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1、委托书之业务委托合同英文业务委托合同英文【篇一:委托代理合同(中英文)】 委托代理合同 agreement of agency 沪四维法代字(2012)第号 husiweifadaizi(2012)no: 委托方: authorizing party (hereinafter referred as party a): 受托方:上海四维乐马律师事务所 authorized party (hereinafter referred as party b): sloma co. 委托方因 一案,委托上海四维乐马律师事务所作为代理人,受托方接受委托方的委托,经双方协商,达成如下委托代理合同: part

2、y a hereby authorizes party b to be the attorney-at-law in the case (the first instance) of both parties agree to enter into the agreement therefore on the following terms. 一、受托方指派受托方应按照中华人民共和国律师法的有关规定,保护委托方的合法权益,参和处理本案有关的活动。 1. party a does hereby grant and, attorneys-at-law of to be the legal repr

3、esentatives of the above-mentioned case. party b shall protect the legally rights and interests of party a according to “the lawyers law of the peoples republic of china”. 二、委托方应向受托方叙述真实案情,并提供有关证据;受托方发现委托方未能阐述真实案情,或提供虚假证据时,有权终止代理。委托方同意,因上述情况引起本案终止,将支付已发生的律师费和其他费用(膳宿费、差旅费、通讯费和办案杂费等)。 2. the evidences

4、, documents and proofs concerned provided by party a to party b should be based on real facts. party b may terminate the agreement when the evidences, documents and proofs of the case stated are found not authentic. party a agrees to pay the attorney fees and other costs and expenses (including expe

5、nses forboard and lodging, business trips, communications, etc.,) taken under such circumstances. 三、委托方在向受托方提交证据材料的影印件时应当同时提交原件以供受托方核对,原件由委托方保管;如必须由受托方保管时,委托方可向受托方索要收妥该原件材料的凭证及清单。受托方有义务对委托方的商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密,但向司法机关、国家行政主管机关和为办理案件需要,经委托方同意的第三人披露不在此限。 3. without written consent of party a, party b agrees

6、not to disclose and/or spread to any third party (excluding the hearing courts), any material and information, which provided by party a and/or acquired by party b during the period of agency. 四、受托方代理本案期间,因职务性疏忽或过失造成委托方经济损失,依法应由受托方承担经济赔偿责任的,受托方须对此损失予以赔偿。受托方的责任赔偿限额和追诉时效为司法行政机关规定,受托方投保的保险公司律师职业责任保险条款规

7、定的赔偿限额和追诉时效。 4. because of the position of the fault or neglect of the economic loss caused by party b, party b shall be entrusted to assume economic liability and shall compensate for such losses. party bs liability limitation and the limitation of prosecution was made by the judicial administrativ

8、e organ and the insurance company to lawyer occupation liability insurance clause provisions of the limitation of compensation and limitation of prosecution. 五、本案基于委托方对真实案情的叙述和受托方对案件难易程度的评估,双方经协商,同意律师费按如下办法支付: 按工作小时收费:2500元人民币/时,按阶段提供工作记录,按阶段计算工作小时并支付律师费。 上述律师费不包括为办理本案件所花费的膳宿费、差旅费、翻译费、通讯费和其他办案杂费。 委托

9、方未及时支付律师费或对工作时间有异议的,受托方有权暂时停止工作。 5. based on the statement and comment made by party a, both parties agree that, the attorney fees will be paid as follows: the attorney fees shall be paid according to the working time: rmb2500/hour, we will provide the detailed working record and the fees should be

10、paid according to the record. the above-mentioned attorney fees do not include the costs for board and lodging, traveling, communication, etc., arising in the captioned case. party b will reimburse such costs by bills. if party a does not pay the amount accordingly, party b would suspend the work. 六

