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1、分词和动名词 分词一,分词的形式和时态 分词分为现在分词和过去分词,它们分别由“动词原形+-ing”、“动词原形+-ed”构成,如:pleasing,pleased,surprising,surprised等。分词的时态有一般式和完成式,分词一般式表示的分词动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或在其后发生,完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。过去分词没有时态变化。 分词形式 主动态 被动态现在分词一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done 过去分词 doneHe sat reading a novel. (一般式主动态)Bei

2、ng exhausted by work,he fell asleep quickly (一般式被动态)Having finished his homework ,he went playing. (完成式主动态)All this having been settled ,he went home. (完成式被动态)Overcome with surprise,he was unable to speak. (过去分词被动态)二,分词的功能1,分词做表语。分词做表语,其作用相当于形容词,如:The result of the experiment is encouraging.The scen

3、es in the mountains seemed more fascinating.许多作表语的分词是已经完全形容词化的分词形容词,它们可以被very等副词修饰,这类分词常见有:amazing,amusing,annoying,astonishing,boring,charming,disappointing,discouraging,disgusting2,分词作宾语补语分词作宾语补语用在:1)某些感官词后,如:feel,hear,notice,observe,perceive,see,smell,watch,listen to,look at等Thousands observed th

4、e ship leaving the harbor。2)某些使役动词后,如:keep,leave,send,set,start,get,have等Dont keep us waiting.The smoke started him coughing.3)某些表示思维活动的动词后,如:consider,discover,find,catchHis father caught Tom drinking in a bar.3.分词作定语做定语的分词如果是单个分词,则放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语,则放在所修饰的名词后,如:The boring snow made the bored boys g

5、o home.China is a developing country.The man standing there is my father.一般来讲,现在分词与过去分词都可作定语,但现在分词表达的是主动的,正在进行的事情;而过去分词表示的是被动的,已完成的事情。例如:People have complained a lot about the ever-rising prices.This is the belief shared among them.不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,不表示被动,也不表示正在进行,它只表示“动作完成之后的状态”,作定语时,一般都放在所修饰的名词前,请比较不

6、及物动词的过去分词与现在分词作定语的区别:departed friend (已离去的朋友)departing friend (正离去的朋友)fallen leaves (已落下的叶子)falling leaves (正落下的叶子)总之,现在分词和过去分词的区别是:现在分词表示主动,正在进行的某个动作,而过去分词则表示被动的,已完成的动作或状态。 4.分词作状语分词作状语有时相当于各种连词引导的状语从句。(1)相当于when,while,after等引导的时间状语从句。例如:Left to herself,she began to weep.Having read all the require

7、d papers he answered the questions fluently.(2)相当于as,since,because等引导的原因状语从句。例如:It being fine today,well go outing.Confounded by the news,he couldnt say a word.(3)相当于if,unless引导的条件状语从句。例如:The poison,used in a small quantity,will be a medicine.(4)相当于though,although,even if 引导的让步状语从句。例如:Admitting what

8、 you say,you are still in the wrong。3重点:分词的逻辑主语1,分词作状语是的逻辑主语分词直接作状语时,其逻辑主语均为主句的主语因而在使用过程中,分词的逻辑主语要与主句的主语保持一致。如果分词的动作对于主句主语来说是主动的要用现在分词,否则要用过去分词。例如:Having been asked to stay ,I couldnt very well leave。Not having done it right ,I tried again。2.独立主格结构中的逻辑主语 有时分词的逻辑主语与主句主语不一致,这时分词必须带上自身的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构。

9、这种结构在句中多作伴随状语,亦可用来表示时间,原因,条件等。例如:That being the case,wed better make some changes in the plan。She stared at the man with horror,baby hugged tightly in her arms. 需要注意的是,有些独立结构中没有分词,仅在名词或代词之后直接跟着属于表语或状语的词或词组。省去的分词大多是being或having been 例如:Breakfast over, he went to school.He stood on deck,pipe in mouth.

