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Interesting Topics.docx

1、Interesting Topics不要浪费午休时间:午休时要做的14件事What you do during your midday break might vary depending on your job, company culture or personal prioritiesbut the experts agree all workers should try to do these 14 things during lunch hour:你在午休时做什么也许和你从事的工作、企业文化和个人事务的轻重缓急有关,但是专家建议所有员工在午休时都应该做以下14件事:Make a pl

2、an.Dont squander your lunch break because its free time. Time is a non-renewable resource, wherever you are, whatever the time of day. Try your best to plan it out and make the most of it.You should also plan your activities immediately after lunch. Giving thought to how you prioritize and schedule

3、events in the afternoon can maximize your productivity.制定计划。不要因为午休是自由时间就去浪费它。无论你身处何地,身在何时,时间是一种不可再生资源。试着最大限度地利用你的午休时间来制定一个好计划。你还需要为午休后的活动做一下安排。想一想下午的时候要如何安排工作的先后顺序,这样有利于你最大地提高效率。2.Take a real break.Breaking from work for 60 seconds to chow down your lunch at your desk doesnt count. In order to get a

4、 period of true respite, the time has to involve an actual break from work. Try not to check your e-mail, bring work with you or talk about work during lunch.真正地休息。只花60秒钟在办公桌上狼吞虎咽下你的午餐并不是真正地休息。要想真正地获得喘息,你就需要确实地离开工作一段时间。不要去查看你的电子邮件,不要随身携带工作,也不要在吃午饭时聊工作。3.Get up from your desk or work space.Staying at

5、 your desk is a big no-no. There are more and more reports on the dangers of sitting too long, so even just getting up to walk to another room to eat is important, or better still, getting outside for some fresh air and a quick walk can do wonders for the body and spirit.离开你的办公桌或办公区域。午休时坐在办公桌前是绝对的大禁

6、忌。有越来愈多的报告已经证实了久坐的危害,所以即使只是站起来走一走,走到另一件房间去吃饭也是很重要的。或者更好一点,到室外去呼吸一下新鲜空气,快速地散散步,都对你的身心是很有帮助的。4.Eat. Dont try to be a hero and starve yourself for the sake of being a hard worker or checking off another “to-do” item. Youll pay for it later when you cant concentrate and throw your body off balance.吃东西。不

7、要想着当英雄,把饿着肚子努力工作或者边吃边做事当成是理所当然。当你稍后没办法集中精力工作或者把自己的身体搞坏了你就会吃到苦头了。5.Enjoy your food. Lunch should be about having lunch. Treat yourself to something you enjoy that fits with your diet. If you have a favorite place or a particular food you enjoy make sure to go and enjoy it at least once a week. You on

8、ly live once.享受食物。午饭时间就是要吃午饭。在午饭时间就吃点自己喜欢吃的食物。如果你有特别喜欢的餐馆或者食物,那就去享受这些你喜欢的食物吧,至少每周去吃一次,毕竟人生不会重来。6. Do what you cant do in the morning or evening. Some errandslike going to the Post Office or the bankmust be handled during work hours. Be strategic and use your lunch break to accomplish some of those p

9、ersonal errands that cant be handled before or after work.做那些早晚无法去做的事情。一些琐事,比如去邮局或去银行,这些事必须要在工作时间才能去做。战略性地在午休时间安排这些事情,把无法在上班前或下班后去做的事情放到午休时间来做。7. Use the time to connect with someone new. Our workplace interactions can be so fleeting that we really never actually get to know the people we spend most

10、 of our days with. When you dont really know those you interact with its easy to dehumanize them and take them for granted. Take some time to get out of the office, grab a sit down lunch, and get to know your co-workers.去结识新朋友。工作中的交流都是来去匆匆,所以我们很少有机会真正地认识工作中的伙伴。当你无法真正了解你的同事时,你就很容易忽视他们的感情并认为这样是理所当然的。花

11、点时间走出办公室,找个地方坐下来吃顿午饭,好好认识一下你的同事。8. Catch up with old friends. If you have a friend who works nearby, try to meet him or her during lunch occasionally. Remember, your personal life needs tending to just as much as your work-life, so be sure to take the spare time you have and use it to fulfill your p

