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1、小学英语面试试讲教案小学英语面试试讲教案【篇一:2017小学英语面试试讲全英范例】 小学英语教师资格证 试讲稿全英范例 先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲 就可以开始了。 这是整个的试讲流程 开场: good morning,ladies and gentleman! i am no.6, i am glad that i can have a chance to stand here ,and hope you can like my lesson. shall we start it ,ok! 讲课: hello,boys and girls,how are you doin

2、g today? yes ,i am great ,thank you! i hope all of you can be happy in our english class,and hope you can enjoy the english trip! ok,lets sing a song which we have learned last week,little star,are you ready? ok , ready go! twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. up above the world so

3、 high,like a diamond in the sky. oh,wonderful ,you did a good job! now lets have a short review. last class ,we learned a new topic ,do you still remember ? yes,we talked about weather last class,so what is the weather like today? who can answer my question? any volunteer? wow ,jack ,please. good,ye

4、s,it is sunny today,but a little cold.because it is winter now ,we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside .sit down,please ,jack. ok , now please look at the blackboard , today we will learn unit 4 where is my schoolbag? now ,lets learn a new lesson. firstly,please look at some wor

5、d cards in my hands,there are 3 word cards,they are on ,in ,under, so can you guess what is the meaning ? i think you got it ,right? ok, cindy,on, linda,in, angela ,under. very good ! now,lets look at the classroomagain. please find the schoolbag,yes,it s here. the first conversation is : where is m

6、y schoolbag? it is on the desk. listen to me carefully.(repeat).then please find the keys ,yes,they are over there. the second conversation is :where are my keys? they are under the chair. here,please pay attention to the different usage of is and are. we have talked about them many times before,i b

7、elieve that you know them very well,right ? great,give me five,give me five,sit down please. now lets listen to the tape and fill in the blank with on in or under. listen to the tape carefully ,when you finish,please hands up. ok ,stop here. all of you did a good job. i think it is very easy for you

8、,isnt it? because you are very clever! how time flies,it is time to say goodbye. todays homework is make some sentences with on,in ,under ,and if you can,please teach your parents or your friends about the usage of on,in,under. ok,that is all for today,good bye,see you next time! 篇二: 讲课: hi ,my dear

9、 children!(good afternoon,boys and girls! hello,everyone!) it is nice to meet you again in the beautiful sunshine day. now ,lets began our class! let us sing the song we have learnt before.( 歌曲名字) wa it is very beautiful. now we have some new friends here. who are they?ok,have a look. open your book

10、s, and turn to page 100, look, who are they? whats the matter with them? 教师出示一支体温表,说: this is a thermometer. if i have a fever, it will tell me. let s see mike. mike doesnt feel well. he has a fever.指着lets learn的图片的mike, 教学“have a fever。”让学生看图片,教授单词和短 语.the second boy was get hurt,when you get hurt

11、,you feel very painful,just like him!look at the girl,she was had a cold,when you have a cold ,you couldnt stop coughing. the last boy was had a headach,when you have a headach,your head feel painful ,you want to have a sleep. in daily life we are very likely to get sick,so,it is useful to learn som

12、e knowledge about those words. ok, now ,listen to the tape carfully .follow the tape and look at the cards to read the following words and sentences. ok very good, now ,who can read those words? any volunteer? ok,lili。good ,set down please.anyone else? ok .xiaoming.your pronunciation is correct. sit

13、 down. well , now,one reads one word , one by one. do u understand? ok. lets start it form this student. oh,good job. lets play a game;there are five different cards about five different sicks in my,all students will take part in five groups,one group will get one cards ,look at the cards

14、carefully , i will ask you some questions later.for example group one get the card of mike , i will ask you, whats the matter with mike? you should answer: iam sick. i have a fever. ok,now,i will give u those cards. whats the matter with xxx. 各组调换卡片继续该活动。 活动完以后,well down. the rest of the time belong

15、s to you, you can choose one student as your partner,one ask and the other the process,【篇二:小学英语 面试教案】 三年级上册 unit4weloveanimalsaletslearn教学设计 一、教学内容: pep 小学英语(供三年级使用)三年级上册 unit 4 we love animals. part a lets learn. 二、教学设计理念: 英语课程标准明确指出,根据小学生的生理和心理特点以及发展需要.小学阶段英语课程的目的是:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积

16、极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养他们一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。新课程提倡任务型教学,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式完成教学目标。本着这一理念,我在设计本课时从激发和保持学生的学习兴趣入手,精心创设生活化语言情景,开展丰富多彩的活动,让学生在我的指导下进行语言交流,感受用英语交流的乐趣和成功感,从而培养学生用英语进行交流的能力。 三、教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说动物单词 monkey dog duck panda cat rabbit. 2. 学生能听懂课堂指令并做出相应的反

17、应; 3. 以活动为途径,渗透任务型教学,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,寓教于乐; 4. 通过小组竞赛和激励性评价,让学生会与人沟通合作形成良好的语言表达能力。 四、教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说动物单词。 2. 学生能听懂课堂指令并做出相应的反应, 五、教学难点: 1. 注意单词 cat panda rabbit 中“a”的发音。 2. 能用英语进行介绍小动物和自己玩具。 六、课前准备: 1. 制作教学辅助课件 2. 制作一些小动物的头饰 3. 准备动物的词卡和图片 4. 学生准备玩具小动物。 七、教学方法:游戏教学法、情景教学法、任务教学法 八、教学步骤: greetings: 利用 how ar

18、e you? 歌曲和学生唱着问候,调动学生的学习积极性. warm-up:touch your nose. touch your eye. touch your ear. touch your mouth. touch your head. touch your arm. touch your hand. touch your tail. 玩触摸身体部分的游戏,让学生缓解了紧张的情绪,同时对描述身体部分的单词进行了适当的复习,为下一教学环节作了铺垫。 presentation: 1. t: oh, sorry. we have no tails. but animals have tails.

