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1、话题作文之雅思大作文话题雅思大作文话题【篇一:雅思大作文话题解析之犯罪篇】 雅思大作文话题解析之犯罪篇 朗阁海外考试研究中心 犯罪话题一直以来属于考查频率比较低的话题,但是其难度却是非常巨大的。其原因主要有两方面:首先,从内容这个层面上来说,大多数学生并不熟悉和了解这个话题,所以相对于比较常考的话题诸如教育来说,犯罪话题是非常难的。当考生拿到一个题目的时候,可能很难总结出相关的思路和分论点。其次,犯罪话题的相关词汇对大多数考生来说是非常陌生的。就算考生整理出来了相关的词汇,他们也很难用英文正规的表达出来。 所以,对于考生来说,如果想要很好的搞定雅思写作中的犯罪类话题题目,就必须去了解犯罪话题的

2、相关思路以及相关的词汇和语言表达,下面朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家就给大家来一个全面的解析。 some people think that criminals should not be sent to prison. instead, education and training should be provided. to what extent do you agree or disagree? 这个题目是问罪犯犯了罪之后的处理方式,应该是送到监狱里去还是应该进行教育和培训。首先,这个题的难点就在于在很多考生的眼里,他们想当然的认为罪犯肯定是要被关到监狱里面的,好像世界上并没有哪一个国家没

3、有设置监狱体制。事实上也确实如此。所以,对于考生来说,要应对这个题目,单单凭借考生对现实社会实际情况的分析是远远不够的,因为运用教育和培训的方式来处置罪犯并没有任何现实的参考,这就需要考生具有很强的分析和对比能力来展开这个话题。其实,考生完全可以从监狱现有体制的优势和劣势方面进行分析。如果考生倾向于监狱的方式,可以反向的进行论证,比如说如果没有监狱,可能会造成什么样严重的后果,从而证明监狱存在的必要性。但如果考生倾向于教育和培训,则可以去论证监狱体制本身具有什么样的问题和缺陷,进而去分析这些缺陷是否可以通过教育和培训的方式来弥补。 教育和培训: 监狱体制本身存在的目的和作用最主要的就是去改造罪

4、犯,而事实证明很多国家现有的监狱体制并没有办法实现这个目的。当罪犯被关押起来之后,他们就会被要求和其他的罪犯关在一起。可能一个罪犯之前只是犯了一些小的错误,当他被关进监狱之后,他就会被其他人所影响。而其他的人有可能是重刑犯,犯了比较严重的罪行。所以,这个罪犯可能会受到其他人的影响,在出狱之后,不但对自己的行为没有任何清醒的认识,反而有可能会犯更严重的罪。显然,监狱并没有起到改造的作用。如果是教育和培训的话,起码能够给罪犯们提供一个积极的环境。 其次,监狱并不能从根本上改变人们的犯罪行为。这里需要去分析人们犯罪的真正原因。主要有两个原因:首先,大多数罪犯犯罪是因为他们没有接受过良好的教育,所以他

5、们的法律意识非常淡薄。很多人会认为自己做的事并没有任何错,并没有触及法律的底线。其次,因为他们没有接受过良好的教育,所以他们并不具备什么专业能力和养活自己的技能。所以,为了生存,他们只能依靠这些犯罪的方式来解决。当他们从监狱里刑满释放之后,他们依然还是面临着同样的问题。因为,他们依然没有任何的生存技能,他们仍然找不到什么好的工作。而且,更糟糕的是,他们在监狱服刑的经历会成为他们人生中的污点,这让他们以后更难找到合适的工作了。所以,教育和培训相对来说是更好的选择。罪犯可以学到很多专业知识和技能,这样一来他们以后就有了吃饭的本钱。 监狱: 监狱本身能够起到很好的威慑作用。这个威慑作用主要是针对两种

