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1、中考必背短语中考必背短语1.大量,许多a great deal of (接不可数名词)2.大量,许多a good/great many3.一种,一类a kind of4.一瓶a bottle of5.两个a couple of6.一滴a drop of7.几个a few(可数名词复数)8.一点儿a little(不可数名词)9.一点儿a little bit10.一群a group of11.许多a lot12.许多,大量的a lot of13.刚才a moment ago14.一张、片a piece of15.一堆a pile of16.一连串a series of17.一套a set of

2、18.一种类型的a type of19.一双,一对a pair of20.一些,许多a number of(跟可数名词复数)21.根据,按照according to(接名词)22.合计达add up to23.各种各样的all kinds of24.到处,遍及,结束all over25.行了,好吧all right26.(作为)结果as a result of27.像,如同as -as -28.一就as soon as29.至于,尽as far as(表示程度,范围)30.好像,仿佛as if31.只要as long as32.好像,仿佛as though/as if33.通常,平常as us

3、ual34.也,还有as well35.至于,关于as for36.除之外,(也),和一样,不但而且as well as37.多达as many/much as38.有时at times39.至少at least40.最多at most41.首先at first42.最后,终于at last43.全然,究竟at all44.在工作at work45.在上课at school46.正在吃早餐/中餐/晚餐at breakfast /at lunch/at dinner47.目前,现在at present48.此刻,目前at the moment49.在末尾at the end50.一直all th

4、e time51.此刻,目前at the moment52.整日整夜all day and all night53.到处,全身all over54.周围,四周all round55.仍然,照样all the same56.与此同时at the same time57.一年到头all the year round58.至始至终all through59.在-多大的时候at the age of60.立刻,马上at once61.一开始at the beginning of62.在-脚下at the foot of63.首先,首要above all64.毕竟,终究after all65.到达arr

5、ive at (小地方)arrive in (大地方)66.付得起afford to do sth.67.同意某人agree with sb.68.同意(计划或建议)agree to sth.69.商定,达成共识agree on70.允许做某事allow doing sth.71.允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.B1.在家be in2.外出be out3.离开be off4.赞成be for5.反对be against6.从来,是人be from7.对有好处be good for8.对有好处bebad for9.在某方面做得好be good at10.迟到be late

6、for11.害怕,恐惧be afraid of /be terrified of +sth.12.不敢去做某事be afraid to do sth.13.缺乏,缺少be short of14.对着迷be crazy about15.由某人决定be up to sb.16.对感到震惊be shocked at17.为感到惊讶be amazed at18.因而闻名be famous for sth.19.作为而出名befamous as +职业20.适合be fit for =be suitable for21.爱好,喜欢be fond of = care for= like=enjoy22.一

7、定要be sure to do23.对有把握be sure of /about24.与相似be similar to25.因某事生某人的气be angry with sb. forsth.26.忙于某事be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth.27.属于belong to (sb.)28.两个都,既又both-and-29.被所覆盖be covered with/by30.对很熟悉be familiar with31.对感到厌倦be fed up with32.对感到满意be satisfied with=be pleased with33.对感到兴奋be ex

8、cited about sth.34.受到的欢迎be popular with35.正要做某事be about to do sth.36.应该做某事be supposed to do sth.37.高兴做某事be delighted to do sth.38.为感到羞愧be ashamed of39.惊讶做某事be surprised to -40.愿意做某事be willing to do sth.41.能做某事be able to do sth.42.睡着be asleep43.醒着be awake44.出生,出世be born45.对某人在某方面要求严格be strict with sb

9、. in sth.46.挤满,塞满be crowded with47.值得做某事be worth doing sth.48.习惯于be used to doing sth.=get used to doing sth.=be accustomed to doing sth49.被用来be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.50.错误地by mistake51.到时侯(接状语从句)by the time52.以为基础be based on/upon53.紧张的,有压力的be stressed out54.信任,信仰believe in55.不久以后bef

10、ore long56.充满,装满be full of = be filled with57.刷牙brush ones teeth58.吹走blow away59.吹灭blow out60.脱离break away from61.损坏,抛锚break down62.闯入break in63.打断,折断break off64.(战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发break out65.教育,培养bring up66.偶然by accident=by chance67.乘飞机(公共汽车,火车,轮船)by air(bus, train, ship)68.不久,很快by and by69.顺便说by the

11、way70.到结束为止by the end of71.在之间between-and-72.遍体鳞伤black and blue73.信不信由你believe it or not74.由制成be made of(可以看出原料)75.由制成be made from(不可以看出原料)76.由组成be made up of77.在哪里制成be made in78.把制成be made into79.熟悉sth. be familiar to sb. = sb. be familiar with sth.C1.提倡call for2.拜访call on3.打电话给call up4.照顾、非常喜欢care

12、 for =take care of=look after5.关心,担心care about6.继续下去carry on7.实施,执行carry out8.拿走,carry away9.情不自禁做某事cant help doing sth.10.赶上catch up with11.冷静calm down12.连锁店chain stores13.收费,要价charge -for14.改变主意change ones mind15.用A换Bchange A for B16.把A转换成Bchange Ainto B17.和-聊天chat with sb.18.网上聊天chat on line19.报到

