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人教版高中英语 必修一 unit 3 words讲课稿.docx

1、人教版高中英语 必修一 unit 3 words讲课稿Unit Threejournal日记;杂志;定期刊物daily journal 日报in your journal记在你的日记里weekly journal 周记;周刊a famous journal一家知名期刊scientific journals科学刊物transport运送;运输public transport公共交通;公共运输public transport 公交车water transport 水路运输railway transport 铁路运输transport company 转运(货运)公司passenger transp

2、ort 客运international transport 经国际运输prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物 prefer to do 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事 would prefer 宁愿;更喜欢 prefer doing 喜欢做某事prefer Beijing更喜欢北京prefer milk to coffee更喜欢牛奶而不是咖啡disadvantage不利条件;不便之处social disadvantage社会弱势be at a disadvantage处于劣势to ones disadvantage对 (某人) 不利an important disadvantage一个重要缺点

3、fare费用air fare 飞机票价full fare 全程票价bus fare 公共汽车票钱taxi fare的士收费;出租汽车费return fare来回路费power fare电费the same fare相同票价the new fare新票价a reasonable fare合理的车费route路线;路途silk route 丝绸之路sea route 航线route map 线路图route survey 线路测量the most direct route to .去最直接的路线flow流动;流出 n 流动;流量gas flow 气流;气流量flow into流进water flo

4、w 水流;水流量the blood flow血液流动flow from one place to another从一地流向另一地ever since 从那以后persuade说服;劝说persuade someone说服对方persuade me to come说服我来的persuade sb. into doing说服某人做某事persuade him to change his mind劝他改变他的想法persuade her out of her foolish plans劝她放弃那些愚蠢的计划cycle骑自行车cycle to骑车去cycle to school骑自行车上学gradua

5、te 毕业 n 大学毕业生a graduate一个毕业生graduate from 从毕业graduate from college 大学毕业finally最后,终于final test最后测试final price 最后价格final exam 期末考,期末考试final result 最终结果final report 最终报告the final day最后一天final decision 最后决定schedule进度表on schedule 按时;按照预定时间daily schedule 日程表time schedule 时间表class schedule 课程表;课程安排training

6、 schedule 训练进度表ahead of schedule 提前fond心喜爱的,慈祥的宠爱的be fond of喜欢a fond father 一个慈爱的父亲fond of them喜欢它们fond of a girl喜欢上一个女孩fond of pizza喜欢吃比萨fond of singing喜欢唱歌be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 shortcoming缺点his shortcoming他的缺点main shortcoming主要缺点his own shortcoming自己的缺点stubborn顽固的;固执的get stubborn变得固执起来stubborn army顽军st

7、ubborn enemy顽敌a stubborn woman一个倔强的女子a stubborn character一个固执的人the stubborn student那个倔强的学生a stubborn and adventurous man固执而且喜欢冒险的人organize 组织,成立organize a concert组织一场音乐会organize your team组织项目团队organize magazines整理杂志organize all the information组织整理所有的信息care about关心;忧虑care about her对她在意care about the

8、future关心未来only care about yourself只关心自己care about losing her job担心丢掉她的工作I dont care about his opinion.我才不管他是什么意见呢。detail 细节;详情in detail详细地;具体地in detail 详细地in more detail 更详细地one small detail一个小小的细节the details of the plan计划的细节every detail of the design设计的每一细节cares about every detail of your life关心你生活

9、中的每一个细节determine决定;确定;下定决心determine how you feel决定你的感受如何determine the cooking time决定烹饪时间determine their own future决定他们自己的未来determine your sleep needs决定你的睡眠需求change ones mind改变主意journey 旅行,旅程long journey 长途旅行on the journey 在旅程中go on a journey 去旅行start your journey开始你的旅程journey to the west 西游记have a g

10、ood journey 旅途愉快make the journey round the world环绕世界而旅行altitude 海拔高度,高处at this altitude在这个高度the altitude problem海拔问题living at high altitude生活在高海拔increase with altitude随高度上升make up ones mind 下决心,决定give in 投降,屈服,让步valley山谷,流域dry valley干谷;涸谷;旱谷Sun Valley太阳谷valley floor 谷底Happy Valley欢乐谷;快乐谷in the deepe

