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1、高三听写的好句子2011届高三英语听写好句子 (一)1. So hard has he worked in the past few months that he has made great progress in English.2. No matter how much money you have, it cant match a healthy body.3. How did it come about that you made so many mistakes in your homework?4. We have to finish the job, however long

2、it takes.5. It wont be long before we meet again.6. Edisons theory turned out to be correct.7. Tom would rather that the meeting were put off.8. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain seated as the plane was making a landing.9. Only in this way can we learn English well.10. Theres no

3、use in arguing with him.(二)1. I was no match for him at tennis.不是对手 2. I own 12 shares in an oil company. 股份3. He has developed the habit of making notes while reading. 养成习惯4. He compared the world to a stage. 把比作5. I have made a survey. 6. She is more than pleased with her daughters performance.7.

4、She is more hardworking than wise.8. Experts were brought in to advise the government. 引进9. The scandal may bring down the government. 丑闻可能使政府垮台10. He lived alone on a lonely island, but he didnt feel lonely.(三)1. I usually enjoy reading to spend my weekends.2. Have you considered changing your job?

5、3. Television is an effective means of communication.4. He has many interesting experiences in his life.5. However carefully I explained, she still didnt understand.6. Once (it is) printed, this dictionary will be very popular.7. We must find out the truth of the matter.8. The reason why he was abse

6、nt today was that he was ill.9. He must have seen the film yesterday, didnt he?10He got to the station early, for fear of missing his train.(四)1. He has no choice but to obey.2. An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.3. They have been married for ten years.4. They advised that

7、a passport be carried with you at all times.5. We think highly of their research in this field.6. He will not go to the party unless (he is) invited.7. It was not until he came back that we went.8. The sick are taken good care of in this hospital.9. Careless driving may cost you your life.10. As is

8、often the case, we have worked out the production plan.(五)1. The letter was short and to the point. 2. He gave away most of his money to charity. 3. The film is based on a famous novel. 基于4. As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like. 我以为5. He goes to the town every other day. 每隔一天6. Wheneve

9、r he met with difficulty, she would do what she could to help him. 遇到困难7. Id rather you didnt smoke. 宁愿不8. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment was damaged.9. Apples are usually sold by weight, while eggs are sometimes sold by the dozen.10. In our opinion, whoever breaks the law sho

10、uld be punished.(六)1. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics will have been completed by 2008.基建2. No wonder he reminded me so much of Jane!3. After a further discussion, both sides agree on the date for the next meeting.4. Send it to whoever is in charge of sa

11、les. 5. In no case will we use nuclear weapons first.6. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.7. The situation calls for prompt action. 需要8. As is known to all, the tiger is in danger of dying out.9. The crisis led to the downfall of the government. 10. She took the lead in the second lap. 领头(七)1. Th

12、ere used to be many people smoking in the office.2. She usually walks when she might ride. (when 表“虽然”)3. If only I were rich. 但愿我很富有。4. Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.5. She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.6. Im trying t

13、o break the habit of staying up too late.7. His suggestion was that the match (should) be put off.8. But for your help, we wouldnt have finished the work ahead of time.9. While I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.10The two cultures have a lot in common. 这两种文化有许多共同之处。(八)1.

14、Ill take up the story where I finished yesterday.2. They fired a salute of ten guns. 3. Only when you reminded me did I know that I should have done it.4. The makers have called in(已收回,召回)some cars with dangerous faults.5. What brought about (引起)the forest fire?6. This business brings in $ 100,000 e

15、very year. 挣得7. Perseverance is a kind of qualityand thats what it takes to do anything well.8. Work hard, and youll be successful in time(迟早).9. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.10. You should get the book on condition that (只要) you give it back to me

16、in time.(九)1. On November 12th the storm died down. (风暴平息了)2. They burst out laughing. (他们突然大笑起来)3. When he woke up, he found himself tied to a tall tree.4. When the injured were rushed to the hospital, they came to life(醒过来).5. The dictionary is intended for children.6. He is suffering from a bad c

17、old. 7. The committee is looking into the cause of the accident. 8. I look on her as a promising pianist. 9. We tried to remove his doubts and let him tell the truth.10. My father intended me for driving but I wanted to pick up the knowledge of the computer.(十)1. An idea has occurred to me.2. Tom wo