13、,登记check in20.检验,结帐check out21.使某人开心起来cheer sb. up22.为某人加油cheer sb. on23.打扫,清理clean up24.古典音乐classical music25.密友close friends26.倒闭close down27.靠近,接近close to sb. /somewhere28.回来come back29.进来comein30.来吧,赶快,加油come on31.出来,出版,发行come out32.变为现实,come true33.上来,上升,come up34.想出,赶上come up with35.与-交流commun

14、icate with36.与-相比(比喻为)compare -to -37.与-相比(两者比较)compare-with -38.抱怨complaint of(和pain, sick有关) /about39.电子游戏computer games40.祝贺congratulate-on41.连接,相连connect- to42.与-相连connect sb./sth. with sb./sth.43.仿照某人copy ones example44.砍倒cut down45.切断cut off46.切碎cut upD1.日日夜夜day and night2.尽某人最大努力do ones best3

15、.处理,对付(How)deal with=(What)-do with4.取决于decide on sth.5.死亡die of(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),6.死亡die from(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用of, from均可。如:die of from a drink ( a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold7.洗碗do the dishes8.做家务do chores9.做作业do homework10.尽力做某事do ones best to do11.损害,伤害,残害d

16、o harm to sb./sth.12.购物do some shopping13.清洁do some cleaning14.读书do some reading15.装扮,打扮。穿上特殊服装dress up16.表示“渴望、向往、考虑”dream of17.表示梦见dream about18依靠,相信depend on(upon)19.决定去做某事decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth.20.与不同be different from21.在某一方面不同be different in22.用装饰decorate-with-23.把分成divid

17、e-into-24.顺便走访drop in25.退学drop out26.落后,退后drop behind/backE1.相互each other2.或者-或者-either-or-3.过和愉快enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun4.即使,尽管even if(假设性的,即使,纵然,哪怕)有时用于虚拟语气。5.即使,尽管even though(真实性的,虽然,尽管)6.鼓励某人去做某事encourage sb. to do sth.7.足够去-enough to do sth.8.期待某人去做某事expect sb. to do sth.9.从-逃跑es

18、cape-from =get away from=get free=get out of10.除了某一点以外except for11.自那时到直到现在ever since= from then onF1.面对面face to face2.以-为生feed on=live on3.用-喂、养feed sb.=feed sb. on sth.4.想要做某事feel like doing sth.=want to do sth.=would like to do sth.5.入睡fall asleep6.落后fall behind7.病倒fall ill8.爱上某人fall in love with

19、 sb.9.遥远的far away10.远离far from11.赶时髦follow the fashion12.以-为榜样follow ones example13.听从follow ones advice/ suggestions14.忘记去做某事forget sb. to do sth.15.忘记做了某事forget sb. doing sth.16.原谅某人某事forgive sb. sth.= fogive sb. for doing sth.17.为了乐趣for fun18.填写fill in 19.查明,发现find out20.找-的错find faults with sb.2

20、1.首先first of all22.急救first aid23.把视线注意在fix ones eyes on24.回顾,回忆flash back25.全力以赴去做某事focus ones efforts on=concentrate on26.永远for ever27.例如for example=for instance28.从今以后,from now on29.从那时起from then on30.从-到-from-to31.不时,偶尔from time to time=at times=sometimesG1.与-相处get along with =get on(well) with (

21、well相处得好)2.逃离get away (from)3.返回,回来get back =be back4.收获,达到get in5.下车get off(下公共汽车bus)6.上车get on (上公共汽车bus)7.上车get into(上小汽车/电梯car/lift)8.下车get out of (下小汽车、电梯car/lift)9.为-准备好get ready for10让某人搭便车get sb. a ride = give sb. a ride11.讨回get sth. back12.通过,拨通(电话)get through13.聚会,联欢get together14.起床get up

22、15.穿好衣服get dressed16.迷路get lost17.发烧get a fever18.抓住get hold of19.除掉get rid of=do away with20.捐赠/颁发/泄露give away21.屈服,让步give in22.分发give out23.放弃give up24.散发(气味)give off25.作-的报告give a talk on26.向某人表达最美好的祝愿give ones best wishes to27.给某人打电话give sb. a ring28.给某人口信give sb.the message29.归还give sth. back30

23、.很高兴见到你Glad to meet you.31.去滑冰go skating32.去滑雪go skiing33.去购物go shopping34.去游泳go swimming35.去徒步go hiking= go trekking36.上床睡觉go to bed37.去睡觉go to sleep38.进行go ahead39.去医院go to hospital40.加油,去做吧go for it41.回到,追溯到go back42.走开,离去go away43.走过,经过go by=pass by44.散步go for a walk45.走开/go off46.继续go on47.不停地干某事go on doing sth.(继续做原来的事)48.继续去做另一件事go on to do sth.(继续做另外一件事)49.继续go on with sth.(继续原来的事)50.仔细检查,复习go over51.浏览,翻阅go through52.上升(价格,气温)go up53.下降

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