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1、两词短语测试全套7上完成句子练习(课内)1.我十三岁。 你呢? Im thirteen years old. . _ _ you ?2.Tony 是我的名字。 Tony is my _ _.3 .Smith 是我的姓。 Smith is my _ _. 4. 她旁边的妇女是我的姑妈。 The woman_ _her is my dads sister.5. 在北京,你们班有多少学生? _ _ students are there in your class in Beijing?6.我们学校有六栋教学楼,其中包括一个饭厅.There are six buildings in our schoo

2、l including a _ _.7 .让我们来买些食品和饮料吧。 Let_ _ for food and drink.8.我们有很多苹果。 We _ _ lots of apples.9.吃太多巧克力对你的身体没好处。_ _ chocolate isnt good for you. 10.我们没有橘子了,但有很多苹果。We havent got any oranges,weve got _ _ apples. 11 .我们没有橘子了,橘汁行吗?We havent got oranges,_ _ some orange juice?12.吃大量的冰激凌、汉堡包,喝大量的可乐是不健康的。A l

3、ot of _ _,hamburgers and cola is not healthy.13.你有点儿累了吗?那就多喝些美味的鸡汤吧。Are you _ _tired ? Have lots of delicious chicken soup!14.记住以下事项很重要:吃好,保持健康,不要发胖。Its important to remember: eat well, stay healthy and dont _ _.15.早上我七点半起床。I _ _ at half past seven in the morning.16.早上我六点半起床,然后吃早饭。I get up at 6: 30

4、in the morning and then _ _. 17.我们十二点半在饭厅吃午饭。We _ _ in the dining hall at 12:30.18.然后我们在三点半回家。Then we _ _at half past three.19.晚上,我看电视,和家人一起吃晚饭。In the evening, I watch TV and _ _with my family. 20.动物园里有很多种动物,例如有熊,斑马,长颈鹿和熊猫。The zoo has many kinds of animals, _ _ bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.21.

5、他们来自不同的国家,吃着不同的食物。They _ _ many different countries and they eat different food.22.看这头大象,它非常高大。_ _ this elephant . Its very tall.23.它是那里的那只黑白相间的动物。She is the black and white animal _ _.24. 它吃植物和少量的水果,但它不吃肉。It eats plants and _ _ fruit, but it doesnt eat meat.25. 最后,打开电脑。Finally, _ _ the computer.26.

6、 我在互联网上查找信息,做作业。On the Internet ,I _ _ information and do my homework.27.周末,他们通常在电视上看足球。They usually watch football on television _ _ 28. Mike,能收到你的来信真是太好了。Its great to _ _ you,Mike.29. 请拍些长城的照片,然后邮给我。Please _ some_ of the Great Wall and send them to me . 30. 请在这儿等公共汽车。Please _ _ the bus here.31. 玲玲

7、在买一些礼物和明信片。Lingling is buying _ _ presents and postcards.32. 玲玲正在买一些明信片,他们在商店里有售。Lingling is buying a few postcards. They are_ _at the shop.33. 该返校了。Its time to _ _ to school now.34. 有些人正在下公共汽车或火车。Some are _ _ the buses or trains.35. 他们正在吃汉堡包或热狗。They are eating hamburgers or _ _ .36. 他仍旧在工作。He is st

8、ill _ _ .37. 她正在打扫房间,收拾东西。She is cleaning the house and _ things _.38.-我能加入他们的行列吗?-当然可以。快点儿!-Can I join them? - Of course. _ _ . 39.我妈妈正在打扫房间,扫走坏运气。My mother is cleaning the house and _ _ bad luck. 7上完成句子练习(课外)1. 去公园怎么样? _ _going to the park ?2. 玲玲是我的名字。 Lingling is my _ _.3. 我姓王。 Wang is my _ _.4.

