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1、人教版八年级动词短语词义辨练习题及答案人教版八年级动词短语词义辨练习题及答案一、选择题1It _ the director of Hi, Mom has become one of Chinas most successful female filmmakers.Aruns out Bbreaks out Chands out Dturns out2The book is written by T. CSmith. What does the “T. C ”? Apay attention to Bregard as Cstand for Dset off3Life is full of up

2、s and downs. When your friends are unhappy, tell them something funny and encourage them to _.Aput up Bcheer up Cstay up Dgive up4Im sorry to _ on you, but there is something I dont understand. It doesnt matter.Acut down Bcut out Ccut in Dcut off5In order to improve my English, I have already made a

3、 detailed plan.Great! I think all you need to do next is _.Apick it out Bcarry it out Cfind it out Dpoint it out6 Hi, Simon! You look so excited. What happened?We won the football match, and the result _ to be better than expected.Aturned out Bfound out Cworked out Dcame out7Much to everyones surpri

4、se, Hi, Mom _ to be a biggest hit.Aturns out Bputs out Ccarries out Dbreaks out8What happened, Martin?Last night, someone _ my house and stole many valuable things.Abroke into Bbroke down Cturned into Dturned down9The baby is sleeping. Would you please _?Aturned the radio on Bturn the radio downCtur

5、ned the radio off Dturn the radio up10I promise I wont _ any more of your time. But would you please reply to my question right away?Agive up Bmake up Cput up Dtake up11A forest fire _ in September in Australia last year and many rare animals lost their lives in it.Aturned out Bbroke out Cput out Dw

6、orked out12The director of Up series passed away, and the workmates are thinking about whether the documentary can _ without him.Acarry on Bcarry out Ctake on Dtake out13How terrible the disaster is! Many people lose their homes and most of them are badly hurt.Im sure things are going to _ fine beca

7、use the soldiers, the most lovely people, are trying to help them.Afind out Bturn out Crun out Dput out14We are supposed to _ smart phones and take more exercise instead.Aput up Bput away Cput on Dput out15We have waited for Tom for half an hour. Why hasnt he _ yet?He may have got lost. Let me call

8、him.Acheered up Btaken up Cstayed up Dshown up16Such lovely weather! Lets _ the tent near the lake.Abuild up Bput up Cput in Dbuild in17Last week a fireman came to our school and told us what to do if a fire _.Abreaks out Bworks out Cputs out Druns out18_ at these three years in junior high, which t

9、eacher will you miss most?Mr. Zhang. His classes are always interesting and lively.ALooking back BLooking around CLooking up DLooking for19Ive had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared _ yours.Ato Bof Cfor Dfrom20Oh, my God! I have _ 5 pounds!No worries. Its normal for a growing teenager

10、.Aput up Bput down Cput on Dput off21Why did Linda come to China?To experience Chinese culture and _ the most suitable university to attend.Aturn out Bput out Crun out Dfind out22 Excuse me, does Mr. Smiths son live here? He _ be here. But now he _ in the city.Aused to; is used to live Bwas used to;

11、 is used to livingCused to; is used to living Dis used to; used to live23 Excuse me, which is the way to Kaiming Middle School? _ this street, and youll find it on your right.AWrite down BGo down CLie down DSit down24What can I do for you, Linda? I hope you can help me _ the useless words in my arti

12、cle.Amake up Bcut out Cturn off Dput up25Jane is such a confident girl that she believes she can _ the hard task alone.Acarry out Bturn out Cpick out Dgive out26Hello, this is Taicang Middle School.I want to talk to Mr. Chen. Can you _ me _?Aputin Bputout Cputthrough Dputup27All of us had a good tim

13、e during this years May Day holiday because we _ five days_ Dturned.off28My father always tells me to _ any possible challenge myself instead of giving up easily!Atake away Btake off Ctake up Dtake on29Oh,my God! I have _ five pounds!No worries. Its normal for a growing

