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届广东省广州市高三一模考试英语试题 附解析.docx

1、届广东省广州市高三一模考试英语试题 附解析2022年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语考前须知:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、试室号和座位号填 写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型涂在答题卡相应位置上。并在答题卡相应位置上填涂 考生号。因笔试不考听力,试卷第二局部开始,试题序号从“21”开始。2.作答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用2B铅笔把容题卡对应题目选项的答案信息点除 黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相 应位置上,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,

2、然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不 按以上要求作答无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二局部 阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2.5分,总分值37.5分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出最正确选项。Scientific educational toys can develop kids reasoning, problem-solving and critical thinking capacity and improve their hand-eye coordination (协调).But the mo

3、st powerful thing is that the children will associate learning with fun. That means they will grow into adults with a thirst for knowledge and a highly developed set of skills for learning. Here are some of the best:Science KitYou can guarantee two things if you buy your kids one: a lot of fun and a

4、 lot of mess. Its a 20-piece kit that teaches the basics of chemical reactions. Ifs recommended for kids aged 6 and above, with adult company. You dont have to be a scientist, since there is an activity book with instructions for possible experiments.Mini Terra KitYou dont have to wait for the sun t

5、o come out to teach kids about the natural world. This all-inclusive kit is a miniature garden that simulates a natural environment by using a powerful LED light. It includes a terrarium jar, light-up jar lid, Micro USB charger, and all the natural ingredients to get started. It also has a simple in

6、struction booklet that you can work through with your kids.Gravity Run管理这个地方,但此刻,坐在我的办公桌前,看着树木疯狂地弯曲,风咆哮着,我很高兴自己不再是负责 人。)”作者提出更喜欢地球自己照料自己,也即反对人类控制气候,因此本文主要讲的是人类是否应该控 制气候,因此A选项“But should we fix the climate?(但是我们应该解决气候问题吗?)”可概括本文主耍内容,可作为最好的题目,应选A。第二节 (共5小题;每题2.5分,总分值12.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确

7、选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。How does it feel when you solve your problem by yourself? Things may not always go as planned, but being resourceful can help you stay calm and work your way out of tricky situations.Being resourceful means finding smart and creative ways to solve a problem, using whatever resources

8、you have at the time. 16 They can also be anything else thafs useful, such as information, advice or your own experience. It also means trusting your instincts, the ability youre bom with, rather than through training and being confident about your ability to face challenges. A resourceful person is

9、 not the one getting cross or panicking when something goes wrong. Theyre thinking about how to solve the problem.17 when we learn to problem solve for ourselves rather than immediately going to others for help,it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about

10、 making decisions. Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.1 8 This can boost self-esteem, that is, how you feelabout yourself.When youre facing a challenge, try to focus

11、on the actual problem rather than how you feel about it. Think about where and when it happened and what the causes are. Next, think up as many solutions to the problem as you can. 19 Finally, review what has and hasnt worked, so youre equipped to deal with a situation next time.And remember, if you

12、 have a tricky problem that youre unable to solve, then ask a trusted adult for help.20You also learn what youre good at.A.Here is how you can be more resourceful.C These may be practical things like pens and paper.D.No one is expected to solve all problems by themselves.E.Resourcefulness is a skill

13、 thats good for you in lots of ways.F.They can be famous mottos that always inspire us to move on.G.Weigh up whafs good and bad about each one and choose the best.【1620题答案】【答案】16.C17. E 18.A19. G 20. D【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了遇到棘手的问题时的应对方法,要足智多谋,随机应变。【16题详解】 根据上句 “ Being resourceful means finding smart

14、and creative ways to solve a problem, using whatever resources you have at the time.(足智多谋的意思是找到聪明和创造性的方法来解决问题,利用你目前所拥有的任何资源)”和下文 “They can also be anything else thafs useful, such as information, advice or your own experience.(它们也可以是任何其他有用的东西,例如信息、建议或您自己的经验。)”上文提到可以使用拥有的任何 资源,下文提到“也可以是其他有用的东西”可知,设空处

15、需要第一次例举这些有用的东西。C选项:这些 是像纸和笔一样的实用的东西。与下文的“also”相互呼应。应选C。37题详解】挖空处在段首,有可能是段落的主旨句。而后面“it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions4它可以帮助我们建立信心,帮助我们感到更独立,在做决 定时感觉更好)”及 “Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creativel

16、y about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.(足智多谋或许不能帮助你防止 问题,但创造性地思考如何处理问题会让你感觉压力更小,下次准备更充分)”主要说的是beingresourceful 带来的好处,E选项意思就是resourcefulness能带来很多好处。应选E项。【18题详解】 该段首句说的是 “being resourceful会对你有好处,前面两句“it can help to build our confidence, help us

17、feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions.(它可以帮助我们建立信心,帮助我们感到更独 立,在做决定时感觉更好)及Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.(足智多谋或许不能帮助你防止问题,但创造性地思考如何处理问题会让你感

18、觉压力更小,下次准备更充分)”具体列举了 being resourceful带来的好处,A选项:你还能知道你所擅长的是什么,对自己更加了解,也契合下一句This can boost self-esteem, that is, how you feel about yourself,这能提高自尊心。这是又一个好处,A项最符合语境。应选A项。【19题详解】 该段在讨论遇到困难时,要专注于问题本身,并列出了具体的步骤。上一句“Next, think upas many solutions to the problem as you can.(接下来,想出尽可能多的方法来解决问题)”讲的是“尽可能多地