11、、委托代理合同一经签订,任何一方不得无故解除。 因客观情况发生变化,致本合同的代理事项已不复存在(如:诉讼案件法院不予受理、当事人死亡等),委托方提出解除本合同要求的,经受托方同意,可以解除本合同。在此情况下,委托方同意根据律师工作量、办案进程、案件处理效果等因素支付和之相当的律师费和其他费用,受托方业已收取的律师费之超出部分应予退还。受托方尚未开始工作的,退还部分不超过全部律师的80;受托方业已开始工作的,退还部分不超过全部律师费的50。 委托方因其他正当理由提出提前解除本合同的,经受托方同意可以解除本合同,在考虑律师的工作量、办案进程、案件处理效果等因素后,委托方同意支付和之相当的律师费和

12、其他费用,受托方业已收取的律师费之超出部分应予退还。退费限额为全部律师费的50。 6. any party shall not terminate the contract without any reason after signing, but if the party has some proper reasons, both can terminate the contract through consultation. because of the objective situation changes, such as the death of the parties, it ma

13、y terminate the contract. in this case, party a agrees to work, the process, the case law treatment effect factors such as payment of attorney fees and other expenses, party b has charged attorney fee beyond the refundable. party b has yet to begin work, a partial refund of no more than80% of all at

14、torney fees; party b already start working, refund part does not exceed50% of all attorney fees. 七、受托方的代理权限为: 全权委托 。 7. the agreement will remain in full force from the date of conclusion till the settlement of the case (the first instance). 八、本合同的有效期自签订合同之日起至 一审(判决、仲裁裁决、裁定、和解、调解、撤诉、 、 )完毕时止。 8. the

15、 validity of the contract is from the date of signing till the first instance. 九、本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可另行协商签订补充合同,由本合同起的一切争议,可由上海市律师协会进行调解,调解不成,由上海市杨浦区人民法院处理。 9. parties can conclude the supplementary contract, the disputes arise from this contract can be mediate by shanghai lawyer bar, if cannot conclude th

16、e mediation, then shanghai yangpu district court would get the jurisdiction. 委托方: party a: 受托方:上海四维乐马律师事务所 party b: sloma co. 签约日期: date:【篇二:清算业务委托合同(中英对照)】 财务及清算代理服务合同 financial and liquidation agent contract 甲方: aa有限公司 party a: aa 乙方:bb有限公司 party b: bb co., ltd. 甲乙双方对以下业务签订合约。 party a signs the co

17、ntract with party b involving the following engagement 第一条(目的) article one: (aim) 甲方和乙方在互相信任的基础上,以确立公正的交易关系,谋求互相的利益和业务的发展为目的,签订本合约。 this contract based on mutual trust and fair deal aimed to the mutual interest and service development. 本合约未规定事项发生时,甲乙双方协商决定。 if anything not prescribed in this contrac

18、t happens in the future, the agreement should be reached through negotiation between the parties. 第二条 乙方的责任和义务 article two: (resposibility and obiligation of party b) 1、乙方接受甲方委托,为甲方提供清算前代理记账及清算期间代理记账服务 1. party b provides bookkeeping agency service before and in the period of liquidation of party a.

19、 (1)根据甲方提供的清算期间现金流水账和银行流水账清单以及原始票据、凭证,负责审 核并制作会计记账凭证、设置会计科目和账簿,登记财务账簿; (1)check the cash daybook bank statement as well as the original vouchers of the liquidation period provided by party a, and then make accounting vouchers, plan accounting subjects and accounting books, register accounting books;

20、 (2)在甲方清算期间代理甲方税务事项包括每月应纳税额的计算,代理填写纳税申报表和税 务申报手续(包括增值税和企业所得税、个人所得税等); (2)in the liquidation period of party a, part y b provides services regarding tax matters: calculates due taxes monthly, fills the tax declaration form and tax declaration formalities (including vat and company income taxes, indiv

21、idual income taxes, etc.) (3)根据中国企业会计制度有关规定,编制清算期间中英文月度清算资产负债表和清 算损益表。 (3) in the period of liquidation, prepare liquidation balance sheer and liquidation income statement monthly in chinese and english according to business accounting system of china2、乙方接受甲方委托,为甲方提供下列审计业务 2. party b provides the fo