19、 lets go to the zoo. come on boys and girls. 1 2 3 go, go, go, go. the animals in the zoo are having a new years party today. they are all very happy. now the band is coming. can you tell me who they are in the band?(同学们,大家看,今天动物园里的动物们正在开一个新年晚会,他们都高兴极了,现在,乐队走过来了,你们看到他们都是谁吗?)课件的形式出现,让学生进行回答。 2. 排在乐队最

20、前面的是谁?t: who is the first? 让学生回忆。引出单词 rabbit. 让学生听,然后让学生模仿,并试着说出这个单词中含有那些你听到的字母,练习了学生的模仿能力,单词的认读能力和拼读能力。 who is the second? 教师可以描述一下 it likes having fish. who is it? 引出单词 cat。由于这个单词比较简单,因此找学生教,并试着说出这个单词中含有那些你听到的字母,练习了学生的单词的认读能力和拼读能力,调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性。 who is the third? 教师描述 its eyes are black and its bo

21、dy is white. who is it? 引出单词 panda 领读三遍让学生齐读,小组读,并对各个小组进行评价,激励他们的学习积极性。 who is the fourth? 课件出示小鸭子的脚印,让学生猜出第四个小动物是谁?引出单词 duck. 听音学单词,让学生学习正确的语音。 who is the fifth? and who is the sixth? 课件出示小狗和小猴的尾巴,让学生猜出他们的主人是谁?引出单词 dog monkey. 教师领读,让学生领读,最后拼读。 在讲完了六个单词后,让学生看图片和单词,听音跟读,练习正确的语音,对单词又有了更进一步的了解,并让学生总结单词

22、 cat panda rabbit 这三个词中“a”的读音,渗透了英语字母的读音规则。practice t: who has a short tail? s: a rabbit /duck /panda t: who has a long tail? s: a cat /monkey /dog 这个教学环节是一个发散思维环节,课件提供了六个动物的身体部位,分别是短尾巴和长尾巴,让学生根据这六条尾巴来说动物,达到复习动物单词的目的。 activities 1: t: animals are lovely. i love animals. do you like them? s: yes. t:

23、now, choose your animal friends. s: a dog, rabbit /duck /monkey /cat /panda t: now, you are all animals. introduce yourself “hello. im dog. how are you? .” 这是一个操练口语的环节。教师制作了一些动物的头饰,让学生选择一个自己喜欢的动物朋友,在小组里扮演这个小动物和其他小动物进行日常英语会话,练习了英语的表达能力,并告诉学生,动物是人类的朋友,让学生爱护动物,保护动物,和动物交朋友。在这个环节中学生愿意开口练习。activities 2: t

24、: i have some animals. what do you have? s: i have a dog /cat /rabbit /. t: great. can you act like a dog /cat /rabbit /. in your groups introduce your toy and act them. 在这个环节中,我让学生把自己带来的玩具 ,介绍给自己的小伙伴,并表演出来,让学生学会和小伙伴一起分享自己的东西,并增加了学习的趣味性。教师要即时的评价和过程性评价的结合,在本课的最后来个终结性的评价,学生在学习的过程中始终是评价的主体,体现了以学生为主体的课改

25、精神,同时,学生的学习积极性也得到了提高。 t: animals are good friends. but sometimes be careful. why? lets discuss next class. 在课的最后给学生留下一个悬念,并让学生对课堂有中依依不舍的感觉。 unit6a.letslearnnumbers 一、案例背景分析 1教学内容 本课时主要学习数字 1-10 的英语表达法。 2教学目标【篇三:教师资格证面试小学英语试讲稿】 小学英语试讲稿good morning,ladies and gentleman! i am no.6, i am glad that i can

26、 have a chance to stand here ,and hope you can like my lesson. shall we start it ,ok! hello,boys and girls,how are you doing today? yes ,i am great ,thank you! i hope all of you can be happy in our english class,and hope you can enjoy the english trip! ok,lets sing a song which we have learned last

27、week,little star,are you ready? ok , ready go! twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky. oh,wonderful ,you did a good job! now lets have a short review. last class ,we learned a new topic ,do you still remember ? yes,we talked about

28、weather last class,so what is the weather like today? who can answer my question? any volunteer? wow ,jack ,please. good,yes,it is sunny today,but a little cold.because it is winter now ,we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside .sit down,please ,jack. ok , now please look at the b

29、lackboard , today we will learn unit 4 where is my schoolbag? please look at me ,there is a big picture in my hands,can you guess what is this? yes,it is a classroom,it is a big nice classroom. what can you see from this picture? ruler,yes, desk,good,football ,wonderful,schoolbag,great,pencil box,fa

30、ntastic! keys,very good! yes,we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the different places. how to say it in english? now ,lets learn a new lesson. firstly,please look at some word cards in my hands,there are 3 word cards,they are on ,in ,under, so can you guess

31、 what is the meaning ? i think you got it ,right? ok, cindy,on, linda,in, angela ,under. very good ! now,lets look at the classroom again. please find the schoolbag,yes,it s here. the first conversation is : where is my schoolbag? it is on the desk. listen to me carefully.(repeat).then please find t

32、he keys ,yes,they are over there. the second conversation is :where are my keys? they are under the chair. here,please pay attention to the different usage of is and are. we have talked about them many times before,i believe that you know them very well,right ? great,give me five,give me five,sit down please. now lets listen to the tape and fill in the blank with on in or under. listen to th

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