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1、卡塔尔建筑细则Qatar Construction Specification卡塔尔工程实施细则Section 1 GENERAL第一章 一般说明Part 1 Introduction简介Part 2 Use and Maintenance of the Site现场的使用与维护Part 3 Site Access and Entry onto the Site现场入口与通道Part 4 Protection现场的安全防护Part 5 Interference施工中的干扰Part 6 Project Meetings项目会议Part 7 Submittals文件的提交Part 8 Qualit

2、y Assurance质量保险Part 9 Materials材料Part 10 Health and Safety健康与安全Part 11 Engineers Site Facilities 工程师的场地设施Part 12 Contractors Site Facilities 承包商的场地设施Part 13 Setting Out of the Works工程的开工Part 14 Temporary Works and Equipment临时设施工程与设备Part 15 Temporary Controls临时管制Part 16 Traffic Diversions货物运输与变更Part

3、17 Project Co-ordination项目的协调Part 18 Other Contractors工程中的其它承包人Part 19 Regulatory Requirements规范要求Part 20 Clearance of the Site现场清理Part 21 Inspection and Handover Procedures监理与移交规程Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 2 BUILDING DEMOLITION第二章 建筑的拆除Part 1 General 一般说明Part 2 Building Demolition建筑拆除P

4、art 3 Hazardous Materials危险材料Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 3 GROUND INVESTIGATION第三章 地面调查(现场踏勘或地质调查)Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Boreholes钻井取样Part 3 Pits and Trenches地表的坑与沟Part 4 Soil Sampling土壤取样Part 5 In Situ Testing, Instrumentation and Monitoring原位实验,仪表测试与监控Part 6 Laboratory Testing实验室试验Qa

5、tar Construction SpecificationSection 4 PILING桩基工程Part 1 General Requirements for Piling Work桩基工程的一般要求Part 2 General Requirements for Concrete Piles混凝土桩的一般要求Part 3 Precast Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Piles预制钢筋砼桩与预应力钢筋砼桩Part 4 Precast Reinforced Concrete Segmental Piles预制钢筋砼部分的桩Part 5 Bored C

6、ast-In-Place Piles现场浇筑螺旋钻孔桩Part 6 Bored Piles Constructed Using Continuous Flight Augers and Concrete or Grout Injection through Hollow Auger Stems用连续不断钻动的螺旋钻通过中空的螺旋钻杆来注水泥浆或者砼的工艺来浇筑螺旋钻孔桩。Part 7 Driven Cast-In-Place Piles灌注桩Part 8 Steel Piles钢桩Part 9 Steel Sheet Piling钢板桩Part 10 Static Load Testing o

7、f Piles桩基的静荷载试验Part 11 Alternative Methods for Testing Piles桩基工程的其它实验方法Part 12 Reduction of Friction on Piles桩身摩擦力的降低Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 5 CONCRETE砼工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Aggregates骨料Part 3 Cement水泥Part 4 Water水Part 5 Admixtures 掺合料Part 6 Property Requirements性能的要求Part 7 Batc

8、hing and Mixing分批混合Part 8 Transportation and Placing of Concrete砼的运输与浇筑Part 9 Formwork 模板工程Part 10 Curing砼的养护Part 11 Reinforcement 砼的硬化Part 12 Joints接头Part 13 Inspection and Testing of Hardened Concrete硬结砼的观察与试验Part 14 Protective Treatments for Concrete成品砼构件的保护Part 15 Hot Weather Concreting 砼的热处理Par

9、t 16 Miscellaneous其它杂项Part 17 Structural Precast Concrete结构砼预制构件Part 18 Prestressed Concrete预应力砼Part 19 Testing of Water Retaining Structures结构防水试验Section 6 ROADWORKs 路面工程Part 1 General 一般说明Part 2 Site Clearance 现场清理Part 3 Earthwork土方工程Part 4 Unbound Pavement Materials不联接的人行道材料Part 5 Asphalt Works沥青

10、路面施工Part 6 Concrete Road Pavements. 砼路面工程Part 7 Vehicle Crash Barriers交通防护障碍的施工Part 8 Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas围栏,人行道与后铺区域Part 9 Fencing围栏施工Part 10 Traffic Signs, Markings and Studs交通告示与标志,反光路标Part 11 Works in Relation to Services与业务相关的其它工作Part 12 Road Lighting 公路照明系统Part 13 Traffic Signals 交通