14、teenage girl.Aput up Bput down Cput on Dput off30My sister seldom spends time on TV or computer at weekends because reading _ most of her free time.Atakes on Btakes up Ctakes away Dtakes off31Bob is busy taking the desks and chairs away because they _ too much room in the hall.Apick up Btake up Cput

15、 up Dcheer up32Volunteers _ leaflets to encourage more people to separate rubbish correctly.Aput out Bfind out Chand out Dturn out33There is no doubt that the United Nations will continue to _ building a community with a shared future for mankind.Alook for Bcare for Chope for Dpush for34The person w

16、ho _ a new idea of how to work out the puzzle will be given a(n) _.Akeeps up with; praise Bcomes up with; prize Cends up with; price Dputs up with; award35What do the students think of this book?Its really a good book. They all_it.Alook over Bthink about Cthink highly of Dwin the heart of36Who is th

17、e best basketball player in your class?Daniel. And he takes any chance to _ his sports skills to girls.Atake off Bturn off Cfall off Dshow off37_ the way you talk. You wont want to make others feel uncomfortable.APay attention to BHold on toCCome up with DEnd up with38If parents do everything for th

18、eir children, they wont learn to _ themselves.Adepend on Bget on Cput on Dcome on39If the customer rings up for me again, please _ the call to the sales department.OK, I will.Arun through Blook through Cgo through Dput through40Most boys _ toy guns while girls _ have dolls.Awould rather; prefer Bpre

19、fer; would ratherCwould rather; would rather Dprefer; prefer【参考答案】一、选择题1D解析:D【详解】句意:事实证明,你好,李焕英的导演已经成为中国最成功的女性电影人之一。考查动词短语。runs out用完;breaks out爆发;hands out分发;turns out最后是,结果是。根据“ the director of Hi, Mom has become one of Chinas most successful female filmmakers”可知,此处讲的是一个结果,D选项符合句意。故选D。2C解析:C【详解】 句

20、意:这本书是由T.C.史密斯写的。“T.C.”代表什么?考查动词短语词义辨析。pay attention to注意;regard as把当做;stand for代表;set off送别;根据语境可知,此处是询问“T.C.代表什么”。故选C。3B解析:B【详解】句意:人生充满了起伏。当你的朋友不开心的时候,告诉他们一些有趣的事情,鼓励他们振作起来。考查动词短语。put up挂起;cheer up振作起来;stay up熬夜;give up放弃。根据句中“tell them something funny and encourage them”可知,这里指鼓励他们振作起来,故选B。4C解析:C【详

21、解】句意:对不起打断你,但有件事我不明白。没关系。考查动词短语辨析。cut down砍倒;cut out删除;cut in 插嘴,打断;cut off切断。根据“but there is something I dont understand”可知是插嘴、打断,故选C。5B解析:B【详解】句意:为了提高我的英语水平,我已经制定了一个详细的计划。太棒了!我想你接下来要做的就是将它实施。考查动词短语。pick out挑选出;carry out实施;find out查明;point out指出。根据“I have already made a detailed plan.”结合常识可知,有了计划后,

22、下一步应是实施计划。故选B。6A解析:A【详解】句意:你好,西蒙!你看起来很兴奋。发生了什么事?我们赢得了足球比赛,结果比预期的还要好。考查动词短语。turn out结果是;find out查明;work out算出;come out出现;根据“to be better than expected”可知,此处说的是结果是,用turn out to be表示,故选A。7A解析:A【详解】句意:令所有人惊讶的是,你好,李焕英结果成为了最受欢迎的节目。 考查动词短语。turns out结果;puts out扑灭;carries out执行;breaks out爆发。turn out to be结果是

23、,固定短语,故选A。8A解析:A【详解】句意:Martin,发生什么事了? 昨晚有人闯进了我的房子偷走了很多贵重物品。考查动词短语辨析。broke into 闯入;broke down 抛瞄,破裂;turned into 变成;turned down 拒绝。根据“stole many valuable things”可知,有人闯进房子偷走了很多贵重物品。故选A。9B解析:B【详解】句意:宝宝在睡觉。请你把收音机关小点声好吗?考查动词短语辨析和情态动词的用法。turn on打开;turn down调小;turn off关闭;turn up调大。Would是情态动词,其后加动词原形,排除AC;根据

