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1、进华词汇4词根:patho,pathy=感情,疾病,疗法1.sympathy n.同情1. . If you have sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation, you are sorry for them, and show this in the way you behave toward them. 同情例: We expressed our sympathy for her loss. 我们对她的损失表示了同情。例: I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy w

2、hatsoever. 我从医生那儿得到的帮助极少,而且没得到任何同情。If you have sympathy with someones ideas or opinions, you agree with them. 赞同例: I have some sympathy with this point of view. 我对这一观点有些赞同。例: Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause. 立陶宛仍得到相当多对其事业的国际支持。If you take some action in sym

3、pathy with someone else, you do it in order to show that you support them. 支持例: Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues. 几百名工人举行罢工以示对其工友们的支持。sympathize vi.同情;同感,共鸣sympathetic a.同情的,合意的2. pathetic a.哀婉动人的;可怜的 What do you mean pathetic?你说“可怜”是什么意思? So what? Dont you feel pathe

4、tic?那又怎么样。你不觉得可怜吗?3. apathy n. 漠然,冷淡 Smile can dissolve apathy and pass warmth.微笑能够溶解冷漠,传递温暖。 At the beginning they met with much stupidity and apathy.开始的几次会议他们遭遇了很多麻木和冷漠。 Its sad to see people stuck in the numbness/apathy stage.看到人们被困在麻木/冷漠的状态中是很可悲的。 Is it ignorance or apathy?是无知还是冷漠?apathetic adj.

5、 冷漠的,无动于衷的Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen. 即使最漠不关心的学生都开始坐直身子听了。4. antipathy n. 憎恶,反感antipathic a. 不相容的,反对的,有反对倾向 The antipathy is mutual.这种反感是相互的。 There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.他们两人之间潜伏着一股反感的暗流。5. telepathy n. 心灵感应,传心术 He can communicate with

6、 her by telepathy.他能用心灵感应与她沟通。 While the idea of a telepathy machine might sound like something from science fiction, the scientists say it could one day be used to solve crimes.一台会心灵感应的仪器? 这个想法听起来可能像科幻小说,不过科学家表示,将来某一天有可能用它来解决犯罪问题。6. empathyEmpathy is the ability to share another persons feelings an

7、d emotions as if they were your own. 同感能力例: Having begun my life in a childrens home, I have great empathy with the little ones. 在一家儿童福利院长大使我对这些小孩子们怀有深深的同感。paht(o),pathy疾病,疗法pathology patho病,-logy学 病理学pathologist patho病,-logist学者 病理学者pathological patho病,-logical学的 病理学的pathogeny patho病,gen发生,-y名词后缀 致

8、病原因pathogenetic 见上,-etic形容词后缀 发病的,致病的,病原的zoopathology zoo动物,pathology病理学 动物病理学neuropathyneuro神经,pathy病 神经病neuropathist 见上,-ist者 神经病学者,神经病医生dermatopathydermatl皮肤,pathy病 皮肤病psychopathy psycho心理,精神,pathy病 心理病态,精神变态electropathy electro电,pathy疗法 电疗法hydropathy hydro水,pathy疗法 水疗法有关语言、言语的词根1. lingu=language

9、语言linguist lingu语言,-ist表示人 语言学家linguistic 见上,-ic形容词后缀,的 语言学的,语言的linguistics 见上,-ics名词后缀,学 语言学bilingual bi-两,lingu语言,-al形容词后缀,的 两种语言的bilingualist 见上,-ist表示人 通晓两种语言者bilingualism 见上,-ism表示行为或状况 通晓两种语言,用两种语言trilingual tri-三,lingu语言,-al形容词后缀,的 三种语言的multilingual multi-多,lingu语言,-al形容词后缀,的 多种语言的,懂(或用)多种语言的

10、collingual col-同,ligua语言,al形容词后缀,的 (用)同一种语言的2. liter=letterl“文字,字母”literate adj 识字的(liter+ate)Someone who is literate is able to read and write. 能读会写的例: Over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully literate. 四分之一以上的成年人是半文盲。illiterateadj 不识字的,文盲的( il不+literate识字的)literacy n认字,有文化(liter+acy)

11、 Literacy is an essential foundation for development and prosperity. 识字是发展和繁荣必不可少的基础。illiteracy n 文盲(il不+literacy)literaturen 文学(liter+ature状态文字状态文学)literary adj 文学的(liter+ary)literati n 文人(总称)(liter+ati表复数文字人文人学者)literal adj 文字上的,字面上的(liter+al)obliterate v摧毁 抹掉,擦掉(ob去掉+liter+ate去掉文字擦掉)1. Their warh