10、3.独立分词结构中的逻辑主语 在generally/frankly speaking.,judging from/by.等固定结构中,分词逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,同时他们也不是独立主格结构。这种结构中极限与为数很少的几个动词,而且都是固定用法。例如:Judging by her dress ,she comes from a wealthy family.Frankly speaking,I dont like him at all.另外,有些现代分词可以做分词用,这时分词的逻辑主语也不同于主句主语,如:concerning,notwithstanding,considering,exce

11、pting,regarding,respecting,touching等。例如:Considering his age ,he is tall.I have nothing to say concerning his speech.4.介词复合结构中的逻辑主语在英语里还有一种”with或without+名词(代词)+分词“的复合结构,常用作补充说明或表示伴随情况。在这种结构中,分词作名词(代词)的宾语补足语,如果分词的动作对于名词(代词)来说是主动的要用现在分词,否则要用过去分词。例如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning.The professor ent

12、ered the room with a book tucked under his arm. 动名词一,动名词的形式和时态动名词是由“动词原形+-ing”构成,如:watching,running等。动名词的时态有一般式和完成式两种,一般式表示动名词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或在其后发生,完成式表示动名词的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。 时态 主动态 被动态一般式 doing being done完成式 having donehaving been doneI am sure of his coming in time. (一般式主动态)He is proud of being sele

13、cted as monitor. (一般是被动态)Im confident of his having passed the exam。(完成式主动态)He complained of having been wronged by others.(完成时被动态) 2动名词的功能1,动名词作主语动名词作主语通常位于句首,如:I earning a foreign language is not easy.另一种常见的形式是句首用先行的it作形式主语,动名词惯用于在“it is not good /no use .”的句型中作实际主语。如:Its no good sitting up too la

14、te.2.动名词作动词宾语能以动名词作宾语的动词或短语动词有:admit,advocate,appreciate,avoid,cant help,cant stand,carry on,consider,defer,deny等。She enjoyed reading this book very much.He admitted borrowing the book.3.动名词作介词宾语动名词作介词宾语有以下几种形式:1)动词+介词+动名词,以这种形式下的动词和介词的搭配通常是习惯的,如:He objects to learning mathematics.I dont succeed in

15、making myself understood by him.2)形容词+介词+动名词,如:She is fond of wearing her hair long.We are sorry for not having informed you of their arrival.3)名词+介词+动名词,如:Whats the fun of playing in the rain?4.动名词作补语,表语动名词在句中可以做表语和宾语补足语。动名词作表语时,主语和表语一般要保持形式上一致,即主语和表语都要用动名词形式。Seeing is believing。We call such an act

16、 cheating.5.动名词的复合结构动名词复合结构的构成形式为”物主代词/名词的所有格+动名词“,这一结构在句子中可以作主语,宾语,表语。Its no use your running away. (作主语)Please forgive my/me asking. (作宾语)The main trouble is his working without a plan. (作表语)另外,在”there be“结构中当be为动名词时,则该结构也是一种带逻辑主语的动名词的动名词结构。如:There being no index to this book is a disadvantage。 (作

17、主语)三,常用动名词固定结构(1)”there is no +动名词“(.是不可能的),例如:There is no knowing how old she is .(2)feel like +动名词(想.,喜欢.).例如:I dont feel like going to the movies tonight.(3)cant not help +动名词(不得不,禁不住)。例如:I cant help admiring your speech.(4)make a point of +动名词(认为.是必要的)。例如:Our family make a point of going to chur

18、ch every Sunday .(5)be on the point/verge/brink of +动名词(濒临,将要.)He was on the point of leaving when somebody knocked at the door.(6)on +动名词(一.就.).例如:On hearing the news ,I changed my plans.(7)it is no use/good +动名词(.是没有用的),“there is no point in +动名词+sth”(.是没必要的),its useless/pointless/senseless/foolis

19、h/enjoyable doing sth, whats the use/point/good of doing sth,to find it useless/worthwhile/senseless/no good /fun/a waste of time doing sth .例如:Its no use trying to persuade him.There is no point in telling her this news.(8)表示运动的“go +动名词”结构。例如:He went shopping.(9)of ones own +动名词(为某人自己所为)He showed me a picture of his own painting.(10)动名词短语常用在以下结构中:There is/(sb.)have difficulty/trouble/fun/a good/hard /bad time/pleasure (in) doing sth There is great difficulty (in) solving the problem.They had problem getting there.

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