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1、高考英语一轮复习考点通关练专题五书面表达考点三十其他类考点三十其他类Writing 1限时20分假定你是李华,在美国的阿肯色州读书,你想在这个寒假找一份饭店服务员的工作。下面的一则广告引起了你的注意,请你给联系人写一封信,询问相关情况。信中需说明你的问题(广告下方已列出)。Your questions:1Height and age limitation? 2Working experience?3Parttime or fulltime?4Work days per week?5Pay?注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【写作指导】本篇书面表达是一篇求职咨询类文章

2、。时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。写作时应注意勿遗漏要点,保持行文流畅。标准范文:Dear Joseph Smith,I am Li Hua, a Chinese student studying in a high school in Little Rock. I happened to read your ad for a server and I am interested in it very much. But I still have a few questions about it, so I am writing to ask you something about this

3、 job. Firstly, I am a boy of 17, and I am not sure whether you have some special requirements about height, age and working experience. Secondly, I wonder whether it is a parttime job or a fulltime one. Thirdly, how many days will I work per week and how much is the pay?I am looking forward to your

4、early reply. Thank you and best wishes!Yours,Li HuaWriting 2限时20分假定你是李华,是红光中学的校学生会主席。最近你校林艳同学的父亲被查出患白血病,需要大笔的治疗费用。由于家庭较贫困,林艳面临辍学。现在请你写一封倡议书,号召全体同学伸出援助之手,帮助林艳同学渡过难关。注意:1.词数100左右;2倡议书的开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:leukemia n白血病Dear fellow students,As we all know, Lin Yan is an excellent student in our school. _【写

5、作指导】本篇书面表达是一篇倡议书,因此要把这位同学的情况表达清楚,用词要真诚感人。另外要注意字数要求,文章内容不能繁琐。可使用不同的副词来表达情感。标准范文:Dear_fellow_students,As_we_all_know,_Lin_Yan_is_an_excellent_student_in_our_school. She studies very hard and has been highly thought of by her teachers. Unfortunately, recently her father has been diagnosed with leukemia

6、. As far as I know, it costs too much to recover himself from such a serious disease. Whats worse, her family isnt a rich one. If too much money has been spent on a cure, theres no doubt that Lin Yan will be forced to drop out of school.As chairman of the Student Union, Ill spare no effort to give L

7、in Yan a hand and donate some money to her. Here I also call on all of us to do the same to her. I just hope that our limited effort will make a difference to her family in need.Writing 3限时20分Teenagers杂志Conversation With Brad栏目的负责人Brad收到了李华的一封来信。仔细阅读下面的来信,帮助Brad用英语写一封回信,给出分析并提出合理建议。Dear Brad,Im a st

8、udent from Xinhua Senior High School. I have some difficulty communicating with my parents. Although I have tried my best, I find it really difficult to make them satisfied.So I feel lonely sometimes. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.Yours,Li Hua注意:1.可适当增加细节;2词数120150。Dear Li Hua

9、,I feel greatly honored to be trusted with your personal affairs._Yours sincerely,Brad【写作指导】本篇书面表达要求根据来信写回信,并提出适当的建议,因此考生在写作时应注意这两方面的要求。时态上应以一般现在时为主,要分层次叙述,从而使文章看起来结构清晰。标准范文:Dear_Li_Hua,I_feel_greatly_honored_to_be_trusted_with_your_personal_affairs.I have to say that you are not alone when having t

10、rouble communicating with your parents. Almost everybody has it or had it when they were in their adolescence. Therefore, its a common problem shared by many, whose cause lies in what we call “generation gap” As for my advice for you, first, dont hide your feelings. You can make it a routine to shar

11、e your thoughts with your parents. Second, convince them you have tried your best. It is not their fault to place high expectations on their child. I believe they will be satisfied with you as long as they know you have tried whatever you can to live up to their standard. Anyway, there is no one who

12、 love you more than your parents in the world. Whatever you are, they will always be there for you. Love them, and love can heal everything.Yours_sincerely,BradWriting 4限时20分假如你叫李华,你将代表你市去英国参加一项文化交流活动。请根据以下要点提示给举办方写一封信:1告诉对方你的航班信息(航班号:CNY3080;到达时间:当地时间7月21日上午8:30),并询问对方可否接机;2表达你对活动的期待。注意:1.词数100左右;2

13、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Sir/Madam,This is Li Hua from China._Looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours faithfully,Li Hua【写作指导】本篇书面表达要求写一封书信,这是全国卷中考查频率最多的一种形式,而且书信的格式及正文的开头和结尾已经给出,书信只是一个载体,重点在于考查考生组织语言材料和发挥的能力。从写作素材看,本文可以分为两段,第一段告知航班信息,并询问对方可否接机;第二段表达自己的期待。写作过程中要注意叙述的条理性和表达的准确性。标准范文:Dear_Sir/Madam,This_is_Li_Hu

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