12、eads are enough to obliterate the world several times over. 他们的弹头足以摧毁这个世界好几次。obliteration n 删除;灭迹(obliterate+ion)3. log = speak 言,说1.dialogue dia- 对,相对,log 言,说 对话2.dialogist 见上,-ist 表示人 对话者3.eulogy eu- 美好,log 言,-y 名词后缀,“美言” 赞美之词,颂词,、悼词,赞扬(euthanasia 安乐死)eulogyblng0 One way is to think about your eul

13、ogy.一种方法是考虑你的悼词。 Write a glowing, incredible eulogy you would like to have read aloud at your funeral.写一篇热烈,难以置信 你愿意于你的葬礼中被大声朗读的悼词。4.eulogize 见上,-ize 动词后缀 赞美,赞烦,烦扬 I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干。 Why should we not eulogize the people, the creators of the hist

14、ory of mankind?对于人民,这个人类世界历史的创造者,为什么不应该歌颂呢?5.apology apo- 分开,离开,脱开,log 言,说;“说开”解说 道歉,谢罪,辩解 apologize 见上,-ize 动词后缀 道歉,谢罪,辩解 And I apologize to everyone (who) has to go through this.还有我向所有必需承受这一切的人道歉。 I apologize for my laziness.我为我的懒惰道歉。 If this offends anyone, I apologize, but its the truth.如果这点冒犯了任

15、何人,我道歉,但这是事实。 I apologize for what I said about you.我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意。6.prologue pro- 前,log 言 前言,序言 First,theres this prologue that I started reading at the very beginning of the lecture.首先是序言部分,我在这节课一开始时就读了的。7.epilogue epi- 旁,外,log 言,话;“正文以外的话”正文后面的话 结束语,后记,跋,闭幕词 The thesis consists of introduction,

16、text and epilogue.论文由导论、正文和结语组成。 Epilogue: Can draw up the author is opposite this mobile opinion, criticism perhaps suggests.结语:可以写出作者对此次活动的意见、批评或者建议。8.epilogize 见上,-ize 动词后缀 作结束语9.monologue mono- 单独,log 言,说 (戏剧)独白10.monologist 见上,-ist 表示人 (戏剧)独白者11.pseudology pseudo- 假,log 言,话,-y 名词后缀 假话12.neologi

17、sm neo- 新,log 言,词,-ism 表示语言 新语,新词(neolithic新石器时代的)13.neologize见上,-ize 动词后缀 使用新词,创造新词14.antilogy anti- 反对,相反,log 言;“相反之言” 前后矛盾,自相矛盾= contradiction15.dyslogy dys- 恶,不良,log 言;“恶言” 非难,非议,指责,咒骂16.logic log 语言辩论推理,论理,-ic 名词后缀,表示学 逻辑17.logical 见上,-al 的 逻辑的,符合逻辑的18.illogical il- 不,见上 不合逻辑的19.philologist phi

18、lo 爱好,log 语言,-ist 者 语言学者20.philology 见上,-y 名词后缀 语言学4. loqu = speak 言,说1.eloquent e- 出, loqu 说,-ent 的;“说出的”,“道出的”能说会道的 有口才的,雄辩的,善辩的,有说服力的1. I heard him make a very eloquent speech at that dinner. 我听他在那次晚餐上做了一次很有说服力的演说。2. eloquence 见上,-ence 名词后缀 雄辩,善辩,有口才She can speak with an eloquence that is almost

19、inspirational. 她能用一种近乎激发灵感的口才发言。3.colloquial col- 共同, loqu 说,-ial 的 口语的,会话的,白话的,用通俗口语的4.colloquialism 见上,-ism 表示语言 俗语,口语,口语词5.multiloquent multi- 多,loqu 言,-ent 的 多言的6.grandiloquent grand 大,-i- ,loqu 言,-ent 的夸大的,夸张的Some people have an antipathy to excessively grandiloquent performance.有些人对过分夸张的表演很反感。

20、7.magniloquent magni 大, loqu 言,-ent 的 大言的,夸张的magniloquentblng0 News of the death of forests appears to have been greatly magniloquent.森林在灭亡的消息似乎被很大程度上夸大其词了。8.soliloquy sol 单独,独自,-i- ,loqu 言,-y 名词后缀 独白,自言自语9.somniloquy somn 睡眠,-i-,loqu 说,-y 名词后缀;“睡梦中说话” 梦语,梦吃,说梦话10.obloquy ob- 反对,loqu 言;“反对之言” 大骂,诽谤