24、“The baby is sleeping.”可知,是调小音量,故选B。10D解析:D【详解】句意:我保证不会再占用你的时间了。但请你马上回答我的问题好吗?考查动词短语辨析,give up放弃;make up组成;put up建造,举起;take up开始从事,占据。根据“I promise I wont any more of your time. . But would you please reply to my question right away?”,可推知应该是占据时间,符合语境,故选D。11B解析:B【详解】句意:去年9月澳大利亚发生了一场森林火灾,许多珍稀动物在火灾中丧生。考

25、查动词短语。turned out结果证明;broke out爆发,突发;put out熄灭;worked out算出。根据“ many rare animals lost their lives in it”可知,空处指发生了火灾,broke out符合语境。故选B。12A解析:A【详解】句意:Up系列的导演去世了,同事们都在想,没有他,这部纪录片能否继续下去。考查动词短语。carry on继续、坚持、开展;carry out实施、执行、实行;take on承担、接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任);take out取出、把带出去。根据上文“The director of Up series pas

26、sed away”与下文内容的关系可知,此处表示在没有导演的情况下“继续”,应用carry on。故选A。13B解析:B【详解】句意:多么可怕的灾难啊!许多人失去了家园,大多数人受了重伤。我相信一切都会好起来的,因为士兵们,最可爱的人,正在努力帮助他们。考查动词短语。find out查明;turn out变得;run out用完,耗尽;put out扑灭;根据“because the soldiers, the most lovely people, are trying to help them.”可知,此处指的是“事情会变好的”,故选B。14B解析:B【详解】句意:我们应该把智能手机收起来

27、,多做运动。考查动词短语。put up建造、举起;put away收起来、储存;put on穿上;put out熄灭。根据“take more exercise instead”而是多做运动,可知应该是“把智能手机收起来”,故选B。15D解析:D【详解】句意:我们已经等汤姆半小时了。他怎么还没出现?他可能迷路了。让我给他打电话。考查动词短语。cheered up使振作起来;taken up开始从事;stayed up熬夜;shown up出现,露面;根据“We have waited for Tom for half an hour.”以及“He may have got lost. Let

28、me call him.”可知,此处是说Tom还没露面,所以要给他打电话。故选D。16B解析:B【详解】句意:如此好的天气!我们在湖边搭帐篷吧。考查动词短语。build up增进;put up搭建;put in提出;build in(作为整体的一部分)造入。根据“Lets . the tent near the lake.”可知建议在湖边搭帐篷。故选B。17A解析:A【详解】句意:上周,一名消防队员来到我们学校,告诉我们如果发生火灾该怎么办。考查动词短语。breaks out爆发,突发;works out解决;puts out扑灭;runs out用完。根据“Last week a firem

29、an came to our school”及常识可知消防员告诉我们着火了怎么办,用breaks out表示火灾的突发。故选A。18A解析:A【详解】句意:回顾在初中的这三年,你最思念哪个老师?张老师,他的课总是有趣生动。考查动词短语。look back at回头看;llok around向四周看;look up查找;look for寻找;根据“these three years in junior high”可知初中结束了,所以回头看看这三年;故选A。19A解析:A【详解】句意:我遇到了一些困难,但与你的相比根本算不上什么。考查动词短语。由“they were nothing comparedyours.”可知,此处应为我遇到的困难无法与你遇到的困难相比,sth be compared to把与相比,固定短语。这里用的是非谓语动词compared to。故选A。20C解析:C【详解】句意:哦,我的天哪!我增重了五磅!别担心。对于一个成长中的青少年来说这很正常。考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴;put down放下;put on增重;put off推迟。根据“five pounds”及“Its normal for a growing

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