19、想出一些解决措 施”,G选项:然后衡量它们的好坏,选出最正确的一个,其中them指代上一句solutions, G项填到此处最 合适。应选G项。【20题详解】上一句 And remember, if you have a tricky problem that youre unable to solve, then ask a trusted adult fbr help, (i 己 住,如果你有一个棘手的问题,你无法解决,然后向一个值得信任的成年人寻求帮助)”表示自己实在解决 不了,你还可以求助其他人,D选项意为“没有人是被期望要单独解决所有问题的”,与上文意义一致。故 填D项。第三局部 语

20、言运用(共两节,总分值30分) 第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。Id worked four months at a university when we had a going-away party for Sandy, who was moving to London. When I got to work the next day, I was 21 to see Sandy there, Arent you supposed to bein London?” I asked. She 22

21、me and said JTm Helen.”I then found out that I have a rare disease face blindness. This 23 sent me to the doctor. I didntthink much about it. 24, Im a successful adult who cares if my 25 isnt quite likeeveryone elses? Then, I met Dr Smith. Your ability to learn new faces is among the worst J he said

22、. As fbr cures, nothing so far has been very 26 After a sad goodbye, I fled in tears.I was 27 until Dad gave me some important advice. Everyone just wants to talk aboutthemselves,“ he said. Just ask questions. This 28 transformed my life. When walking on campus, if someone looked my way, I 29. If th

23、ey smiled, I stopped to chat. Soon I became an expert at talking to30.This year, I celebrated my birthday with over 60 friends, many of whom 1 wasnt able to 31.I was fine with that.32, I can take courses to treat my illness, but Id rather spend that time on something I 33, like looking at birds. I g

24、et such a 34 identifying them.35 my face blindness, Ive learnt to see the world.21.A.excitedB.surprisedC.frightenedD.pleased22.A.stared atB.thought away fromD.reached out for23.A.disasterB.accidentC.discoveryD.expectation24.A.HoweverB.SomehowC.AnywayD.Moreover25.A.illnessB.growthC.faceD.brai


26、ly33.A.rememberB.ignoreC.missD.enjoy34.A.chanceB.thrillC.shockD.trouble35.A.According toB.Regardless ofC.In fear ofD.Thanks to【2135题答案】【答案】21.B22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B 31.D 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者患有脸盲症,但爸爸的一条建议让作者受益匪浅,作者也因此学会 了看世界。【21题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句

27、意:第二天上班时,我惊讶地看到桑迪在那里。A. excited兴奋的;B.surprised惊 讶的;C. frightened 害怕的;D. pleased 愉悦的。根据下文 “Arent you supposed to be in London?可知,作 者看到桑迪感到很惊讶,应选B。【22题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他盯着我说:“我是海伦”。A. stared at盯着;B.thought of考虑;C. got away from远离;D. reached out for伸手去拿。根据下文她说自己是海伦可知,她说话时是盯着作者的,应选A。【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我

28、发现我得了一种罕见 脸盲症。这一发现让我去看医生。A.disaster灾难;B. accident事故;C. discovery发现;D. expectation期望。上一句说作者发现自己得了一 种罕见的脸盲症,此处指的就是这一发现,应选C。【24题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我没有想太多。无论如何,我是一个成功的成年人,谁会在乎我的脑子是否和 别人不一样? A. However然而;B. Somehow不知怎么;C.Anyway不管怎样、无论如何;D. Moreover况 且。根据下文uTm a successful adultn可知,此处用anyway表示语气的缓和,应选C。【25题详解

29、】考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.illness疾病;B. growth成长;C.face脸;D.brain大脑、智力。根据常 识可知,脸盲症属于认知障碍,应选D。【26题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:至于治疗方法,到目前为止还没有什么方法很有希望的(有效的)。A.promising有希望的、有前途的;B. popular流行的;C. cheap廉价的;D. comfortable舒适的。根据下文u After a sad goodbye, I fled in tears/,可知,到目前为止还没有什么有效的治疗方法,所以作者很难过,故 选Ao【27题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我深感绝望

30、,直到爸爸给了我一些重要的建议。A. unconcerned不关心的;B.impatient不耐烦的;C.desperate绝望的;D. annoyed恼怒的。上文说到目前为止还没有什么有效的治疗 方法,所以作者很难过,深感绝望,应选C。【28题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个建议改变了我的生活。走在校园里,如果有人看我,我会微笑。A.tip建 议、贴士; B. question问题;C.explanation解释;D. warning警告。上一句说爸爸给了我一些重要的建 议,此处用tip呼应上文的advice,应选A。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. hesitated犹豫;

31、B. smiled微笑;C. panicked恐慌;D. waited等待。根据 下文“If they smiled,”可知,如果有人看我,我会用微笑回应,应选B。【30题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快我就成了与陌生人交谈的专家。A. students学生;B.strangers陌生人;C. colleagues 同事;D. patients 病人。木艮据上文 When walking on campus, if someone looked my way/可矢口, 作者遇到的这些人都是没有说过话的陌生人,应选B。【31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年,我和60多个朋友一起过生日,其中很多我都认不出来。A. invite邀请;B. trust信任;C. greet问候;D. recognise认出。上文说作者有脸盲症,所以很多人认不出 来,应选D。【32题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我可以参加课程来治疗疾病,但我宁愿把这些时间花在我喜欢的事情 上,比方看鸟。认出它们让我兴奋不已。A. Eventually最终;B. Fortunately幸运地

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