22、llowing audit service: (1)对甲方201*年*月-*月经营情况进行审计,出具年度审计报告。 (1) perform auditing on the business condition of party a from * 201* to * 201* and issued audit report; (2)对甲方的清算情况进行专项审计,并出具清算鉴证报告。 (2) perform special auditing on the liquidation of party a and issue the liquidation verification report; 3、

23、乙方接受甲方委托,为甲方代理注销下列政府颁发的证照 3. cancel the following licenses issued by the government on behalf of party a (1)工商营业执照;business license(2)税务登记证;tax registration certificate(3)财政登记证;financial registration certificate(4)统计证;statistical certificate(5)外汇登记证;foreign exchange registration certificate;(6)海关登记证

24、;customs registration certificate (7)组织机构代码证等证照。organization code certificate 4、乙方接受甲方的委托,做好下列工作: 4. party b will also provide the following services: (1)为甲方提供清算期间财务和税务咨询服务; (1) financial and tax consulting services in the liquidation period; (2)为甲方代为保管公司7年的全部财务档案资料。 (2) keep all the financial docum

25、ents of the last 7 years for party a 第三条 甲方的责任和义务 article three: (resposibility and obiligation of party a) 1、甲方应当依照中国的有关法律法规,依法建立健全清算期间的公司内部控制制度(如 不相容工作岗位安排不同的人来担当等);设置持证上岗的出纳员工作岗位。 1. party a should build a system to improve and perfect the internal control pursuant to the related law and regulati

26、on in china, and hire different persons to undertake incompatible positions and a competent person to hold the position of cashier; 2、甲方应在经营期末(201*年*月*日)清点甲方的全部资产,提供清理后的全部资 产明细清单。 2. party a should check all of its assets at the end of operation (* * 201*) and provide a list of all assets. 3、甲方应在清算期

27、初提供公司经股东会批准的董事会关于解散公司、提前终止章程的协议等申请报告、并在决定解散公司后15天内成立清算小组。清算小组于10天内通知债权人、并于60天内在报刊上刊登公司解散的公告、及注销劳动登记证。 3. party a should provide the agreements approved by the board of directors on dissolution of company and early termination of articles of association at the beginning of liquidation and set up a li

28、quidation group within 15 days after the decision of dissolution of company. the liquidation group shall inform the creditors within 10 days, publish the announcement of company dissolution in 60days and cancel labor registration certificate. 4、甲方应为乙方代理记账人员提供清算期间所有银行、现金收支凭证及资产处置附件。 4. party a shall

29、provide all the copies of vouchers on bank payment, cash and asset disposal in liquidation period. 5、甲方应及时划转足够的银行存款到纳税账户。 5. party a shall transfer enough bank deposit into tax account. 6、甲方参加清算小组的人员应和乙方保持紧密联系,有序地完成甲方委托的业务。 6. the members of liquidation group shall keep close contact with party b in

30、 order to finish the businesses entrusted to party b. 第四条 服务收费及支付方法 article four: (service charge mode of payment) 1、 经营期间代理记账201*年*月-*月。每月*元,合计*元。于201*年*月支 付。 1. bookkeeping in operation period: rmb* / month from * 201* to * 201*, totally rmb* which should be paid in * 201*. 2、清算期间代理记账201*年*月*日起每月*

31、元,至201*年* 月止合计*元。 于201*年*月和201*年*月分*次支付。 2. bookkeeping in liquidation period: rmb*/month from * 201* to * 201*, totally rmb* which should be paid at * 201* and * 201* by * installment. 3 、201*年*-*月经营情况审计费:*元,于201*年*月支付。 3. audit fee for the auditing on the business condition from * 201* to * 201*:

32、rmb* which should be paid at * 201*. 4、201*年*月*日清算日起至清算结束的税务清算鉴证报告审计费:*元,于向税务部门递交清算鉴证报告时支付。 4. audit fee for the liquidation verification report from * 201* to the end of liquidation: rmb* which should be paid when party a committees the report to tax department. 5、注销政府颁发的证照代理费用:*元;于办理工商营业执照注销时支付。 5. agent fee for cancel the license: rmb* which should be paid when doing the business license cancellation. 6、

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