21、I have had enough obloquy for one lifetime.我一辈子受够了诽谤。11.loquacious loqu 言,-acious 形容词后缀,多的 多言的,饶舌的 Please be quiet; you are too loquacious.请安静点,你话太多了。12.loquacity 见上,-acity 名词后缀,表示情况 多话,过于健谈13. circumlocution 转弯抹角的说话,遁词 He is a master at circumlocution, but its easier for me to understand him now th

22、an before.他讲话很会兜圈子,不过我现在已经比以前容易理解他的意思了。5.verb=word 字,词,言1.veral 词语的,言语的,动词的 Gym class would be full of taunts like girly-man and other verbal attacks.在体育课中充满的“娘娘腔”之类的辱骂和其他的言语攻击。2.verbose 啰嗦的,冗长的 you describe a person or a piece of writing as verbose, you are critical of them because they use more wo

23、rds than are necessary, and so make you feel bored or annoyed. 罗嗦的.verbose politicians. .长篇大论的政客们。 His writing is difficult and often verbose. 他的文章晦涩难懂,而且往往篇幅冗长。3.verbalize 用词语描述 Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize.感情往往是你很难用语言表达。4.verbiage 冗长,赘语,空话5. proverb 格言,谚语 Time, says the p

24、roverb, is money.谚语说:“时间就是金钱。”“No pains,no gains”不劳则无获。“Time and tide wait for no man”岁月不待人。6. verbicide 歪曲词义,糟蹋词语7.hyperverbal 说话过多的6.voc,vok=voice,call 声音,叫喊 1vocal a 声音的Vocal cord 声带2.vocalist n 歌手(vocal 声音的+ist 人)3.vocation n 职业;使命(voc+ation受到召唤有职业)4.avocation n 副业(a 不+vocation 职业不是职业,是副业)5.voca

25、bulary n 词汇(vocabul=vocable 词+ary词汇)6.advocate v 拥护;倡议(ad 增强+voc+ate增强声音拥护)n.提倡者 Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。 In the college, the professor he met first was an advocate of truth.在学院里,他最先遇到

26、的教授是一个真理的提倡者。7.advocator n 拥护者,倡导者,鼓吹者 As an East Asia cooperation advocator, supporter and participant, China is keenly aware of its responsibilities and obligations in regional cooperation in East Asia.作为东亚合作的倡导者、支持者和参与者,中国深知自己在东亚区域合作中的责任和义务。8.convoke v 召集(con 共同+vok+e喊到一起) In 1978 the Argentinian

27、 trainer Menotti didnt convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.阿根廷教练麦诺提(Menotti)考虑到他年幼,没有召集马拉多纳。9.convocation n 召集,集会(con+voc+ation)I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese Delegation, our hearty congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and wish it a complete success.我代表中国

28、政府,对会议的召开表示衷心的祝贺,并祝愿会议取得圆满成功。 The successful convocation of the London ASEM Summit Meeting last year has contributed further to the development of an equal partnership between Asia and Europe.去年伦敦首脑会议的成功召开,进一步推动了亚欧平等伙伴关系的发展。10.revoke v 取消,撤回(re 回+vok+e喊回来取消)His driving licence was revoked after cras

29、h.他撞车后驾驶执照被吊销了。11.revocable a 可废除的(revoke+able)12irrevocable a 不能改变的(ir 不+revocable不可废除的)13vociferous a 喧闹的(voc+i+fer 带来+ous带来声音的喧闹的)If you describe someone as vociferous, you mean that they speak with great energy and determination, because they want their views to be heard. 大声疾呼的例: He was a vocife

30、rous opponent of Conservatism. 他是保守主义的强烈反对者。vociferously大声疾呼地例: He vociferously opposed the state of emergency imposed by the government. 他大声疾呼反对政府强行宣布紧急状态。14evoke v 唤醒,唤起(e 出+vok+e喊出思想等唤醒)The photos evoked memories of her youth.这些照片唤起她对青春时期的回忆。His speech evoked great anger他的讲话激起公愤。15equivoke n 双关语(equi 平等+vok+e有两重声音平等双关语)16equivocal a 双关语;模陵两可的(equi 平等+voc+al平等声音模陵两可的)17eq

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