6、人群:首先,对于那些已经在监狱里的罪犯,他们会在监狱经历各种各样的肉体和精神的痛苦,比如说自由被剥夺,忍受各种各样的折磨,没有了亲人的陪伴,等等。其次,对于那些潜在的犯罪分子,可能对他们也有很大的抑制作用。如果监狱的体制完全被教育和培训所取代的话,那就会诱使更多的人去犯罪。 expressions: 1.serve the purpose of rehabilitating criminals 起到改造罪犯的作用 2.locked behind the bars 关在监狱里 mit minor offenses/petty crimes 犯小罪 surrounded by someb

7、ody 被所包围 5.felons/serious offenders 重刑犯 perfectly aware of something 充分意识到 7.identify the true motivation behind criminals 找到罪犯背后的动机 8.violate the laws and regulations 违反法律法规 9.serve prison sentences 服刑 10.tarnished records 有污点的记录 11.a deterrent force against something 威慑力 deprived of fre

8、edom 被剥夺了自由【篇二:雅思大作文话题总结】 雅思大作文话题总结 教育类: 学生先工作还是先读书? 大学教知识型还是经验型课程? 大学注重找工作还是拓宽学生的能力? 大学注重就业还是其它兴趣的培养? 社会需要专才(professional)还是通才(versatile)? 成功人士是否永远成功? 名人赚大钱应该吗? 学生是否要分班? 教育的作用: 1. a good/qualified teacher can impart or input/convey knowledge into your mind rather than cram it, which is the basic fu

9、nction of teachers. teaching is the most direct and straightforward way to convey knowledge. excellent/senior teacher can act as a bridge between students and their dilemmas/problems/ills/uncertainties/weaknesses. by referring to/consulting teachers or having face-to-face communication with tea

10、chers can you solve your problems more efficiently and effectively. you can even make friends with teachers, which can encourage your studying motivation and initiative, thus forming/cultivating/mastering a sensible learning habit and self-study method. (interaction) the ultimate goal of study is to

11、 learn how to study 3. a superlative/sophisticated teacher can be a facilitator or mentor who will enlighten/sparkle students/explore your potentials and provide guidance and orientation as a beacon/light house/torch/compass, paving the road/way for your development in the society. they are spiritua

12、l friends and soul mates. 老师的作用: the specific functions of teachers: 1) teachers can be a supplementary instrument of parenthood. after all, young kids may stay longer with teachers than their parents in kindergartens or nurseries. most children take teachers as their idols, even more superior to th

13、eir parents. 2) to be frank, teachers treat students more fairly than parents. they neglect the blood hood or family affection, which is conducive to the cultivation of students social responsibility or humanity. 3) teachers can be everywhere. we can learn from each of our peers, no matter how close

14、 or separate we are. parents are unique, but teachers can be versatile. advantages of knowledge: 1) you have to lay a solid foundation of knowledge/build up/enhance/consolidate the cornerstone of knowledge to keep up with the joneses/tide, without which you will be deprived of your core competence o

15、r specialties(cup of tea)/your core competence will be watered down/deteriorated and you will feel disadvantageous among your peers, thus eliminated by the society. it cannot be denied that accumulation of knowledge or qualifications, as prerequisites and necessities for survival in the competitive

16、world, is conducive/beneficial/wholesome/crucial to your career development and path. elites are theframework of society. knowledge entails innovation(updating and upgrading), lack of which your “cheese” (current achievements) will be moved easily and for all. once you are satisfied with your curren

17、t situation or achievements, you, on the verge of collapse, are bound to lose enthusiasm/zeal/drive/motive for further development, thus encaged/imprisoned/bogged down in the pyramids of stagnancy/bury your head in the sand until the goldmine you are sitting on turns into an active volcano and burst

18、s you up. 经验的好处: 1) experience is the mirror/criteria of checking the accuracy/validity/practicality/feasibility of knowledge 2) poses the counter-effect on knowledge. 反作用: 1) clear purpose of learning only after acquiring certain experience can you know clearly which aspect of knowledge you are in