9、我家附近有一家电影院。 There is a cinema _ _my house.5. 一年里有多少个季节?_ _ seasons are there in a year ?6. 我们通常在学校的饭厅里吃午饭。 We usually have lunch in our _ _at school.7. 周六她经常和妈妈去购物。She often _ _with her mother on Saturdays.8. 她有一个大家庭。She _ _ a big family.9. 他每天都有太多的作业要写。He has _ _ homework to do every day.10. 桌子上有很多

10、水果。There is _ _ fruit on the table.11. 我渴了。喝水行吗?- Im thirsty now. - _ _ some water?12. 我最喜欢吃冰激凌。I like _ _best.13. 今天有点儿冷。Its _ _ cold today.14. 吃太多会使你发胖。Eating too much will make you _ _.15. 该起床了。Its time to _ _.16. 你在家几点吃早饭?When do you _ _ at home ?17. 她通常在学校吃午饭。She usually _ _ at school.18. 让我们一起

11、回家吧!Lets _ _ together.19. 七点了。他正在吃晚饭。Its seven oclock. He is _ _.20. 他有很多爱好,比如游泳,绘画和唱歌等等。He has many hobbies ,_ _ swimming, drawing and singing and so on.21. 你来自哪里,是中国还是日本?Where do you _ _, China or Japan?22. 请认真看黑板。Please _ _ the blackboard carefully.23. 那边那个人是谁?Who is the man _ _?24. 河里有少量的水。There

12、 is _ _ water in the river.25. 天黑了,请把灯打开。It s getting dark. P Lease _ _ the light.26. Mary喜欢在互联网上查信息。Mary likes _ _information on the Internet.27. 你姐姐在周末通常干什么?What does your sister usually do _ _?28. 我期盼着能收到朋友Susan的来信。Im looking forward to_ _my friend,Susan.29. 你喜欢在公园里拍些照片吗?Do you like _ _ in the pa

13、rk?30. 当你等公共汽车的时候请排队等候。Please stand in line when youre _ _the bus.31. 马路两边有一些树。There are _ _ trees on both sides of the road.32. 这种新型玩具在网上有售。The new toys are _ _ online.33. 会议一结束他就回办公室。He will _ _to the office as soon as the meeting finishes.34. Helen 正在下船。 Helen is _ _ the boat.35. 他午饭喜欢吃热狗。 He lik

14、es eating _ _ for lunch.36. -你父亲呢? -他在工作。-Where is your father? - He is _ _.37. Tony总是在吃饭前就把玩具收拾好。 Tony always _ _ the toys before dinner.38. 快点儿,否则我们就晚了。_ _,or well be late.39. 人们想扫走坏运气。People want to _ _ bad luck.七下完成句子练习(课内)1. 我们这儿通常有两千部手机和一千部照相机。We usually have about two thousand _ _and one thou

15、sand cameras.2. 每天有成百上千的人来这儿。3. _ _ people come here every day. 4. 他们在寻找自己的手机,相机,手表和许多其他的东西。They are _ _ their phones ,cameras, watches and many other things.5. 因为我会弹钢琴,所以我想加入音乐俱乐部。I_ _to join the music club because I can play the piano. 6. 不要担心汉语,我们会教你的。Dont _ _ Chinese. We can teach you Chinese.7.

16、 我相信大家都想拥有一间干净的教室,就像自己的家一样。Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom,_ _ home.8. 所有的学生都在忙着复习功课。 All the students are busy _ _ lessons.9. 我们准备认识一些别的球迷,结交一些新的朋友。We are going to meet other football fans ,and _ some new _.10. 我准备五一节过得快乐些。 I am going to _ _ during the May Day holiday.10.我通常在家过暑假,但今年

17、会有所不同。Usually I spend the _ _ at home, but this year is going to be very different. 11. 我们也去观光,去海滩野餐。 We are also _ _ and going to have a picnic on the beach. 12. 也许将来会在空中造成交通堵塞。 Maybe there will be _ _ in the air.13. 以下这些想法,哪个能实现呢?Here are some ideas. Which one will _ _? 14.海平面又要升高了。The sea level w

18、ill rise _ _.15.我可以试一下它吗? May I _ it _?16.我们有很多新的购物方式,网购是其中之一。 There are many new ways of shopping ,and online shopping is _ _ them. 17.很多人喜欢外出和朋友一起购物。Many people like _ _ and shopping with friends.18因为你可以在网上买到任何东西,所以将来有一天就不用再去商店了。_ _no one will go to the shops any more ,because youll be able to buy

