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1、英语八年级上册各模块作文范文外研版英语八年级上册各模块作文范文整理Module 1 How to learn English话题写作:假如你是班里英语学得最棒的学生,应老师和同学之邀作一次题为“怎样学好英语”的报告,请根据下面的提示(可适当发挥)写一篇短文介绍你学英语的方法。80词左右(给出部分不计入总词数)。提示内容:(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。_Wish all of us can improve our Engl

2、ish.Thats all. Thank you for listening to me.写作思路:步骤构思列纲1开篇点题:如何学好英语be glad to ,how to learn English2具体措施:听广播,看电影,唱英语歌曲等listen to the radio, watch English films, sing English songs, speak to foreigners3结束语,祝愿Wish, thank you for经典范文:Dear classmates, Im very glad to share my ideas on how to learn Engl

3、ish well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? Its good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to fo

4、reigners. Its also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or American and write emails to each other. Wish all of us can improve our English. Thats all. Thank you for listening to me.(该作文为演讲稿,如平时作文,划线部分省去。)Module 2 My hometown and my country写作:

5、My home town Hello, everyone! My hometown is in Hefei, now let me tell you something about it. Its a beautiful city in the middle east of China. And it has a population of over seven million. Its especially famous for its delicious food and fresh fruit. Its hot in summer and cold in winter here. The

6、re are many interesting places for you to visit. You can go fishing in Chaohu Lake, and climb Dashu Mountain. You can also go to see the flowers and fly kites in different parks in spring. People here are very friendly and they always like to help others. I hope you can come to my home town.写作思路:1.开

7、篇点题,家乡-合肥 2.分别介绍家乡的位置,人口,因什么而出名,气候,景点, 及家乡的人民。 3.结尾:欢迎来我的家乡Module 3 Sports写作:My favourite sportMy favourite sport is running. I often run on the playground at school or in the park. I like it because its cheaper and safer than other sports. I need to buy nothing but a pair of sports shoes. Swimming

8、is more relaxing than running, but its more dangerous. Basketball is more exciting than running, but its boring to play alone. I can enjoy the beautiful views while Im running. Ill go running every day to keep healthy.写作思路:1.点题:my favourite sport is. 2.喜欢的原因:比较级(cheaper/ safer, easy, interesting) 3.

9、选择每天跑步来保持健康。Module 4 Planes, ships and trains以广州出发去北京为例,说出飞机出行和火车出行的利弊。交通工具飞机火车价格900元250元旅行时间2小时56小时优点省时、舒适、便于休息便宜,可以观光缺点昂贵耗时、拥挤、不利于休息经典范文:There are two ways to go from Guangzhou to Beijing. First, you can go by plane. Its much faster and more comfortable than going by train. You can have a good res

10、t on the plane. But its also a lot more expensive than going by train. Second, you can go by train. Its much cheaper than going by plane. You can have a good view along the way. But its usually very crowded and it always takes a lot of time, you will also be very tired after the long stay on the tra

11、in.Different people like different ways of traveling, just choose the best for you.写作思路:1.根据图表介绍两种出行方式 2.分别介绍坐飞机,坐火车的优缺点。(分点写作:first, second; 使用比较级。) 3.结尾 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse(略)Module 6 Animals in danger当今许多动物的生存环境遭到人类的破坏,它们濒临灭绝,所以我们应采取措施来保护野生动物。请根据以下提示,以“We should protect wild animals”为题,写一篇英

12、语短文。70词左右。经典范文:We should protect wild animalsMany animals are in danger in the world today, such as tigers and pandas and so on. When people cut down trees, tigers have no place to live or hunt for food. Some people kill tigers for their fur. Also, there are fewer and fewer places for pandas to live

13、.We are not alone in the world. We could not live without plants and animals around us. So its very important to protect them. And we must stop people from killing animals. If each of us can love animals, the world will be more beautiful.写作思路:1.点名动物濒危的现状。 2.濒危的原因:cut down trees/ kill/few places to l

14、ive 3.应该行动起来保护动物Module 7 A famous story爱丽丝梦游仙境中爱丽丝跟着兔子进入洞里,根本没想过自己要怎么出来。爱丽丝后来发生了什么,又遇到了那些奇怪的事?请根据提示写一篇故事。Times5pm5:05pm6:30pm6:50pmPlaces in a treein a gardenin a houseon the grassCharacters the Cat the White Rabbitthe Mad Hatter and the March Harethe King and the QueenActivities smilingrunninghavin

15、g a tea partysitting and playing经典范文:例:1、父 人 女 虫 禾 立 2、口 田 今 木 人 门Then Alice went down into a large rabbit hole after the rabbit and never thought about how she was going to get out again. First, Alice saw the Cat smiling in a tree at 5 pm. She was very surprised that a cat could smile. She came ove

16、r to a garden. Just then the White Rabbit was running past her, it was 5:05 pm. When Alice entered a house at 6:30, she found that the Mad Hatter and the March Hare were at the table, having a tea party. When she ran out of the house at 6:50 pm, she saw the King and the Queen. The King was sitting o