11、光信号Part 14 Road Drainage 道路排水Part 15 Geosynthetics 土工合成材料Part 16 Miscellaneous其它杂项Qatar Construction SpecificationQatar Construction SpecificationSection 8 SEWERAGE污水处理系统Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Earthworks土方工程Part 3 Pipes and Fittings Materials管材与配件Part 4 Pipeline Installation 管道的安装Part 5 Valves, Pe

12、nstocks and Appurtenances阀门,水道与附件的安装Part 6 Miscellaneous Metal Works其它五金工作Part 7 Miscellaneous GRP Works其它与玻璃钢相关的工作Part 8 Protective Coatings and Painting防护涂料与油漆Part 9 Trenchless Pipeline Construction地表管道工程的施工Part 10 Pipelines Cleaning and Inspection Survey管道清理与检查Part 11 Sewer Rehabilitation污水管的修复Pa

13、rt 12 Vacuum Sewerage System 真空污水处理系统Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 9 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT机电工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Submersible Pumps潜水泵Part 3 Centrifugal Sewage Pumps离心式污水泵 (Vertical Spindle, 立式轴Dry-Well Type排水型) Part 4 Sump Pumps井底水窝水泵Part 5 Screw Pumps螺旋泵Part 6 Surge Co

14、ntrol System水流控制系统Part 7 Lifting Equipment提升装置Part 8 Electric and Pneumatic Actuators电动与气动装置Part 9 Odour Control Equipment-Carbon Type臭味控制设备-碳作用型 Part 10 Odour Control Equipment-Scrubber Type 洗涤型Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 10 INSTRUMENTATION,仪器的使用,控制与自动化CONTROL AND AUTOMATIONPart 1 Gener

15、al一般说明Part 2 Telemetry/SCADA自动测量记录传导,监管与数据的采集Part 3 Primary Elements 基本元件Part 4 Panel Mounted and Miscellaneous Instruments面板的设置与其它的仪表Part 5 Control Panels and Control Room Hardware控制面板以及控制室的五金器具Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 12 Earthworks Related to Buildings与建筑工程有关的土方工程Part 1 General一般说明

16、Part 2 Excavations开挖Part 3 Filling回填Part 4 Utility Trenches多功能的沟渠Part 5 Installation of Protective Membranes保护膜的安装Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 13 MASONRY石方工程 Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Mortar and Grout砂浆与水泥浆Part 3 Accessories 附属物品Part 4 Unit Masonry石方的单位工程Part 5 Masonry Laying 石方的砌筑Qatar Co

17、nstruction SpecificationSection 14 ROOFING屋面工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Membrane Roofing屋面面层工程Part 3 Metal and Plastic Roofing 钢屋面与塑料屋面的施工Part 4 Roof and Deck Insulation屋面及楼面的绝缘Part 5 Roofing Tiles屋面瓦Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 15 THERMAL INSULATION OF BUILDINGS建筑的隔热Part 1 General一般说明Part

18、 2 Building Insulation建筑隔热Part 3 Cold Stores冷藏库Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 16 STRUCTURAL STEELWORKS钢结构工程Part 1 General一般说明 Part 2 Materials 材料Part 3 Drawings工程图纸Part 4 Fabrication 构造物Part 5 Welding 焊接Part 6 Bolting螺栓连接Part 7 Accuracy of Fabrication构造物的放样Part 8 Erection结构的建造Part 9 Accurac

19、y of Erected Steelwork钢结构的安装的精确定位Part 10 Protective Treatment 保护措施Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 17 METALWORK 金属制品相关工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Materials Classification 材料的分类Part 3 Metal Doors and Windows 金属门窗Part 4 Architectural Metal Work 建筑学范畴的五金工程Part 5 Light Metal Support and Cladding S

20、upport轻钢支撑与板面的支撑Part 6 Workmanship 施工工艺Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 18 CARPENTRY, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY木工,细木活及铁艺Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Wood Treatment木材的处理Part 3 Structural Timber (Rough Carpentry)结构木材(粗木工)Part 4 Architectural Timber 外观用的木材(Finished Carpentry, Millwork) 精木活,机械工艺Part 5

21、Joinery 木工细活Part 6 Fasteners and Adhesives 坚固件与粘合剂Part 7 Ironmongery (Hardware)铁件Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 19 PLUMBING WORK 管道工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Water Distribution 水流的分配Part 3 Plumbing Pipework in Trenches 进入排水沟的排水管道Part 4 Cold Water Storage 冷水储存Part 5 Hot Water Storage热水的存储Par