19、urgent need of. after all, peoples energy is limited. we cannot really wander in the world of knowledge without knowing where the entrance is. thus, having a clear purpose of absorbing knowledge is like a gps system, which can help you find a definite objective without much effort. 2)more efficient

20、way of absorbing knowledge with more cognition you can absorb knowledge more efficiently with some experience acquired. you can acquire something from different perspectives/angles mba study master of business administration conclusion: only after converted into experience can knowledge yield social

21、 value and utility. 高频考题: # 少小离家/出国留学/移民/远离父母/“吃苦”夏令营的好处: 1) hard capabilities: broaden/widen/eich/nourish/nurture ones perspective/scope/periscope/spectrum benefits of knowledge benefits of experience 2) soft capabilities: life independence=live by your own psychological independence=make your own

22、decisions, not subject to exterior environment/stand on ones own feet/self-reliance intelligence endurance=persistence laboriousness tactfulness adaptability to fit in with the local community 3) super capabilities: enlarge your personal network through socializing with your peers and build up alumn

23、i your image alumni locate and orientate your character for career planning by swot analysis when you come to a new and strange environment, you will be more exposed to your true self and more clear about your potentiality, discarding the hidden artificiality beneath the genuine one. thus, the true

24、image will be clearer for you to decide which path you will take, saving the unnecessary trouble to locate the personality and character in career development. 少小离家/出国留学/移民/远离父母/“吃苦”夏令营的坏处: 1) lower your studying efficiency. lacking in social experience to separate the sheep from the goats, the youn

25、g adults may meet with malfeasance, thus suffering from the setbacks after entryinto the society. 2) easily mentally distracted/absent-minded, because most young adults are in adolescence, overcurious about the outside world. any fresh things may disturb them from routine study 3) whats even worse,

26、some of them may go astray to commit crimes, leading to the higher rate of juvenile delinquency. flexibility reaches its peak when people just graduate from university and join in the workplace fresh and new. however, it deteriorates once you become accustomed to the work pattern and fit in the work

27、ing environment. thus, achievement of practice and expertise is, to some extent, at the cost of flexibility and ingenuity. when you are not a fish in the pool, you have become sort of sophisticated。 社会问题类 1) natural or social issues 2) social evils 整体写作思路 缺东西、 缺东西、缺意识 1) 政府(机构、国家)缺乏硬件设施 交通/通讯设施/自然资源

28、 资金/投资 技术/科技 人才/专家/研究人员等 2) 政府(或机构)缺乏软件“监管” 3) 政府(或机构)缺乏法律制度体系 4) 个人/机构/国家缺乏意识 贫国和富国差距越来越大的原因: 1) authorities the underprivileged / underdeveloped/poverty-striken countries lack necessities and prerequisites for development such as convenient transportation and communication network, sophisticated t

29、echnology, profuse/abundant investment and capital, and high-leveled talents and elites, which hampers them from rapid and sustainable development. 2) individual the underprivileged/developing countries lack awareness and consciousness for a sustainable and comprehensive development. most developing

30、 countries progress and “prosper” at the cost of natural resources, ecological loss, even instability of financial maneuver, thus slowing the pace of development in the long run. 3)historical perspective: the happiness of the developed countries is based on the misery of developing countries. so the

31、y develop at different starting levels. economic perspective: since the essence of globalization is centralization, which means wealth is in the hands of a few groups/minorities, this shows that as long as globalization exists, it will widen the gap between the minorities and the mass. political/mil

32、itary perspective: superpower imposes hegemony/sanctions on the small and middle powers, curding/ intervening their development with unfair treatment. 4) lack material, skills, network, education 高频考题: should policemen carry the gun? should the capital punishment be adopted? should children be punished physically? should the pedestrians be fined? 赞成:1)a warning to/deter the possible criminals; a sense of relief to the citizens 2)protect the citizens concerned and the police staff

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