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1、上海牛津英语八年级各单元词汇短语总结附答案上海牛津英语八年级词汇短语总结Unit 1Part 1: Wordsv. 破坏;毁坏 _n. 毁灭,毁坏 _n.产品 _v. 生产 _v.呼吸 _n.呼吸 _n.科学家 _n.科学 _adj. 科学的 _adj.纯净的 _adv. 纯净地 _v.净化,使纯净 _adj.化学的 _n.化学物质 _n.化学学科 _n.化学家 _v./n 交流,交换 _v./n. 改变,替换 _v.容纳 _n.容器 _v.交流,沟通 _n.交流,沟通 _v.公告,宣布 _n.发言人 _n.声明,公告 _【强化训练】 Fill in the blanks with the g

2、iven words in their proper forms.1. The farmer looked sad when his vegetables were d_ in the flood. He didnt know what he could do. 2. I think boxing is very dangerous. Maybe it leads to terrible injuries like brain d_ and makes people to be violent by turning fight into a sport. 3. The morning exer

3、cises can keep your whole class l_and healthy.4.Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) can do h_to humans, so it is very dangerous to b_in. 5. Pandas are in great danger, so people provide special p_for them. 6. These products are not popular, because many people think they are natural and contain some c_.7. Better

4、communication can lead to an e_ cooperation(合作). 8. The air in the room was p_.9. Food will last longer if kept in an airtight(密封的) c_.Keys: v. 破坏;毁坏 destroyn. 毁灭,毁坏 destructionn.产品 productv. 生产 producev.呼吸 breathen.呼吸 breathn.科学家 scientistn.科学 scienceadj. 科学的 scientificadj.纯净的 pureadv. 纯净地 purelyv.

5、净化,使纯净 purifyadj.化学的 chemicaln.化学物质 chemistryn.化学学科 chemistryn.化学家 chemistv./n 交流,交换 exchangev./n. 改变,替换 changev.容纳 contain n.容器 containerv.交流,沟通 communicaten.交流,沟通 communication1. destroyed 2. Damage 3. Lively 4. Harm, Breathe 5. protection 6. Chemicals 7. Enjoyable 8. Pure 9. ContainerPart 2: Phra

6、ses1. 平均年龄 _ 2. 事实上 _3. 保护某人免遭_ 4. 和交流 _5. 生物 _ 6. 从吸收 _7. 连接在一起 _ 8. 因感谢某人 _9. 把释放进_ 10. 1.5公顷 _11. 对了解许多 _ 12. 警告某人不要做某事 _13. 尝起来难吃 _ 14. 把某物递给某人 _Keys:1. the average age 2. In fact3. protect sb. from sth. 4. Communicate with5. living things 6. Take from7. jointogether 8. Thank sb. for sth.9. rele

7、aseinto 10. One and a half hectares= one hectare and a half11. know a lot about 12. Warn sb. not to do sth13. taste nasty 14. Pass sth. to sb.Unit 2Part 1: 8B U2词性转换整理序号单词词性释义1valuen.价值valuelessadj.无价值的;不值钱的valuableadj.有价值的2treatmentn.处理;加工treatv.治疗;对待3bathev.洗澡;沐浴bathn.洗澡;沐浴4sciencen.科学scientistn.科

8、学家scientificadj.科学的;系统的5freezev.使冻住;使结冰frozenadj.冻结的;冷酷的freezingadj.寒冷的6comfortn.舒适;安慰comfortableadj.舒适的uncomfortableadj.不舒服的;不安的comfortablyadv.舒服地;充裕地7patientadj.耐心的;能容忍的impatientadj.不耐烦的impatiencen.不耐烦;无耐心【强化训练】 Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms1. Arguing about such

9、 details has wasted many hours of their _ time. (value)2. The pain disappeared because he received timely_. (treat)3. Meat from New Zealand is _ and brought to England in special ships. (freeze)4. _ inventions such as computers have raised labour productivity. (science)5. Blinded by the steam, he ha

10、d to fish around for the soap in his _. (bathe)6. She leads a happy and _ life, never lacking for money or friends. (comfort)7. When people have to wait a long time, they will become uncomfortable and _. (patient)8. The great ship was like a _ building. (float)【答案】1. valuable 2. treatment 3. frozen

11、4. scientific 5. bath 6. comfortable 7. impatient 8. floatingPart 2: Phrases1.大量的_ 2.开着_ 3. 倒入_ 4.环顾四周_ 5.掉入_ 6.加速下滑_ 7.记得去做某事_ 8.记得做过某事 _ 9. 回应_ Keys:1. a large amount of + u 2. be on3. pour into 4. look around5. drop into 6. speed down7. remember to do 8. remember doing9. reply to Unit 3I. Fill in

12、 the blanks.8B Unit 3 Words & expressionsservantserveservicen. v. n.仆人为提供服务服务electricityelectricelectricalelectricianelectronicn. adj.adj.n.adj.电;电能电动的;用电的与电力有关的电工电子的foolishfooladj.n./v.愚蠢的傻瓜/愚弄monthmonthlyn. adj./adv.月份每月的/每月一次explanationexplainn.v.解释;说明解释;讲解invisiblevisibleadj.adj.看不见的;隐形的看的见的;明显的

13、carecarefulcarelesscarefullyn.v.adj. adj.adv.留神;用心担心;关心;在意小心的;谨慎的不小心的;粗心的小心地;仔细地politelypolitepolitenessrudelyimpolitelyadv.adj.n.adv.adv.有礼貌地;客气地有礼貌的;斯文的礼貌;优雅粗鲁地;无礼地无礼地;没规矩地containcontainerv.n.包含;容纳容器clearclearlyadj.adv. 明白清楚的明显地movemovementv./n.,挪动/ 移动动作succeedsuccesssuccessfulv.n.adj.成功成功成功的

