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本文(最新人教版新课标英语九年级上册中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 9.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

最新人教版新课标英语九年级上册中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 9.docx

1、最新人教版新课标英语九年级上册中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 9Unit9PassageA话题:自然资源 词数:205 参考用时:5分钟 Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth. Out natural resources are limited(有限的). This means that they will not 1 forever. Some are renewable, like when you plant a new tree when you 2 one down. Others

2、are not renewable, like when you dig coal(煤)out of the 3 . Once it is used, it is gone. People realize the 4 that Earths natural resources are limited, and can do things to help conserve(节约)those resources. 5 you try to conserve a natural resource, you try to use less of it, so it does not get used

3、up so 6 . One way that people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 7 is short instead of driving everywhere. Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 8 . We can conserve water 9 making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏).We

4、 can also make 10 choices to conserve water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full. Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.1.A. last B. spread C. burn D. change2.A. turn B. cut C. put D. move3.A. station B. building C. ground D. brick4.A. news

5、B. plan C. decision D. fact5.A. When B. Although C. Whatever D. Whether6. A. slowly B. hard C. regularly D. fast7. A. money B. space C. place D. distance8. A. alive B. alone C. asleep D. awake9. A. about B. for C. by D. with10.A. generous B. funny C. wise D. surprising读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【自我评价】我做对了_题,我

6、很棒!我做错了_题,没关系,再努力!【答案还原】将正确答案填写到文中空格处。【诵读全文】大声朗读文章3-4遍、整体感知全文,体悟作者意图。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) instead of _ (2) get used up _(3) 做贡献 _ (4)尽量少用_2. 佳句翻译(1) Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth. _(2) Once it is used, it is gone._(3) Everyone can make contributions to prot

7、ecting natural resources._PassageB话题:健康长寿 词数:176 参考用时:4分钟The first day of school, our professor introduced an old lady Rose to us.“Why are you in college at such an age?” I asked her. She replied, “I always dreamed of having a college education and now Im getting one!” We became friends quickly.At t

8、he end of the term I invited Rose to make a speech to our football team. Ill never forget what she taught us. She said, “There are some secrets of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You must have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you will die. There is a hug

9、e difference between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesnt need any talent or ability. To grow up, you must always find the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The people who are afraid of death are those with regrets.”At the end of the year, Rose finished her college.

10、One week after graduation, Rose died peacefully in her sleep. We would always remember the great woman. 1. From the passage, we can learn that Rose _. A. went to college at an old age B. became a professor later C. once worked in a hospital D. died before college graduation2. At the end of the term

11、the writer invited Rose to _. A. go to a party B. play footballC. make a speech D. write a book3. The underlined word “talent” in the third paragraph means “_” in Chinese. A. 训练 B. 方法 C. 途径 D. 才能4. If you want to stay young and be happy, _, according to Rose. A. never grow up B. dont be afraid of de

12、athC. have a dream and never lose itD. dont find the opportunity in change5. What is the best title of the passage? A. Laughing every day B. Never too old to learn C. Growing old and growing up D. How to stay young and being happy读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) introduce to _ (2) dr

13、eam of _(3)在学期末_ (4)害怕_2. 佳句翻译(1) Why are you in college at such an age? _(2) You have to laugh and find humor every day._(3) There is a huge difference between growing old and growing up._Passage C话题:科学与艺术 词数:150 参考用时:3分钟What opinions did experts have about movements and transportation throughout h

14、istory? Take a look.1. Which of the following experts was a science fiction writer? A. Lord Kelvin B. Lee Deforest C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Jules, Verne2. Leonardo da Vincis opinion was that _. A. airplanes would never fly B. no person would ever reach the moon C. people would fly in a machine with a

15、n overhead propeller D. people would be able to travel under water in airtight ships3. How many experts opinion proved right according to the passage? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) take a look _(2) make the first controlled flight _(3) 在月球上行走_ (4) 能够

16、 _2. 佳句翻译(1) People would fly in a machine with an overhead propelk. _(2) 1903, the Wright brothers made the first controlled flight in a powered airplane. _(3) People would be able to travel under water in airtight ships. _Unit9Passage A读后自主学习【答案详解】1-5 ABCDA 6-10 DDACC1.A考査动词及语境的理解。A. last持续;B. spr