19、 anything on the Internet.19.劳驾,王府井大街怎么走?_ _ .Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 20.为什么不问问那边的警察呢? _ ask the policeman over there?21.我需要去邮局。 I need to go to the _ _.22.我就学的小学叫Darwin 小学。My first school was Darwin _ _ .23.我家房子里有一个大客厅还有电视,厨房和三间卧室。There was a big _ _ with a TV, a kitchen and th

20、ree bedrooms in our house. 24.在Quincy 有很多事可以做,那儿有两家电影院和篮球队。There were lots of things to do in Quincy with two _ _and basketball teams.25.金凤花姑娘独自一人在黑暗的森林里摘了一些花。_ _ in the dark forest ,Goldilocks picked some flowers.26.她端起了大号的碗,但不喜欢。She _ _ the very big bowl but she didnt like it.27.金凤花姑娘太重了, 很快椅子破碎掉了

21、。 Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was _ _. 28.起初他们没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didnt notice Goldilocks _ _.29.小熊指着他床上的小女孩喊着。The Baby Bear _ _ the little girl in his bed and shouted.30.我们在互联网上能找到有关他的信息. We can_ _about him on the Internet.31.我们中国人在迎接客人时经常握手并微笑。We Chinese often _ _ and smile when we me

22、et visitors. 32. 在美国迎接客人时,有人会握手,有人会亲吻或互相拥抱。In the US some people shake hands ,and some kiss or hug _ _ when they meet visitors. 33.事实上,在希腊挥手告别是很粗鲁的。_ _, its very rude to wave to say goodbye in Greece.34. 他的舞曲使他闻名全欧洲。His _ _made him famous all over Europe. 七下完成句子练习(课外)1. 他爸爸给他买了一部手机当礼物。His father bou

23、ght him a _ _ as his present.2. 数以百计的学生都在为这次特殊的考试做准备._ _ students are preparing for the special exam.3. 他到处找那把钥匙,但没有找到.He _ _ the key everywhere , but he didnt find it.4. 他想上大学。He _ _ go to college.5. 我们都为他的身体担心。 We all _ _his health.6. 她看起来像我的妈妈。 She looks _ _ my mother.7. 昨天我自己复习功课着。 I_ _ my lesso

24、ns alone yesterday.8. 我能和你交朋友吗? Can I _ _ with you ?9. 孩子们,你们在聚会上玩得开心吗? Did you _ _ at the party, children?10. 他正在为即将到来的暑假做打算。 He is planning for the coming _ _.11. 出国旅游的费用很贵。 Its expensive to _ _ abroad.12. 在我们去车站的路上堵车了。There were _ _ on our way to the station.13. 我希望你能够梦想成真。 I hope your dream will

25、 _ _.14. 如果你去那儿,我也去。 If you go there ,Ill go _ _.15. 我可以试试这双鞋吗? May I _ _ the shoes ?16. 中国是世界上最重要的国家之一。 China is _ _ the most important countries in the world.17. 这个周末外出游玩怎么样? How about _ _ for a visit this weekend?18. 总有一天,我会赶上他的。 _ _ I will catch up with him.19. 打扰一下,请问最近的商店在哪儿?_ _ ,where is the

26、nearest shop ?20. 为什么不加入我们的行列一起练习英语呢?_ _ join us to practise your English?21. 请问邮局在哪儿? Excuse me. Where is the _ _?22. 我是红光小学的一名学生。I am a pupil in Hongguang _ _.23. 爸爸在客厅看报纸呢。My father is reading the newspapers in the _ _.24. 你想和我们一起去看电影吗?Would you like to go to the _ _ with us ?25. 她独自一人在屋里。 She is _ _ in the house.26. 他停了下来,捡起了地上的钱包。He stopped and _ _the wallet on the floor.27. 瓶子从桌子上掉下来,摔碎了。The bottle fell off the table and broke _ _.28. 开始做这件事很难。 Its hard to do the thing _ _ .29. 小男孩指着蛋糕想要一块儿。The little boy _ _ the cakes and wanted one.30. 让我们查清到底是谁打碎的瓶子。Lets _

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