14、millionmillionairen. n.百万百万富翁hopehopefulv.adj.希望有希望的chemicalchemistrychemistadj./n.n.n.化学的;化学物质化学化学家worryworriedv./n.adj.担心感到担心的beginbeginnerbeginningv.n.n.起始;开始初学者开始realreallyadj.adv.真实的真实地at last = in the end = finally 最终in packets / in bags 以包装的;呈形状的look happy 看上去开心look like 看上去像look sadly at伤心地看

15、着get a bill for sth. 得到一张的账单changeinto把变成be careful with sth. 当心; 小心in a way 从某种程度上说in some ways 就某些方面而言think of 想一想think about思考think over 仔细考虑connect A with B 把A 和B 连接起来 connect A to B =A be connected to B把A 连接到B上去power station 发电站switch off = turn off 关(灯、电器等)II. 知识点梳理:词组1. one evening 一天晚上2. get

16、 me a packet of electricity 给我带一包电3. go out 出去4. at last 最后5. buy it in packets 一包包地买6. look foolish 看上去很傻7. flow through a wire 流过电线8. measure the amount you use 测量你使用的电量9. get a bill for 得到一张的账单10. in a way 在某种程度上11. much more dangerous than 比危险得多12. be careful with 小心对待13. look like 看似样14. scratc

17、h ones head 挠头15. change into 把变成16. think of 想一想;想出来17. a light bulb 电灯泡18. come from 来自于19. different forms of energy 各种能量20. be connected to 被连接到21. bury under the street 埋在路下22. a power station 发电站23. come back 回来24. May I have , please? 我可以吗?25. on his face 在他脸上26. Here it is. 它在这儿27. Didnt you

18、 know that? 你不知道吗?28. switch off 关上词性转换1. dangerous (a.) 危险的 danger (n.) 危险2. servant (n.) 仆人 serve (v.) 服务 service (n.) 服务3. electricity (n.) 电 electric (a.) 电的 electrical (a.) 有关电的4. foolish (a.) 愚蠢的 fool (n.) 傻瓜 /(v.)愚弄5. monthly (ad.) 每月一次 month (n.) 月份6. explanation (n.) 解释 explain (v.) 解释7. ca

19、reful (a.) 小心的 care (n. / v.) 关心 carefully (ad.) 小心地 careless (a.) 粗心的8. invisible (a.) 看不见的 visible (a.) 看得见的9. change (n. / v.) 变化 changeable (a.) 多变的10. different (a.) 不同的 difference (n.) 不同点11. power (n.) 力 powerful (a.) 强大的12. politely (ad.) 有礼貌地 polite (a.) 有礼貌的 impolite (a.) 没礼貌的 13. contain

20、(v.) 包含 container (n.) 容器14. clear (a.) 清楚的 clearly (ad.) 清楚地Unit 4Part 1: Wordsv.出版,发表 _n.出版商 _adv.短暂地 _adj. 简短的,简洁的 _v.选举,推选 _n.选举,当选 _adj.当选的 _n.决定 _v.决定 _v.建议,提议 _n. 建议,提议 _n.选择 _v.选择,决定 _n.读者 _v. 阅读 _v.同意,赞成 _n.协议,同意 _v.仔细考虑,细想 _n.考虑,关心 _adj.体贴的,考虑周到的 _v.设计 _n.设计师 _【强化训练】 Fill in the blanks wit

21、h the given words in their proper forms.1. Bosses are always interested in_of raising money.2. The _of a newspaper are the people who read it. 3. In _, you did a good job.4. I was asked to _ the best title for the passage among these titles.5. The writer _ to donate some money to the poor students.6

22、. Jane _ to my plan about the holiday.7. This magazine is _ monthly.8. Tom was_ chairman of the Students Union.9. I have no _ but to do stay at home.Keys: v.出版,发表 publishn.出版商 publisheradv.短暂地 brieflyadj. 简短的,简洁的 briefv.选举,推选 electn.选举,当选 electionadj.当选的 electedn.决定 decisionv.决定 decidev.建议,提议 sugges

23、tn. 建议,提议 suggestionn.选择 choicev.选择,决定 choosen.读者 readerv. 阅读 readv.同意,赞成 agreen.协议,同意 agreementv.仔细考虑,细想 considern.考虑,关心 considerationadj.体贴的,考虑周到的 consideratev.设计 designn.设计师 designer1. suggestion 2. reader 3.brief 4. Choose 5. decided 6.agree 7. published 8. elected 9. choicePart 2: Phrases1. 当地新

24、闻 _ 2. 排队等候 _3. 投票赞成_ 4. 主管,掌管 _5. 应该,应当 _ 6. 详细讨论,详谈 _7. 列出清单 _ 8. 有点,一点 _9. 作出决定_ 10. 一致同意 _11. 安排 _ 12. 一周以后 _13. 总共,共计 _ 14. 围成大圆圈 _15. 把.扔进 _ 16. 对.感到好奇 _17. 导致,通向 _ 18. 对.感到厌倦_ 19. 同时_ 19. 把.切成两半Keys:1. Local news 2. Queue up3. Vote for 4.Take charge of5. Ought to 6.Talk.over7. Make a list of

25、8. A bit9. Make a decision 10. Agree on11. Arrange to 12. In one weeks time13. In all 14. Form into big circles15.Throw into 16. Be curious about17.lead to 18.Be tired of19.At the same time 19.Cut in halfUnit 5I. Fill in the blanks. 序号单词词性释义1sightn.视力,视觉,风景seev.看见(saw, seen)2sense n.感觉,意识,感官sensible adj.明智的3die v.死dead adj.死的,无生命的d

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