11、st valley在最深的峪谷里waterfall瀑布a mini waterfall一个微型的瀑布below the waterfall在瀑布下游the famous waterfall那个著名的瀑布the water of waterfall瀑布奔腾的水流in waterfall development在瀑布开发中pace缓慢而行;速度,步调keep pace with与保持同步, 与并驾齐驱go a few paces走了几步at a snails pace慢条斯理地at their own pace按他们自己的速度the pace of change变化的速度pace around t

12、he house在房子里四下踱步bend弯,拐角bend into 把弯成bent over俯身bend down 蹲下,弯腰bend this spoon把这汤匙弄弯bend your knees弯曲你的膝盖bend his head低头on the last great bend in the river在河道最后一个大弯上meander蜿蜒缓慢流动飞meander along沿着漫步meander down to款款走向a meandering stream蜿蜒小溪meander outside all day每天在外面诳诳meander home through穿过蜿蜒往家开去mean

13、der through farmland蜿蜒穿越农田attitude 看法work attitude工作态度;任务态度social attitude 社会态度attitude survey 态度调查scientific attitude科学态度her careless attitude她满不在乎的态度Attitude is everything. 态度决定一切。her attitude toward this matter她对这件事情的态度forecast猜测;预告daily forecast每日预报sales forecast 销售预测market forecast市场预测weather f

14、orecast 天气预测,天气预报his election forecast他的选举预报parcel小包;包裹in the parcel包裹里a parcel bomb一枚邮包炸弹parcels of food and clothing成包的食物和衣物a valuable parcel of diamonds一个装着钻石的贵重包裹My parcel is as heavy as yours. 我的包裹和你的包裹一样重。insurance 保险life insurance 人寿保险social insurance 社会保险health insurance 健康保险medical insuranc

15、e 医疗保险the insurance company保险公司wool羊毛,毛织wet wool湿羊毛fine wool 细羊毛;细毛socks in wool羊毛短袜his wool shirt他的羊毛内衣produce wool产羊毛this grade of wool这种等级的羊毛as usual 照常 reliable可信赖的,可靠的reliable news可靠消息reliable quality 质量可靠reliable information 可靠的信息reliable evidence可靠的证据He was reliable. 他是可信赖的。pillow 枕头;枕垫air pi

16、llow空气枕;气枕soft pillow 软枕头in the pillow在枕头里her lovely pillow她的可爱枕头under your pillow在你的枕头下shout into a pillow对着一个枕头大声说话pillow-shaped hairdos枕头状的发型midnight 午夜;子夜at midnight 在午夜midnight call午夜电话midnight taxi午夜出租车after midnight过了午夜round midnight午夜时分flame火焰,光线gas flame 气火焰open flame 明火Olympic flame 奥林匹克圣火

17、a city in flames一座燃烧着的城市go up in flames 毁于一旦;着火burst into flame 点火;着火;一下子燃烧起来;突然烧起来bleed 流血 bled bledthe heat from the flames火焰的热度beneath 在下面from beneath从下面往上beneath notice不值得注意的;不屑一顾cut 割 cut cuton a shelf beneath在下方的书架上beneath the machine从机器下面feed 喂 fed fedbeneath the sea floor海床之下的beneath his cal

18、m surface平静的外表下面temple 庙宇寺庙Dajue Temple大觉寺go to temple去寺庙split 劈开 split splittemple of heaven 天坛sleep 睡 slept sleptlive at the temple住在寺庙中a small Hindu temple一座小的印度教寺庙ride 骑 rode riddenthe sound of the temple bells庙宇的钟声can 能 could cave 洞穴,地窖feel 触摸 felt feltundergo 经受 underwent undergonecave bear洞熊r

19、ock cave 岩洞spit 吐出 spat / spit spat / spitin the cave在洞里sweep 打扫 swept sweptteach 教 taught taughtforecast 预报 forecast forecast go into the cave走进山洞shine 发光 shone shonewill 将 would out of its cave从洞穴里出来cut 割 cut cutget through the cave通过山洞sing 唱歌 sang sungoutside the cave mouth洞口外面forgive 原谅 forgave forgivenarise 出现 arose arisenevery corner of the cave洞穴的每一个角落

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