22、t 6 Commissioning of Systems排水系统的试运转Part 7 Plumbing for Gases 排气管Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 20 DRAINAGE WORKS FOR BUILDINGS 建筑排水Part 1 General 一般说明Part 2 Internal Drainage Works内部排水施工Part 3 External Drainage works外部排水的施工Part 4 Drainage Pipes in Trenches地表下的排水管道Part 5 Structures Related

23、to Drainage Work涉及到排水的结构工程Part 6 Surface Water Drainage 地表排水系统Part 7 Commissioning of Systems 排水系统的试运转Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 21 ELECTRICAL WORKS电气工程Part 1 General Provisions for Electrical Installation电气工程安装的一般准则Part 2 MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBAs) 工厂装配Part 3 Protective Devices

24、佑护性的装置Part 4 Motor Starters 电机启动器Part 5 Variable Speed Controllers 变速控制器Part 6 Cables and Small Wiring各种电缆与小的导线Part 7 Conduits and Conduit Boxes导体及导体箱Part 8 Trunking干线的敷设Part 9 Cable Trays托线盘Part 10 Wiring Accessories and General Power电线的附件与一般功率Part 11 Light Fittings灯具Part 12 Emergency Lighting应急灯Pa

25、rt 13 Telephone Installations电话的安装Part 14 Structured Cabling Systems结构化布缆系统Part 15 Electric Motors电动机Part 16 Power Factory Correction Capacitors电力厂的纠正电容Part 17 Standby Diesel Generator Set备用的柴油发电机组Part 18 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems不间断电源供应系统Part 19 Sound and Call Systems 声控系统Part 20 Elevato

26、rs/Escalators 电动扶梯Part 21 Lightning Protection 防雷保护系统Part 22 Earthing 接地与接地连接and Bonding Part 23 Inspection and Testing复核与检测Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 22 AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION AND VENTILATION空调、制冷与通风系统Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Central Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

27、中央空调与制冷系统设备Part 3 Unitary Equipment 单元设备Part 4 Air Handling Equipment空气调节设备Part 5 Chilled Water Pipework冷冻水的过水管道Part 6 Ductwork and Air-Side Equipment管道系统及机场设备Part 7 Thermal Insulation 绝热系统Part 8 Exhaust Fans 抽风机Part 9 Accessories 其它附件Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 23 FIRE FIGHTING AND FIRE

28、 FIGHTING SYSTEMS灭火及消防系统Part 1 General 一般说明Part 2 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems 火警以及探测系统Part 3 Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems可定位的火警报警系统Part 4 Fire Fighting System 消防体系Part 5 Testing and Commissioning 测试与试运行Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 24 FINISHES TO BUILDINGS建筑工程的竣工Part 1 Gene

29、ral一般说明Part 2 Lath and Plaster 木板与石膏Part 3 Dry Lining (Wall Board) 干线(墙板)Part 4 Special Wall Surfaces 特殊墙面的处理Part 5 Tiles 瓦Part 6 Terrazzo 水磨石地面Part 7 Stone Flooring 石材地面Part 8 Unit Masonry Flooring石板材楼地面Part 9 Floor Screeds and Treatments 楼地面的整平与处理Part 10 Joints, Caulking and Sealants 连接、堵缝与密封Part

30、11 Recessed Duct Covers在凹处管道的盖子Part 12 Carpeting 地毯Part 13 Other Floor Coverings 楼地面的其它覆盖物Part 14 Ceilings 顶棚Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 25 GLASS AND GLAZING 玻璃与上釉Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Glass玻璃Part 3 Workmanship 工艺Part 4 Glazed Curtain Wall and Other Items 上釉的幕墙与其它东西Qatar Construction

31、SpecificationSection 26 PAINTING AND DECORATING 油漆与装饰Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Surface Preparation for Painting待刷油漆构件的表面处理Part 3 Primers, Paints and Coatings 底漆,中漆与面层Part 4 Wall Coverings of Decorative Papers/Fabrics墙面装饰性覆盖材料如壁纸和织物。Qatar Construction SpecificationSection 27 EXTERNAL WORKS建筑外部的工程Part 1 General一般说明Part 2 Block Paved Areas地面铺砖工程 Part 3 Fences and Gates围栏与大门Part 4 Fountains and Aquatic Features喷泉与水景特色布置Part 5 Site Furnitu

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