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1、新版人教版七年级上英语短语Starter Units 1 31. good morning/afternoon/evening2. good night3. thank you = thanks4. in English5. an orange6. a jacket7. HB8. CD9. BBC10. NBA11. P12. kg13. S14., M15., L16., UFO1. Hi, Helen! How are you?-Hi, Eric! Im fine,thanks.2. - Whats this in English?一I t s an orange.Whats that i

2、n English?I t s a jacket.Spell it, please.J-A-C-K-E-T.3. 一What is this/that?I t s V.What color is it? I t s red.4. The key is yellow.5. I can say my ABC。早上/下午/晚上好晚安谢谢你用英语一个橙子一件短上衣硬黑光盘,激光唱片英国广播公司(美国)全国篮球协会停车场,停车位千克,公斤小号的中号的大号的不明飞行物嗨,海伦!你好吗?嗨,埃里克!我很好,谢谢。这个用英语怎么说?一个橙子。那个用英语怎么说?一件短上衣。请拼写它。J-A -C-K -E -T

3、。这/那是什么?是(字母)V。它是什么颜色的?红色的。这个钥匙是黄色的。我能说A、B、C 等字母了。1. my name 我的名字2. your name 你的名字3. her name 她的名字.4. his name 他的名字5. Im . .我是6. firs t name 名字7. last name/family name 姓氏8. Ms. Brown 布朗女士9. your school ID card 你的学生卡10. phone/telephone number 电话号码11. his ID card number 他的身份证号码12. my friend 我的朋友13. ni

4、ce to meet you 很高兴见到你14. middle school 中学15. in China 在中国1. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?一Im /M y name is Alan. 我叫艾伦。2. Whats his/h e r name? 他/她叫什名字?-His /Her name is Eric /Mary . 他/她叫埃里克/玛丽。3. My friend is Eric Brown. 我朋友叫埃里克 布朗。4. My friend is in China. 我朋友在中国。5. Whats your last name? 你姓什么?-My last na

5、me is Green. 我姓格林。6. My names Jenny Green. 我的名字是珍妮 格林。Im Gina. Nice to meet you! 我是吉娜。很高兴见到你7. Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?一I t s 281-9176. 我的电话号码是281-91768. - Are you Helen? 你是海伦吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我是。11. Is he Jack? 他是杰克吗? Yes, he is. /N o,he isnt. 是的,他是。/不,他不是。1. an uncle/aunt2. his aunts

6、 and uncles3. my four friends4. his parents5. my family6. your brother/sister7. these two girls8. in Picture 1/in the first picture9. have a good day10. my family photo11. a photo of my family12. the name of my dog13. in my family14. two photos/pictures1. This is my friend Jane.2. These are my broth

7、ers.3. Those are my brothers.4. Thats my family.5. Are those/these your parents?Yes,they are.6. Whos he? Hes my brother,Paul.一位叔叔/阿姨他的阿姨和叔叔们我的四个朋友他的父母我的家你的兄弟/姐妹这两个女孩在第一张图片里过得愉快我家的全家福我家的一张照片我的狗的名字在我家里两张照片这是我的朋友简。这些是我的兄弟们。那些是我的兄弟们。那是我的全家。那/这些是你的父母吗?是的,他们是。他是谁?他是我的兄弟,保罗。他们是谁?7. 一Who are they?Theyre my

8、grandparents. 他们是我的祖父母。8. Here are two nice photos of my family. 这是我家两张漂亮的照片。9. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.我爷爷和奶奶在第一张照片里。10. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric.我的兄弟鲍勃和埃里克在下一张照片里Unit 3 Is this your pencil?1. your schoolbag2. his green pen3. Annas books4. her

9、dictionary5. ask the teacher for . .6. thank you for . .7. computer games8. in Classroom 7E9. in the school library10. call me11. call me at 495-353912. e-mail me a t . . .13. my school ID card14. a set of keys15. some keys你的书包他的绿色的钢笔安娜的书她的字典向老师要因.而谢谢你电脑游戏在7 E 教室里在学校图书馆给我打电话拨4 9 5 -3 5 3 9打电话给我用给我发电