17、n the grass and the Queen was playing. (1)、懒洋洋地(晒太阳) 慢吞吞地(说) 兴冲冲地(走进来)写作思路:1.按照表格的顺序写作朋友=伙伴 仿佛=好像 喜欢=喜爱 2.注意过去进行时的使用Module 8 Accidents下面的表格提供了一次交通事故情况,请以 A Traffic Accident 为题写一篇作文。荷叶像一把小圆伞。 我们像花儿一样美丽。时间上个星期天上午9:30“越”的使用地点新华路第二个十字路口经过一位老太太被一辆小汽车撞倒,受伤严重(2)春眠不觉晓,(处处)闻啼鸟。夜来(风雨声),花落(知多少)。原因原(草原)(平原)(高原)

18、(原来)(原因)司机闯红灯结果有人打电话给急救中心,不久救护车赶到,把老太太送去医院经典范文:远近 去来 黑白 高低(矮)大小A Traffic AccidentLast Sunday, an old lady aged about seventy was badly hurt in a traffic accident at the second crossing of Xinhua Road. It was 9:30 a.m and there were many ears in the street at that time. The old lady was crossing the

19、street when a car appeared and hit her. The old lady was badly hurt and couldnt move at all. Someone called the First Aid Center and soon some doctors came (out of an ambulance) and carried the old lady to the hospital. The police said that it was the drivers fault because he didnt stop his car when

20、 the traffic lights were red.四、反义词写作思路:1.总写事故发生的时间地点 2.交代事件的经过,结果及原因(星)(机)(姐)(玩)(明)(唱) (意)(问)(早)(秀)(她)(岁) 3.括号内可以不看Module 9 Population在我们国家,人口问题是一个大问题。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对人口问题的认识。 提示:1.中国是世界上人口最多的国家。 2.大量的人口使家庭居住面积大量减少。 3.人口问题使能源和水短缺,城市拥挤,交通压力大。 4.你的感想。参考词汇:one-child policy 独生子女政策 in order to 为了思路

21、点拨:中国人口问题现状 人口问题带来的其他问题 自己的感想经典范文:China has the largest population in the world. Because of the large population, there is less living space for each family. And its difficult for lots of people to find jobs. The large population also causes many other difficulties for the whole nation. For example,

22、 we are in short of energy and water. Most cities are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much heavier. The large population has become a serious problem.In order to solve population problem, we must go on with the one-child policy. I believe we can make it.写作思路:1.中国人口现状 2.人口带来的问题 3.解决措施Mod

23、ule 10 The weather假如你是李华,你在英国的笔友Jim要来中国参观,向你询问有关中国的天气情况以及来中国的最好时间等。请你给你的笔友写一封信,介绍一下中国的气侯特点,并为他的参观提供一点建议,80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。经典范文:Dear Jim,Im very glad that you will come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is th

24、e hottest season of the year. It rains a lot. And winter is the coldest. Sometimes it snows, especially in the north of China. If you like snow, you can come at this time of the year. But I think the best time to visit China is in spring or autumn because the weather is not too cold or too hot. Its

25、very pleasant to visit many places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the West Lake and the Yellow Mountain. You can come to visit China any time you want. Yours, Li Hua写作思路:1.中国的气候,分四季 2.分别介绍四季,及最佳参观季节 3.欢迎随时参观Module 11 Way of life假如你叫李伟,你的英国笔友Jim要来中国参观,请你在他来之前给他发一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下中国人的风俗习惯,主要

26、包括:1. 在中国,车辆必须靠右行驶,这跟英国是相反的。2. 当碰到认识的人打招呼问好即可,不必经常握手。3. 吃饭要用筷子,客人不必非得把盘子里的东西吃光。4. 吃完饭后主人通常为客人沏茶,客人走时要有礼貌的道别。经典范文:Dear Bob, I am very happy to hear that you will come to visit China. Now let me tell you some manners and customs. When you walk in China, you must walk on the right. When you meet other

27、people, you should say “hello” to them instead of bowing. You must eat with chopsticks instead of knives and forks. The host often asks you to eat more food. If you are full, you dont need to eat up the food on the plate. After dinner, the host often makes tea for you. Its delicious. It is polite to

28、 say “goodbye” when you leave. I hope you will come to China very soon. Yours, Wang Qing写作思路:1.介绍中国风俗习惯 2.按四点介绍习惯 3.希望来华参观Module 12 Help请根据下表写一篇在地震中如何防护的短文。1.保持冷静2.不要乱跑,找个安全的地方藏身在室内藏在硬物下;地震停止时迅速跑出;不要用电梯在室外找个开阔的地方;不要靠近汽车或水边;不要站在街灯附近或电线下在开车靠路边停车经典范文:Earthquakes can not be reported and they always happ

29、en suddenly. How can we do to protect ourselves in an earthquake? Here is some advice.First, keep calm and dont cry.Second, find some safe places to stay and dont run in a hurry. If you are inside, you should hide yourself under something hard, such as a desk, a table or even a bed. You should leave

30、 the building quickly when the ground stops shaking. Remember not to use the lift. If you are outside, find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside. Dont stand near street lights or under power lines. If you are driving a car, a truck or a bus, you must drive to the side of the road and stop.At last, be brave and strong, never give up your hope for living.写作思路:1.地震无法预测,怎样在地震中保护自己 2.分三部分介绍,注意使用first, second, at last 3.拥有坚定的求生信念,勇敢面对困难。

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