12、ersonal needs. Your midday break is a good opportunity to catch up and socialize, in person or by phonebut dont lose track of time, and dont treat it like happy hour.与老朋友叙旧。如果你有个朋友在附近工作,那么就试着在午休时间联系一下对方。记住,个人生活和工作一样也需要时时维护。所以,要留出一点时间,并好好利用这些时间来满足你的个人需要。你的午休时间是与老朋友叙叙旧、唠唠嗑的好机会,见面也好,打电话也行。但是不要忘了时间,别把午休

13、时间的小聚当成是下班后的欢乐时光。9. Have a system for dealing with your absence.This will allow people inside and outside the company to know when you will be back, how to contact you in an emergency or have an alternative point of contact. It may also help you relax and avoid obsessively checking your e-mail durin

14、g lunch.自己不在时要做好安排。这样公司内外的人就会知道你什么时候回来,有紧急事件时要怎么联系你或者去联系谁。这样做也能帮助你放松下来,避免在午休时间还要查看邮件。10. Engage in activities that will help you re-energize.Take a walk outside, visit the gym or meditate. Get out and do something that will make you feel better about yourself. A quick dose of sunlight and fresh air

15、is the perfect elixir for the midday blues.参与一些有助于你恢复精力的活动。外出散步,去健身房或者做冥想。到室外去,并做一些能够让你感觉更好的事情。晒晒太阳,呼吸一下新鲜空气都是驱散午间烦闷的理想方法。11Network. Even if youre perfectly happy in your job, and youre not looking for a new one, it cant hurt to continuously build and maintain your professional network. This is crit

16、ical to success in any line of work.维护人际网。即使你对现在的工作百分百地满意,你也不想换工作,那也不妨碍你继续去建立和维护你的职场人际网。无论你的工作是什么,职场人际网都是成功的关键因素。12.Dont get stuck in a routine.Many of us are creatures of habit. Maybe you go to the same pizzeria everyday or eat with the same colleague. You might always use your lunch break to run e

17、rrands or make personal calls. Try to mix things up in order to clear your head and boost your energy.不要陷入常规。我们大多数人都会习惯成自然。也许你每天都会去同一家披萨店或者和同一个同事一起吃饭。也许你常常会利用午休时间去做些琐事或者打些私人电话。试着变换些花样,让你的头脑更清晰,让你的精力更充沛。13. Avoid all screens.Try to stay away from your iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and computer. Give your

18、eyes a break. Most office jobs require you to stare at a screen all dayso try to avoid that during lunch.If you cant help it for whatever reason (maybe you want to shop online or e-mail a friend), get up from your desk so your body perceives this as a true break.远离所有的屏幕。试着远离你的手机、平板电脑和电脑屏幕。让你的眼睛休息一下。

19、大多数办公室的工作都会要求一整天盯着电脑屏幕,所以在午休的时候就想办法离开一下屏幕吧。如果你无论如何也要坐在屏幕前,比如要网购或者要发邮件给朋友,那么就站起来,这样你的身体才能真正感到休息。14. Dont take too long or too short of a break.If youre allotted an hour for lunch, take it. Maybe not every day, but when you can, use the full sixty minutes to get out, eat, exercise your mind or body, c

20、atch up with an old friend or a colleague and/or tackle items on your personal agenda.However, if everyone else in the office takes shorter breaks, follow suit so you dont stand out.休息时间不要太长或太短。如果你有一个小时的午休时间,那就好好利用。即使不能每天都这么做,一旦有机会,就把这整整60分钟的时间好好地用来出去走走,吃吃东西,锻炼深陷,与老友或同事聊聊天,或者处理一下私事。但是,如果办公室里的其他人午休时间

21、都不长,那么你也要随大流,不然就会显得太不合群了。闹矛盾时的必备的英语讲和表达法不管在哪里,关系再好的两个人也会有闹矛盾、吵架的时候。在办公室跟同事闹意见了以后又想跟人家讲和,这个时候要怎么说呢?下面这些就是讲和的时候可能会用到的句子。Dont get so uptight.别太当真嘛。Dont get so worked up.放松点儿。Dont be so stiff.别这么较真儿。Loosen up.放松点。I didnt mean to hurt you./ I meant no harm.我没有故意伤害你的意思。Cant we talk it over?我们就不能好好谈谈吗?Lets

