、s. D.The United States.61What is the first step to bake cookies?A.Heat oven to 150 BMix the butter and the sugar.C.Test the temperature of the oven. D.Brush the cookies with some oil.62If the cookies look lightly brown, what does this mean?A.They have burned. BThey are done.C.They have become soft. D.They need to cook again.C (2012广西老牌高中一调)Helping children identify their interests can be a fun and exciting time for parents. You will be able to participate in several different things to help your children widen their interests and develop connections with other children.

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