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1、看十二星座性格特征学英语看十二星座性格特征学英语Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日2月19日) Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.受天王星控制的水瓶座简直就是天王星的缩影。水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力。TIPS Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many

2、new things but end up mastering none. 学习相 瓶子有非常好的适应能力。但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。Pisces 双鱼座 (2月20日3月20日)Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。TIPS: Lack of ego-strength can make y

3、ou feel helpless.学习相 缺乏自我力量会使你觉得无助。 Aries 白羊座 (3月21日4月20日) The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.学习相 坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。Taurus 金牛座 (4月215月21日)The Earth element of

4、 Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.学习相 你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。Gemini 双子座 (5月22日6月21日)The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed

5、. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability. 学习相 你的多变使你能够适应事物。Cancer 巨蟹座 (6月22日7月22日)Cancers element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive. 巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.学习相 良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。Leo 狮子座 (

6、7月23日8月23日)Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility. 学习相 你对目标的坚定不移使你自信。但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡。Virgo 处女座 (8月24日9月23日)Ruled by shape-shifting Mer

7、cury, Virgo works hard to stability. 在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.学习相 良好的教育背景很重要。你的优点是勤奋。Libra 天秤座 (9月24日10月23日) Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active. 天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。TIPS: Your

8、 great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot.学习相 你要求与他人分享和公平的愿望会给你很大帮助。Scorpio 天蝎座 (10月24日11月22日)Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. 水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. You just need more confidence.学习相 学习对蝎子来说从来

9、都不是问题。你只需要更多自信。Sagittarius 射手座 (11月23日12月21日) Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign. 射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。TIPS: You definitely have talent. But you still have to concentrate more. 学习相 你确有天赋,但是你应该更加专心。Capricorn 摩羯座 (12月22日1月20日)Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. H

10、ere is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. 魔羯座是土相星座的领头人。是黄道12宫里最稳定最努力工作的星座。TIPS: Patience and caution are your advantages.学习相 你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。水瓶座叛逆古怪但忠诚博爱THE BRIGHT SIDE Aquarians are lively, inventive and original. Anything goes with Aquarius, and being an individual d

11、oes not worry this sign: in fact, Aquarius is always out of step with the rest of the world and revels in anything that is different. Humanitarian The Aquarian personality is one of the most impersonal and detached, yet Aquarius has a deep care and concern for humanity. A progressive reformer, Aquar

12、ius is also full of humanitarian ideals, but these can be somewhat vague, giving Aquarians a reputation for keeping their heads in the clouds. EccentricAquarius is also one of the most happily eccentric of the signs. Although it can be extremely difficult to get close to an Aquarian, this is a Fixed

13、 sign and so is loyal and faithful. Ask an Aquarian for help and you will immediately get it, for this sign is a very soft touch and would willingly give some people the shirt off its back if necessary. UnpredictableTHE DARKER SIDE The Aquarian personality can be chaotic and unpredictable, stubborn

14、and rebellious, cranky and perverse. It is a sign which can be totally dedicated to being unconventional, whilst remaining stuck in a rigid, unrecognized pattern. It is also a sign which can become detached to the point of coldness, making it very difficult for ordinary mortals to relate to them. Aq

15、uarians do not care what the world thinks, however, so that social conventions are sometimes thrown out of the window in favour of anarchy. The isolation this can sometimes bring can cone as a surprise to them as they find it difficult to see how they might have behaved unreasonably. 中文: 光明的一面水瓶座的人活

16、泼且富于创造性。他们和外界步调永远不会一致,对任何与众不同的事物都很狂热。 虽然水瓶座非常有个性,但却慈善博爱。作为一个锐意改革者,水瓶座充满了人道主义的理想,但这些理想又比较模糊不清,让人觉得他们有点好高骛远。 水瓶座是所有星座中最古怪的一个星座。可能水瓶座非常难以接近,但他们非常忠诚。水瓶座也非常热心善感,如果有人向他们求助,他们会立即伸出援手。黑暗的一面水瓶座可能比较固执、叛逆、任性,他们的行为也充满了不可预知性。他们可能会以某种不被认可的方式全身心地投入某项反传统的工作。水瓶座也比较孤立,有时甚至达到冷漠的地步,让人们很难接近他们。水瓶座不在乎外界对他们的看法,所以一些社会习俗对他们根