10、子邮件我的学生卡一串钥匙一些钥匙这是什么?一块手表。你如何拼写它?W -A-T-C-H。1. Whats this?Its a watch.How do you spell it?W-A-T-C-H.2.-Is this/that your pencil?-Yes, it is. Its mine. /No, it isnt. Its his.3.-Excuse me,is this your pencil?Yes,thank you.4.-Are these your books?Yes, they are. They are mine.5. 一Are those your keys?No,

11、they arent. Theyre Bob,6. Thank you for your help.7. The blue pen is his.What about this dictionary?I lost my school ID card. I must find it.这是/那是你的铅笔吗?是的。它是我的。/不。它是他的。打扰一下,请问这是你的铅笔吗是的,谢谢你。这些是你的书吗?是的。它们是我的。那些是你的钥匙吗?不。它们是鲍勃的。谢谢你的帮助。这支蓝色钢笔是他的。那这本字典呢?我丢了我的学生卡。我必须学Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?1. my pencil

12、 box2. on the sofa3. in your schoolbag4. under your bed5. in your grandparents room6. a tape player7. a model plane8. English books9. in the bookcase10. under the radio11. on the teachers desk12. on your head13. I dont know我的铅笔盒在沙发上在你的书包里在你的床底下在你祖父母的房间里一台录音机一个飞机模型英语书在书柜里在收音机下面在讲台上在你头上Wheres the scho

13、olbag? 书包在哪里? I t s under the table. Where are my booksTheyre on the sofa.Where is your ruler?Wheres my bag?Is it on your desk?Its not under the chair.I think it s in your grandparents room.The English booksI m tidy,but Gina is not.I have a clock.Ginas books are everywhere.在餐桌下。我的书在哪里?在沙发上。你的尺子在哪里?在

14、椅子下面。我的包在哪里?在你的书桌上吗?它不在椅子下面。我想它在你祖父母的房间里。我(东西放得)整齐,但吉娜不整齐。我有一台钟。吉娜的书到处乱放。I t s under the chair.are under the radio. 英语书在收音机的下面。Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?1. have a volleyball2. play volleyball/tennis3. have a ping-pong/table tennis4. play ping-pong/table tennis5. with our friends6. have a foot

15、ball/soccer ball7. play football/soccer8. at school9. play sports10. play computer games11. watch TV12. in the same school13. after class14. go to school有一个排球打排球/网球有一个乒乓球打乒乓球和我们的朋友一起有一个足球踢足球在校,在上学做运动玩电脑游戏看电视在同一所学校下课后去上学二、重点句型1. Do you have a ping-pong bat?No, I dont.2. Do they have a computer?Yes, t

16、hey do. /No, they dont.3 .Does he have a tennis ball?Yes,he does. /No, he doesnt.4. He has two ping-pong bats.5. They have a computer.6. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother does.7. She doesnt have a volleyball.8. Lets play basketball!9. That sounds good.10. Lets play computer games!一That sound

17、s interesting.是的,他们有。/不,他们没有。他有一个网球吗?是的,他有。/不,他没有。他有两个乒乓球拍。他们有一台电脑。我没有足球,但是我兄弟有。她没有排球。让我们(一起)去打篮球吧!那听起来不错哦。让我们(一起)玩电脑游戏吧!那听起来很有趣。11. We go to the same school and we love soccer.我们去同一所学校上学,我们热爱足球。12. We play soccer at school with our friends. Its relaxing.我们在学校里和朋友踢足球。这很放松。13. I dont have a soccer b

18、all, but Alan does. 我没有足球,但艾伦有。14. I like ping-pong. Its easy for me. 我喜欢打兵兵球。这对我来说很容易。15. Let me get it. 让我去拿吧。你有一个乒乓球拍吗?不,我没有。他们有一台电脑吗?1. John s birthday dinner2. vegetable salad3. two tomatoes4. eat well5. think about6. eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner7. sports stars8. the volleyball star9. ask sb

19、. about sth.10. like hamburgers/ice-cream11. like eating eggs12. her eating habits13. be (not) healthy14. one last question15. healthy food16. after breakfast/lunch/dinner约翰的Do you like salad?一Yes,I do. /No, I dont.Does she like tomatoes?No,she doesnt. She doesnt like them.What fruit do you like?一I