22、 work it out.我们好好解决这件事吧!Lets try to get along.我们试着好好相处吧。Lets be nice to each other.我们还是以礼相待吧。Lets forgive and forget!过去的事就让它过去吧。Let by gones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。Cant we patch things up?我们就不能和好吗?Isnt there any way we can patch things up?就没有什么办法让我们和好吗?真是糟透了,谷歌关于吸血鬼之父的涂鸦Googles latest doodle celebrate

23、s the 165th birthday of Bram Stoker, the Irish novelist and short story writer best known as the creator of Dracula, despite writing 19 books.谷歌最新涂鸦庆祝布拉姆斯托克的165岁生日,这位爱尔兰以嗜血幽灵的创作而知名的短篇小说作家,尽管他写了19本书。Born in Dublin in 1847, Stoker studied at Trinity College while working as a civil servant in DublinCa

24、stle and moonlighting as a newspaper drama critic.1847年出生在都柏林,斯托克在三一学院学习时,正在都柏林城堡担任公务员并兼职当报纸戏剧的评论家。He moved to London in 1878 with his new wife, Florence Balcombe, and became anadministrator of the Irving Company at the Lyceum theatre.在1878年他与新妻子Florence Balcombe搬到伦敦,成为了欧文公司学会剧院的一个管理员。Stokers first

25、full-length book, written earlier in Dublin, was a piece on non-fiction entitled The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, and was followed by novels, lectures, short stories, articles, serials and a two-volume memoir of Irving.斯托克的第一本完整的书,是早些时候在都柏林写的,一本名叫 The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sess

26、ions的非小说,紧随其后的是小说、演讲稿、短篇故事、文章、连续剧和两卷欧文回忆录。Dracula, his fifth novel, was published in 1897 after Stoker spent several years researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires.嗜血幽灵,他的第五部小说,于1897年出版,在斯托克花了好几年时间研究欧洲关于吸血鬼的民间传说和神话故事之后。He died in London in 1912 after suffering a number of s

27、trokes. One hundred years after Stokers death, Dracula continues to fascinate and forms the basis for a film and literary industry based around vampires.他在遭受多次中风后1912年死于伦敦。在斯托克去世一百年之后,嗜血幽灵一直是吸引和形成电影和文学产业基于吸血鬼题材的基础。A new edition, with an introduction by the Irish writer Colm Tibn, was published this

28、year to mark the centenary of Stokers death.一个新的版本,由爱尔兰作家Colm Tibn写的介绍,将于今年出版纪念斯托克去世一百周年。“身未动,心已远 和电影一起上路Daniel(Sun): You dont choose a life, You live one.Daniel(儿子):你没有选择生活,你在过生活。Fefe said you have to live spherically in many directions.Never lose your childish enthusiasm,and things will come your

29、way. Fefe说你要活出多种精彩。从来不要丧失孩子般的热情,事情自然会如你所愿。When we meet,the four of us,in some space,with some instruments and play together four as one.We dont talk much.We just play until something feels right,some atmosphere comes to us and we just mound it and form it until it feels like some whole,like things j

30、ust come to you. 在某个地方,我们四个相见,拿着乐器演奏一首歌曲。我们没有太多话。我们只是演奏,直到某种氛围萦绕住我们。我们把这种氛围聚集然后形成一个整体,感情就自然而言来到你的身边Once you have drunk the water of the Nile,you will always come back.一朝浅饮尼罗水,万水千山总恋她.1.But remember,if there are any complaints,in France,the customer is always wrong.但记住,若有人抱怨,在法国,顾客永远是错的。2.Uncle Henry

31、:Youll come to see that a man learns nothing from winning.The act of losing, however, can elicit great wisdom.Not least of which is, uh,how much more enjoyable it is to win.Its inevitable to lose now and again.The trick is not to make a habit of it.你终究会明白赢学不到什么,但输了反而能增进智慧。输了的好处不亚于胜利的喜悦,偶尔输了是免不了的事,重点

32、是不要让失败成为一种习惯。Memory is a wonderful thing, if you dont have to, uh, deal with the past.回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去A family seem exactly like an archipelago. All part of the same, whole, but still separate and alone. And always drifting slowly apart.家庭就像一个岛屿群,所有人属于一个整体,但仍旧是分开和独立的。并且一直在缓慢漂移离开彼此Holly: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of love out th

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