18、uld rather that the meeting were put off.3. Her words impressed themselves on my memory.4. It wont be convenient for me to see you tomorrow.5. We set about cleaning the house. (我们着手打扫)6. The contract will come into effect as soon as it is signed. (合同一签就生效)7. We are to them what fish is to water(如鱼儿和

19、水一样).8. Schools carry out quality education (实施素质教育) to train students to be useful persons.9. In the absence of any further evidence, the police 缺乏were unable to solve the murder(破谋杀案).10. What impressed me most was that she was dressed in red that day.(十一)1. The doctor cured him of cancer.(治愈了他的癌症

20、)2. Our company deals mainly in cameras.(主要经营)3. She required that I should go at once.4. China is made up of 56 nations.5. She lacks common sense.6. Nobody knows who set the house on fire. 纵火7. She is not easy to persuade. (不易说服)8. The classroom is so dirty that it needs cleaning badly.9. After mon

21、ths of voyage, he arrived in what later proved a new continent.10. This is where I disagree. 这就是我不同意的地方。(十二)1. I advised him that he (should) go at once.2. I advised waiting until tomorrow.3. He is not content with his present job. (他对目前工作不满意)4. The country has gone through too many wars. (这个国家经历了太多

22、的战争)5. Mr. Smith was cross with (对生气)the boys who had picked flowers in his garden without his permission. 6. The most important advantage is convenience.7. Services such as booking airline tickets, reserving (预订) hotels or renting cars are also available.8. Id like to have you go through the book.(

23、我想你审阅这本书)9. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never have they quarreled with each other.10. I wont go to the party even if invited.(十三)1. The business(商店) is located right in the center of town.2. China has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world this year. 3. The u

24、niverse is composed of matter. (宇宙由物质构成)4. Ill never set foot in(踏足)Tokyo again.5. You can rely upon it that he will come. (放心,他会来)6. Put a clock an hour forward. (把钟拨快一小时)7. They have got divorced. (他们离婚了)8. Shall we break off(突然中断)our performance and have an important meeting?9. She broke down whe

25、n she heard that her husband had been shot.10. May you be young forever!(祝你永远年轻)(十四)1. She demanded that he (should) finish the work within an hour.2. There is a great demand for coffee.3. He came second in the 100-meter race.(获第二)4. A bicycle came into sight (出现)on the main road.5. They insisted(坚决

26、要求) that everyone should come to the party.6. He is beginning to recover his strength. (恢复体力)7. You must adjust yourself to new circumstances.(使自己适应新环境)8. Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score 2 goals. The film is intended for adults only.9. It was our being late that

27、 caused him to serve dinner 10. an hour later than usual. (正是我们的迟到使他晚饭比平时开晚了一小时)(十五)1. She declared herself (to be ) innocent.2. The leader ordered that the work (should) be started at once.3. The ship was at the mercy of the waves. (船在浪涛中随波逐流)4. In China, the needle treatment dates from ancient tim

28、es. (针灸疗法起源于古代)5. I submit (提交) articles and edit them by E-mail and communicate with colleagues on Internet. (我提交了文章,并通过E-mail作了编辑, 并在网络上与同事进行了交流)6. The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty.7. He accidentally set off the fire alarm.(意外地触动了报警器)8. He fixed his attention on what he w

29、as doing.9. She was absorbed in her book while her parents were watching TV.10. Our food soon ran out.(吃完)(十六)1. Have you claimed the insurance yet? 2. The football team was promoted to the first division.3. She became a success in business at the cost of (以为代价) her health.4. He blamed me for my car

30、elessness.5. She was annoyed with him because he was late.6. The company has declared an increase in profits.7. Attached to this letter you will find the contract. (随信附上合同书)8. The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area.9. This word is wrongly spelt; youve left out a letter. (漏掉了一个字母)10.

31、If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison a powerful poison that would kill the patient.(十七)1. He is their adopted son(养子).2. This table is already occupied. (已有主了)3. These old houses are going to be knocked down.(被拆除)4. We got rid of all the old furniture.5. You might be in a state of sub-health(亚健康).6. These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty. (这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路)7. He failed to live up to his parents expectations. 8. You must make an appointment in advance.9. Mum t

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