20、like apples and strawberries.I dont like carrots.He likes salad.She doesnt like hamburgers or chicken.How/What about some fruit?你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。她喜欢西红柿吗?不,她不喜欢。她不喜欢它们。你喜欢什么水果?我喜欢苹果和草莓。我不喜欢胡萝卜。他喜欢沙拉。她不喜欢汉堡包和鸡肉。(吃)一些水果如何?Sounds good. 好啊。一What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?你早/午/晚饭喜欢吃什么? I

21、 love fruit. I think it s healthy. 我喜欢水果。我想这是健康的(食物),I dont want to be fat. 我不想变胖。Lets have apples and milk then. 让我们吃苹果、喝牛奶吧。1. these shorts 这些短裤2. what color 什么颜色3. a yellow sweater 一件黄色的毛衣4. twenty white skirts 20条白色的裙子5. a pair of brown trousers 一条棕色长裤6. thirte en pairs of sports shoes 13双运动鞋7.

22、those long black pants 那些长的黑裤子8. seven dollars 7美元9. a short red T-shirt 一件短的红T恤10. a small black hat 一顶小的黑帽子11. at our great sale 在我们(店)大减价期间12. at a very good price/at very good prices 以非常优惠的价钱13. s k irts in red 红颜色的裙子14. for boys/girls 对于男孩/女孩15. come to M r. Cools Clothes Store 来酷先生的服装店16. $ 2

23、for three pairs 三双2 美元17. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 买某物给某人18. sell sth. to sb. / sell sb. sth. 把卖给某人How much is this T-shirt? 这件T 恤衫多少钱? I t s seven dollars. 7 美元。2. How much are those black trousers? 那些黑色的长裤子多少钱? T hey re nine dollars. 9美元。3. Can I help you? /W hat can I do for you? 你要买什么? /要

24、我帮忙吗?Yes? please. I want/need a sweater for school.是的。我想买件适合上学穿的毛衣。4. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!5. Our shorts are only ten dollars.6. Here you are!7. It looks nice.8. Ill take it/them.9. Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for10. Socks are only $ 2 for three pairs!在我们大减价期间来买

25、衣服吧!我们的短裤只售1 0美元。给你!它看起来很漂亮。我决定买它/它们了。two pairs.一双2 美元,两双3 美元。祙子三双只售2美元1. my fathers birthday2. happy birthday (to you)3. in August4. have a birthday party5. have a book sale6. have an art festival7. have an English party8. have a basketball game9. School Day10. Teachers Day11. Mothers Day12. Womens

26、 Day13. Sports Day14. two ball games15. this term16. in the afternoon17. on the 12th18. next month19. in the school library20. have a good time我爸爸的生日(祝你)生日快乐在八月举办一个生日派对举行一次书籍拍卖举办一次艺术节举办一个英语派对举办一场篮球赛学校开放日教师节母亲节妇女节体育节两场球赛这学期在下午在1 2 日那天下个月在学校图书馆玩得开心1. When is your/his/her birthday?口 且 /Fit卩My/His/Her b

27、irthday is on November 11th.2. 一When is A lices birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.3. How old are you? I ,m twelve ( years old).4. Happy birthday to you!Thank you.5. When is the school trip?I t s on October 19th.6. Do you want to come to my birthday party?7. This is a really busy term!8. Sch

28、ool Day is on October 22nd.9. We have an Eiiglish party on November 30th你/他/她的生日是何时?我/他/她的生日是1 1月1 1日。艾丽斯的生日是何时?她的生日是9 月5 日。你多大了?我1 2岁了。生日快乐!谢谢。学校郊游是何时?1 0月1 9 日。你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?这确实是一个忙碌的学期!学校开放日是1 0月2 2 日。在11月3 0日我们有次英语晚会。Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.1. my favorite subject(s)2. have P. E. /a

29、P. E. lesson3. play games with us4. my science teacher5. your favorite day6. the next day7. Davids favorite subject8. on FridayC morning/afternoon/evening)9. at 8 :0010. from 12:00 to 1:0011. after that/class12. great fun13. difficult but interesting14. be OK with sb.我最喜欢的科目上体育课和我们一起玩游戏我的科学老师你最喜欢的一天第二天戴维最喜欢的科目在周五(上午/下午/晚上)在8 点钟从1 2 :0 0到(下午)1 :0

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