17、本不具有约束力。Virgo处女Virgo 处女 8/23-9/22 处女座的星座符号可能是十二个星座符号中最难懂的,它与天蝎座符号十分相似,差别只是处女座符号上加上一个倒“v”,占星家认为,处女座的符号,就像是一位手持一串谷物的处女,而他们手中的每一粒谷物,都象征着由经验的田野中所收获的智慧果实,处女座代表着健康,它掌管药剂学,同时也是统计学和劳动力的代表。 Who criticizes all she sees? Yes, e en would analyse a sneeze! Who hugs and loves her own disease? Yes, Virgo ! Virgo:

18、August 23-September 22 Ruling Planet: Mercury Symbol: the Virgin Color: Navy Blue, Dark Gray, Brown Luck Stone: Sapphire Flowers: Small and Colorful bright flowers Lucky Number: 3 and 5 Lucky Day: Wednesday Key phrase: I Analyze Keywords: Analytical, Critical, Practical Main Trait: Conscientiousness

19、 Notable Virgo: Johann Wolfgang Goethe (August 28, 1749 German Author, Scientist, Philosopher) Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 American Singer) Personal traits: Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet,

20、wise and witty, with an understanding of other people s problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They can be named droppers as they like to associate with achievers. Virgos are meticulous planners, considering every

21、detail and its effect. There is seldom much room for emotional involvement because the mind is always engaged and dominant. What they lack in passion they make up for in preciseness. On the shadow side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanli

22、ness into obsessive behavior Profession: Virgos are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and statisticians. And Virgos possess a strong p

23、otential for the arts, sciences and language.Aries白羊 Aries 白羊 3/21-4/19 白羊座的星座符号是一只公羊的头和角,不过有些占星家认为, 它是两个螺旋的组合,一个代表过去,一个代表着未来, 中间那一道分割线则是介乎新旧的交替之间,所以白羊座也代表着一个“新”字,在占星学上来讲,指的是春天或新的开始。 Who works from morn to set of Sun, And never likes to be outdone? Whose walk is almost like a run? Who, Aries! Aries:

24、 March 21 - April 19 Ruling Planet: Mars Symbol: Ram Color: Red Lucky stone: Diamond Flowers: Geraniums, Honey Suckle Lucky No.: 1 and 9 Lucky Day: Tuesday Key phrase: I Am! Keywords: Assertive, Impulsive Main trait: Courage Notable Aries: Leonardo Da Vinci April 15, 1452, Italian Architect, Painter

25、, and Sculptor) Celine Dion (March 30, 1968, Canadian Singer) Personal Trait: Personal traits of an Aries person are openness, enthusiasm and individualism. Desire, initiative, courage and action are words which best describe Aries.They are outspoken, alert, quick to act and speak. They prefer to sp

26、eak than listen. Arians are ambitious, with lots of drive and a strong desire to lead. They make poor followers. Fiercely independent, they usually take the side of the underdog in any controversy. They are champions of lost causes and losing battles. This trait is due to a strong belief in their ow

27、n abilities to turn any situation around. Arians have to watch their impatience, lack of thrift, and a domineering attitude. Your ego also requires more than a fair share of continual approval and acclaim. Profession: Aries originality, imagination and great mental and physical energy require work w

28、here they can utilize all of these traits. They prefer to work on his own or direct others. Journalism, publicity, advertising, publishing, radio and TV are natural professions for them to prevail in.Taurus金牛 Taurus 金牛 4/20-5/20 金牛座的星座符号是一只壮硕的牛头和角,星座符号中的圆型代表着太阳的出现, 顾名思义金牛在黄道十二宫中代表“金钱”, 凡是能产生满足人们物质需要

29、的各种设施、活动都属于它管辖范围, 在古代,农夫播种之前都用牛来耕田犁地,因此它也是收入和报酬的代号。 Who smiles through life except when crossed? Who knows, or thinks he knows the most? Who loves good things: baked, boiled or roast? Oh, Taurus. Taurus: April 20- May 20 Ruling Planet: Venus Symbol: Bull Color: Light Blue,Pink, Lemon Luck stone: Eme

30、rald Flowers: Rose, Poppy, Violet Keyword: Possessive Key phrase: I have! Main trait: dependability Notable Taurus: William Shakespeare (April 23, 1564 ;Famed English Bard, Playwright) Karl Marx (May 5, 1818 German Philosopher, Economist, Author of The Communist Manifesto) Personal traits: Ruled by Venus, Taurus personalities tend to be driven by their affections.Taurus is the direct opposite of the Aries character. Taurean people tend to be slow, methodic

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