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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Challenging Yourself Ⅲ同步导学 重大版选修6.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Challenging Yourself 同步导学 重大版选修6高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Challenging Yourself 同步导学 重大版选修6.重点单词识记1frustration /frstreIn/ n挫折;受挫的状态2oppression /pren/ n压迫3. reveal /rIvil/ vt.揭露;泄露4dignity /dIntI/ n尊严;高贵;端庄5invisible /InvIzbl/ adj.看不见的;无形的6undergo /nd/ vt.经过;经历7miserable /mIzrbl/ adj.痛苦的;可怜的8sca

2、tter /skt/ vi.散开;消散9shelter /elt/ n掩蔽处;住所10arrest /rest/ n/vt.逮捕;拘留11injustice /IndstIs/ n不公平;不公正justice n正直;公平12jokingly /dkIlI/ adv.开玩笑地;打趣地halfjokingly adv.半开玩笑地joking adj.开玩笑的joke n玩笑13resist /rIzIst/ vi./vt.抵(反)抗,抵制resistance n反抗;抵抗;抵抗力14instruction /Instrkn/ n用法说明;指示instruct vt.指导;命令15detached

3、/dIttt/ adj.超然的;冷漠的;分离的detach v分开;分离;摆脱16fascinating /fsIneItI/ adj.迷人的,有极大吸引力的fascinated adj.着迷的;被深深吸引的17freshly /frelI/ adv.新近;刚刚fresh adj.新的;刚来的18imprisonment /ImprIznmnt/ n监禁,下狱prison n监狱prisoner n犯人.重点短语识记1rise up起来反抗2live out sth.(以某种方式)度过余生;实践3stand up for支持4be addressed as被称作5wind ones way蜿蜒

4、前进;逶迤前进6bring down降低;压低7be detached from与分开;对漠然置之8look up向上看;仰望9do good (to).有益于;对有好处10cry at哭泣;为哭泣11safe from.不遭受12pick oneself up站起来(尤指跌倒后).经典原句默写与背诵1With this faith we will be able to work together,to pray together,to struggle together,to go to jail together,to stand up for freedom together,knowi

5、ng that we will be free one day.怀着这个信念,我们将能一起工作,一起祈祷,一起奋斗,一起坐牢,一起维护自由,因为我们知道,终有一天,我们将获得自由。2But when I came downstairs he was dressed,sitting by the fire,looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years.但是当我下楼的时候,他穿着衣服,坐在火炉旁边,看着一个九岁的病得非常厉害而且很可怜的小男孩。3“About what time do you think Im going to die?”

6、he asked.“你认为我什么时候会死?”他问。4He was just passing a cigar store,when he saw a welldressed man go in,leaving his silk umbrella at the entrance.当他路过一家雪茄店的时候,看见一个衣着得体的男士走了进去,那人把一把丝绸雨伞放在了门口。1Id prefer not to meet him for various reasons.(vary)2How should we involve ourselves in school life? (involvement)3Th

7、ere has been a lot of resistance to this new law.(resist)4A hand roughly pushed him aside.(rough)5We had barely enough money to last through the weekend.(bare)6All the students present at the meeting were fascinated by his ideas.(fascinating)7It is evident to us that he didnt tell the truth yesterda

8、y.(evidently)8We got there by driving slowly all the way.(slow)9When I mentioned her name everyone was very curious.(curiously)10Theres been no fresh news of the fighting since yesterday.(freshly)1 resist doing抵制做resist the temptation抵制诱惑cant resist doing.忍不住做be resistant to耐的;对有抵抗力的She cannot resis

9、t giving him advice.她忍不住给他提建议。Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.学生们应当抵制诱惑,集中精力备考。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)I couldnt resist telling(tell) him the secret.(2)He was unable to resist the temptation(tempt) of taking the wallet.2 gaze at 凝视,注视gaze into space注视着前方She gazed at the pictu

10、re in amazement.她惊异地注视着那幅画。He sat for hours just gazing into space.他一连几个小时坐在那里注视着前方。词义辨析gaze at,glance at,stare at,glare at(1)gaze at“凝视,注视”,表示出于惊讶、兴趣、憧憬等久久地凝视。(2)glance at“瞥见,匆匆一看”,强调动作,看的时间短暂。(3)stare at“盯着看”,指长时间盯着,有羡慕或惊奇的意思。(4)glare at“怒视”,指怒目而视,有敌对情绪。夯实基础用gaze at,glance at,stare at,glare at的适当形

11、式填空(1)He glanced at the watch and then stared at me,saying that I was lying to him.(2)He glared at the naughty children.(3)Its rude to stare at foreigners.(4)She lay back on the sand and gazed at the stars above.3 sth.occurs to sb.某人突然想起;某人发生某事It occurs to sb.that./to do.某人突然想起The crash occurred onl

12、y minutes after the plane took off.空难在飞机起飞几分钟后就发生了。思考表示“某人想起”的短语还有:sth.strike/hit sb.,sb.hit/strike on sth.,e to sb.等。夯实基础一句多译我想起了一个主意。(1)An idea occurred to/struck/hit me.(2)An idea came into my mind.(3)I hit/struck on an idea.单项填空1The exhibition gave those artists a chance to their works.Adisplay

13、BdismissCdisturb Ddispute答案A解析句意为:展览会给那些艺术家们一个展示他们作品的机会。display展出,展示,符合句意。dismiss不予考虑,解散;disturb打扰,扰乱;dispute对表示异议,争执。2She was on a diet,but she couldnt eating sweet food.Consequently,her weight was gained again.Aremove BresistCreject Dobject答案B解析cant/couldnt resist doing.忍不住做。3With these years deve

14、lopment,China will be into an advanced industrial country.Atranslated BtransplantedCtransported Dtransformed答案D解析transform意为“使改观;使转变”,句中要表达的是“中国将转变成为一个先进的工业化国家”。而translate表示“翻译”;transplant意为“移植”;transport意为“传送,运输”,均不符合语境。故正确答案为D。4The local authorities had given the instruction that all the old buildings there pulled down.Ahave to be Bwill beCbe Dmust be答案C解析instruction后跟that引导的同位语从句时,谓语动词用(should) do形式。5He wondered if he could out of the lecture hall without anyone noticing him.Aslip BsneakCslide Dgo答案C解析s

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