17、ead传播;C. burn燃烧;D. change改变。根据Our natural resources are limited (有限的)可知我们的自然资源是有限的,会用完的,不会永远有。故选 A。句意:他们不能永远持续下去。2.B考査动词及语境的理解。A. turn转动;B. cut切割;C. put放下;D. move移动。cut down 砍下。根据plant a new tree可知此处指的是看下一棵树,再种一棵。故选B。句意:当你砍下一棵树,你可以再种一棵。3.C考査名词及语境的理解.A. station车站;B. building建筑物;C. ground地面; D. brick砖

18、. 结合常识,煤是埋在地下,故选C。句意:当你从地下挖出煤。4.D考査名词及语境的理解.A. news新闻;B. plan计划;C. decision决定;D. fact事实。根据Earths natural resources are limited:可知自然资原是有限的,这是一个事实,故选D。句意:人们意识到地球的自然资源是有限的。5.A考査连词及语境的理解。A. When当.时读;B. Although尽管;C. Whatever无论什么;D. Whether是否。此处表示要节约一种自然资源时,故选A.句意:当你想要节约一种自然资源,你要努力少用它。6.D考査副词及语境的理解。A. sl

19、owly 慢地;B. hard努力地;C. regularly有规律地;D. fast 快地。根据you try to use less of it.可知自然资源是有限的,少用一些,它被用光的速度就慢一些,故选D。句意:这样它才不会那么快的被用光。7.D考査名词及语境的理解.A. money钱;B. space空间;C. place地方;D. distance距离。 根据by riding a bicycle or walking可知能骑自行车或步行的地方,距离应是较短的。D。句意:当距离近时,可以骑自行车或步行,而不是到处开车去。8.A考査形容词及语境的理解。A. alive活着的;B. a

20、lone独自的;C. asleep睡着的;D. awake醒着的。stay alive活着,结合常识,人活着离不开水,故A。句意:水是一种非常重要的自然资源,因为我们需要它来活看。9.C考査介词及语境的理解。A. about关于;B. for为了; C. by通过;D. with用。by doing sth. 通过做某事。根据making sure可知此处用介词by,故选C。句意:我们可以通过确保水管和水龙头不漏水,来节约水。10.C考査形容词及语境的理解。A. generous 慷慨的,大方的;B. funny滑稽的;C. wise明智的; D. surprising令人惊讶的。根据to c

21、onserve water,可知此处指的是节约水的好选择,故选C。句意:我们可以做出明智的选择来节约水。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1)代替 (2) 用完 (3) make contributions to (4) try to use less2. 佳句翻译(1) 自然资源是我们使用来自地球的东西。(2)一旦使用,就用完了。(3) 每个人都可以做出贡献来保护自然资源。Passage B读后自主学习【答案详解】1-5ACDCB1.A细节理解题。根据The first day of school: our professor introduced an old la

22、dy Rose to us。可知Rose 去上大学时是一个老太太,故选A。2.C细节理解题。根据 At the end of the term I invited Rose to make a speech to our football team.可知在 期末,作者邀请Rose给足球队做演讲。故选C。3.D词义猜测题。根据与名词ability“能力”相并列,意思相近,故为才能的意思。故选D。4. C细节理解题。根据 There are some secrets of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and find humor

23、 every day. You must have a dream. When you lose your dreams; you will die.可知 Rose 认为,保持年轻和快乐的秘密是要大笑,寻找幽默,必须有梦想,失去梦想,人也会死去。故选C。5.B 标题归纳题。文中围绕看一个老太太为了实现自己的梦想,上大学学习,这展示了活到老,学到老的精神。故选B。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译。(1) 介绍 (2) 梦想 (3) at the end of the term (4) be afraid of2. 佳句翻译。(1) 你为什么这个年龄还上大学?(2)你必须每

24、天开心大笑并寻找幽默。(3) 老年人和成年人之间有很大差别。Passage CPassage C 【答案详解】DCB1. D 细节理解题。根据Jules: Verne,Science fiction writer可知Jules,Verne是一个科幻作家,故选D。2. C 细节理解题。根据 Opinion: People would fly in a machine with an overhead propeller.可知Leonardo da Vinci的观点是人们将会乘坐带有螺旋桨的机器飞行。故选C。3. B 推理判断题。根据文中内容可知Leonardo da Vinci和Jules, Verne的观点被证明是正确的,共两种,故选B。读后自主学习1. 短语互译(1看一下 (2) 第一次控制性飞行 (3) step on the moon (4)be able to2. 佳句翻译(1) 人们将会乘坐带有螺旋桨的机器飞行。(2) 1903年,莱特兄弟第一次飞行控制动力飞机。 (3)人们可以乘密封的船只在水下旅行。

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